Isis 2 Documentation

cv Documentation

CV - Cube Visualization

The CV (Cube Visualization) program allows interactive
display of ISIS cube files and HDF/HDF-EOS files.  (Most
other 2D or 3D image files can also be displayed by using
an ISIS detached label or by using the "raw2isis" program
to convert the data to a standard ISIS cube file.)  The
interactive capabilties include functions such as displaying
selected spatial-spatial or spatial-spectral slices through
the cube, "movie" display of different slices, displaying
backplane images as well as core plane images, reporting
cursor coordinates and associated pixel values, zoom and
roam of displayed images, plotting single spectra and
average spectra at selected spatial locations, plotting
spatial profiles, hard-copy output, etc.  CV can be used
for visualization of both single-band images that
contain a large spatial extent and imaging spectrometer
data cubes that contain many wavelength bands.


After starting up IDL, the CV program is run by simply
typing CV (without any parameters) at the IDL prompt.  If
the optional keyword RETAIN is set by typing "CV,/RETAIN"
at the IDL prompt, then each cube that is read in will be
retained in memory rather than being deleted from memory
after no display instances are displaying the cube.

A file selection panel is then displayed that allows
selection of the cube file or HDF/HDF-EOS file that is to
be read into memory.  Next, a parameters panel is displayed
that allows selecting the file type (ISIS Cube, HDF-EOS, or
HDF).  Note that an HDF-EOS file can be displayed using
HDF mode.  This allows display of HDF Scientific Data Set
(SDS) data fields that are outside the HDF-EOS structures.
(For more information on handling of HDF/HDF-EOS files, see
the help on the HDF/HDF-EOS Field Selection Panel.)  The
parameters panel also allows specifying the desired subarea
of the cube file (using the SFROM parameter) and selecting
whether display of backplanes is desired.  (For HDF/HDF-EOS
files, backplane display is not applicable.  Also, sub-area
and/or subsampling is specified after the desired data
fields are selected.)  Finally, the parameters panel allows
specifying the initial range of pixel values that is to be
mapped into the range of intensities or colors that is
available for image display on the workstation.  (This
display range can be changed later without reading in the
file again.)  If "Specified Range" is selected for the Range
Option, then the "Range Min" and "Range Max" values
directly specify the display range.  If "AUTO Range" is
selected for the Range Option, then the selected core
pixels will be examined to automatically compute the
display range.  In this case, the "Low Sat" and "High Sat"
values specify the percent of pixels that are to be
saturated (outside the computed display range) on the low
and high ends.  Note that specifying zero for "Low Sat" or
"High Sat" will cause the computed display range min or
max to be set to the minimum or maximum pixel values that
occur in the selected subarea of the input cube.  For data
with an unusual histogram (e.g., most values within a small
range plus a few very different values), the automatic
display range computation for a non-zero saturation percent
will fail.  When this occurs, a zero saturation percent
will be used.  When the "AUTO Range" option is selected,
the computed display range is reported on the IDL terminal
window.  (For 8-bit or 16-bit image data, the reported
automatic display range for Low Sat and/or High Sat equal to
zero  will be slightly larger than the actual range in the
data to avoid round-off problems when scaling the data for
display.)  When doing an automatic range computation on
32-bit data, the data buffer is overwritten with computed
histogram bin numbers and it is then necessary to re-read
the data from the input disk file.  Specifying an explicit
display range or specifying zero for "Low Sat" and "High
Sat" will eliminate the histogram computation and re-reading
of the data, which will result in faster initial image

If backplane display was specified, a control panel is
displayed next that allows selecting the desired
backplanes.  The list of file backplane names selected by
the SFROM parameter is shown on the left.  Click on a name
to choose it for display.  The "Select All" button chooses
all the backplanes.  To remove a backplane from the
selected list, click on the item and then use the
"Unselect Item" button.  The display range for each
backplane is independent of the core planes and each other
backplane.  The initial display range for each backplane
is always automatically computed by using the "Low Sat"
and "High Sat" values.  (The display range can be changed
later.)  If the pixel data type of a backplane is not one
of the standard ISIS types, then the backplane is
considered to contain 32-bit integer values.


After the cube file data have been read in, the CV top-level
function menu is displayed, and the program automatically
starts the interactive display of the cube file data.

CV uses a number of separate image display windows (as many
as seven), graphics display windows, and control panel
windows for the cube display.  Most of these windows can be
turned on or off as desired.  However, it is important to
note that this is done by using the control buttons in the
various windows.  Windows must never be deleted by using
the window manager.  The program attempts to automatically
position windows on the screen when they are initially
created.  (However, this does not work with some window
managers.) The positions of some of the windows are
automatically adjusted as some of the other windows are
turned on or off.  It is not feasible for this automatic
window positioning to always maintain a "good" arrangement
of the windows.  Thus, the window manager can be used to
re-position the windows as desired.  In some cases, moving
a window will disable its automatic positioning and the
user-specified position will be remembered if the window is
turned off and then back on.

The graphics display windows and most of the image display
windows can be re-sized by using the window manager.  If a
window is made "too big" (e.g., bigger than necessary to
hold the image being displayed), then the window will "snap
back" to the maximum size that is needed.  The control
panel windows can be moved, but they should not be
re-sized.  (Note that you might need to change the default
setup for your window manager in order for window
re-sizing to work properly.  For example, with the KDE
window manager, start up the "KDE Control Center," select
"Properties" under the "Windows" category.  Then, make
sure that "Display content in resizing windows" is NOT

Displaying a file creates the Main Control panel window,
which allows basic control functions and creation of
additional control panels and data plotting windows.  This
window also includes an image display called the "Front
View."  The title bar of this window shows the name of
the file (without the directory) that is being displayed.
This initially displays the spatial-spatial image at the
first wavelength band in the cube.  The default maximum
size of the Front View display is 500x500.  If the spatial
size of the cube is larger than this, then a Subsampled
window is also created, which displays a subsampled view of
the entire spatial area of the cube.  A rectangle is drawn
on the Subsampled window to show the region that is being
displayed at full resolution in the Front View window.  To
change the displayed region, put the cursor in the
rectangle and drag it while holding down the left mouse
button.  When the mouse button is released, the Front View
is changed to show the new region.  Clicking with the
middle mouse button centers the box on the cursor and
updates the displayed Front View.  Dragging with the middle
button held down will dynamically update the Front View.
The default maximum size of the Subsampled window is
200x200, but it can be re-sized as desired.  If the Front
View window is re-sized so that it can contain the entire
spatial area of the cube, then the Subsampled window is
automatically deleted.  If the Front View is re-sized so
that it is smaller than the entire spatial area, then the
Subsampled window is automatically created.


