Isis 2 Documentation
cubestack - Stacks two input cube files in the LINE dimension CUBESTACK takes two standard input cube files and stacks them, one on top the other, in the LINE dimension. CUBESTACK will only deal with standard cube files (Note that BIP (Band Interleaved by Pixel) storage order is not supported by CUBESTACK). Since CUBESTACK merges two separate files into a single output file, there are many possibilities that can make this type of merge rather complex. To minimize some of the complexity, some decisions and restrictions have been placed on the merge operation. The file specified in the FROM1 parameter will be referred to henceforth as the primary input file; the FROM2 file is the secondary input file. The creation of the output cube file will be governed first by the state of the primary input file. The following guidelines describe how the output cube file is created: 1) The storage order of the output cube will be the same as the primary input cube. 2) The output cube core will be determined as follows: a) The number of elements in the SAMPLE axis will be the maximum of the two input cube SAMPLE axis dimensions. If the dimensions are not the same, then the file that has the smaller dimension will result in padding of NULLs in the output file at the end of each line to meet the size of the other file. b) The number of elements in the LINE dimension is the sum of the LINE axis dimensions of the two input cubes. The primary input file will be placed at the "top" of the stack. The secondary input file will be appended to the primary input file at the "bottom" of the stack. c) The number of bands in the BAND axis will be the number of bands selected by the subcube specification of the primary input file. Note that the bands of the input files are correlated by the original band values stored in the BAND_BIN_ORIGINAL_BAND keyword in the BAND_BIN group. Should the secondary input file not contain (or the subcube specifier not select) an original band selected in the primary input cube file, then NULLs are substituted in the core where the secondary band is to be placed in the output cube file. Bands selected in the secondary input file that do not have an original band also selected in the primary input file are IGNORED and NOT propagated to the output file. 3) Sideplane and bottomplane suffixes are NOT propagated to the output file. However, backplanes are propagated to the output file subject to the following guidelines: a) All backplanes selected by the input subcube specifier in the primary input file will always be propagated to the output file. b) Backplanes in the secondary input file that share common names and parameter values with backplanes in the primary input file are stacked in the same fashion as the core. Should the parameters in the backplane of the secondary input file that share a common name with a backplane in the primary input file differ in any way, then the secondary input backplane will be NULLed and placed in the stack as is with the core. c) All backplanes in the primary and secondary input files that do not share common names will be propagated to the output cube file. The input file that does not contain the backplane will be NULLed and placed in the appropriate place in the stack. d) The order of the backplanes in the output cube will be the same as the order encountered in the primary input file with all uncommon backplanes from the secondary input file appended to the backplane suffix also in the order in which they are encountered. 4) Processing of the HISTORY object is controlled by the user. See the HOPT parameter. 5) All other objects that exist in the primary input file are propagated to the output cube file. Those that exist in the secondary input file are ignored. CUBESTACK allows the user to select the desired output pixel data type with the OTYPE parameter. If the default value OTYPE=0 is used, then the output file pixel type will be the same as the primary input file. The user can select a specific output file pixel type by specifying a non-zero value for OTYPE. If the output pixel type is not floating point, then the ORANGE parameter specifies the range of values that can be represented in the output file. If the default value ORANGE= (0.0,0.0) is used, then the range of values that can be represented in the output file will be the same as in the primary input file. If the primary input file is floating point format and the output file is not floating point format, then a specific range must be specified for ORANGE because the range of values in the primary input file is not known. It is sometimes desirable to stack two cubes that contain different ranges of values. For example, one cube might contain normalized values in the range 0.0 to 1.0 and the other cube might contain un-normalized values that cover a much larger range. It this situation it might be desirable to apply a linear scaling to one or both input files so that the core data in the two parts of the output file contain the same range of values. This will make it easier to compare the two parts of the stacked cube when it is displayed. In general, RANGE1 and RANGE2 specify the ranges of input file values that are to be scaled into the range of output file values specified by ORANGE. Thus, ORANGE serves two purposes: it specifies the range of values that can be represented in the output file (if the output file is not floating point), and it specifies the output range of values into which the input values are scaled. Input values that lie outside the ranges specified by RANGE1 and RANGE2 are converted into the special high or low representation saturation values. (If the output file is floating point format, then the scaling does not result in any valid input values being converted into saturation values since all valid input values can be represented in floating point format after scaling.) The following describes the various combinations of input/output pixel types and range specifications in more detail: 1) If the input and output file pixel types are the SAME then: a) If the pixel type is not 3 (floating point) and a range for the input file is specified, but no range for the output file was specified, then