Isis 2 Documentation
bin5r - Read a BIN5 format file into an IDL array This is a routine that can be called from IDL and thus can be used for writing IDL programs that perform specialized processing of HDF/HDF-EOS data that have been extracted by the "cv" program. See also the "bin5w" and "bin5lab" routines. function bin5r, name, head=head,verb=verb,quiet=quiet ;_Titl BIN5R Read numeric binary files with 'standard' header ; name in. File name ; head out_ String of text supplied when file written. ; verb in_ If set, will print file name & size after reading it ; quiet in_ If set, will not report swap or missing file. ; func. out. Binary array from the file. ; ;_USAGE array = bin5r (file_name, head=descriptive_text_in_file) ; ;_Desc This routine matched with BIN5W and Fortran binf5.f ; If there is an error opening file, return is a scalar of operr. ; See BIN5W for description of file format. ; Will print warning if non-numeric file is read. ; This routine does byte-swapping if and only if needed. ; ;_Hist 97apr27 Hugh Kieffer 98mar15 revise header handling ; 98may08 HHK check byte architecture, swap if necessary ; 98jul11 HHK make head optional ; 99jan29 HHK include quiet ; 99mar19 HHK allow longer headers ; 99oct28 HHK minor change to error message ; 99nov02 HHK add verbose option ; 99dec30 HHK minor fix; make ss long rather than string ; 2000oct03 HHK Add check for array type. ;_End
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