The top level menu contains the following function buttons:

"File" - Reads in a cube file or HDF/HDF-EOS file.  This
    uses the same file selection panel and parameters panel
    that are used at start-up to read in the first file.
    A maximum of ten files can be read into memory while
    the program is running.  (The data for a cube file are
    normally deleted from memory when no display instances
    are displaying the data.  If the RETAIN keyword is set
    when the program is started, then all files are always
    retained in memory and there is no way to remove a
    selected file from memory.)  Note that the selected
    sub-area of each cube file is being held in memory.
    If the available physical memory is exceeded, then the
    interactive performance will be adversely affected due
    to excessive paging.  After the cube file data are read
    in, the program automatically starts the interactive
    display of the cube file data.

"Display" - Starts the display of a file.  This function
    is used to start a second display instance for a file
    or to re-start a display instance that had been stopped.
    This creates a new Main Control panel and Front View
    window as described above.  If more than one file has
    been read into memory, then a list of available files
    is displayed to allow selecting the desired file.  When
    multiple displays have been started up, each operates
    completely independently of the others.  A maximum of
    ten display instances can be active at one time.  The
    labels in the title bars of the image display windows
    and most of the control panels identify the display
    instance with which they are associated.  Note that more
    than one display instance can be displaying the same
    file; it is not necessary to read in the file more than
    once.  This allows simultaneous display of multiple
    views of the same file, e.g., display of two different
    wavelength bands or backplanes at the same time.

"Functions" - Starts up a function that either interacts
    with all display instances or is independent of all
    display instances.  The available functions are:

    "Stretch Displayed Images" - Interactively changes the
	intensity "stretch" on the image display windows
	and/or applies different pseudo-color tables.  This
	is the similar to the standard IDL color table
	modification function except that it does not change
	the display of ISIS special pixel values and it
        does not change the colors used in the data plots.
        (The displayed colors for special pixels are
        controlled by the "Special Pixel Colors" control
        panel and the plotting colors are controlled by
        the Data Parameters control panel (which is
        activated from the data plot window).)

    "Special Pixel Colors" - Modifies the colors used for
        displaying special pixel values and pixel values
        that are outside the current display range.

    "ISL Viewer" - Plots spectra from an Instrument
	Spectral Library (ISL) file and lists the spectral
	header information.  A dialog panel is displayed to
	allow selecting the ISL file to be viewed.
	Multiple instances of the ISL Viewer can be active
	at the same time to allow viewing multiple ISLs.

"Cursor Functions" - Starts up a "concurrent" function that
    runs in combination with the display instances.
    Multiple concurrent functions can be active at the same
    time.  However, only one instance of each type of
    function can be active.  "Starting" a function that is
    already active will bring its window to the front of
    the screen to insure that it is not obscured by other
    windows.  The available functions are:

    "Report Detector & Grating Position" - Reports
	information about the displayed image that is under
	the cursor.  This includes the name of the file
	(including directory), and the detector number and
	grating position that correspond to the band number
	of the cursor and slice location.  These values are
	dynamically updated as the cursor is moved across
	any of the image display windows.

    "Report Image Size" - Reports image size information
	for the display window that is under the cursor.
	This includes both the virtual and disk coordinates
	for the image plane being displayed.  The starting
	and ending coordinates for the two dimensions of
	the displayed image plane are reported.  Also, the
	number of elements in each dimension are reported.
	These values are dynamically updated as the cursor
	is moved from one image display window to another.

"Help" - Displays the "top level" help information for CV,
    i.e., this document.  Note that many of the individual
    control panels have their own help information.  This
    is accessed through "Help" buttons on the individual
    control panels or through the "Functions" button on
    the control panel.  Note that multiple help windows
    can be active at the same time.  This allows
    simultaneously viewing the help information for multiple
    control panels.  This also allows viewing different
    parts of the same help information at the same time.
    The text file $ISISHELP/cv.hlp contains the top level
    help information plus the help information for all the
    control panels and display windows.

"Quit All Displays" - Exits from the CV program and returns
    to the IDL prompt.  All display windows and control
    panels are deleted.  Also, all data used by the program
    is released, including the memory used for holding any
    cube files that had been read in.  (Memory used for
    holding the compiled IDL code that implements CV is not
    released.)  At this point, CV can be re-started to
    re-initialize the program.


Some of the CV windows have a "Quit" button and some have
a "Dismiss" button.  A "Dismiss" button indicates that no
information is lost when the window is removed from the
screen.  For example, clicking on the "Dismiss" button on
the Region of Interest control panel will remove it from
the screen but the ROI definitions and display status are
not affected.  The ROI function can be restarted to
continue working with the same ROI definitions.  On the
other hand, clicking on the "Quit" button in a profile
plot window will remove it from the screen and discard all
its status information, e.g., plotting range, line styles
and colors, additional data sets being plotted.  Restarting
the profile function will re-initialize to the default
initial state.


The IDL command prompt is active after CV has displayed
the first cube file.  This allows running other IDL programs
and routines in the same IDL session.  Not that in general
these should not do any display operations that would
modify the display colormap because this would interfere
with CV's use of the colormap.  However, the "cvplot"
routine is designed to cooperate with CV.  This allows
plotting data ouside of CV using the same plotting routines
that are used by CV.  This also allows drag-and-drop
copying of data plots between the CV plot windows and the
"cvplot" plot windows.  "cvplot" can also be used without
running CV.

PROGRAMMER: Jim Torson, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff, AZ


The HDF/HDF-EOS Field Selection panel displays a list of
available data fields that can be selected for display.

Each line in the list contains several items that identify
the field.  For HDF-EOS files, this begins with "SW" or "GD"
to indicate whether the field is in a Swath or Grid data
structure.  (HDF-EOS Point data is not supported.)  Next is
the name of the Swath or Grid, followed by "F" or "G" to
indicate "ordinary" field or geolocation field.  Next is the
name of the field, followed by its data type and the size of
each dimension.

For HDF files, each line in the list begins with an
indication of the VGroup(s) within which the Scientific
Data Set (SDS) field is contained.  The name of a VGroup is
followed by its Class in parenthesis.  Nested VGroups are
shown in a Unix-style filepath format.  A blank indicates
that the field is not contained within any VGroups.  Next is
the name of the field and its data type and dimension sizes.
Note that an HDF-EOS file can also be opened as an HDF file.
This allows display of data fields that are stored as
"native" HDF SDS fields outside the HDF-EOS structures.
On the other hand, one-dimensional HDF-EOS fields are
stored as Vdatas (tables) rather than one-dimensional SDSs.
Thus, one-dimensional HDF-EOS fields can be displayed in
HDF-EOS mode but not in HDF mode.

Click on an item to select it.  Click on a selected item
to de-select it.  Multiple items can be selected if they
have the same data type, rank (number of dimensions), and
dimension sizes.  Multiple fields are combined into one 3D
data cube for display, with axes referred to as "sample,"
"line," and "band."  Multiple 1D fields are combined to form
a 2D array (with a "band" dimension of length one).
Multiple 2D fields are combined to form a 3D array.
Multiple 3D fields are combined to form a larger 3D array
by stacking the fields along the "band" dimension.  Display
of fields with more than three dimensions is not supported.
Note that the fields are stacked in the order in which they
were selected unless the "All same size" function (described
below) is used.

