Isis 2 Documentation

lev2grid Documentation

lev2grid - Create file for plotting graticules(PostScript).
Programmer : K T Thompson
"lev2grid" generates a PostScript file for drawing latitude/longitude
graticules, latitude and longitude ticks and/or an extra grid.  This
file is generated in PostScript format.  "lev2grid" will draw the
latitude and longitude (LATRANGE,LONRANGE) boundaries and internal lines
as defined by each "lev2grid" parameter. The x,y origin (0,0), internal
to this plot file, is established at exactly the minimum x and minimum y
position of the grid, therefore the grid is drawn within the 1st
quadrant of the Cartesian coordinate system. When a PostScript format
file is created, the file is centered on the page according to the main
grid dimensions and the input PAPER(width & height) or the input SCALE.
This plot file can be displayed on the screen using ghostview or printed
to a PostScript device.  Use your usual print command lines when sending
your file to any PostScript translating plotter or printer, else you
will have to get into the plotter/printer machine documentation.  For

bug{927}>  ghostview


bug{927}>  ghostview 

 H         |         |
 E         |         |
 I         | y       | PRINTER
 G         | |       |
 H         | |       |
 T         | ---> x  |
 _         -----------


Thousands of maps have been produced by many different agencies for var-
ious purposes. A common problem may occur when matching a new map to an
older map or matching to maps from other agencies. In this situation
there are many variables which affect the size and/or geometric shape of
a grid. If the mismatch is strictly a size difference, then the problem
is possibly the scale, planet radius or the old map is on an unstable
material. If the mismatch seems to be a geometric difference, then the
problem may be eccentricity, standard parallels or a central latitude or

Data file to create.  Will
contain drawing instructions
for this grid.
Width of the grid line
Width of the ticks
Paper width & height
in inches.
fractional map scale, (i.e.
for 1:1,000,000 scale=1.0)
Target or target
definition file
Map projection parameters
(e.g., sinu,0)
Longitude system
(default 0 to 360)
Latitude system
(default OGRAPHIC)
Grid/tick latitude range
Grid/tick longitude range
Grid/tick latitude base line
Grid/tick longitude base line
Grid increments: latitude
null, --, means no grid

bigspace 0 = no big ticks
null, --, means no ticks
bigspace 0 = no big ticks
null, --, means no ticks
Vary ticklength with latitude
Tick Bounds When Not On Inc
Extra Grid Latitude Range
Extra Grid Longitude Range
Extra Grid Increment: Latitude
null, --, means no grid
Plot XLAT and XLON Boundaries
Base for Extra Grid: Latitude


File name to be created by "lev2grid". This file contains
the drawing instructions in PostScript format.  The Post-
Script version must be downloaded to a PostScript device.
First element is width of the line for gridding.  Second
element is width of the ticks.
SMALL = 0  thinnest line possible
Paper width and height in inches.  If scale is input, the
paper width necessary to print the plot will be reported.
Else if paper height and width are input, the resulting
scale will be reported.

Notice what might appear to be contradictory outputs:
For a sinusoidal projection & for LATRANGE = -90 to 90 and
LONRANGE = -180 to 180
  WIDTH  = 4
  HEIGHT = 6
program calculates:
  WIDTH scale (divided by million)  = 210
  HEIGHT scale (divided by million) = 70
chooses larger scale to make projection smaller to fit in
both directions:
  SCALE (divided by million) = 210
user inputs SCALE = 210 back into program and gets:
  Paper size calculated from input scale:
  (in Inches): 4.000293 x 2.000147
This is because WIDTH  = 4 determined scale; then user
inputs scale, which with LONRANGE = -180 to 180 gives 4
inches for WIDTH.  LATRANGE = -90 to 90 will obviously be
about half as big in the sinusoidal giving 2 inches for

Also for a sinusoidal projection & for LATRANGE = -90 to 90
and LONRANGE = -180 to 180
  WIDTH  = 4
  HEIGHT = 1
program calculates:
  WIDTH scale (divided by million)  = 210
  HEIGHT scale (divided by million) = 420
chooses larger scale to make projection smaller to fit in
both directions:
  SCALE (divided by million) = 420
user inputs SCALE = 420 back into program and gets:
  Paper size calculated from input scale:
  (in Inches): 2.000147 x 1.000073
This is because HEIGHT = 1 determined scale; then user
inputs scale, which with LATRANGE = -90 to 90 gives 1 inch
for HEIGHT.  LONRANGE = -180 to 180 will be about twice as
big in the sinusoidal and using the same scale results in 2
inches for WIDTH.

