1#ifndef LidarControlPoint_h
2#define LidarControlPoint_h
31#include <QSharedPointer>
33#include "ControlMeasure.h"
34#include "ControlPoint.h"
77 public std::function<bool(QSharedPointer<LidarControlPoint>, QSharedPointer<LidarControlPoint>)> {
78 bool operator() ( QSharedPointer<LidarControlPoint> lcp1,
79 QSharedPointer<LidarControlPoint> lcp2)
81 return (lcp1->GetId() < lcp2->GetId());
This is a return status for many of the mutating (setter) method calls.
A lidar control ControlPoint.
Constructs a LidarControlPoint with the given time, range, and sigma range.
ControlPoint::Status ComputeResiduals()
TODO: clean up code and document why this is different from the ComputeResiduals method for a normal ...
QStringList * m_snSimultaneous
serial number(s) of simultaneous image(s)
double range()
Returns the range of the point.
bool isSimultaneous(QString serialNumber)
Determines if input serial number is in list of simultaneous measure serial numbers.
double m_sigmaRange
range sigma
iTime time()
Returns the time of the point.
ControlPoint::Status setTime(iTime time)
Set the time of the LidarControlPoint.
ControlPoint::Status addSimultaneous(QString newSerial)
Add a measure to the list of simultaneous images of a LidarControlPoint.
double sigmaRange()
Returns the sigma range of the point.
ControlPoint::Status setRange(double range)
Set the range of the LidarControlPoint.
ControlPoint::Status setSigmaRange(double sigmaRange)
Sets the sigma range.
iTime m_time
time lidar point was acquired
QStringList snSimultaneous() const
Returns the list of serial numbers of simultaneous images of the Lidar point.
Parse and return pieces of a time string.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
QSharedPointer< LidarControlPoint > LidarControlPointQsp
Definition for a shared pointer to a LidarControlPoint.