Isis 2 Documentation
cubeit - Stack image cubes together in the band dimension. CUBEIT will stack a list of cubes together into one output cube. The core bands and backplanes to be stacked into the output cube need to be specified in the sfrom parameter. The default is to stack all core planes and backplanes from the input cubes into into the output cube in the given order. Use the TAE parameter, sfrom, to specify which bands to put into the output cube. If there are backplanes from two different input cubes with the same BAND_SUFFIX_NAME, the backplane from the first input cube will retain the name, but subsequent backplanes will have a number attached to the BAND_SUFFIX_NAME. For example if two input cubes have a resolution backplane, the BAND_SUFFIX_NAME keyword would have the following value in the output cube, "RESOLUTION,RESOLUTION_2". If there are more than 50 input cubes, the FROMLIST parameter should be used instead of FROM. This parameter is an ascii file listing all of the input cubes. If the output cube already exists, the specified input image cubes will be appended to the end of the current bands in the output cube in the order given in FROM or FROMLIST. An existing cube can only have core bands appended if it is in BSQ order and has no backplanes. However, you can append bacplanes the a cube which alread has backplanes. The labels given to a new output cube will come from the input cube given in LABFILE. CUBEIT assumes all bands in the input cubes are geometrically registered. Programmer: Tracie Sucharski, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff
Parm | Description | Default |
FROM | Input cube file names (Default extension is .cub) | "" |
FROMLIST | List of input cube file names (No default extension) | -- |
SFROM | Input subcube specifier (Samples,lines,bands) | -- |
LABFILE | Input image that will be used for output label given by numerical order in FROM or FROMLIST | 1 |
TO | Output cube file name (Default extension is .cub) | NONE |
XLABRECS | Number of extra label records to allocate to output file | 0 |
BANDKEYS | Keywords to transfer to BAND_BIN | "" |
USERNOTE | User comment |
Parm | Description |
FROM | Input cube file names. If the file extension is omitted, then ".cub" will be assumed. These cubes will be stacked in the output cube in the order they are given. |
FROMLIST | This is a file containing a list of input cube names, one per line. |
SFROM | The same SFROM will be applied to all of the input cube files. The default is to stack all core planes and backplanes from each input cube into the output cube. SFROM specifies the subcube using a single string for all three dimensions of the cube. The order of the three dimensions is always samples, lines, and bands and each dimension is separated by a colon, "samples:lines:bands". If a dimension is left blank, all the data for that dimension is selected. Therefore, the null string (" ") selects the entire cube. To select specific data from any dimension, list the dimension numbers you want. For example, "10-100:11,12:1-10", will select samples 10-100 inclusive, lines 11 and 12, and bands 1-10 inclusive. "(2):(2)" will select every other sample and line, all bands and all backplanes. For more examples and explanation of the many features of the SFROM parameter, refer to Introduction To ISIS, Section 6, of the ISIS User's Manual. |
LABFILE | This is a numeric value which indicates which input cube will be used to create the labels for the output cube. This is the position in the list given in FROM or FROMLIST. |
TO | Output cube file name. If the file extension is omitted, then ".cub" will be assumed. |
XLABRECS | This parameter allows the user to specify the number of extra (unused) records to allocate to the label section of the output file. This is in addition to the number required to accomodate any existing label information in the input file. A value of 1 will actually cut down the size of the label. A value of the TAE null parameter (default) will result in no extra records being allocated to the label section of the output file. |
BANDKEYS | Keywords that are to be transferred to the BAND_BIN group. They keywords will have the same name prefixed with BAND_BIN. |
USERNOTE | Comment from the user. This will be recorded in the ISIS session log file and also in the History entry that is put into the History object of the output file. |
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