Isis 2 Documentation
cubelook - Interactively examine and replace cube pixel values "cubelook" provides the capability to interactively roam a standard ISIS cube file and list pixel values. The user may select the view mode, SPATIAL-SPATIAL (FRONT), SPATIAL-SPECTRAL (BOTTOM) or SPECTRAL-SPATIAL (SIDE). Access to all physical storage orders is supported in "cubelook". (Note that some views to physical data storage orders may be somewhat slow, most notable SIDE view of BSQ stored cube.) "cubelook" will automatically determine the number of pixel values that can be listed in the screen based upon the size. For a windows environment, the window can be resized prior to entering TAE and executing "cubelook". (Note that you may have to execute the UNIX "resize" and/or "reset"commands after any physical resizing of a window.) The larger the window, the more data that can be displayed in the window. Note that the window must be at least 15 lines and 80 columns for window formatting purposes. The screen is broken up into several distinct sections. The top and side borders contain the name of the file being listed, name of the views' fastest (at top) varying axis and second fastest (top left side) axis. The indices of each of these axes that is currently beinging listed in the data section are also reported at the top and down the left side of the screen and are dynamically updated as you roam through the cube. The physical storage order of the cube and the selected view mode is shown at the top left corner of the screen. The lower section of the screen shows dynamic information about the listed data and will also show the help information for the program. Data listings are shown in the remaining middle section of the screen. The lower portion of the screen shows the current indicies of the cursor position, section of the cube (core or suffix) that is currently occupying the list section, statistically information about the cursor and a few options. Most all of these values will be frequently updated with cursor movement and changes in the data being listed. In this section is statistics information. The average, standard deviation, number of points used in these calculations out of the maximum possible and the current size of the statistics box centered at the cursor are shown. The size of this box can be dynamically changed and is continually updated. Note that statistics are computed by using only those values contained within the box. For example, if the cursor is in the upper left corner and the box size is 5 x 5, then only 9 data values are "visable" to the computation. Clipping is performed on pixel values that are not visable on the screen. The points will show "9 of 25" as the number of points used in the statistics calculation. Furthermore, special pixel values are never included in any statistical calculations. Counts only report valid and visable pixels used in computations. Data values are always reported in their "real" data representation (i.e., with CORE_BASE and CORE_MULTIPLIER applied). Special pixel values will appear as "NUL", "LRS", "LIS", "HIS", and "HRS" text values on the display. The cursor postion will be highlighted to the extent of the terminal capabilities. Most will show the cursor position as reverse video... others may appear with underlines. In rare cases, the terminal will not be able to accentuation the cursor postion at all. "cubelook" will also allow you to "doctor" the data or replace pixel values with other values. A NULL value is always supplied as a replacement value. It is the default provided and will always be made available. You can also specify new replacement values as an option while roaming around the data. "cubelook" will store the last three values specified. When changing a replacement or "zap" value, the zap value currently being used will be replaced with the new one specified unless the NULL is active. When the NULL value is active "cubelook" will randomly choose one based upon the modulo of the "Zap Count" and three. This is most likely not desired so be sure to activate the one you wish to change. Note that the special representation of special pixel values, i.e., "LRS", "LIS", "HIS", and "HRS", are all recognized and allowed to be a zap value. NULL is not needed since it is always selectable and in the zap list. The following are keystroke options that the program will respond to. Note that character options are case insensitive unless specific options indicate specific case. RIGHT_ARROW, R = Move the cursor right one postion LEFT_ARROW, L = Move the cursor left one postion UP_ARROW, U = Move the cursor up one position DOWN_ARROW, D = Move the cursor down one postion N = Move to the next plane in increasing indicies P = Move to the previous plane in decreasing indicies ^R = Move one page to the right ^L = Move one page to the left ^U = Move one page up ^D = Move one page down ^P = Refresh the screen G = Goto a specified pixel coordinate (SAMPLE, LINE and BAND) x = Decrement statistics box in the COLUMN dimension X = Increment statistics box in the COLUMN dimension y = Decrement statistics box in the ROW dimension Y = Increment statistics box in the