Isis 2 Documentation

lincont Documentation

lincont - Linear continuum removal of each spectrum
"lincont" performs a linear continuum removal on each spectrum.  The
slope for each spectrum is computed and applied to linearize the
spectrum. "lincont" allows the user to select which method to apply to
compute the continuum - SUBTRACTION, RATIO or BANDEPTH.  The basic
difference between the SUBTRACTION method and the RATIO method is that
the continuum of each input DN is computed by subtracting the incoming
DN by the linearization parameter or dividing it by the parameter,
respectively.  The BANDEPTH method is a classical band depth
computation where the reflectance of the band is subtracted from the
reflectance of the continuum line and the result is divided by the
reflectance of the continuum line.

The user must specify two bands numbers from the input cube that must be
selected by the input subcube specifier that will be used as two points
to compute the slope.  Note that these band numbers correspond to the
band ordering index of the input cube and not the original band numbers.
These two points in each spectrum are used to compute the equation

y = mx + b, where
m = (DN2 - DN1)/(Wavelength2 - Wavelength1), and
b = DN1 - m * Wavelength1.

Each new DN is computed as
DNout(i,j,k) =   DNin(i,j,k) - Y(i,j,k) + ADDB, (SUBTRACTION) or
DNout(i,j,k) = { DNin(i,j,k) / Y(i,j,k) + ADDB, (RATIO)
               { NULL if Y(i,j,k) = 0.0
DNout(i,j,k) = { (Y(i,j,k)-DNin(i,j,k))/Y(i,j,k) + ADDB, (BANDEPTH)
               { NULL if Y(i,j,k) = 0.0

Y(i,j,k)     = m(i,j,k) * Wavelength(i,j,k) + b(i,j,k)
m(i,j,k)     = (DN(i,j,Wavelenght2) - DN(i,j,Wavelenght1)) /
               (Wavelength2 - Wavelength1)
b(i,j,k)     = DN(i,j,Wavelength1) - m(i,j,Wavelength1) * Wavelength1

Note that if either of the 2 DN values are special pixel values, the
slope is indetermined and the entire spectrum is NULLed.  The number of
spectra reported NULLed at the end of the program are only those spectra
that contained valid pixels, not spectra entirely composed of special
pixel values (these spectra are set to NULL, however).  Also note it is
important to ensure the values in the BAND_BIN_CENTER keyword in the
BAND_BIN group are accurate.

Note that the user may OPTIONALLY supply his own wavelength values via
the WAVLEN parameter.  If the values in the BAND_BIN_CENTER keyword in
the label are sufficient, the user should set these values to null (the

If the wavelengths from the label are used, then the DN values of both
bands used to compute the slope will attain the value of ADDB.  All
other spectra will be centered (normalized) about the value of ADDB.

Programmer:  Kris Becker, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff, Az

Input cube file name
  (default extension is .CUB)
Input subcube specifier
" "
Output cube file name
  (default extension is .CUB)
Output pixel type
Output pixel data range
The bands used to compute the
slope for each spectrum
Optional wavelengths to use for
each band specified in LBANDS
Method used to compute the
Additive constant applied to
each spectrum after
Comment for user
" "


The input cube file name that is to be normalized.
EX:  ISIS$WORK:fromfile.CUB
Input subcube specifier.  Selects the part of the input cube
file that is to be normalized.
Name of the output normalized cube file.  The dimensions of
this file are subject to the input subcube specifier applied
to the FROM file.
Output pixel data type.  Permitted values are:

    0 - output type is same as input file pixel type
    1 - 8-bit (integer with type conversion parameters)
    2 - 16-bit (integer with type conversion parameters)
    3 - 32-bit (floating point)
Output pixel data range.  If the output pixel type is 1
(8-bit integer with type conversion parameters) or 2
(16-bit integer with type conversion parameters), then the
type conversion parameters in the output file will be set
to values that allow representing the specified range of
output values.  Output values outside this range will be
stored as the special "representation saturation" value.

The ORANGE parameter is ignored if the output pixel type is
3 (32-bit floating point) since type conversion parameters
are not applicable to floating point pixel values.

If both ORANGE(1) and ORANGE(2) are 0.0, then the type
conversion parameters in the output file will automatically
be set to allow representing the same range of values as
can be represented in the input file.  (The user will be
required to supply a specific range for ORANGE if the input
pixel type is 3 (32-bit floating point) and the output pixel
type is 1 (8-bit with type conversion parameters) or 2
(16-bit with type conversion parameters)).
LBANDS selectes the two bands the which to compute the slope
with.  Note that the coresponding wavelenghts and DN values
in each spectrum will be used to compute the slope and
intersect in each spectrum.
This parameter allows the user to optionally select new
wavelengths for each band selected in LBANDS, respectively.
Note that if this option is used, these values are used to
overide the wavelengths values found in the label in the
BAND_BIN_CENTER keyword for calculation of the wavelength
contribution of the slope ONLY.
METHOD allows the user to select the algorithm used to
compute the linear continuum.  SUBTRACTION will use a
difference algorithm to compute the continuum whereas
RATIO will use a division algorithm.  BANDEPTH applies
a classical band depth computation to generate the
result.  See the general help for more details.
An additive constant supplied to the user that is applied to
each band in the spectrum after the linearization is
performed.  This allows the user to center each spectrum at
this value.
Specifies a comment that will be entered into the output
log file and history entry in the output file.

Last updated: Jan 31 2005
File: pdfs2.html

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