All HDF/HDF-EOS data types can be displayed.  However, CV
is based on display of the three standard ISIS data types:
UInt8, Int16, and Float32.  Thus, some of the HDF/HDF-EOS
data types are converted to one of the ISIS types for
display.  An Int8 field is converted to Int16 if it contains
negative values.  A UInt16 field is converted to Float32 if
it contains values that exceed the Int16 maximum value.
If conversion is necessary, more memory is needed to hold
the field for display.  Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, and
Float64 fields are converted to Float32, which might result
in important precision loss in the original data.

If the data field has an assiciated fill value, then fill
values are optionally converted to ISIS NULL pixel values,
which will not be used in the automatic display range
calculation and which are displayed with a user-specified
color.  (See the "Special Pixel Colors" function in the
top level Functions menu.)  If a UInt16 field does not have
an associated fill value, then a fill value of 0 will
optionally be assumed.  (The options are selected after
the field(s) have been selected.)

For Float32 and Float64 data fields, NaN and Infinity values
are converted to ISIS NULL values and High Instrument
Saturation (HIS) values.  HIS values are used in the
automatic display range calculation but are also displayed
with a user-specified color.

When one or more 3D fields (or multiple 2D fields) are being
displayed, CV allows spectrum plots, which are intensity
profile plots along the third dimension.  However, the
"self describing" HDF-EOS files do not contain information
about the wavelengths of the different image bands.  Thus,
a spectrum plot as a function of wavelength will give the
same results as a plot as a function of band number.  (The
band number is used as the wavelength value.)

The following function buttons are available:

    "Sorted" - Specifies whether the list of fields should
        be sorted.  The sorted list is sorted on the size
        of the first dimension, which tends to put related
        same-size fields together and to put the large
        image arrays at the top of the list.  The unsorted
        list shows the fields in the order they are
        encountered in the file.

    "All same size" - Automatically selects all fields that
        have the same data type, rank and size as the
        currently selected field(s).  When this option is
        selected, multiple selected fields will be combined
        in the order given in the unsorted list.

    "Clear Selections" - De-selects all fields.

    "Write List" - Writes the list of fields to a text
        file with a user-specified file name.  The list
        will be written in the currently selected
        sorted/unsorted order.

When the "OK" button is clicked, a dialog panel will be
displayed that allows specifying a desired sub-area and/or
subsampling factor for each field.  The coordinate system
used is 1-based (the ISIS standard) rather than 0-based (the
HDF/HDF-EOS standard).  The default parameters select the
entire field, but for large fields a sub-area and/or
subsampling may be needed to allow the selected data to be
held in memory for display.  Note that the number of bytes
reported is the size of the original data; more memory may
be needed if conversion of data types is necessary.  This
panel also allows specifying whether or not fill values
are to be converted to ISIS NULL values.  For UInt16 field
data, this also allows specifying whether or not a fill
value of 0 will be assumed if no fill value is recorded
in the file.

When the selected data are being displayed, the "Write Image
File" function in the Functions menu on the Main Control
panel allows writing all the selected data to a standard
ISIS cube file or to a BIN5 file with a detached ISIS label.
(A standard ISIS cube file has an imbedded label.  A BIN5
file is a binary format with a simple header that can be
easily read by an IDL program using the "bin5r" routine.)
This allows using the generalized ISIS image processing
programs or specialized IDL programs for further processing
of the data.  Note that the data are written to the new file
in the data type used for display, which might be different
from the data type in the original HDF/HDF-EOS file.


Each of the five different types of ISIS special pixel
values that can occur in image cube data is displayed as a
particular color in the image display windows.

The upper five buttons in this control panel allow changing
the colors that are currently being used for displaying the
special pixel values.  The label on each button shows the
current display color.  Clicking on the button shows a menu
of available colors.

The bottom two buttons change the colors that are being
used for displaying High and Low Display Saturation values,
which are valid cube file pixels whose values lie outside
the current display range.  Note that the number of such
pixels can be changed by changing the current core display
range by using the Display Range control panel, which is
started from the "Functions" menu in the Main Control panel.
The display range for backplanes can be changed by using
the Display Backplanes control panel.

Note that the displayed colors for standard special pixel
values and Display Saturation values are never changed
when loading new pseudo-color tables or changing the
display "stretch" by using the "Stretch Displayed Images"
function, which is started from the top level "Functions"


The names of all the spectra in the selected ISL are listed
at the top of the control panel.  (These are the names
in the SPECTRUM_NAME field of the spectral headers.)
Clicking on a name selects it, plots it, and optionally
lists items from its spectral header.  Spectra can be
plotted as a function of either wavelength or band number.
Also, the spectra can be plotted as either single spectra or
average spectra.  The "Plotting Mode" options are:

"Accumulate Spectra" - Selecting a spectrum name adds its
    plot to the currently active plot window.  (A new plot
    window is created if there is no currently active

"Replace Spectrum" - Selecting a spectrum name replaces the
    first data set being plotted in the currently active
    plot window by the plot of the spectrum.  This allows
    comparision of individual ISL entries with one or more
    other spectra being plotted in the window.

"New Window - Spectrum" - Selecting a spectrum name creates
    a new plot window for the spectral plot.

"Replace AveSpec" - Selecting a spectrum name replaces the
    first five plots in the currently active plot window
    by a set of average spectrum plots (average, min/max,
    average plus/minus one standard deviation).  If the
    min, max or standard deviation values are not stored in
    the ISL as secondary data arrays associated with the
    selected spectral entry, then the min and/or max arrays
    are set to the values of the spectrum and the standard
    deviation values are set to zeros.  (Note that the
    plot window allows writing the data to an average
    spectrum table file, which can then be used as input
    to other programs.)

"New Window - AveSpec" - Selecting a spectrum name creates
    a new plot window for the average spectrum plots.

PLOTTING DATA RANGE - The "Y Min/Max" fields on the control
panel allow specifying the data range on the Y axis of the
spectral plots.  If a data range different from that of the
currently active plot window is specified, then a new plot
window is created for the next spectrum plot.

SPECTRUM SCALING - The "Mult Fact" field specifies a
scaling factor that is applied to the ISL spectrum data
before it is plotted.  This allows scaling ISL entries to
be comparable with any other spectra, e.g., spectra from
observation cubes.

SPECTRAL HEADER LISTING - The "Spectral Header Listing"
button allows specifying whether or not items from the
spectral header are to be listed when an ISL spectrum is

The "Plot Next" button selects the next ISL spectral entry
and plots it.

The "Clear Plot" button deletes all the data plots in the
currently active plot window.


