Isis 2 Documentation
eanorm - Equal area normalization of each spectrum EANORM makes a multiplicative adjustment to each spectrum so that the area under the spectrum (equivalently, the mean of nonnull DN's) is the same. All the wavelength bands specified by the input subcube specifier or some subrange of them may be used for computing the multiplicative factor. Note that the BNRMSPEC band normalization subcube specification is applied to the entire cube and only those bands that are included in both the input subcube specifier, SFROM, and those in the BNRMSPEC subcube specifier are used in the computation of the multiplicative factor. There is a distinct possibility that no bands can be selected. For this case, an error message is produced and the program is terminated. Occurrances of special pixel values in the normalization calculation will not be included in the average. Hence, should no valid points occur in the selected part of the spectrum and the entire spectrum is NULLed. Note also that any occurrance of special pixel values in the spectrum during the application of the computed multiplicative factor will be propagated to the output cube unchanged. The average used to normalize a spectrum is computed using only those bands that are selected in BOTH the SFROM and BNRMSPEC subcube specifiers. The user may optionally choose to place the computed spectral average for each spectrum in a new core plane and/or in a new backplane. The value that is stored in the new core plane will have the multiplicative factor specified by the CORFACT TAE parameter applied prior to insertion in the output core plane. Values for the new core plane must be added to the BAND_BIN keywords. For the BAND_BIN_CENTER keyword, the difference between the last two bands is added to the last value and appended to the keyword. For all other real keywords, 0.0 is appended for the new core plane. For integer keywords, 0 is appended. If the user chooses to have the value placed in a backplane, the true (no scaling applied) spectral average is stored. Note that the name of this new suffix supplied by the user via the SFXNAM TAE parameter must be unique to other existing backplane names in the input cube! Programmer: Kris Becker, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff, Az
Parm | Description | Default |
FROM | Input cube file name (default extension is .CUB) | NONE |
SFROM | Input subcube specifier | " " |
TO | Output cube file name (default extension is .CUB) | NONE |
OTYPE | Output pixel type | 0 |
ORANGE | Output pixel data range | 0.0,0.0 |
BNRMSPEC | Band normalization subcube specifier. | " " |
OUTAVE | Output spectrum average | 1000.0 |
STOCOR | Store average in new core plane | "YES" |
CORFACT | Multiplicative factor to be applied to stored core average | 1.0 |
STOBCK | Store average in new backplane | "NO" |
SFXNAM | Name of new backplane suffix to store spectral average | -- |
USERNOTE | Comment for user |
Parm | Description |
FROM | The input cube file name that is to be normalized. EX: ISIS$WORK:fromfile.CUB |
SFROM | Input subcube specifier. Selects the part of the input cube file that is to be normalized and written to the output file. |
TO | Name of the output normalized cube file. The dimensions of this file are subject to the input subcube specifier applied to the FROM file. EX: ISIS$WORK:tofile.CUB |
OTYPE | Output pixel data type. Permitted values are: 0 - output type is same as input file pixel type 1 - 8-bit (integer with type conversion parameters) 2 - 16-bit (integer with type conversion parameters) 3 - 32-bit (floating point) |
ORANGE | Output pixel data range. If the output pixel type is 1 (8-bit integer with type conversion parameters) or 2 (16-bit integer with type conversion parameters), then the type conversion parameters in the output file will be set to values that allow representing the specified range of output values. Output values outside this range will be stored as the special "representation saturation" value. The ORANGE parameter is ignored if the output pixel type is 3 (32-bit floating point) since type conversion parameters are not applicable to floating point pixel values. If both ORANGE(1) and ORANGE(2) are 0.0, then the type conversion parameters in the output file will automatically be set to allow representing the same range of values as can be represented in the input file. (The user will be required to supply a specific range for ORANGE if the input pixel type is 3 (32-bit floating point) and the output pixel type is 1 (8-bit with type conversion parameters) or 2 (16-bit with type conversion parameters)). |
BNRMSPEC | The band normalization subcube specifier. This specifier follows the syntax outlined in the ISD for the input subcube specifier. Note that this parameter is used to specify only the band axis. Hence NO colons should appear in this parameter and it is an error if they do! For example, if the user desires to select all bands to compute the average, then BNRMSPEC=" " (the default) or BNRMSPEC="1-*". To select a band range of 20 through 32, BNRMSPEC="20-32". There can be many variations to this parameter such as selecting every other band (BNRMSPEC="1-*(2)), selecting a single band (BNRMSPEC="10") and even band exclusion (BNRMSPEC="~(10,14)"). Number specified in BNRMSPEC are file band numbers, not virtual band numbers. It is important to note that this specifier is intially applied to the entire input cube and then compared to the bands selected by the input subcube specifer, SFROM. Only bands selected by both the input subcube specifier and this subcube specifier will be used in computation of the average for each spectrum. |
OUTAVE | Value to which the average of selected nonnull elements of each spectrum will be scaled on output. |
STOCOR | Flag that specifies whether the computed average of bands selected by the band normalization subcube specification (BNRMSPEC) is to be placed in a new core band in the output cube. |
CORFACT | Multiplicative factor to be applied to the computed average of the selected normalization bands that is placed in the new core plane when STOCOR=YES. |
STOBCK | Flag that specifies whether the computed average of bands selected by the band normalization subcube specification (BNRMSPEC) is to be placed in a new backplane in the output cube. |
SFXNAM | The name of the new backplane created to store the computed average of the selected normalization bands when STOBCK=YES. If STOBCK=NO, this parameter is ignored. |
USERNOTE | Specifies a comment that will be entered into the output log file and history entry in the output file. |
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