Isis 2 Documentation
lev2lab_socet - Put map projection information on cube labels LEV2LAB_SOCET adds mapping keywords to the cube labels. This program should only be used in one of the following 2 cases: 1. cubes that do not have existing mapping keywords on the labels 2. the longitude system needs to be changed. The MAPPARS parameter description lists which parameters are needed for each projection. A common use of lev2lab_socet is to allow the user to convert from the -180 to 180 degree longitude system to the 0 to 360 degree system, as long as the data do not cross the 0.0 meridian. Or go the other way from the 0 to 360 degree longitude system to the -180 to 180 degree system as long as the data do not cross the 180.0 meridian. For example, making a SIMP mosaic of the farside of the Moon from a global mosaic with the -180 to 180 degree longitude system is not possible. However by converting the mosaic to the 0 to 360 degree longitude system the /* farside only map can be made. Initialize the desired 0 to 360 longitude system map with the 0-180 degree range of the -180 to 180 longitude system input map. The output map will have the 0 to 180 degree range (left side) filled. The 180 to 360 degree range of the map will be empty (right side). mosaic from=moon.cub to=temp360 init=y lon=(0,360) lat=(-65,65) Make a copy of the original -180 to 180 mosaic so you can alter the the labels on the original data. dsk2dsk from=moon.cub to=temp.cub Add 360 degrees to the longitudes using lev2lab_socet. This will put the -180 to 0 portion of the original map into the range 180 to 360. This is the range you need to finish the mosaic. lev2lab_socet from=temp offset=360 You will also need to adjust the center longitude as it was shifted in the previous call to lev2lab_socet. lev2lab_socet from=temp clon=0 Next, mosaic the coordinated shifted mosaic onto the 0 to 360 mosaic, this will fill in the missing 180 to 360 portion (right side). mosaic from=temp to=temp360 Finally, pull out the farside range, 90 to 270 degrees. mosaic from=temp360 to=farside init=y lon=(90,270) lat=(-65,65) done PROGRAMMER: Tracie Sucharski, USGS, Flagstaff, AZ
Parm | Description | Default |
FROM | Input cube file name (default extension is .cub) | -- |
TARGDEF | Target or target definition file | NONE |
MAPPARS | Projection and required pararmeters | -- |
LAT | of point | -- |
LON | of point | -- |
LINE | of point | 1. |
SAMP | of point | 1. |
KM | Image resolution (km/pix) or | -- |
DEG | Image resolution (pix/deg) (default=calculated) | -- |
LATSYS | Latitude system (default OGRAPHIC) | OGRAPHIC |
LONSYS | Longitude system (default 0 to 360) | 360 |
DELETE | Remove map labels (YES,NO) |
Parm | Description |
FROM | Input cube file name. If the file extension is omitted, then ".cub" will be assumed. |
TARGDEF | Either enter a target string that is a body that can be used to form a system target definition file, example: TARGDEF=mars The software will try to find files: $ISISDATA/targets/mars.def.1 $ISISDATA/targets/mars.def.2 $ISISDATA/targets/mars.def.3 etc. Or enter a user written target definition file path and name: TARGDEF=/work1/elee/mars.def.3 If you want radii different from the defaults in the system, you cannot enter the radii numbers here. Copy the system target definition file to your area and edit, putting the radii you want into the definition file. Then TARGDEF=your_ file. Note also that the target definition file name will be written to the cube labels, and you will help yourself if you use a version system as is being done in ISIS. Each time you make edits to your target definition file, rename it and keep the old versions lying around somewhere where you can find them. |
MAPPARS | This parameter is used to specify the desired map projection and the required parameters. Examples: 1) Sinusoidal projection with center longitude = 0 mappars = "SINU:0" 2) Polar projection with center latitude = -90 and center longitude = 0 mappars = "POLA:-90:0" For additional detailed information, tutor the mappars.pdf (i.e., TAE>t mappars ). |
SAMP | Line of point used for line and sample projection off- set calculations. |
LINE | Line of point used for line and sample projection off- set calculations. outside image | | V | | ---- line 0.0 outside | | image --> | | | | | | ----------+-----------------------+- ---- line 0.5 | | | Pixel 1,1 | | | | | | . | ---- line 1.0 | | | | | | | | ----------+-----------------------+- ---- line 1.5 | | | | | | | | | | sample 0.0 | | | sample 0.5 | | sample 1.0 | sample 1.5 |
LAT | Latitude of point used for line and sample projection off- set calculations. |
LON | Longitude of point used for line and sample projection off- set calculations. |
KM | This specifies the map resolution in kilometers/pixel. If a value is not entered then the average resolution of the cube will be automatically calculated. If a value is entered then a value must not be entered for DEG. |
DEG | This specifies the map resolution pixels/degree. If a value is not entered then the average resolution of the cube will be automatically calculated. If a value is entered then a value must not be entered for KM. |
LATSYS | This parameter is used to define the latitude system of the user-entered latitude parameters and the keyword labels. Valid values are either OGRAPHIC or OCENTRIC. The default is OGRAPHIC. Your selection is written to the IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION group of the labels of the cube under the keyword name KEYWORD_LATITUDE_TYPE |
LONSYS | This parameter is used to define the longitude system computed by "lev2" programs. Valid values are either 180 or 360. The default is 360 which implies longitudes will be output in the range of 0 to 360. The value 180 implies longitudes will be output in the range of -180 to 180. Your selection is written to the IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION group of the labels of the cube under the keyword name LONGITUDE_SYSTEM. This effects programs which output or use the latitude/ longitude of points such as qview and lev2grid. |
POINT | One or two control points can be entered to define the true position of the cube when the exact latitude and longitude range are not known. If only POINT1 is used, LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET and SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET will be corrected for any error in translation. If both points are used, MAP_SCALE, MAP_RESOLUTION and MAP_PROJECTION_ROTATION will also be corrected for any error in scale or rotation. The format for the first point is: POINT1="lat,lon,line,samp" where lat,lon,line,samp are for one known point on the cube. For example: POINT1="90.0,0.0,100.,100." defines the pole at line 100, sample 100. Note that a maximum of 10 columns may be used for each value (4F10.0). If all 10 are used, do not use a comma between the values. For example: 10 20 | | 10.123456780.1234567 100.,100. The latitude is 10.1234567 and the longitude is 80.1234567. |
DELETE | This parameter will remove MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE from the labels of the cube. This causes ISIS2PICS and other programs to ignore all mapping labels. The mapping functions can be restored by rerunning LEV2LAB_SOCET and entering PROJ. |
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