Isis 2 Documentation
cvplot - Plot data contained in IDL arrays This is a routine that can be called from an IDL program (or the IDL command line). pro CVPLOT, w, x, y, DELETE=delete, LINE=line, REPLACE=replace ; ; --------------------- ; | C V P L O T | ; --------------------- ; ;_Title CVPLOT Plot data using the "cv" cw_plot ; ;_Args Type Variable I/O Description ; long w B Widget ID of the CVPLOT instance. ; Returns the widget ID of new plot ; window that is created. Or, this ; can specify the ID of a previously ; created plot window. Returns -1L ; if the DELETE flag is set. ; real x I Array of X values to be plotted - ; If Y is not supplied, then this ; is an array of Y values to be ; plotted ; real y I Array of Y values to be plotted ; flag DELETE I If set, the CVPLOT instance identified ; by w is deleted. This has the ; same effect as clicking on the ; "Quit CVPLOT instance" button. ; flag LINE I If set, the data values are plotted ; by connecting with lines rather ; than the default points ; flag REPLACE I If set, replace the first plot ; with the given data. If not set, ; the given data are used to create ; a new data plot (either the first ; plot in a new plot window or an ; additional plot in an existing ; plot window). ; ;_Desc This routine plots data in a plot window that is compatible with ; the plot windows used by the "cv" Cube Visualization program. ; One or more instances of these "cvplot" windows can be created ; either alone or while "cv" is running. This allows "drag and drop" ; copying of data plots between the "cv" plot windows and the ; "cvplot" windows created by this routine. These "cvplot" windows ; provide the same controls as the "cv" plot windows, e.g., control ; of data plot ranges, window resizing, plotting symbols, colors, ; and line styles, plot titles, PostScript output for hard copy, etc. ; ; If the widget ID parameter w is not a defined variable, then a ; new plot window will be created and the data plotted in it. The ; widget ID of the new plot window will be returned in w. ; ; If w identifies a previously-created plot window, then the new ; data are plotted as an additional data plot unless the REPLACE ; flag is specified. ; ; If the DELETE flag is set, then the specified plot window and any ; associated plot windows (created by the "Save Copy" or "New Window ; functions) are deleted and w returns -1L. A plot window can also ; be deleted by clicking on the "Quit CVPLOT instance" button. In ; this case, the variable containing the plot window ID can be set ; to -1L if it is desired to re-use the variable for a new plot window. ; ;_Hist Jul 10 2000 Jim Torson, USGS, Flagstaff - Original version ; Dec 25 2000 JMT - Changed to be compatible with updated ; I_getspecial routine ; Feb 8 2001 JMT - Corrected initialization of SPECIAL_PIXEL values ; Nov 15 2002 JMT - Changed to use NaN as the marker coordinate ; value to turn off plotting of the "band" marker on the plot ; ;_End
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