Isis 2 Documentation
CHARDIP - Create a unit tilt toward sun file Create the "unit tilt toward sun" file needed by the pc_fit_inverse Perl script. Programmer: Randolph Kirk, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff
Parm | Description | Default |
FROM | Input cube file name | NONE |
SFROM | Input subcube specifier | -- |
TO | Output tilt file | NONE |
DATUMTYP | Type of datum model (Zero-topography surface) 1=Plane 2=Sphere | 1 |
X | Sample at which to calculate geometry (rel to whole frame) | -- |
Y | Line at which to calculate geometry (rel to whole frame) | -- |
DISTORTD | For Viking/Voyager, does image still contain distortions? | NO |
RADIUS | Radius of datum sphere in km (If =< 0, label value used) | 0.0 |
XSPHERE | Center sample for sphere datum | -- |
YSPHERE | Center line for sphere datum | -- |
K | Minnaert exponent for MIN | -- |
L | Lunar-Lambert weight for LUNLAM | -- |
WH | Single-scattering albedo for HAPHEN, HAPLEG, HAPH_S, HAPL_S | -- |
HH | Opposition surge width for HAPHEN, HAPLEG, HAPH_S, HAPL_S | -- |
B0 | Opposition surge strength for HAPHEN, HAPLEG, HAPH_S, HAPL_S | -- |
THETA | Macroscopic surface roughness in degrees, for HAPHEN, HAPLEG | -- |
HG1 | Henyey-Greenstein asymmetry parameter for single particle phase function in HAPHEN, HAPH_S | -- |
HG2 | 2nd Henyey-Greenstein parameter controls mix of +HG1, -HG1 components for HAPHEN, HAPH_S | -- |
BH | Coefficient of P1(cos(phase)) in Legendre single particle phase function for HAPLEG, HAPL_S | -- |
CH | Coefficient of P2(cos(phase)) in Legendre single particle phase function for HAPLEG, HAPL_S |
Parm | Description |
FROM | The image file upon which photoclinometry will be performed. |
SFROM | Input subcube specifier for the FROM file. Selects the part of the input cube file upon which photoclinometry will be performed. The format for the SFROM parameter is ss-es(sinc):sl-el(linc):sb-eb(binc) where: ss = starting sample es = ending sample sinc = sample increment sl = starting line el = ending line linc = line increment sb = starting band eb = ending band binc = band increment The default value of NULL will select the entire input cube. If the line and sample increments are not equal, the map scale will not be accurate. |
TO | Output tilt file. |
DATUMTYP | Type of model for the datum, or mean planetary surface. If DATUMTYP=1, the datum is a plane tangent at the image point at which geometric quantities are calculated (see X, Y). If DATUMTYP=2, the datum is a portion of a sphere. In this case the size and location of the sphere may be calculated from label information or overridden by user input (see RADIUS, XSPHERE, YSPHERE). Default is 1. |
X | Affects the location in the image at which geometric quantities will be calculated from SPICE label information. These quantities will be calculated at sample X, line Y measured relative to the FULL camera frame from which the current data were extracted. If no value is given for X the sample coordinate of the center of the full frame will be used. |
Y | Affects the location in the image at which geometric quantities will be calculated from SPICE label information. These quantities will be calculated at sample X, line Y measured relative to the FULL camera frame from which the current data were extracted. If no value is given for Y the line coordinate of the center of the full frame will be used. |
DISTORTD | Do the images still contain camera distortions? If YES, the X,Y values from either the user inputs or the defaults for the center of the frame will be corrected before being used to find the illumination and viewing geometry. Default is NO (no correction). |
RADIUS | Radius in km of the spherical datum model to be used if DATUMTYP=2 (q.v.). If RADIUS=<0, the planetary radius read from PLANET.SAV will be used, but if RADIUS>0 the value input will be used. |
XSPHERE | Affects the center that will be used for a spherical datum model. If no value is given, the center of the disk will be calculated from the label information. |
YSPHERE | Affects the center that will be used for a spherical datum model. If no value is given, the center of the disk will be calculated |
