53 void fileSelected(QString);
54 void filterSelected(QString);
57 QList<QComboBox *> p_comboBoxes;
58 QList<QPushButton *> p_allPButtons;
62 QPushButton *p_filterButton;
63 QLineEdit *p_filterLine;
Class for browsing cubes.
void writeSettings()
This method is called when the File Dialog is closed or hidden to write the size and location setting...
void done()
Called when the user presses OK.
FileDialog(QString title, QStringList &filterList, QDir &directory, QWidget *parent=0)
bool eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e)
This event filter is installed on the parent of this window.
void saveFilter()
This is where we actually set the user editable filters and remember them.
void readSettings()
This method is called from the constructor so that when the Main window is created,...
void sendSignal()
This saves the directory that the user selected the file from so it can open to this directory next t...
void cancel()
Called when user presses cancel.
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
This method is overridden so that we can be sure to write the current settings of the Main window.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.