The map scale is defined by the user or more commonly
defined by a specific map series. Most map series have
specific scales which vary throughout the series depending
on the projection.

For all projections except CYLI, SIMP and SINU, the map
scale is expressed as the ratio or proportion between
comparable measurements on the map to the surface
represented by the map. This ratio is often called the
Representative Fraction (RF). The RF is usually expressed
as 1:5,000,000 or 1/5,000,000. At this scale, 1 cm on the
map represents 5,000,000cm (50km) on the planet surface.
Enter the second number of the RF divided by 1,000,000
for the SCALE.
( i.e. for 1:10,000,000 RF , SCALE = 10
       for 1:18,261,561 RF , SCALE = 18.261561
       for 1:502,000 RF    , SCALE = .502
       for 1:24,000 RF     , SCALE = .024)

For CYLI, SIMP, and SINU projections, the scale is related
to kilometers per degree on the planet. To match a CYLI,
SIMP or SINU to another projection (will match only at the
equator), divide the desired RF scale by the number of
kilometers in one degree of longitude on the equator of
the planet. For example, to match a SINU to an existing
1:25,000,000 (SCALE=25) Mars map of another projection:

  Mars' equatorial radius is 3393.4 km. The circumference
  of Mars is 21,321.36 km (2 * PI * 3393.4). One degree of
  longitude is 59.226km (circumference/360). So the scale
  to use for the SINU is 25/59.226 or SCALE = .422112.

See HELP PAPER for more info.
See HELP * for more info.
Either enter a target string that is a body that can be used
to form a system target definition file,  example:


The software will try to find files:



Or enter a user written target definition file path and


If you want radii different from the defaults in the system,
you cannot enter the radii numbers here.  Copy the system
target definition file to your area and edit, putting the
radii you want into the definition file.  Then TARGDEF=your_
file.  Note also that the target definition file name will
be written to the cube labels, and you will help yourself
if you use a version system as is being done in ISIS.  Each
time you make edits to your target definition file, rename
it and keep the old versions lying around somewhere where
you can find them.
tutor mappars in TAE.
This parameter is used to define the longitude
system computed by "lev1" programs.  Valid values are
either 180 or 360.  The default is 360 which implies
longitudes will be output in the range of 0 to 360.
The value 180 implies longitudes will be output in
the range of -180 to 180.  Your selection is written
to the labels of the cube or table file.  This
effects programs which output or use the latitude,
for example, "qview", "lev1stats",
This parameter is used to define the latitude system
computed by "lev1" programs.  Valid values are either
OGRAPHIC or OCENTRIC.  The default is OGRAPHIC.  Your
selection is written to the labels of the cube or
table file.  This effects programs which output or
use the latitude, for example, "qview", "lev1stats",
The latitude boundaries (range) of the main grid and ticks.
The valid range is from -90. degrees to 90. degrees.
The longitude boundaries (range) of the main grid and the
ticks.  When creating a grid which includes the prime meri-
dian (zero longitude line), be sure the longitude range is
defined correctly: i.e. if your desired longitude range
starts at 340° and crosses the prime meridian and ends at
10°, the longitude range should be defined as:
       LON = 340,370   or as   LON = -20,10
The valid range is -360. degrees to 540. degrees.
BASE defines the base line for the grid increment - GINC and
for the ticks increments - VERTTIC, HORIZTIC.  Latitude
lines will be drawn every GINC(1) degrees relative to
BASE(1) for all lines within the latitude range (LATRANGE).
Longitude lines will be drawn every GINC(2) degrees relative
to BASE(2) for all lines within the longitude range

Some examples:

 If LATRANGE=0,30 LONRANGE=  0, 30 GINC=(10,10)  BASE=(0,0)
	Latitude lines 0,10,20,30 will be drawn.
	Longitude lines 0,10,20,30 will be drawn.

