Isis 2 Documentation
hidim - Create procedures for high resolution Mars mapping project "hidim" stands for HIgh resolution Digital Image Mosaic. This program will create the pdf executable command lines for one of several proce- dures in the HIDIM project for a list of files or product ID's, writing them to a user named pdf file. The pdf will then be ready to run with- out user editing. The setups for the following procedures can be created: "vlev1", "base", "level2", "hilev3a", "hilev3b", "hilev4", "tran" and "hicut". These procedures and "hidim" are for Mars Viking image processing. Specific naming conventions will be used by this program that align with the processing procedures at the USGS to name images at the different levels of processing. The user who uses level0 to begin processing raw images will get the product ID for the name of the image. Other users may use other naming conventions so that the in- put FROMLIST may be a list of file names that are not product ID's. All other levels will have a suffix appended to the prodid or filename as shown in the following table: Procedure Name convention ------------ --------------- level0 prodid.cub "vlev1" prodidl1.cub "base" prodidb.cub * "slosin" prodidl1s.cub "level2" prodidl2.cub # "hilev3a"(51) prodidl2b51.cub # "hilev3a"(251) prodidl2b251.cub *NOTE: This program will not write a procedure for "slosin". Any images not run through "slosin" must be renamed to the "slosin" naming conven- tion before creating the "level2" procedure. #NOTE: Procedure "hilev3a" has a 51X51 boxfilter option and a 251x251 boxfilter option each resulting in a different image name. Also, your prodid list will be produced "as is" by "hidim", unless LEVEL = "ALL", so a prodid of 03b38l1 will become 03b38l1l2 in your .pdf after "level2". For LEVEL = "ALL", a root ending of l1 or l1s will be found in the prodid list file and removed by "hidim" as the .pdf is written, eliminating duplication of the l1 or l1s root ending on other levels. The mosaics created by these procedures will also have naming conventions. The mosaics will be named as follows: Procedure Name ----------- ------- "hilev3b"(51) mos51.cub "hilev3b"(251) mos251.cub "hilev4" mos4.cub "hicut" moscut.cub "tran" tran4.cub,trancut.cub The low resolution base mosaic must be named basemos. All actual images must have the extension .cub. The list input, on the other hand, need only have the prodid numbers. PROGRAMMER: K.T. Thompson, USGS, Flagstaff, AZ; 17 Feb 99
Parm | Description | Default |
FROMLIST | Ascii file with list of prodids Limit 200 (default extension is .lis) | NONE |
PDFTO | Output procedure file name (default extension is .pdf) | NONE |
DEG | pix/degree or 1/scale (256,512,1024,2048,4096) Used when PROJFLAG = 'TRAN' | 1024 |
LEVEL | Procedure (1,BAS,2,3A,3B,4,cut,TRA,ALL) | NONE |
QUAD | Quadrangle number (-90000 to +90000) | NONE |
RNGFLAG | GET - automatically determine ranges from set of input images INPUT - user defined ranges use SUB & MTMQUAD when RNGFLAG = GET. | GET |
SUB | Find subquadrangle (YES,NO) | NO |
MTMQUAD | Is this a Mars 1:500k quadrangle (YES, NO) use LAT,LON,CLON when RNGFLAG = INPUT. | NO |
LAT | Latitude range | -- |
LON | Longitude range | -- |
CLON | Center longitude | -- |
INIT | Initialize mosaic (YES,NO) | NO |
FILTER | Filter to mosaic (51,251) | 51 |
START | Starting number of image | 1 |
FINAL | Final image is listed for "hicut"(YES,NO) | NO |
WORK | Work directory | -- |
DEL | Delete input files (YES,NO) | NO |
SAVE | Save input files from level 1, 2, or 3 | 1 |
IDIR | input directory | -- |
ODIR | output directory | -- |
PROJFLAG | final output projection TRAN - using SINU for level2 POLA - using ORTH for level2 | TRAN |
KM | Output map resolution (km/pix) Used when PROJFLAG = 'POLA' | |
CLAT | center latitude for PROJFLAG = 'POLA' (90.0 or -90.0) |