Main Control panel allows interactively selecting different
slices through the cube for display in the image display
windows.  When the Main Control panel is initially created,
it includes a slider that allows selecting the wavelength
band for the spatial-spatial image that is displayed in the
Front View window.  (The slider is not displayed if the
cube contains only one band.)  Dragging the slider button
while holding down either the LEFT or MIDDLE mouse button
changes the currently selected VIRTUAL band number, and the
Front View image display is changed accordingly.  Clicking
the LEFT mouse button within the slider area (but not on
the slider button) increments or decrements the currently
selected virtual band number.   Also, when the slider is
selected (high-lighted), the left/right arrow keys on the
keyboard can be used to decrement/increment the selected
band number.  Note that this allows more exact control over
the selected band number than moving the slider button.
Clicking the MIDDLE mouse button in the slider area changes
the virtual band number to the value corresponding to the
location of the cursor on the slider.

If the Side View display window is turned on (using the
View Control panel), then a slider is included to allow
controlling the virtual sample number of the side view
slice that is displayed.  If the Bottom View display window
is turned on, then a slider is included for controlling its
virtual line number.

CURSOR DRAG OF SLICE LOCATIONS - Dragging the cursor across
any of the image display windows (except the Subsampled
window) while holding down the LEFT mouse button changes
the currently selected sample, line, and/or band (depending
upon which display window is used).  When the mouse button
is released, the Front View, Side View, and/or Bottom View
windows are updated so that the displayed slices correspond
to the currently selected coordinates.  Dragging the cursor
with the MIDDLE mouse button dynamically updates the
displayed slices during the dragging.

NUMERICAL VALUE REPORT - The middle part of the Main
Control panel reports both the DISK coordinates (sample,
line, band) and the VIRTUAL coordinates of the cursor when
it is on top of any of the image display windows.  This
also includes the wavelength of the reported band number
and the pixel value (DN) of the pixel at the cursor
location.  The coordinates of the intersection of the Front
View, Side View and Bottom View slice planes is also
reported.  If a backplane rather than a core plane is being
displayed in the Front View, then "-BP-" is reported as the
band number and the backplane pixel value is reported
rather than the core pixel value.

CURSOR DRAG OPTIONS - The lower left part of the Main
Control panel contains three toggle buttons and one
selector button that control what things can be dragged
with the cursor by holding down the LEFT or MIDDLE mouse
buttons.  The options are:

"Slice" - Enables/disables dragging the coordinates and
    the horizontal and vertical markers that are drawn
    on the image display windows to mark the
    intersections of the Front View, Side View, and/or
    Bottom View slices.  This also enables/disables the
    updating of displayed slice planes while dragging the
    cursor on an image window.

"Profile" - Enables/disables dynamic updating of the
    displayed spectrum plot and horizontal or vertical
    spatial profile plots.

"Slider" - Enables/disables dynamic update of the displayed
    slices as the slider buttons are dragged.  If the
    slider drag is disabled, the displayed slices are
    updated when the mouse button is released.

Box Selector Button - Selects the mode for dragging boxes
    drawn on the displayed images.  Click on the button
    to display a menu of options: "Zoom Box," "Stats Box,"
    or "No Box."  (Note that turning on a zoom window
    automatically selects "Zoom Box" mode.  Turning on an
    average spectrum or numerical listing function
    automatically selects "Stats Box" mode.)

SLICE +/- CONTROL - The green button labelled "Slice +/-"
allows moving the slice location by one spatial pixel.
This is equivalent to clicking with the middle mouse
button at a new location on the Main Front View display
window (except that it does not work when Region of
Interest (ROI) drawing is active).  Clicking the
Left/Right mouse buttons on the green control button will
decrement/increment the current slice location by one
spatial pixel.  Clicking the middle mouse button toggles
between changing the horizonatal and vertical spatial
slice location.

CORE/BACKPLANE BUTTON - If backplane display has been
selected, the control panel includes the "Core/BP" button,
which toggles between displaying the currently selected
core plane or backplane in the Front View windows.

ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS - The "Functions" button displays a
menu that allows turning on various data plotting windows
and various additional control panels that provide
additional display options.  Multiple control panels and/or
plotting windows can be turned on at one time, but only one
instance of each type can be simultaneously active.
"Starting" a window that is already active brings the
window to the front of the screen to insure that it is not
obscured by other windows.  The available functions are:

    "View" - Turns on additional image display windows to
	provide additional views of the image cube.  Also
	modifies zoom factors.

    "Movie" - Controls movie display of different slice

    "Display Range" - Changes the display range for core
	image planes.

    "Statistics" - Creates data plotting windows that
	display average spectra for a rectangular region
	plotted as a function of either band number or
	wavelength.  When one of these functions is active,
        one or more boxes are drawn on the displayed
        images to select the desired region.

    "Profiles" - Creates data plotting windows that are
	dynamically updated as the cursor is dragged across
	one of the image display windows.  Horizontal and
	vertical spatial profiles can be plotted.  Also,
	spectra can be plotted as a function of either band
	number or wavelength. (PCOR and SOL Plots are
        specialized plotting functions for pointing
        correction data for the Galileo NIMS instrument.)

    "Region of Interest" - Defines arbitrary regions of
	interest.  Computes, lists, and plots statistics
	for regions.  Saves region definitions in

    "Backplane Report" - Reports selected backplane values
	at cursor and slice plane locations.

    "Backplane Display" - Selects which backplane is to be
	displayed and changes the display range for each

    "Lat/Lon Report" - Reports Latitude/Longitude values
	at cursor and slice plane locations.  For HDF-EOS
	Swath files, this requires Latitude (or Colatitude)
	and Longitude geolocation fields.  For HDF files,
	this requires Latitude (or Colatitude) SDS fields
	that are same size as displayed image.  HDF-EOS
	Grid files are not currently supported.  ISIS
	cube files are also not currently supported.
	(Some ISIS cubes have Latitude/Longitude backplanes
	whose values can be reported using the "Backplane
	Report" function.  The "geoback" program can be
	used to create these backplanes.)  

    "Markers" - Controls the display of the markers that
	show the currently selected slice plane
	intersections.  This includes setting the colors
	of the displayed markers and also setting the
	colors of the zoom boxes and statistics boxes.

    "PostScript Output" - Writes a description of a
	selected image display window to a PostScript
	file, which can then be printed on a PostScript

    "Write Image File" - Writes the image data being
        displayed to either a standard ISIS cube file (with
        embedded label), a BIN5 file, or a BIN5 file with
        associated detached ISIS label.  (A BIN5 file is a
        binary format with a simple header that can be easily
        read by an IDL program using the "bin5r" routine.)
        This function is mainly intended to allow writing
        data from displayed HDF/HDF-EOS data fields to
        files that allow further processing using the
        generalized ISIS image processing programs or
        using specialized IDL programs.  Note that the
        data are written in the data type that is being
        used for display.  See the help information on the
        HDF/HDF-EOS Field Selection Panel for more
        information.  (For a displayed ISIS cube, this
        function will create a new cube that contains just
        the data that were selected for display with the
        SFROM parameter.  However, this would create only
        a minimal label that is necessary to be able to
        access the data.  Additional label information
        would not be propagated to the new file.  Instead,
        the "dsk2dsk" program should be used for
        subsampling or sub-area selection with propagation
        of all label information.)
        Creation of an ISIS detached label for a BIN5
        file is currently supported only for 3D arrays that
        have 12 or fewer bands.
        The storage order for the data written out (for
        either ISIS cubes or BIN5 files) is Band Sequential.