 If LATRANGE=0,22 LONRANGE=100,135 GINC=(10,10)  BASE=(0,0)
	Latitude lines 0,10,20,22 will be drawn.
	Longitude lines 100,110,120,130,135 will be drawn

 If LATRANGE=-22,22 LONRANGE=10,40 GINC=(10,10)  BASE=(0,5)
	Latitude lines ±22,±20,±10,0 will be drawn.
	Longitude lines 15,25,35 will be drawn

 If LATRANGE=10,20 LONRANGE=10,20 GINC=(5,5) BASE=(2.5,2.5)
	Latitude lines 10,12.5,17.5,20 will be drawn.
	Longitude lines 10,12.5,17.5,20 will be drawn.

Short vertical ticks will be drawn every VERTTIC(1) degrees
relative to BASE(1) for all latitude lines within LATRANGE,
(and then the vertical ticks will be VERTTIC(2) degrees
apart.) Short horizontal ticks will be drawn every HORIZ-
TIC(1) degrees relative to BASE(2) for all longitude lines
within LONRANGE, (and then the horizontal ticks will be HOR-
IZTIC(2) degrees apart.)

The third element of VERTTIC and HORIZTIC determines how of-
ten a vertical or horizontal tick will be big rather than

GINC is latitude and longitude line increment for the grid.
These define how frequently latitude and longitude lines
will be drawn within the main grid boundaries. These in-
crements are based on BASE().  See HELP BASE for more info.
VERTTIC(1)=latitude  increment for | , ticks
VERTTIC(2)=longitude increment for | , ticks
VERTTIC(3)=How often a tick should be long rather than short

HORIZTIC(1)=latitude  increment for  - , ticks
HORIZTIC(2)=longitude increment for  - , ticks
HORIZTIC(3)=How often a tick should be long

See HELP BASE for more info.
Vary ticklength with latitude.  TICKLEN=NO gives all small
ticks the same short length and all big ticks the same long
length.  TICKLEN=YES gives ticklengths that vary with the
latitude, getting shorter toward the poles.  This and BIG-
SPACE increment are the only control the user has over tick
YES means the boundaries will be ticked if they are not on
the grid increment.  NO means they won't be ticked if they
are not on the grid increment, but if the boundaries lie
on the grid increment, they are always ticked.
The latitude boundaries (range) of the extra latitude lines
you wish to plot. These boundaries are plotted only if
The longitude boundaries (range) of the extra longitude
lines you wish to plot. These boundaries are plotted only
if XBOUND = Y.
Latitude and longitude line increment for the extra grid.
These define how frequently latitude and longitude lines
will be drawn within the extra grid boundaries. These in-
crements are based on BASE().  If bound is no, the grid
boundaries themselves will not be plotted.  See HELP BASE
or HELP BOUND for more info.
This determines if the XLAT and XLON boundaries are plotted.
If XBOUND=N , only internal lines within XLAT and XLON will
be plotted. For example:

  If XLAT=20,30  XGINC=(2,5)  and  XLON=100,120 and XBOUND=N
                    Latitude lines 22,24,26,28 will be drawn
                    from longitude 100 to 120 and
                    Longitude lines 105,110,115 will be
                    drawn from latitude 20 to 30.

  If XBOUND=Y in the previous example, the XLAT and XLON
  boundaries will also be plotted.
Extra grid base latitude and longitude for XGINC.  Defines
the base line from which the extra grid increments will
be counted.  If no input then BASE, for regular grid will
also be used for extra grid.

Last updated: Jan 31 2005
File: pdfs2.html

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