Parm | Description |
FROMLIST | Limit 200 Ascii file with list of prodids, listed one per line starting in column 1. Ex: 290b36 852a07 852a08 039b49 039b49l1 039b49l1s or 290b36.cub 852a07.cub 852a08.cub 039b49.cub 039b49l1.cub 039b49l1s.cub Note that in LEVEL="ALL" the l1 on 039b49l1 will be removed and subsequent file names will be as follows: 039b49l2.cub 039b49l2b251.cub 039b49l2b51.cub etc. Also in LEVEL="ALL" the l1s on 039b49l1s would be removed resulting in the same file names: 039b49l2.cub 039b49l2b251.cub 039b49l2b51.cub etc. Whereas if LEVEL = something other than "ALL", "hidim" will not remove the l1 or the l1s for you. Therefore 039b49l1.cub would become 039b49l1l2.cub Default extension for the FROMLIST is .lis. The list may or may not include the .cub extension on each image, but each image must have a .cub extension in order for the procedure that "hidim" writes to work. |
PDFTO | Created file that contains the command lines for a given procedure. "hidim" will not start the procedure. You must run the PDFTO from TAE. You can edit this file if needed. The default extension is .pdf. |
DEG | Pixels per degree. The program will convert this to SCALE. The valid values are 256, 512, 1024, 2048 and 4096. Need a value for PROJFLAG = 'TRAN' |
LEVEL | "hidim" will create the command lines for one of the fol- lowing procedures: "vlev1", "base", "level2", "hilev3a", "hilev3b", "hilev4", "hicut" or "tran" (LEVEL="TRA"). When LEVEL="ALL", "level2", "hilev3a", "hilev3b", "hicut", "hi- lev4" and "tran" will all be run in a single procedure. Description of procedures: vlev1 - Level1 processing for Viking and Voyager data. Remove noise and calibrate the data. base - Project base mosaic to LEVEL1 image format. level2 - Trim and project image to Sinusoidal, equal-area, projection. hilev3a - Create two groups of HPF files for Mars 1:500k mapping. Level3a output: 3251 = 251X251 high pass filter 351 = 51X51 high pass filter hilev3b - Mosaic "hilev3a" images for Mars 1:500k mapping project. hicut - Show actual area covered by each image in a Mars 1:500k mosaic hilev4 - Create a low pass filter mosaic and add to the HPF mosaic chosen by user for Mars 1:500k mapping tran - Project image in a map projection to Transverse Mercator, and trim if MTMQUAD = "YES". See the individual pdf's for more explanation. The following is a table of expected input and output file names with the proper suffix. PICNO in PICS has become prodid Level Input Output Example Input > Output ----- ------------ ---------- ----------------------- 1 prodid prodidl1 046b31 > 046b31l1 BAS *basemos,prodidl1 prodidb basemos, 046b31l1 > 046b31b 2 **prodidl1s prodidl2 046b31l1s > 046b31l2 3A prodidl2 prodidl2b251 046b31l2 > 046b31l2b251 prodidl2b51 046b31l2 > 046b31l2b51 3B prodidl2b251 mos251 046b31l2b251 > mos251 3B prodidl2b51 mos51 046b31l2b51 > mos51 4 mos51,mos251 mos4 mos51,mos251 > mos4 cut prodidl2b51 moscut 046b31l2b51 > moscut TRA mos4,moscut tran4,trancut mos4,moscut > tran4,trancut *The low resolution base mosaic must be named basemos. It must also be on the same disk as the input images. **Note that the input to "level2" is not the file name from the output of "vlev1". It has been assumed that the "vlev1" images have been run through "slosin". |
QUAD | Quadrangle number which ranges from -90000 to +90000. The first 3 characters, including the sign, are the center lati- tude of the quadrangle to the nearest degree and the last three are the center longitude ranging from 0 to 360. This parameter is used by "hilev3a", "hilev3b", "hicut" and "tran". This parameter does not determine whether or not the center longitude from the quadrangle or the subquadran- gle will be used. That is determined by MTMQUAD. |