"User_Func" - Call a user-written IDL routine to
        perform specialized processing or analysis.
        Details for writing such a routine are described
        in the document $ISISHELP/user_func.hlp.

    "Help" - Displays the help information for the Main
	Control panel.

button deletes all the display windows and control panels
that are associated with this Main Control panel.  The
memory used by the display functions is released.  If no
other display instances are displaying the cube data, then
by default the data array is deleted from memory.  However,
if the RETAIN keyword were set when the program was
started, then the cube data array is NOT removed from
memory.  When the data array is kept in memory, the cube
can be displayed again later by using the "Display" button
in the top level menu (without reading in the file again).


SIDE/BOTTOM VIEW ENABLE - The buttons on the top line of
the control panel enable/disable the "Side View" and
"Bottom View" image display windows.  The Side View is a
spectral-spatial slice through the cube.  This is displayed
as an image in which band number increases to the right and
line number increases downward.  The Bottom View is a
spatial-spectral (line-band) slice in which band number
increases downward.  The Side/Bottom  View windows always
include all wavelength bands.  The spatial dimensions of
these windows always include the same spatial coordinates
as the main Front View window.  If you attempt to re-size
the Side/Bottom View window, it will just snap back to its
original size.  However, re-sizing the main Front View
window results in an automatic re-size of the Side/Bottom
View windows.

SUBSAMPLED VIEW ENABLED - This button allows enabling or
disabling the automatic display of the Subsampled Front
View window when the Main Front View window does not
contain the entire spatial-spatial area of the cube being
displayed.  Disabling the Subsampled Front View display
will increase the speed of displaying a new band image
when the cube contains a large spatial area.

Bottom View windows are turned on, then the Main Control
panel includes sliders for controlling the virtual sample
and/or line coordinates of these slice planes.  Vertical
and/or horizontal lines are drawn on the display windows to
mark the locations of the intersections of these orthogonal
slices.  (The Marker Control panel (started from the
"Functions" menu in the Main Control panel) selects display
options for these markers.)  Also, dragging the cursor
across any of the display windows (except the Subsampled
window) while holding down the LEFT or MIDDLE mouse buttons
dynamically moves the markers.  If the LEFT button is used,
the displayed slices are updated when the button is
released.  If the MIDDLE button is used, the displayed
slices are updated dynamically as the markers are moved.
(The "Slice" Drag button on the Main Control panel toggles
whether or not this dragging is enabled.)

MAIN ZOOM FACTOR - The Main Zoom "Dec" and "Inc" buttons
decrement or increment the zoom factor used for displaying
the image in the main Front View window.  A zoom factor
greater than one uses pixel replication to zoom the image,
and the window is automatically re-sized to hold the zoomed
image.  (This might cause the creation of the Subsampled
window if the re-sized main window would exceed the
default maximum window size.)  If the Side View or Bottom
View windows are enabled, then they are re-sized and zoomed
by the same zoom factor.  The current zoom factor is
displayed in a text field to the right of the "Dec"/"Inc"
buttons.  This field can be edited to enter a new zoom
factor.  Typing a "Return" after typing the new value
causes the new factor to be applied immediately.  Or, the
"Apply Zoom" button can be used to apply the new zoom
factor.  This allows several zoom factors to be changed at
the same time.  The "Cancel Zoom" button will cancel any
zoom factors that have been typed but have not yet been

ZOOM VIEW ENABLE - The "Front View Zoom", "Side View
Zoom", and "Bottom View Zoom" buttons enable/disable
windows that display zoomed views of portions of the Front
View, Side View, or Bottom View windows.  (If the Side View
or Bottom View is not being displayed, then it will be
automatically created when the corresponding Zoom view is
turned on.)  The default maximum size of the zoom windows
is 200x200 screen pixels, but they can be re-sized as
desired by using the window manager.  Note that dragging
the cursor on a Zoom window changes the marker and slice
locations and/or updates the spatial or spectral profile
plots.  Also, dragging continues when the cursor is moved
off the Zoom window while holding down the mouse button.

on the Front/Side/Bottom window to show the area that is
displayed in its Zoom view window.  Holding down the LEFT
mouse button (while the cursor is in a zoom rectangle)
allows dragging the rectangle to a new area.  The Zoom
window display is updated when the button is released.
Using the MIDDLE mouse button to drag the rectangle
dynamically updates the Zoom window.  The "Zoom" Drag
button on the Main Control panel enables/disables the zoom
dragging function.  The zoom factors used for the zoom
windows are controlled by the "Dec"/"Inc" buttons and the
editable zoom factor display fields.  The Main Zoom factor
is combined with the zoom window factors.  For example, if
the Main Zoom factor is two and the Front View Zoom factor
is three, then a pixel replication factor of six is used
for the display in the zoom window.


The control panel shows the current display range for the
core image planes.  You can type in a new minimum and/or
maximum value.  The new range is applied when you type a
"Return" key or hit the "Apply" button.  When you are
typing in a new value, the "Cancel" button restores the
previous value that was applied.  (Note that the
"Backplane Display" control panel provides independent
control of the display range for each backplane.)


The ROI Control Panel allows defining and displaying
arbitrary regions of interest.  This includes computing
and plotting statistics (average spectra, etc.) for the
regions and also numerically listing the statistics
values and writing the values to output files.

At any given time, CV can handle up to thirty-two
different ROI definitions.  If desired, the set of ROIs
can be stored in a backplane of the cube file.  (Backplanes
are not applicable for HDF/HDF-EOS files.)  Multiple
backplanes can store multiple sets of thirty-two ROIs,
but CV can handle only one set at a time.  Each region
is identified by a name (which must be unique within the
current set of thirty-two ROIs) and can be displayed as a
solid color overlay on the Front View display windows.

REGION DEFINITION - The top of the ROI Control Panel
contains buttons that select the current mode for
modifying the definition of the currently selected ROI.
The available modes are:

"Polygon Add" - Allows drawing a polygon on the Front
    View or Zoom Front View windows (but not on the
    Subsampled Front View window). Clicking the MIDDLE
    mouse button adds the current cursor location to the
    list of vertices for the polygon.  Also, holding the
    button down while moving the cursor allows drawing
    an arbitrary region boundary.  (Drawing while holding
    the button down works only if the "Press Only" mode
    is NOT selected.  See below.)  Clicking the RIGHT
    mouse button completes the polygon definition by
    drawing a line from the last vertex to the first
    vertex.  All the spatial pixels within the polygon
    are then added to the region definition.  Selecting
    one of the other modes before completing the polygon
    will cancel the definition of the current polygon.
    Note that when you start a polygon definition on a
    window, you must complete the definition on the same
    window (or cancel the definition).  Different bands
    can be displayed in the Front View windows during
    polygon definition.  This can include enabling the
    movie display mode.  Also, different regions can be
    displayed in the Main Front View window by moving
    the box on the Subsampled Front View window (but
    you cannot move the zoom box on the Main Front View
    window while defining a polygon).

