Isis 2 Documentation
HILEV3A - Create two groups of HPF files for Mars 1:500k mapping HILEV3A takes up to fifty level2 images and from each creates two high pass filtered output images. These filtered images are generated as part of the systematic processing established to create a tone matched sinusoidal equal-area and transverse projection mosaics for the Mars 1:500k mapping project. When necessary, MAGCUBE is run to match the map resolution of the image to the map resolution of the mosaic. NEWMAP may also be run to match the center longitude of the input image to the center longitude of the mosaic. NEWMAP will also trim areas off each image that is outside the mosaic area. The map resolution and center longitude of the mosaic are values determined by GETRANGE based on the user defined QUAD name. The following programs are used in this procedure: GETRANGE - given a QUAD name, returns the latitude range, longitude range, and center longitude of an MTM quadrangle being mosaicked. GETKEY - gets the keyword values for MAP_RESOLUTION, LEVEL and CENTER_LONGITUDE from the labels of the input images. NEWMAP - Compares the center longitude of the input image and the clon value extracted with GETRANGE, if they are different NEWMAP is run to match the clon value from GETRANGE. MAGCUBE - Compares the map resolution of the input image and the mosaic, it will automatically run MAGCUBE on the input image if the values are different to match the mosaic resolution. BOXFILTER - two different box size HPF filters are applied to the input files, a 251x251 high pass filter for the first output, and then a 51x51 high pass filter for the second output image. These output files are mosaicked into two output mosaics. The output file names will be the user input filename with b51 or b251 added to the end of the name. Ex: input image filename = 643a77l2 1st output image filename = 643a77l2b251 and 2nd output image filename = 643a77l2b51 LABELS - the keyword LEVEL is updated with the value 351 for 51x51 HPF filter images or 3251 for 251x251 HPF filter images. PROGRAMMER: Ella Mae Lee, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff, AZ
Parm | Description | Default |
FROM | Input cube file name Enter without extension (default extension is .cub) | NONE |
IDIR | Input directory for HPF files (default current directory) | -- |
ODIR | Output directory for HPF files (default current directory) | -- |
WORK | Work disk for temporary files (default current directory) | -- |
QUAD | Quadrangle number (-90000 to 90000) | NONE |
CLON | Center longitude of mosaic | NONE |
DEG | Pixel/degree of mosaic (default 1024 pix/deg) | 1024.0 |
LATR1 | Lowest latitude of quadrangle | NONE |
LATR2 | Highest latitude of quadrangle | NONE |
LONR1 | Lowest longitude of quadrangle | NONE |
LONR2 | Highest longitude of quadrangle | NONE |
PROJFLAG | final output projection (TRAN,POLA) |
Parm | Description |
FROM | HILEV3A always assumes a file extension of .cub for these files, so the filenames must be entered without an extension. The default must be set to where the input images are located. A maximum of 50 files can be entered. |
IDIR | Input directory, enter the path where the filtered files will come from. Use this parameter to get input files from a different disk. Default current directory |
ODIR | Output directory, enter the path where the filtered files will be placed. Use this parameter to place output files on a different disk. Default current directory |
WORK | Work disk for creating temporary images. (default - current directory) |
QUAD | Quadrangle number (-90000 to 90000) |
CLON | The default value is determined by GETRANGE based on the defined QUAD name. The input images that have a different center longitude will be run through NEWMAP. |
DEG | Input map resolution (pix/deg). The input images that have a different resolution value will be run through MAGCUBE. (default 1024 pix/deg) |
LATR1 | Lowest latitude of quadrangle |
LATR2 | Highest latitude of quadrangle |
LONR1 | Lowest longitude of quadrangle |
LONR2 | Highest longitude of quadrangle |
PROJFLAG | Output projection for the mosaic and mosaic cut. Defaults to Transverse Mercator (TRAN). A Polar projection (POLA) should only be used if processing images in the Polar re- gion. For hilev3a, the output projection needs to be known so that if the user is trying to end with a Polar projection, hilev3a will skip a part of the pdf that uses sinusoidal calculations to check the boundaries of the input image and the output mosaic. |
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