Isis 2 Documentation
isis2gisworld - Create GIS header and/or World file from a Level 2 ISIS cube Create GIS header for raw or ISIS cube and/or World file for raw, ERDAS raw, ISIS cub, Gif, Tiff, PCI Raw aux or Jpeg from an ISIS cube. The ISIS cube that was used to generate the raw, gif, tiff, or Jpeg is required for input as it strips the mapping information from the ISIS cub. The ISIS input cube should be map projected or in level 2 space. If not level 2 cube, then a World file will be created but it will default to pixel coordinates. ERDAS raw or PCI AUX format will not require a extension change for the ISIS image.The name of the ISIS file is pointed to inside the raw header file. This format can support 8, 16, and 32 bit ISIS files. Output files: ISIS cube - otype=NULL: from.hdr ISIS cube - otype=1: from_8b.hdr ISIS cube - otype=2: from_16b.hdr Raw image: from.hdr ERDAS Raw: from.raw and from.rww PCI Aux Raw: from.aux Gif image: from.gfw Tiff image: from.tfw Jpeg image: from.jgw ***PROGRAM DETAILS*** Perl Scripts included: [-bit=8|16] [-c|-r|-p|-e|-g|-t|-j] input.cub ISIS Programs excuted: isisparam Programmer: Trent Hare, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff, 25 April 2003
Parm | Description | Default |
FROM | Input filename (.cub extension required) | NONE |
OFORM | Header and World option (C)UB creates .hdr (R)AW creates .hdr (E)RDAS .raw & .rww (P)CI Aux creates .aux (G)IF creates .gfw (J)PEG creates .jgw (T)IF creates .tfw | C |
OTYPE | Output bit type 1 = 8 bit 2 = 16 bit bit needed only for a cub if the file is to have _8bt or _16bt in the name. |
Parm | Description |
FROM | Input ISIS file to create GIS files from |
OFORM | Output options will create GIS header and world files for an ISIS cube, raw, ERDAS raw, gis, PCI raw, jpeg, or tiff. Only for Cubes and Raw: HDR are only created for cubes and raw files. Sending type raw will generate a 'skipbytes' of 0 in the header. -no worldfile no longer needed (C)UB creates a .hdr (R)AW creates a .hdr (E)RDAS creates a .raw & rww (P)CI Raw creates a .aux (G)IF creates .gfw (J)PEG creates .jgw (T)IF creates .tfw |
OTYPE | The bit type is needed only for a cub if the file is to have _8bt or _16bt in the name. This usually means 'dform' was run on the file. |
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