1#ifndef CubeDataThreadTester_h
2#define CubeDataThreadTester_h
typename T>
class QList;
typename A,
typename B>
struct QPair;
70 int endSample,
int endLine,
int band,
void *caller);
85 int endSample,
int endLine,
int band,
void *caller);
Buffer for containing a three dimensional section of an image.
Encapsulation of Cube I/O with Change Notifications.
bool p_notifyDone
True if we will notify done on the next brick received for R/W.
void Connect()
This connects this class' signals and slots with CubeDataThread's signals and slots.
void RequestReadWriteCube(int cubeId, int startSample, int startLine, int endSample, int endLine, int band, void *caller)
Ask for a brick for reading and writing.
void ReadCubeTest(int)
This tests a basic read.
void ReadBrick(void *requester, int cubeId, const Isis::Brick *data)
This is called when a brick is read.
void WriteCubeTest(int)
This tests a basic write.
int p_numTestsDone
The count of completed tests.
void WriteCubeTest2(int, int)
This tests two non-conflicting writes.
CubeDataThread * p_cubeDataThread
The data thread being tested.
CubeDataThread * DataThread()
Returns the cube data thread being tested.
bool p_execStarted
True if this thread is started.
void ReadCubeTest3(int)
This tests an overlapping read.
void NotifyChangeTest(int)
This test tests this automatic change notifications.
virtual ~CubeDataThreadTester()
This cleans up the cube data thread.
void run()
This thread is centered completely around its event loop.
CubeDataThreadTester(CubeDataThread *)
This initializes a CubeDataThreadTester.
void ReadCubeTest2(int, int)
This tests two basic reads with no conflicts.
void WriteCubeTest3(int)
This tests two conflicting* writes.
void WriteCubeTest3BreakDeadlock()
This test breaks the deadlock caused by the third write test.
int NumberOfTestsDone()
Returns the number of tests done (testing methods count as several)
QVector< QPair< int, const Isis::Brick * > > * p_cachedDoneBricks
A list of bricks we haven't send the done signal for.
void RequestReadCube(int cubeId, int startSample, int startLine, int endSample, int endLine, int band, void *caller)
Ask for a brick for reading.
void ReadWriteBrick(void *requester, int cubeId, Isis::Brick *data)
This is called when a brick is given for R/W.
void NotifyDoneWithData(int, const Isis::Brick *)
Let the cube data thread know we're no longer working with a particular brick.
void BrickChanged(int cubeId, const Isis::Brick *data)
This is called when a brick is written.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.