Isis 2 Documentation
isis2std - Convert ISIS cube to standard image file This program allows the user to display either a single selected band of an ISIS cube file as a gray-scale image or three selected bands as a Red/Green/Blue color composite image. The stretch of the single displayed band or the stretches of each of the R/G/B color components can then be interactively adjusted. The resulting displayed image can then be written out in a standard image file format. If necessary, the displayed image will be subsampled to fit within a 700x700 display window. However, the output file will be generated using the full spatial resolution of the selected area of the input cube file. The min/max display range stretch for the image (or each color component of an R/G/B color composite) is linearly mapped into 256 intensity levels (8-bit values) for writing to the output file. Thus, the full intensity resolution of the input cube file is used for generating the output file, subject to the 8-bit resolution constraint of the output file format (8-bit for each R/G/B component for a color composite). Null pixels and low saturation pixels are always displayed as black (or zero intensity for the color component in R/G/B mode). High saturation pixels are always displayed as white (or maximum intensity for the component in R/G/B mode). The program will only work with an 8-bit PsuedoColor visual type for your display device. Thus, if you are running on a 24-bit workstation display, you must type "device,pseudo=8" after you start up IDL. (Depending upon the capabilities of your X server, you might need to set 8-bit PseudColor as the default visual.) As a result of running in 8-bit PseudoColor mode, a 3-band color composite image will not be displayed on the screen with a full 256 intensity levels per color component, and thus the quality of the image contained in the output file may be better than the image displayed on the screen. READING IN A CUBE FILE After starting up IDL, the "isis2std" program can be run by simply typing isis2std (without any parameters) at the IDL prompt. A file selection panel is displayed that allows selection of the input cube file. Next, a parameters panel is displayed that allows selecting the desired subarea of the cube file using the SFROM parameter. The spatial area that is specified will correspond to the spatial area that is written to the output file. Note that no selection of a subarea in the band dimension should be specified. (Only the band(s) to be displayed will be read into memory.) The parameters panel also allows specifying the initial range of pixel values that is to be mapped into the range of displayable intensities. If "Specified Range" is selected for the Range Option, then the "Range Min" and "Range Max" values directly specify the display range. (For 3-band color composite mode, the same display range is used for all three bands.) If "AUTO Range" is selected, then the pixels in each input band will be examined to automatically compute the display range. (For 3-band color composite mode, the display range is computed independently for each band.) The "Low Sat" and "High Sat" values specify the percent of pixels that are to be saturated (outside the computed display range) on the low and high ends. Note that specifying zero for "Low Sat" or "High Sat" will cause the computed display range min or max to be set to the minimum or maximum values that occur in the selected subarea of the input band. When the "AUTO Range" option is selected, the computed display range is reported on the IDL terminal window. The total range of pixel values is reported in parenthesis. The parameters panel also allows selecting 1-band Grayscale mode or RGB Color Composite mode and the band number to be used. For 1-band mode, the "R Band" field specifies the band to be displayed. CHANGING BAND NUMBERS AND DISPLAY RANGE STRETCH Along with the displayed image, a plot of the stretch transfer function is displayed (three plots for the R/G/B components in color composite mode). The horizontal dimension of the plot corresponds to the total range of pixel values that occurs in the selected band. Numerical fields also report the band number and stretch min/max values. A new band number or a modified stretch min or max can be specified by typing in the desired values and typing the "return" key. Note that you can type several new values without typing a "return." When you type a "return," all the new values will be used for re-displaying the image. When color composite mode is being used, toggle buttons allow enabling/disabling the display of each color component. To modify the stretch function interactively, click the left mouse button when the cursor is on the transfer function plot and hold it down while dragging the cursor. Note that it is not necessary to click near the transfer function line. Also, it is not necessary to stay within the plot window while dragging. Up and down movements change the slope of the transfer function, which modifies the contrast of the displayed image. Left and right movements change the intercept of the transfer function, which modifies the overall displayed brightness. The image is re-displayed when the mouse button is released. When the transfer function is modified, the current function is drawn as bright white. The two previous functions are drawn with lower intensity lines. WRITING AN OUTPUT FILE The "File" button on the menu bar allows writing an output file in one of the supported output formats: JPEG - A "lossy" compression format. The user can specify the desired quality of the output file. The quality can be in the range 0 ("terrible") to 100 ("excellent"). Higher quality results in larger files. TIFF - A lossless file format. This produces files that are larger than JPEG format files. PROGRAMMER: Jim Torson, U.S.G.S, Flagstaff, AZ
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