"Polygon Delete" - Allows drawing a polygon that is to be
    deleted from the currently selected region.  Note
    that you can draw a polygon for a region while the
    overlay display of the region is turned off.  The
    overlay display is automatically turned on when the
    polygon is complete.

"Line" - Similar to "Polygon Add" mode except that
    clicking the RIGHT mouse button does not add a line
    back to the starting point.  The points added to
    the region are simply the points along the line that
    has been drawn.

"Point" - Allows adding or deleting individual pixels for
    the currently selected region.  Clicking the MIDDLE
    mouse button adds the pixel at the current cursor
    location to the region.  Clicking the RIGHT button
    deletes the pixel.  Holding a button down while
    moving the cursor continuously adds or deletes
    points.  Note that if the Spectrum Plot function is
    turned on, then the LEFT mouse button can be used to
    examine the spectrum at the current spatial location
    before it is added to or deleted from the region.
    Also, as a point is added or deleted, a pixel in the
    Subsampled Front View window is updated even if the
    subsampling factor results in the current spatial
    pixel not actually being displayed in the window.
    To obtain a completely correct display in the
    Subsampled Front View window, turn off the overlay
    display and then turn it back on.

"Disable" - Disables modification of the currently
    selected region.  When one of the other region
    definition modes is selected, most of the other
    interactive functions on the Front View windows are
    disabled, e.g., slice dragging and moving the zoom
    box or statistics box.  Selecting the ROI "Disable"
    mode enables these other interactive functions.

"Press Only" - Toggles whether drawing coordinates
    are generated while holding the middle mouse button
    down and moving the cursor.  If enabled, a drawing
    coordinate is generated only when the button is
    pressed, but no further coordinates are generated
    while the button is held down.

REGION SELECTION - The list of available regions is
displayed below the mode buttons.  This includes the name
of the region, its overlay display color and an
indication of whether or not the overlay display is
turned on.  Click on an item to make it the currently
selected region and turn on its overlay display.

REGION NAME AND OVERLAY COLOR - The name of the currently
selected region is displayed below the list of regions.
You can edit the field to change the name.  Type a
"Return" to complete the new name.  The selector
button allows specifying a new color for the region.

CONTROL FUNCTIONS - The buttons at the bottom of the
control panel provide various control functions:

"Turn Off/On" - Toggle the overlay display of the
    currently selected region.

"All Off" - Turn off the overlay display for ALL regions.

"All On" - Turn on the overlay display for ALL regions.

"List Stats" - Create a new window that contains a
    listing of the band-by-band statistics for the
    currently selected region, including disk band
    number, wavelength, average pixel value, minimum and
    maximum pixel values, standard deviation, and count
    of the number of valid pixel values within the
    region.  This includes a button to write the listing
    out to a text file.  (Note that the same listing
    window can be created by the "AveSpec List" function
    in an average spectrum data plot window.)

"New Plot"/"Update Plot" - Selected mode for plotting.
    "New Plot" creates a new plot window each time one
    of the plotting functions is selected.  "Update Plot"
    replaces the contents of the latest plot window that
    has the same type (if it still exists).

"Plot Stats" - Create a data plot window that plots the
    statistics for the currently selected region.  The
    data are plotted as a function of disk band number or
    wavelength.  The average spectrum is plotted as white,
    the average plus and minus one standard deviation is
    plotted as red, and the minimum and maximum values
    within the region are plotted as blue.  (The "AveSpec
    Output" function in the plot window allows writing
    these data to a table file.)

"Plot All Means" - Create a data plot window that plots
    the average spectra for all regions.  The color of
    each data plot corresponds to the overlay display
    color for the region.  Note that an average is
    plotted only if the overlay display for the region is
    turned on.

"Write File" 
    "Stats to Table" - Write the statistics for the
    currently selected region to a Table File.  (This is
    the same as the "AveSpec Output" function in the
    plot window.)
    "All Means to ISL" - Write the means for all regions
    to an Instrument Spectral Library (ISL) file.  Note
    that the data for a region are written to the file
    only if the overlay display for the region is turned
    "All Stats to Text Files - Header" - Write the
    statistics for all currently defined regions to
    separate text files, which include identifying header
    information.  The data written to the file includes
    only the wavelengths, averages and standard
    deviations.  The names of the files to write are
    generated by using the region name with each space
    character changed to an underscore (_) character in
    an attempt to generate a valid Unix filename.  The
    display number is then appended in the form _nn,
    where "nn" is the display number.  The extension of
    each file is ".hdt".
    "All Stats to Text Files - No Header" - This is the
    same as the previous function except that the files
    do not include the header information.  The extension
    of each file is ".dat".

"Valid Required"/"Special Allowed" - Selected mode for
    computing the average spectrum of the pixels within
    a region.  When "Valid Required" is selected, all
    pixels within the region (for each band) are required
    to be valid pixels in order to compute an average
    value.  If the region contains any special pixel
    values, then the average is NULL.  When "Special
    Allowed" is selected, special pixels are permitted
    within the region being averaged, and the average is
    computed using only the valid pixels within the
    region.  The average is NULL only when there are no
    valid pixels within the region.

"Delete Vertex" - Delete the last vertex that was defined
    when "Polygon Add," "Polygon Delete," or "Line"
    drawing is active.  Clicking multiple times will
    delete multiple vertices.

"Delete" - Delete the definition of the currently
    selected region.  All points are removed from the

"Delete All" - Delete ALL the region definitions.

"Read BP" - Read a set of thirty-two region defintions
    from a backplane in the cube file.  Note that this
    will replace all the current definitions.  (Not
    applicable for HDF/HDF-EOS files.)

"Write BP" - Write the current set of ROI definitions to
    a backplane in the cube file.  (Not applicable for
    HDF/HDF-EOS files.)

"Dismiss" - Remove the ROI Control Panel from the screen.
    The region definition mode is effectively set to
    "Disable" and the other interactive functions are
    enabled.  Note that region definitions and their
    overlay display status are retained.


When the "Backplane Report" function is selected, the list
of backplane names contained in the cube file is displayed.
(Note that this includes only the backplanes in the virtual
cube specified by SFROM.)  The "Selected Backplanes" list
displays the backplanes that have been selected for
reporting.  Hitting the "Done Selecting Backplanes" button
exits the selection panel and starts reporting the
numerical backplane values at the spatial locations of the
cursor and the intersection of the Side View and Bottom
View slice planes.

When each backplane is selected, it is added to the selected
list.  If the pixel data type of the backplane IS NOT one
of the standard types, then it will be reported as a 32-bit
integer value.  If the pixel data type IS one of the
standard types, then it is considered to be a floating
point number and you are asked to select the desired format
(Fortran F15.5 or E15.7) for reporting the value.  The
E15.7 format will always work for any values.  Note that a
backplane can be selected more than once so that it can be
reported in more than one format.

