Isis 2 Documentation

lev_findrx Documentation

lev_findrx - Find Reseau coordinates and write them to the label
"findrx" will read a nominal Reseau file for the Viking, Voyager, or
Mariner mission.  It then compares the data area around each Reseau with
a template of data that has been read from a template file for that
mission and for that reseau.  The size of the area around each Reseau
that is compared depends on the size of the data template.  This is
usually a 7 by 7 area.  Through the comparison the program determines
the real Reseau location to the nearest 2/10 of a pixel. The new Reseau
location is written to the cube file label.  A RESEAU_VALID keyword is
also written to the label.  This keyword has a value of 0 if the program
could not determine the actual reseau location or a 1 if the program
did find the actual reseau location.  The RESEAU_TYPE, a number from
0 to 8, is copied from the nominal file to the output cube file.

Programmer:  Debbie A. Cook, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff, AZ

Input cube file name
  (default extension is .cub)
Fit tolerance
(ranges 0=bad to 1=perfect)
Minimum box size
Maximum box size
Box size increment
Lowest value of valid DN
Highest value of valid DN
Saturation value
Magnification of input cube
and template
Value to replace ISIS NULL
pixel value
User comment
" "


Input cube file name.  If the file extension is omitted,
then ".cub" will be assumed.
This value determines how good the registration has to be
between the image area being compared and the reseau
template to be acceptable.  The range of possible values is
0 to 1.  0 indicates that no correlation was found between
the image area and the reseau template, while 1 indicates a
perfect correlation.
Minimum box size.  The smallest box size to be used to
compute subpixel registrations for the image area around
the nominal reseau position and the reseau template.

If this parameter is not provided, then it will be set
to MAXBOX and only one image coregistration will be
computed for each reseau.
Maximum box size.  The largest box size to be used to
compute subpixel registrations for the image area around
the nominal reseau position and the reseau template.

If this parameter is not given, then it will be set to
the maximum dimension of the reseau template image plane.
Specifies the increment of the "chip" box from MINBOX
to MAXBOX.  BOXINC=1 will compute a chip registration
at every size box from MINBOX to MAXBOX.  It can increment
in any whole number greater than 0.

The first "chip" registered will be done using MINBOX as
the square size of the box.  Each subsequent registration
chip will be incremented by BOXINC and computed until the
size of the box exceeds MAXBOX.  Then all the boxes are
evaluated to determine the best registering box size.
The lowest value of valid DNs.  If LOW = 11, then pixels
with DN values less than 11 will be excluded from
registration computations.
The highest value of valid DNs.  If HIGH = 200, then values
greater that 200 will be excluded from registration
This value is used as a crude filter for the data around a
Reseau.  Each pixel value in an area the same size as the
template and centered on the nominal Reseau location is
compared to SATVAL.  If the pixel value is greater than
SATVAL, the pixel value is replaced by the value in the
template at the same line and sample location before the
fit comparison is performed.  The purpose of this value is
to remove any noisy pixels from around each Reseau.  If
SATVAL is left as the NULL value, the filter operation
will not be performed.
This parameter allows the user to specify an explicit value
to replace the ISIS NULL special pixel value before the
reseaux search begins.  The change only occurs in a work
buffer so the pixel values in the input file are not
altered.  In the default case, NULL values are not changed
before the search.  NULL pixels are not counted in the
registration process.  If the input cube has NULL values
in the reseaus, the program may not be able to find enough
pixels to register.
Comment from the user.  This will be recorded in the ISIS
session log file and also in the History entry that is put
into the History object of the output file.

Last updated: Jan 31 2005
File: pdfs2.html

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