the input range is scaled into the entire representable range of the output file, which is the same as the representable range of the primary input file. If no input range is specified but an output range was specified, then the entire representable range of the input file is scaled to the range specified for the output file. If no ranges are supplied for both the input and output cube file, the output cube file range is the same as the primary input file and the entire representable range of the input file is scaled to the entire representable range of the output file. b) For pixel type 3 (floating point), a rescaling occurs only when a range is specified for both the input and output cube files. If only one or neither of the ranges is specified, then this amounts to a direct copy of data from the input file to the output file. A single specified range is ignored in this case. 2) If the input pixel type DIFFERS from the output pixel type, then you can be assured that at least one scaling/conversion will be performed, whether explicitly or implicitly. a) If the input pixel type is 3 (floating point) and a range is specified for the input file, then the range specified for the input file is scaled to the entire representable range of the output file, which is specified by ORANGE. b) If the output pixel type is 3 (floating point) and a range is specified for the output cube file and a range is specified for the input cube file, then the specified input range is scaled to the range of the output file. c) For all other cases, conversion can be performed exactly to user input specifications. If a range is not specified for the output cube file, then the representable range of the output file will be the same as the primary input cube file. If no range is specified for both the input and output cube files, then the entire representable range of the input file is scaled to the entire representable range of the output file. If a range is specified for the input file, then this range is scaled to the entire representable range of the output cube file. If a range is specified for the output file but not the input file, then the entire representable range of the input file is scaled to the range specified for the output file. PROGRAMMER: Kris Becker, USGS, Flagstaff, Az.
Parm | Description | Default |
FROM1 | Primary input cube file name (default extension is .CUB) | NONE |
SFROM1 | Primary input subcube specifier | " " |
FROM2 | Secondary input cube file name (default extension is .CUB) | NONE |
SFROM2 | Secondary input subcube specifier | " " |
TO | Output cube file name (default extension is .CUB) | NONE |
RANGE1 | Specifies data range of primary input file | 0.0,0.0 |
RANGE2 | Specifies data range of secondary input file | 0.0,0.0 |
OTYPE | Output pixel type | 0 |
ORANGE | Output minimum and maximum data range | 0.0,0.0 |
HOPT | History propagation option 1 - propagated primary history object only 2 - merge history from both input files 3 - no history from either input file |
Parm | Description |
FROM1 | The primary input cube file. This file governs many aspects of how the output file is created. The output core dimension of the BAND axis is the number selected by the input subcube specifier for this input file. It also dictates the order of the stack (primary on top), the output cube storage order and the order of backplanes in the BAND suffix. Also all other objects that exist in this file are propagated to this file. Example: dev:[dir]primary |
SFROM1 | The primary input subcube specifier. Allows the user to select a subarea of the input cube for processing. The default " " selects the entire cube. |
FROM2 | The secondary input cube file. Bands from this cube are placed at the bottom of the stack in the cube. Only the original bands selected in this file that also exist in the primary input file specification will be propagated to the output file. Example: dev:[dir]secondary |
SFROM2 | The secondary input subcube specifier. Allows the user to select a subarea of the input cube for processing. The default " " selects the entire cube. |
TO | The output cube file created by CUBESTACK. Will be the same storage order and number of bands as the primary input file. All common backplanes and uncommon backplanes from this file are propagated to the output file. Example: dev:[dir]output |
RANGE1 | This parameter allows the user to select a specific data range from the primary input cube. If the default is used, then the entire range will be preserved in the output cube file. Note that some rescaling may be performed, whether it be implied or explicit (determined by pixel type of the output file and ORANGE). |
RANGE2 | This parameter allows the user to select a specific data range from the secondary input cube. If the default is used, then the entire range will be preserved in the output cube file. Note that some rescaling may be performed, whether it be implied or explicit (determined by pixel type of the primary input file and the output file and ORANGE). |
OTYPE | The output pixel type. This parameter allows the user to specify the output pixel type. The default of 0 will result in the same pixel type as the primary input file. |
ORANGE | This parameter allows the user to select the range of values that can be represented in the output file. (This is not applicable for floating point format.) For all output pixel data types (including floating point), this parameter also specifies the output range of values into which the input ranges of values are scaled. |
HOPT | This parameter allows the user to specify how the history object is to be handled for the file merger. HOPT=1 instructs CUBESTACK to simply propagate the processing history from the primary input cube. HOPT=2 will result in a merging of the primary and secondary processing histories. HOPT=3 will not propagate history from either input file. For all options, the history entry for the current run will be inserted into the history object of the output file. |
USERNOTE | Comment from the user. This will be recorded in the ISIS session log file and also in the History entry that is put into the History object of the output file. |
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