Special format options are applicable to the backplane
named NATIVE_TIME.  (This is applicable to data from the
Galileo NIMS instrument.)  "Spacecraft Clock Time" uses
the value of the NATIVE_START_TIME label keyword to convert
the backplane values to spacecraft clock time.  "Seconds"
reports NATIVE_TIME values as seconds from the beginning of
the observation, which is computed by dividing the stored
backplane value by 63.0.  "Raw backplane value" reports the
value without dividing by 63.0.  The backplane values can
be stored either in standard ISIS 32-bit floating point
pixel format or in 32-bit integer format (which is not a
standard ISIS pixel type).


The list of backplanes that are currently available for
display is shown in the top of the control panel.  The
name of the currently selected backplane is high-lighted.
Click on any name to select it.

The bottom part of the control panel shows the display
range for the currently selected backplane.  You can type
in a new minimum and/or maximum value.  The new range is
applied when you type a "Return" key or hit the "Apply
Range" button.  When you are typing in a new value, the
"Cancel Range" button restores the previous value that was
applied.  (Note that the "Display Range" control panel
provides independent control of the display range for
core image planes.)


This function reports the Latitude/Longitude values computed
at the current cursor and slice locations.

ISIS Cube - Not currently supported.  (Note that some ISIS
cubes have Latitude/Longitude backplanes whose values can
be reported using the "Backplane Report" function on the
main Front View window.  The "geoback" or "lev1geoplane"
programs can be used to create these backplanes.)

HDF-EOS Swath File - The values are computed using the
Latitude (or Colatitude) and Longitude geofields and
the dimension mapping from the geofields to the displayed
Swath field(s).  If the dimension mapping starts at a
coordinate that is not within the displayed field(s), then
the mapping is determined by examining the LatticePoint
data field.  If the LatticePoint field does not exist, then
the Latitude/Longitude coordinates cannot be reported.  The
coordinates are computed by using bilinear interpolation
of the coordinates recorded in the geolocation fields.
For displayed field coordinates outside the area covered
by the geolocation fields, coordinate values of zero are
reported, i.e., no extrapolation is performed.

HDF-EOS Grid File - Not currently supported.

HDF File - The values are computed by simply using the
values from the Latitude (or Colatitude) and Longitude SDS
data fields that are within the same Vgroup as the SDS data
field(s) being displayed.  The Latitude (or Colatitude)
and Longitude fields must have the same spatial sizes as
the field(s) being displayed

The "Latitude coordinate conversion" buttons allow
optional conversion of the Latitude values (computed as
described above) between the Geocentric and Geographic
coordinate systems.  Note that it is the user's
responsibility to determine which conversion is appropriate.
Also, note that the conversions are valid only for the
Earth.  Incorrect values will be reported if conversion
is selected for other planets.


The "Marker Display" options specify when to display the
horizontal and vertical lines on the image display windows
that mark the intersections of the currently displayed
Front View, Side View, and Bottom View slice planes.  The
default "Sometimes" displays the horizontal and vertical
markers only when the Side View or Bottom View slices are
actually being displayed.  "Always" causes the markers to
always be displayed.  This can be useful because the
intersection of the markers is the sample/line/band
coordinate whose numerical pixel value is reported on the
Main Control panel.  This also marks the location of any
dynamic spatial profiles or spectrum plots that are being
displayed.  The "Never" option turns off all marker

The "Marker Color", "Zoom Box Color", and "Statistics Box
Color" buttons allow changing the colors that are used
for drawing the markers and the zoom boxes.

The "Saved Profile Box Display" options specify whether
to display the overlay boxes on the spatial images that
mark locations or areas used for the "Save Copy" function
in a spatial profile, spectrum or average spectrum Data
Plot Window.  The "Clear Profile Save Boxes" button
deletes the overlay boxes.


The PostScript Output control panel writes a PostScript
file that describes the current contents of the selected
image display window, which includes the currently
selected display range, pseudo-color table, and interactive
stretch.  This file can then be printed on a PostScript
printer to produce a hard-copy of the displayed image.

If the output file is printed on a black-and-white printer,
colors on the displayed image are printed as shades of

The name of the file to be written is displayed at the
bottom of the control panel.  This field can be edited to
specify a different name.  If you type a "Return" after
entering a new name, then a warning message will be
displayed if the file name already exists.  If you do not
type a "Return", then no warning message is generated and
the "Write File" button will overwrite any previously
existing file.


Each Data Plot window plots an arbitrary number of X-Y data
sets within a single X-vs-Y axis.  An arbitrary number of
Data Plot windows can be active at one time.  For the most
part, all Data Plot windows provide the same capabilitites.
However, the following special considerations apply to Data
Plot windows created by one of the "Profiles" options or
"Average Spectrum" options within the "Functions" menu on
the Main Control panel:

    1. Only one instance of each type of profile
	("Horizontal", "Vertical", "Spectrum Plot - Band",
	"Spectrum Plot - Wavelength") or Average Spectrum
	("Band" or "Wavelength") can be active at one
	time.  (If multiple Main Control panels are active,
	then each is independent of the others and can have
	one instance of each type of plot associated
	with it.)

    2. For Profiles, the first data set being plotted
	within the window is dynamically updated as the
	cursor is dragged across one of the image windows
	while holding down the LEFT or MIDDLE mouse buttons
	(if the "Profile" Drag option is enabled on the Main
	Control panel).

    3. For Profiles, each time the first data set is
	updated, the name associated with it is set to
	indicate the coordinates from which the data set was
	obtained, e.g., for a spectrum plot, the name
	indicates the sample and line coordinates of the

    4. For Average Spectrum plots, the first FIVE data sets
	within the window are updated as the Statistics box
	is dragged on any of the Front View windows (if the
	Box drag option is set to "Stats Box").  When the
	LEFT mouse button is used, the plots are updated
	when the button is released.  When the MIDDLE button
	is used, the plots are dynamically updated during the
	dragging.  The average spectrum is plotted as white,
	the average plus and minus one standard deviation is
	plotted as red, and the minimum and maximum values
	within the box are plotted as blue.

    5. A vertical line is plotted to mark the current value
	for the coordinate along the X axis, e.g., for a
	spectrum plot, the current band or wavelength
	being displayed in the Front View windows is marked.

    6. The initial Y-axis data range is set to the current
	image display range.  The initial "Y Mode" is
	"Display Range," which means that changes to the
	image display range automatically change the Y
	plotting range.

RE-SIZING THE PLOT WINDOW - All data plot windows can be
resized using the window manager.

SPECIAL PIXEL VALUES - ISIS special pixel values are never
plotted in Data Plot windows.  For example, if a data set
is being plotted by drawing lines, a special pixel value in
the middle of the Y values will result in a gap in the plot.
Note that a single valid pixel value that is surrounded by
two special values will thus not be plotted when only lines
are being drawn between adjacent points.  In this situation,
enabling plotting with symbols will allow isolated valid
values to be plotted.  (The default plotting mode is to draw
lines and also plot a dot.)  