SUB | Subquadrangle number flag. If SUB="NO", "hidim" will not set up a list of images for "getrange", and the standard MTM quadrangle boundaries will be found. If SUB="YES", the list of images will be passed to "getrange" and the latitude and longitude range of the list of images input in FROMLIST will be used, giving the boundary of the subquadrangle. The cen- ter longitude of the standard MTM quadrangle will still be used for subquadrangles, unless MTMQUAD="NO", in which case a center longitude for the subquadrangle (CLON for range of input images) will be calculated in "getrange". SUB itself is not a parameter for "getrange". |
MTMQUAD | Is this a Mars 1:500k high resolution quadrangle? If "YES" the output will be trimmed by 0.4 degrees on all sides to conform to the standard MTM quadrangle format only if DEG = "1024.0" pix/deg. Otherwise, the output boundaries will re- main the same. |
INIT | INIT is used by "hilev3b" and "hicut". Use INIT="YES" to create the mosaic. "hidim" will return INIT to "NO" after the first image. |
FILTER | "hilev3b" will mosaic one of two sets of filtered images. This parameter selects which one to mosaic (51 or 251). When LEVEL="ALL", both filtered mosaics will be created. |
START | "hicut" needs to know the starting number, 10 digits max, of the first image of the list. "hicut" is the final procedure to be run in the Viking High Resolution mosaic sequence. The output of "hicut" is a mosaic which shows the actual area covered by each image in a Mars 1:500k quad mosaic. Each input image is stretched to a different specific value and then mosaicked together. This specific value is indicated by the parameter START. The default value is 1. The user can enter the starting number of the first input image listed to change the value. Why doesn't this parameter de- fault to 1? If one mosaics 10 images today, their dn values in "hicut" will be 1 through 10. Tomorrow, as one continues one's work, one will want to start with 11 as the dn value for one's next image. |
FINAL | "hicut" needs to know when the final image has been included in the list to mosaic. The parameter FINAL indicates that the complete set of images for a quadrangle have been mosa- icked. When FINAL equals "Y", "hicut" will run the mosaic of stretched images through OUTLIN which will outline the borders of each image with the value 254. LEVEL=5 and PRO- DUCT_ID="Quad Name" (ex: -90000 or 90000) is added to the keyword labels of the output mosaic. |
WORK | Work disk for creating temporary files. Ex: /work1/mydir |
DEL | If DEL="YES" the input files to "vlev1", "level2", "hilev3a" or "hilev3b" will be deleted. When LEVEL="ALL", all input images will be deleted except the level specified by SAVE. |
SAVE | This designates which level to save when LEVEL="ALL" and DEL ="YES". |
IDIR | The input disk can be designated with this parameter. If nothing is input, the input image will be in the directory from which the pdf is run. For LEVEL="ALL", IDIR directory will default to ODIR directory after level2 so that the rest of the processing will occur in ODIR. Ex: /work9/mydir |
ODIR | The output disk can be designated with this parameter. If nothing is input, the output image will be in the directory from which the pdf is run. For LEVEL="ALL", IDIR directory will default to ODIR directory after level2 so that the rest of the processing will occur in ODIR. Ex: /work9/mydir |
PROJFLAG | Output projection for the mosaic and mosaic cut. Defaults to Transverse Mercator (TRAN). A Polar projection (POLA) should only be used if processing images in the Polar re- gion. |
KM | Output map resolution (km/pix). When PROJFLAG = 'POLA', level2.pdf needs a KM for the Orthographic projection that will be used later to produce the Polar projection. |
CLAT | Center latitude for the Polar projection. Only use this parameter if PROJFLAG='POLA'. Use CLAT=90.0 or CLAT=-90.0. |
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