7#include <QXmlStreamWriter>
12#include "PvlKeyword.h"
14#include "TargetBodyDisplayProperties.h"
46 m_pm = target->pmCoefs();
58 m_id =
new QUuid(QUuid::createUuid());
167 if (*
m_bodyCode != rtargetBody->naifBodyCode())
169 if (
m_radii[0] != rtargetBody->radiusA())
171 if (
m_radii[1] != rtargetBody->radiusB())
173 if (
m_radii[2] != rtargetBody->radiusC())
416 return m_id->toString().remove(QRegExp(
Distance measurement, usually in meters.
@ Kilometers
The distance is being specified in kilometers.
This is the GUI communication mechanism for target body objects.
Container class for TargetBody.
std::vector< Angle > pmCoefs()
Returns coefficients of a quadratic polynomial fitting pole pm.
std::vector< Distance > m_sigmaRadii
target radii sigmas
TargetBodyDisplayProperties * displayProperties()
Gets TargetBodyDisplayProperties.
Distance radiusB() const
Returns "b" radius.
std::vector< Distance > m_radii
target radii
TargetBody(Target *target, QObject *parent=0)
The first constructor for this class.
std::vector< Angle > m_raPole
Coefficients of a quadratic polynomial fitting pole ra.
SpiceInt naifBodyCode() const
This returns the NAIF body code of the target.
Distance sigmaRadiusC() const
Returns the "c" radius sigma.
TargetBodyDisplayProperties * m_displayProperties
The GUI information for how this Target will be displayed.
std::vector< double > m_decNutPrec
Coefficients of pole decliniation nut/prec terms.
std::vector< Angle > poleDecCoefs()
Returns coefficients of a quadratic polynomial fitting pole dec.
int m_frametype
Fill this in when Debbie or Ken tell me what it is returning.
std::vector< double > poleDecNutPrecCoefs()
std::vector< Angle > sysNutPrecCoefs()
Returns Linear terms of planetary system nut/prec periods.
std::vector< double > pmNutPrecCoefs()
Returns coefficients of the prime meridian nut/prec terms.
int frameType()
Returns the frame type.
QString id() const
Get a unique, identifying string associated with this TargetBody object.
Distance meanRadius() const
Returns the mean radius.
bool operator==(const TargetBody &src) const
Compares two Target Body objects to see if they are equal.
std::vector< Angle > m_decPole
Coefficients of a quadratic polynomial fitting pole dec.
Distance sigmaRadiusB() const
Returns "b" radius sigma.
std::vector< Angle > m_sysNutPrec1
Linear terms of planetary system nut/prec periods.
SpiceInt * m_bodyCode
TODO - RETHINK MEMBER VARIABLES AND METHODS The NaifBodyCode value, if it exists in the cube labels.
std::vector< Angle > poleRaCoefs()
The second constructor for this class.
Distance sigmaMeanRadius() const
Returns the mean radius sigma.
QString naifPlanetSystemName() const
This returns the body name of the target's planet system.
std::vector< Angle > sysNutPrecConstants()
Returns constants of planetary system nut/prec periods.
Distance radiusC() const
Returns the "c" radius.
QUuid * m_id
A unique ID for this TargetBody object (useful for others to reference this object when saving to dis...
Distance radiusA() const
Returns "a" radius.
std::vector< double > poleRaNutPrecCoefs()
Returns coefficients of pole right ascension nut/prec terms.
QString m_targetName
The TargetName as it appears in the original cube.
std::vector< Angle > m_sysNutPrec0
Constants of planetary system nut/prec periods.
QString m_systemName
The NaifBodyCode system name.
SpiceInt * m_systemCode
The NaifBodyCode system code.
Distance sigmaRadiusA() const
Returns "a" radius sigma.
std::vector< Angle > m_pm
Coefficients of a quadratic polynomial fitting pole pm.
SpiceInt naifPlanetSystemCode() const
This returns the NAIF body code of the target's planet system.
std::vector< double > m_raNutPrec
Coefficients of pole right ascension nut/prec terms.
std::vector< double > m_pmNutPrec
Coefficients of prime meridian nut/prec terms.
QString targetName()
Returns the value stored at TargetName in the original pvl label.
This class is used to create and store valid Isis targets.
SpiceInt naifBodyCode() const
This returns the NAIF body code of the target.
std::vector< Distance > radii() const
Returns the radii of the body in km.
SpiceInt naifPlanetSystemCode() const
This returns the NAIF planet system body code of the target.
QString name() const
Return target name.
QString systemName() const
Return planet system name.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.