PHOFUNC | This parameter selects the type of photometric function model used to describe the planetary surface. The parameters used differ between the photometric functions. PHOTOMETRIC FUNCTIONS TAE Full name Parameters ___ _________ __________ LAMBER Lambert none LOMSEL Lommel-Seeliger ("lunar") none LUNLAM Lunar-Lambert function L MIN Minnaert function K HAPHEN Hapke - Henyey-Greenstein WH,HG1,HG2, HH,B0,THETA HAPLEG Hapke - Legendre WH,BH,CH, HH,BH,THETA HAPH_S Hapke - Henyey-Gr. smooth WH,HG1,HG2 HAPL_S Hapke - Legendre smooth WH,BH,CH The functions are defined as follows, where phase is the phase angle, and u0 and u are the cosines of the incidence and emission angles, respectively Lambert FUNC=u0 Lommel-Seeliger FUNC=u0/(u0+u) Minnaert FUNC=u0**K * u**(K-1) Lunar-Lambert ("lunar" part is Lommel-Seeliger) FUNC=(1-L)*u0 + 2*L*u0/(u0+u) Hapke - Henyey-Greenstein Complete Hapke (1981; 1984; 1986) photometric model with Henyey-Greenstein single-particle phase function whose coefficients are HG1 and HG2, plus single scattering albedo WH, opposition surge parameters HH and B0, and macroscopic roughness THETA. Hapke - Legendre Similar to the previous except that the single particle phase function is a two-term Legendre polynomial with coefficients BH and CH. Hapke - Henyey-Greeenstein smooth Substantially simplified version of Hapke-Henyey-Greenstein function that omits the opposition effect as well as the (very slow) macroscopic roughness correction. For a smooth model with opposition effect, use the full Hapke-Henyey function with THETA=0. Hapke - Legendre smooth Simplified Hapke model with Legendre single particle phase function, no opposition surge, and no roughness correction. Hapke, B. W., 1981. Bidirectional reflectance spectroscopy 1: Theory. J. Geophys. Res., pp. 86,3039-3054. Hapke, B., 1984. Bidirectional reflectance spectroscopy 3: Corrections for macroscopic roughness. Icarus, 59, pp. 41-59. Hapke, B., 1986. Bidirectional reflectance spectroscopy 4: The extinction coefficient and the opposition effect. Icarus, 67, pp. 264-280. McEwen (1991) has compiled Hapke parameter estimates for many planets and satellites from a variety of sources. McEwen, A. S., 1991. Photometric functions for photo- clinometry and other applications. Icarus, 92, pp. 298-311. |
K | Exponent that governs limb-darkening in the Minnaert photometric function: PHOFUNC=u0**K * u**(K-1). Values generally fall in the range from 0.5 ("lunar-like", almost no limb darkening) to 1.0 (Lambert function). |
L | Weight that governs limb-darkening in the Lunar-Lambert photometric function: PHOFUNC=(1-L)*u0 + 2*L*u0/(u0+u). Values generally fall in the range from 0 (Lambert function) to 1 (Lommel-Seeliger or "lunar" function). |
WH | Single-scattering albedo of surface particles, used if PHOFUNC=HAPHEN, HAPLEG, HAPH_S, or HAPL_S. See Hapke (1981). |
B0 | Magnitude of the opposition effect for the surface, used if PHOFUNC=HAPHEN, HAPLEG, HAPH_S, or HAPL_S. See Hapke (1984). |
HH | Width parameter for the opposition effect for the surface, used if FUNC=HAPHEN, HAPLEG, HAPH_S, or HAPL_S. See Hapke (1984). |
THETA | "Macroscopic roughness" of the surface as it affects the photometric behavior, used if PHOFUNC=HAPHEN or HAPLEG. This is the RMS slope at scales larger than the distance photons penetrate the surface but smaller than a pixel. See Hapke (1986). The roughness correction, which will be evaluated if THETA is given any value other than 0.0, is extremely slow. |
HG1 | Asymmetry parameter used in the Henyey-Greenstein model for the scattering phase function of single particles in the surface, used if PHOFUNC=HAPHEN or HAPH_S. See Hapke (1981). The two-parameter Henyey-Greenstein function is P(phase) = (1-HG2) * (1-HG1**2)/(1+HG1**2+2*HG1*COS(PHASE))**1.5 + HG2 * (1-HG1**2)/(1+HG1**2-2*HG1*COS(PHASE))**1.5 |
HG2 | Second parameter of the two-parameter Henyey-Greenstein model for the scattering phase function of single particles in the surface, used if PHOFUNC=HAPHEN or HAPH_S. This parameter controls a the proportions in a linear mixture of ordinary Heneyey-Greenstein phase functions with asymmetry parameters equal to +HG1 and -HG1. See HG1 for the full formula. |
BH | When PHOFUNC=HAPLEG or HAPL_S, a two-term Legendre polynomial is used for the scattering phase function of single particles in the surface P(phase) = 1 + BH * P1(COS(PHASE)) + CH * P2(COS(PHASE)) |
CH | When PHOFUNC=HAPLEG or HAPL_S, a two-term Legendre polynomial is used for the scattering phase function of single particles in the surface P(phase) = 1 + BH * P1(COS(PHASE)) + CH * P2(COS(PHASE)) |
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