ROW dimension A = Compute the average and standard deviation at the current cursor position using the size of the box 3 = Toggle between CORE and SUFFIX planes ! = Dump the contents of the screen (WYSIWYG) to the log file V = Enter a new Zap DN replacement value , = Toggle to the next Zap DN replacment value . = Zap the current highlighted pixel value with the active Zap DN Z = Zap the current line with the active Zap Dn S = Mark the start of a Zap Point E = Mark the end of a Zap Point and replace the line from the Start Zap Point to the current point with the active Zap DN B = "BACKUP" or "UNDO" the previous Zap command. Only one Zap command can be undone at any given time. This command also acts a toggle, storing values resulting from the recent Zap command so that, in effect, you can "undo an undo". H = Show program options Q = Quit/Exit the program "cubelook" will also list the suffix in the slowest selected view axis. For FRONT views, this is the BAND suffix region, for BOTTOM and SIDE views this will be the LINE suffix. Currently there is no way to list SAMPLE suffixes. In the lower portion of the screen, the cube section currently being listed will be show as "CORE" or "SUFFIX". If a suffix is currently being listed, the name of the suffix will appear directly beneath the cube section. "cubelook" will report undefined suffixes that have no recorded definition. For this case, the name will show up as "". Pixel values are reported using fixed scientific notation, commonly referred to as F format. Thus, the user needs to supply the appropriate precision in the BEFORE and AFTER parameters to represent the data. If any data value occurs that is to large to be represented in the given precision, the field is loaded with stars ("*"). Programmer: Kris Becker, USGS, Flagstaff, Arizona
Parm | Description | Default |
FROM | Input cube file name (Default extension is .cub) | NONE |
SFROM | Input subcube specifier | -- |
SAMPLE | Sample number to start the listing | 1 |
LINE | Line number to start the listing | 1 |
BAND | Band number to start the listing | 1 |
BEFORE | Number of digits to display before decimal | 7 |
AFTER | Number of digits to display after decimal | 2 |
XBOX | Number elements in statistics box along horizontal axis | 0 |
YBOX | Number elements in statistics box along veritical axis | 0 |
DOCTOR | Open the file for modification (i.e. WRITE update) |
Parm | Description |
FROM | Input cube file name. If the file extension is omitted, then ".cub" will be assumed. |
SFROM | SFROM specifies the subcube using a single string for all three dimensions of the cube. The order of the three dimensions is always "samples:lines:bands". If a dimension is left blank, all the data for that dimension is selected. The default value of NULL for SFROM selects the entire cube. Any application below can be used for any dimension. To select specific data from any dimension: "10-100(3):11,12,15-20:1-10(2)" = This example will select every third sample starting with sample 10 thru 100. It selects lines 11 and 12, and 15-20. It selects every other band, starting with band 1 thru 10. There are special characters that can be used for selecting a subcube efficiently, such as "*","#", and "~". For examples type "help sfrom" in TAE. **NOTE** For more examples and explanation of the many features of the SFROM parameter, tutor the sfrom.pdf or refer to Introduction To ISIS, Section 6, of the ISIS User's Manual ** |
VIEW | Allows the user to specify how the cube data is accessed and thus listed in the interactive window. FRONT view will list the data in SPATIAL-SPATIAL order where SAMPLE is the fastest varying axes, LINE is the second fastest varying and BAND is the slowest. BOTTOM view will list the data in SPATIAL-SPECTRAL order where SAMPLE is the fastest varying axes, BAND is the second fastest varying and LINE is the slowest. SIDE view will list the data in SPECTRAL-SPATIAL order where BAND is the fastest varying axes, SAMPLE is the second fastest varying and LINE is the slowest. Data views to all physical data storage orders is supported. If the user does not specify a viewing option, "cubelook" will determine the most efficient viewing mode. |
SAMPLE | List window is centered about given pixel for sample number. |
LINE | List window is centered about given pixel for line number. |
BAND | List window is centered about given pixel for band. |
BEFORE | Number of digits to display before decimal. |
AFTER | Number of digits to display after decimal. |
XBOX | Specifies the number of elements to include in the statistics computations along the horizontal axis. If set to 0, then all values in display window are used. |
YBOX | Specifies the number of elements to include in the statistics computations along the vertical axis. If set to 0, then all values in display window are used. |
DOCTOR | Allows the user to modify pixel values in the cube. If DOCTOR="YES", the file will be opened for WRITE and assumes that there will be some pixels that will be modified by the user. If DOCTOR="NO", then the file will be opened READ_ONLY and will not allow modification of pixels. |
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