PLOT NAME DISPLAY - Clicking the RIGHT mouse button while
the cursor is located to the LEFT of the right-hand
vertical plot axis toggles whether or not the plot names
are displayed along the right side of the window.

ZOOMING IN/OUT - Dragging with the MIDDLE mouse button held
down draws a box on the plot.  When the button is released,
the plot X and Y ranges are changed to correspond to the
boxed region.  Note that you can drag the corner of the box
off the plot window.  Clicking the MIDDLE mouse button
"backs up" one level in the zooming.

DELETING DATA SETS - When the plot names are displayed,
clicking the RIGHT mouse button when the cursor is on a plot
name deletes the plot of the data set.

is displaying an average spectrum, the top of the window
contains controls that allow incrementing/decrementing the
box size or typing in a specific size.  Type a "Return"
after entering one or both of the box dimensions.  Note
that a box X or Y size of one pixel is permitted.
(Setting X=1 and Y=1 allows storing a single spectrum in
an average spectrum table file.)


"Output - Postscript..." - Writes a description of the plot
    window to a PostScript file, which can then be printed
    on a PostScript printer.

"AveSpec Output - Table File..." - Writes average spectrum
    data to a table file.  The table file is the same
    format as that written by the "cubespec" program and
    includes the disk band number, wavelength, average,
    standard deviation, minimum and maximum values, and
    the count of the number of valid pixels within the
    averaging region.  An example use of the average
    spectrum table file is to use the "ratiocs" program
    to divide a cube by the average spectrum.

"AveSpec List" - Creates a new window that contains a
    listing of the band-by-band statistics for an
    average spectrum plot.  This includes a button to
    write the listing out to a text file.

"New Window" - Creates a new, independent, Data Plot
    window.  The "Y Fixed Range" option creates a plot
    that has an initial plotting data range that is the
    same as the current Data Plot window and that has
    "Fixed Range" set as its "Y Mode."  The "Y Auto
    Range" option creates a Data Plot window in which
    the "Y Mode" is set to "Auto Range."

"Quit" - Deletes the Data Plot window and releases all
    memory that was used for storing a copy of each data
    set and its plot characteristics.


"Data Parameters..." - Starts a control panel that changes
    the drawing of data plots, e.g., name, color, line
    style, etc.

"Plot Parameters..." - Starts a control panel that changes
    the drawing of the plot axes, i.e., titles, data
    ranges, grid lines.

"Reset to No Zoom" - Changes the plot X and Y ranges to
    the values before zooming using the MIDDLE mouse
    button was started.

"Backup Zoom Level" - Backs up one level in the zooming.
    This is the same as clicking the MIDDLE mouse button.

"Reset to 1st XY/X/Y Range" - Reset the X & Y, X, or Y
    plotting range to the initial values when the plot
    window was first created.

"Toggle Plot Names" - Turn on/off the display of the
    plot names.  This is the same as clicking the RIGHT
    mouse button to the left of the right plot axis.

Y MODE MENU - Selects how the Y plot range is determined:

"Display Range" - Y plot range changes when the image
    display range is changed.

"Auto Range" - Y plot range changes to match the range
    of Y values being plotted.  When the current X plotting
    range is less than the total range of X values, then
    only Y values corresponding to X values within the
    current X plot range are used for the range computation.

"Fixed" - Y plot range does not change (unless changed
    by the Plot Parameters control panel).

AVE MODE MENU - Selects the mode for computing average
  spectra for a rectangular region:

"Valid Required" - For each band, all pixels within the
    averaging box are required to be valid pixels in
    order to compute an average value.  If the region
    contains any special pixel values, then the average
    is NULL.

"Special Allowed" - For each band, special pixels are
    permitted within the averaging box.  The average is
    computed using only the valid pixels within the box.
    The average is NULL only when there are no valid
    pixels within the box.

SAVE COPY Button - The first time this button is pressed,
    a new plot window is created and the first data set
    (or average data for an average spectrum) is copied
    into the new window.  Each time the button is pressed,
    the current data set is copied to the new window and
    plotted with a different color.  A box overlay is drawn
    using the same color on the Front View spatial-spatial
    images to mark the location of the saved plot.  The
    Marker Control panel (initiated from the Functions
    menu on the Main Front View window) allows turning
    these box overlays on/off or deleting them.

COPYING PLOTS TO OTHER WINDOWS - A copy of a single data
set can be moved from one Data Plot window to another by
using a "drag-and-drop" procedure.  Indicate the data set
to be copied by clicking and holding the LEFT mouse button
on the data set name that is displayed along the right side
of the window.  Then "drag" the name to the destination
window and release the mouse button.  This adds a copy of
the data set to the destination window, including the
current plot characteristics, e.g., name, color, line
style, etc.  A data set cannot be "dropped" into the source


The PostScript Output control panel writes a PostScript
file that describes the current contents of the associated
Data Plot window.  This file can then be printed on a
PostScript printer to produce a hard-copy of the Data Plot
window.  When the file is printed, the black background of
the Data Plot window is printed as white and things that
are drawn as white on the Data Plot window are printed as
black.  Other colors on the Data Plot window are printed as
the same color if the printer has color capability.

The "Bits" and "Color" options specify the characteristics
of the output PostScript file.  If the file is to be
printed on a black-and-white printer, then "1" bit and "No"
color should be selected.  For color output, select "8"
bits and "Yes" for color.

The name of the file to be written is displayed at the
bottom of the control panel.  This field can be edited to
specify a different name.  If you type a "Return" after
entering a new name, then a warning message will be
displayed if the file name already exists.  If you do not
type a "Return", then no warning message is generated and
the "Write File" button will overwrite any previously
existing file.


The Data Parameters control panel allows modifying the plot
characteristics of a selected data set.  The top part of
the control panel lists the names of the data sets that are
being plotted by the associated Data Plot window.  Clicking
on a name will select it and display the name in the
"Selected" field.  This field can be edited to specify a
new name for the data set.  (Type a "Return" after entering
the new name.)  Note that this allows changing the name of
any data set, including the spatial profiles or spectrum
plots that are dynamically updated by dragging the cursor
across an image display window.  However, the names of the
dynamic profile data plots (but not the average spectrum
plots) will be replaced each time they are updated.

The buttons and numerical text fields at the botton of the
control panel change the various plot characteristics,
i.e., plotting "Color", line "Style" and "Thickness",
plotting "Symbol" and symbol "Size".  (Type a "Return"
after entering a new numerical value.)  Note that setting
both line style and symbol to "None" will turn off the
selected plot.


The Plot Parameters control panel allows modifying the
characteristics of the entire displayed data plot.  This
includes changing the plot title, X-axis and Y-axis labels,
and plotting data ranges.  Type a "Return" after entering
a new value into one of the displayed fields.  This
control panel also allows enabling/ disabling drawing of
horizontal/vertical grid lines on the plot.

Last updated: Jan 31 2005
File: idlhlp.html

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