Isis 2 Documentation

fixlucas Documentation

fixlucas - Converts Lucas Point Perspective labels to ISIS labels
FIXLUCAS converts mapping labels created by Lucas Kamp into ISIS
mapping labels for point perspective only.  The cube must be converted
to ISIS format before this program is run.  This program is intended to
be a "quick and dirty" solution for dealing wiht NIMS cubes that were
projected to a point perspective with Lucas Kamp software.  It checks
for a few specific keywords and does the appropriate calculations with
those keyword values to find the keyword values for the point
perspective keywords used in ISIS and adds those keywords to the label.
The INSTRUMENT_ID keyword type is changed from LITERAL to STRING.  None
of the original keywords are removed.  This program will not work on
any other projection and may not work on other point perspective cubes
generated by VICAR software other than that of Lucas Kamp.

PROGRAMMER: Kay Edwards, USGS, Flagstaff, Az

Input cube file name
(default extension is .cub)


Input cube file name.  If the file extension is omitted,
then ".cub" will be assumed.

Last updated: Jan 31 2005
File: pdfs2.html

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