Isis 2 Documentation

Pole, Point, and Picture File Format

Written by Ben Atkin
June 15, 2005

Pole, Point, and Picture data files are the format used both for input and output to randlsq, ISIS's photogrammetric adjustment software.

Record Contents

Pole Data

For images of the moon, this section can be empty, as planet angles are part of the Picture records.

AxisAdoubledegreesUsed only for ellipsoidal target bodies
AxisBdoubledegreesUsed only for ellipsoidal target bodies
AxisCdoubledegreesUsed only for ellipsoidal target bodies
LongitudeOffsetdoubledegreesRarely used

Point Data

RadiusdoublekilometersPlanet's radius at the lat/lon (similar to altitude)
PointID7-char string

Picture Data

FSC12-char decimal digit string(aka FDS, Picture ID)
RightAscensiondoublehoursSpacecraft Position in J2000 Coordinates
DeclinationdoubledegreesSpacecraft Position in J2000 Coordinates
TwistdoubledegreesSpacecraft Position in J2000 Coordinates
AlphaAngledoubledegreesC Matrix Angle
DeltaAngledoubledegreesC Matrix Angle
KappaAngledoubledegreesC Matrix Angle
AlphaSubZerodoubledegreesUsed only for Moon
DeltaSubZerodoubledegreesUsed only for Moon
RotationRatedoubledaysUsed only for Moon


LanguageCode Snippet
printf(" % 19.16E % 19.16E % 19.16E
", AlphaSubZero, DeltaSubZero, RotationRate);
  // next two lines only apply to triaxial solutions
printf(" % 19.16E % 19.16E % 19.16E
", AxisA, AxisB, AxisC);
printf(" % 19.16E
", LongitudeOffset);
for (i=0; i < npoints; i++)
    printf(" % 19.16E % 19.16E % 19.16E%7s
", pt[i].Latitude, pt[i].Longitude, pt[i].Radius, pt[i].PointID);
for (i=0; i < npics; i++)
    printf(" % 19.16E %12d %42s
", pic[i].JulianDate, pic[i].FSC, "JULIAN_DATE&FDS");
    printf(" % 19.16E % 19.16E % 19.16E
", pic[i].RightAscension, pic[i].Declination, pic[i].Twist);
    printf(" % 19.16E % 19.16E % 19.16E
", pic[i].AlphaAngle, pic[i].DeltaAngle, pic[i].KappaAngle);
      // next line is only for solutions where USE_PLANET_ANGLES = YES
    printf(" % 19.16E % 19.16E % 19.16E
", pic[i].AlphaSubZero, pic[i].DeltaSubZero, pic[i].RotationRate);
Fortran 77
  110 format(3d24.16)
  115 format(3d24.16,7a
  120 format(d24.16,a12,28x,'JULIAN_DATE&FDS')
      write(*,110) aszero,dszero,rotrate
c--Next two lines only apply to triaxial solutions
      write(*,110) aa,bb,cc
      write(*,115) loffset
      do i = 1,npoi
        write(*,115) lat(i), lon(i), fsc(i), ptid(i)
      end do
      do i = 1,ntot
        write(*,120) jdate(i), fsc(i)
        write(*,110) rasc(i), decl(i), twist(i)
        write(*,110) aa(i), da(i), ka(i)
c--Next line only applies to solutions where USE_PLANET_ANGLES = YES
        write(*,110) aszarr(i), dszarr(i), rot(i)
      end do

Sample Data

The sample data below is for Titan. Titan is in an early stage of processing and is considered to be a sphere, so its pole definition is only one line. If it were triaxial, it would have two or three lines. Also, each image record is three lines. Image records are three lines for every target body except the Moon. The moon has a fourth line, which includes the rotation rate for each individual image. To have the program generate the fourth line, set the USE_PLANET_ANGLES parameter to "YES" when running
  3.6409999999999997E+01  8.3939999999999998E+01  2.2576976800000001E+01            <- Pole Data
 -5.9566262438040987e+01 -8.2411069590775128e+00  2.5750000000000000e+03   1001
 -6.1932947548573111e+01 -3.2837405829319397e+02  2.5750000000000000e+03   1002
 -3.3485884610935500e+01 -3.5991928852173345e+02  2.5750000000000000e+03   1003
 -5.4811261236338915e+01 -3.5330756776419668e+02  2.5750000000000000e+03   1004     <- Point Data
 -5.4130641759548617e+01 -2.9837359099032227e+02  2.5750000000000000e+03   1005
 -5.8098772572230999e+01 -3.1787647327656305e+02  2.5750000000000000e+03   1006
 -5.7499644997769330e+01 -3.4153316488141149e+02  2.5749999999999995e+03   1007
  2.4531887053228016e+06  1467436731                            JULIAN_DATE&FDS
  2.1878475408845887e+05 -5.5083652787501567e+04 -2.8988596322272805e+05 SXSYSZ
  1.6587409872302052e+02  5.2136704607974195e+01 -7.8808506153073495e+01 C1C2C3
  2.4531887803223156e+06  1467443211                            JULIAN_DATE&FDS
  1.7562048696012687e+05 -2.5291269255016316e+04 -3.0308271006317105e+05 SXSYSZ
  1.7180979563891725e+02  5.9686507065564449e+01 -7.9090486730406980e+01 C1C2C3     <- Picture Data
  2.4531888996850932e+06  1467453524                            JULIAN_DATE&FDS
  1.0747073190018439e+05  2.1986407156801626e+04 -3.2340720089386852e+05 SXSYSZ
 -1.6840916028344600e+02  7.1297319406420385e+01 -9.1587130655716393e+01 C1C2C3
  2.4531889062822810e+06  1467454094                            JULIAN_DATE&FDS
  1.0371669849598237e+05  2.4595086518684846e+04 -3.2450738584048371e+05 SXSYSZ
 -1.6662691675879131e+02  7.1849488328073321e+01 -9.3038146438215449e+01 C1C2C3

Last updated: Nov 18 2005
File: geodesy_format_ppp.html

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