40class QXmlStreamWriter;
51 class ImageDisplayProperties;
108 explicit Image(QString imageFileName,
QObject *parent = 0);
126 const geos::geom::MultiPolygon *
127 void setId(QString
144 void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream,
const Project *project,
FileName newProjectRoot)
Defines an angle and provides unit conversions.
IO Handler for Isis Cubes.
Distance measurement, usually in meters.
File name manipulation and expansion.
This is the GUI communication mechanism for cubes.
This represents a cube in a project-based GUI interface.
Cube * cube()
Get the Cube pointer associated with this display property.
Angle incidenceAngle() const
Get the incidence angle of this image, as calculated and attached by camstats.
double m_sampleResolution
Sample resolution of the image.
void copyToNewProjectRoot(const Project *project, FileName newProjectRoot)
Copy the cub/ecub files associated with this image into the new project.
void setId(QString id)
Override the automatically generated ID with the given ID.
Distance m_localRadius
Local radius of the image.
Angle phaseAngle() const
Get the phase angle of this image, as calculated and attached by camstats.
QString m_instrumentId
Instrument id associated with this Image.
void closeCube()
Cleans up the Cube pointer.
Distance localRadius() const
Get the local radius of this image, as calculated and attached by camstats.
geos::geom::MultiPolygon * footprint()
Get the footprint of this image (if available).
SpiceInt * m_bodyCode
The NaifBodyCode value, if it exists in the labels.
double m_lineResolution
Line resolution of the image.
QString serialNumber()
Returns the serial number of the Cube.
QUuid * m_id
A unique ID for this Image (useful for others to reference this Image when saving to disk).
Clean up this image.
double m_aspectRatio
Aspect ratio of the image.
QString m_serialNumber
The serial number for this image.
Angle m_incidenceAngle
Incidence angle of the image.
Angle emissionAngle() const
Get the emission angle of this image, as calculated and attached by camstats.
void updateFileName(Project *)
Change the on-disk file name for this cube to be where the image ought to be in the given project.
double lineResolution() const
Get the line resolution of this image, as calculated and attached by camstats.
bool isFootprintable() const
Test to see if it's possible to create a footprint from this image.
void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream, const Project *project, FileName newProjectRoot) const
Write the Image properties out to an XML file.
Angle m_emissionAngle
Emmission angle of the image.
double aspectRatio() const
Get the aspect ratio of this image, as calculated and attached by camstats.
QString m_fileName
The on-disk file name of the cube associated with this Image.
PvlObject toPvl() const
Convert this Image to PVL.
Image(QString imageFileName, QObject *parent=0)
Create an image from a cube file on disk.
Angle m_phaseAngle
Phase angle for the image.
QString m_spacecraftName
Spacecraft name associated with this Image.
double m_resolution
Resolution of the image.
QString m_observationNumber
The observation number for this image.
Cube * m_cube
The cube associated with this Image.
ImageDisplayProperties * displayProperties()
Get the display (GUI) properties (information) associated with this image.
Angle northAzimuth() const
Get the north azimuth of this image, as calculated and attached by camstats.
QString observationNumber()
Returns the observation number of the Cube.
Angle m_northAzimuth
North Azimuth for the image.
QString fileName() const
Get the file name of the cube that this image represents.
void initCamStats()
Checks to see if the Cube label contains Camera Statistics.
QString id() const
Get a unique, identifying string associated with this image.
double resolution() const
Get the resolution of this image, as calculated and attached by camstats.
void fromPvl(const PvlObject &pvl)
Read the image settings from a Pvl.
bool initFootprint(QMutex *cameraMutex)
Calculate a footprint for this image.
void deleteFromDisk()
Delete the image data from disk.
geos::geom::MultiPolygon * createFootprint(QMutex *cameraMutex)
Calculates a footprint for an Image using the camera or projection information.
ImageDisplayProperties * m_displayProperties
The GUI information for how this Image ought to be displayed.
geos::geom::MultiPolygon * m_footprint
A 0-360 ocentric lon,lat degrees footprint of this Image.
void initQuickFootprint()
Creates a default ImagePolygon option which is read into the Cube.
double sampleResolution() const
Get the sample resolution of this image, as calculated and attached by camstats.
The main project for ipce.
Contains Pvl Groups and Pvl Objects.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.