Isis 2 Documentation
coregpr - Create control point file with 1/5 pixel registration Programmer: AMCEWEN/TBECKER/KBECKER COREGPR finds control points between two images and writes them out to an ascii file for input to RANDOM or WARP2. The control points have 1/5 pixel registration accuracy. For best results, COREGPR should collect values from user-specified 1) subareas surrounding sharp features or 2) evenly-spaced subareas across the image. COREGPR is included in the procedure SUBPREG that runs through a subpixel registration sequence (refer to the documentation of SUBPREG for further details). LTOL and STOL specify the maximum tolerance in line and sample expected within each box. LINE and SAMP specify the starting line and sample in the images to start processing from (NOTE that only uder extremely rare conditions would one want to use a subcube specifier for either input image). NLINES and NSAMPS specify the number of lines and samples, respectively, in the box. LINC and SINC specify the number of lines and samples, respectively, to increment to the next box. A special case of the NLINES=0 and/or NSAMPS=0 will result in the increment set NLINES and/or NSAMPS. Processing will start at LINE and SAMP and will continue to the end of the current line through all lines. Hence the total number of boxes are a multiple of the number of boxes across the image and down the image. COREGPR can be run in a single box mode per run by setting LINC *AND* SINC to more lines and samples, respectively, than are in the image. The values of LOW and HIGH are used to exclude pixel values from the computation of the registration. The CFILE control point file will have points appended to it. If the file does not exist it will be created. If the file does exist, points will be appended. Management of this file is left soley up to the user.
Parm | Description | Default |
FROM | File name of the cube that will be registered | NONE |
SFROM | Subcube specified for FROM file | "::1" |
FROM2 | Second input cube file name. Image will be used to compute the registration parameters | NONE |
SFROM2 | Subcube specified for FROM2 file (Note: this must select a single band/image) | "::1" |
CFILE | Name of control file to write points to | NONE |
LTOL | Maximum pixel misregistration allowed in LINE dimension | 10 |
STOL | Maximum pixel misregistration allowed in SAMPLE dimension | 10 |
EQORDER | Order of of polynomial fit | 1 |
LOW | Lowest value of valid DN | -- |
HIGH | Highest value of valid DN | -- |
MIN | Minimum number points that can be used to compute registration | 5 |
FRAC | Fractional minimum of total points used to compute registration | 0.0 |
GOODFIT | Specifies the minimim acceptable goodness of fit/correlation between the two images. Correlation range is 0 (worst) to 1 (best). | 0.0 |
SAMP | Starting sample to compute pixel registration | 1 |
LINE | Starting line to compute pixel registration | 1 |
NSAMPS | Number of samples to use for pixel registration | 50 |
NLINES | Number of lines to use for pixel registration | 50 |
LINC | Line increment for the box LINC=0 will result in LINC set to NLINES | 0 |
SINC | Sample increment for the box SINC=0 will result in SINC set to NSAMPS |
Parm | Description |
FROM | The name of the input cube file. This file will be registered if the correlation is acceptable. (Default extention is .cub) |
SFROM | The input subcube specifier. Allows the user to select a subarea of the input cube for processing. The specifier must select a single band/image and the dimensions must be equivalent to the FROM2 input file as well. The default "::1" selects all LINES, SAMPLES and the FIRST band from this file. |
FROM2 | The name of the secondary input cube file. This file contains the image that will be used to compute the pixel registration for the input (FROM) file. (Default extention is .cub) |
SFROM2 | The secondary input subcube specifier. Allows the user to select a subarea of the second (FROM2) input cube for processing. This specifier must select a single band/image and the dimensions of this input file must be equivalent to the input file (FROM). The default "::1" selects all LINES, SAMPLES and the FIRST band from this file. |
CFILE | The name of the control file that will contain the points computed by COREGPR. Note that each run of COREGPR will APPEND points to the end of this file if it already exists. If the file does not exist, it will be created by COREGPR. |
LTOL | The maximum estimated pixel misregistration in the LINE dimension. LTOL must be greater than zero. If LTOL is less than or equal to zero, COREGPR will assign LTOL to NLINES. |
STOL | The maximum estimated pixel misregistration in the SAMPLE dimension. STOL must be greater than zero. If STOL is less than or equal to zero, COREGPR will assign STOL to NSAMPS. |
EQORDER | EQORDER is the order of the polynomial equation used. Valid values are 1-8. |
LOW | The lowest value of valid DNs. If LOW = 11, then pixels with DN values less than 11 will be excluded from processing. |
HIGH | The highest value of valid DNs. If HIGH = 200, then values greater that 200 will be excluded from processing. |
MIN | Specifies the minimum number of points that can be used to compute the pixel registration. This value should be such that a least square fit function can return resonable results. Note that FRAC may also be used to give an additional option on specifying this value. Note, however, that BOTH MIN and FRAC cannot be used. If this case does occur, the value of MIN will be used. |
FRAC | This parameter can also be used to specify a fractional miniumum of the total points that can be used to compute the pixel registration. For example, if COREGPR uses 2000 points maximum to compute the correlation and FRAC is 0.05, then the minimum number of points that can be used is MIN = (0.05 * 2000) = 100. Note, however, that BOTH MIN and FRAC cannot be used. If this case does occur, the value of MIN will be used. |
GOODFIT | This parameter allows the user to specify a minimum acceptable goodness of fit. If the correlation bewteen the two images is less that GOODFIT, then the computed point will not be saved to the control file. This is NOT an error condition that will result in abnormal program termination. An error-like message is generated and reported to the user and the program exits normally. It is up to the user to determine the severity of such cases. |
LINE | Specifies the starting line in BOTH input cubes where the registration is to be computed. Together with NLINES this determines the height of the box. |
SAMP | This parameter specifies the starting sample in BOTH input cubes. Together with NSAMPS, this will determine the width of the box to use to register the two images. |
NLINES | This specifies the number of lines in each box used to compute the registration. |
NSAMPS | This specifies the number of samples in each box used to compute the registration. |
LINC | Line increment for the box. This value is the amount of line each registration box is moved down the image. This value may be used to define overlapping boxes or a single box in the line dimension. If LINC = 0, then it will be set to the value of NLINES. |
SINC | Sample increment for the box. This value is the amount of samples each registration box is moved across the image. This value may be used to define overlapping boxes or a single box in the sample dimension. If SINC = 0, then it will be set to the value of NSAMPS. |
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