1#ifndef LoCameraFiducialMap_h
2#define LoCameraFiducialMap_h
Computes map from image coordinates to focal plane based on fiducials.
void ReadFiducials(PvlGroup &inst)
Reads the fiducials from the instrument group of the labels.
std::vector< double > p_fidSamples
Image sample positions of fiducial map.
std::vector< double > p_fidLines
Image line positions of fiducial map.
std::vector< double > p_fidXCoords
Focal plane X positions of fiducial map.
void CreateTrans(int xdir)
Creates focal plane affine transform.
Destroys LoCameraFiducialMap object.
std::vector< double > p_fidYCoords
Focal plane Y positions of fiducial map.
LoCameraFiducialMap(PvlGroup &inst, const int naifIkCode)
Constructs mapping between Lunar Orbiter detectors and focal plane x/y.
int p_naifIkCode
Naif instrument code.
Contains multiple PvlContainers.
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