Isis 2 Documentation

lev1stats Documentation

lev1stats - Generates geometric statistics for a cube
This program generates geometric statistics (average,
standard deviation, minimum and maximum) for a cube.
These statistics are calculated for the following
geometric parameters:

	Sample Resolution (KM)
	Line Resolution (KM)
	Average Resolution (KM)
        Aspect Ratio (Line/Sample Resolution)
	Phase Angle
	Incidence Angle
	Emission Angle
	North Azimuth Angle

The North Azimuth Angle is the clock-wise
angle from an imaginary three o'clock axis with
the origin at the center of the pixel.

The program can operate on a single cube using the
FROM parameter, in which case the statistics are output
to the log file (i.e., print.prt) and the terminal

Or, a FROMLIST can be specified, in which case a list
of cubes are expected to be in the file and the
statistics will be output in ascii to the file
specified by the TO parameter.

The format for TO file is one line for each cube which
had successful calculation of statistics.  The contents
of each line is in the following order seperated by

Column #	Statistic
--------	---------

1		latitude minimum
2		latitude maximum
3		latitude average
4		latitude standard deviation
5		longitude minimum
6		longitude maximum
7		longitude average
8		longitude standard deviation
9		sample resolution minimum
10		sample resolution maximum
11		sample resolution average
12		sample resolution standard deviation
13		line resolution minimum
14		line resolution maximum
15		line resolution average
16		line resolution standard deviation
17		average resolution minimum
18		average resolution maximum
19		average resolution average
20		average resolution standard deviation
21		aspect ratio minimum
22		aspect ratio maximum
23		aspect ratio average
24		aspect ratio standard deviation
25		phase minimum
26		phase maximum
27		phase average
28		phase standard deviation
29		incidence minimum
30		incidence maximum
31		incidence average
32		incidence standard deviation
33		emission minimum
34		emission maximum
35		emission average
36		emission standard deviation
37		north azimuth minimum
38		north azimuth maximum
39		north azimuth average
40		north azimuth standard deviation
41		filename

In addition, a TOERR file can be generated which will
contain a list of cubes which were unsuccessful.

Programmer: Jeff Anderson, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff, AZ

Input cube file name
  (default extension is .cub)
File containing a list of cubes
ASCII file to write statistics
List of unsuccessful cubes
Sample/line increment


Input cube file name.  If the file extension is omitted,
then ".cub" will be assumed.  You can't use FROMLIST
if you use this parameter.
A file containing a list of cubes which will all
be processed.  You can't use FROM if you use this
parameter and you must specify TO.
A file which will contain the output statistics for
a cube(s).  This parameter must be specified when
a FROMLIST is entered.  Type help * to find out about
the format of the TO file.
A file which will contain the cubes in FROMLIST which
were unsuccessful and therefore statistics could not
be calculated.
This is used to collect a sub-sample of statistics by
skipping/incrementing over samples and lines. For
example, INC=(2,2) looks at every other sample and
line when gathering statistics.  The last line and
the last sample on every line will alway be used.
WARNING:  The lat/lon range calculated using any
INC other than (1,1) may results in an smaller range.

Last updated: Jul 7 2005
File: pdfs2.html

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