Isis 2 Documentation

list Documentation

list - List DN values for a single band/backplane
List will write the DN values from 1 band, 1 backplane, or both
to either the session log file or an output file specified by LISTFIL.
The REGION parameter is used to determine whether a single CORE band,
a single BACKPLANE, or BOTH will be used.  A single band can be entered
by using the BAND parameter to enter the band number to be listed.
To choose a backplane, you may enter the name of the backplane
with the BCKNAM parameter or you can enter the backplane number in the
BAND parameter and set REGION to BACKPLANE.

If PAGE = "YES", the DN values will be listed on a single page.
In order to accomplish this, a certain number of lines and samples
will be skipped.  If PAGE is set to "NO", the number of output
pages will be calculated and compared to MAXPGS to make sure this
parameter is not exceeded.  The reason for the MAXPGS parameter is to
prevent the user from unintentionally printing out a huge output file.

PROGRAMMER: Jim Mathews, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff, AZ

Input cube file name
  (default extension is .cub)
Input subcube specifier
Optional output filename
Region to list
Input band/backplane number
Input backplane name
FORTRAN format character
  F or E
Digits before the decimal
Digits after the decimal
Must be > 0 for FORMAT = E
Max width of output page
  80 or 132
Maximum number of pages
Page option (Y,N)
User comment
" "


Input cube file name.  If the file extension is omitted,
then ".cub" will be assumed.
SFROM specifies the subcube using a single string for all
three dimensions of the cube.  The order of the three
dimensions is always "samples:lines:bands".
If a dimension is left blank, all the data for that
dimension is selected.  The default value of NULL for SFROM
selects the entire cube.

Any application below can be used for any dimension.
To select specific data from any dimension:
  "10-100(3):11,12,15-20:1-10(2)" =  This example will
select every third sample starting with sample 10 thru 100.
It selects lines 11 and 12, and 15-20. It selects every
other band, starting with band 1 thru 10.

There are special characters that can be used for
selecting a subcube efficiently, such as "*","#", and "~".
For examples type "help sfrom" in TAE.
**NOTE** For more examples and explanation of the many
features of the SFROM parameter, tutor the sfrom.pdf or
refer to Introduction To ISIS, Section 6, of the ISIS
User's Manual **
Output filename for listing the DN values.  If this is
left NULL, the output will be written to the session
log file.
Which region of the cube is to be listed.  The three
options are CORE, BACKPLANE, or BOTH.  CORE means use a
single band from the core region.  Specify which core
band to use with the BAND parameter.  BACKPLANE means
use a single backplane.  Use either the BAND or BCKNAM
parameter to specify the number or name of the backplane
to use.  BOTH means use both a core band and a backplane.
If BOTH is chosen, you must enter the backplane name in
the BCKNAM parameter.
Specifies the core band number to be listed.  This is the
actual plane in the core in relation to the physical
dimensions of the input cube, not an index into the
subcube.  The band selected with this parameter must be
included in the virtual cube that is selected by the
subcube specifier.  If REGION = BACKPLANE is specified
and BCKNAM is the NULL (default) value, then BAND
specifies an index into the backplane region rather than
a core band number.  The BAND parameter is ignored if
REGION = BACKPLANE is specified and a backplane name is
specified with the BCKNAM parameter.
This parameter is ignored if REGION = CORE is specified.
If REGION = BACKPLANE or BOTH is specified, this parameter
allows the user to select a backplane by name rather than
with the BAND parameter.  (BAND is ignored if a BCKNAM
value is supplied.)
Enter the FORTRAN format character you wish to use for
listing the DN values.  The valid values are E and F.
F is used for normal decimal notation and E is used for
scientific notation.  For example, 21.12 is an F format
and .2112 X 10**2 is an E format.
The number of digits to print before the decimal point.
The number of digits to print after the decimal point.
The maximum width of the output page.  Valid values are
80 and 132.
Maximum number of pages that can be written to the log
file or the output file.  If you wish to list the entire
band, change the default value to a higher number.  The
PAGE option below is an alternative to printing the
entire band.
If "YES", the output will be listed on one output page.
The entire band is shown by incrementally listing DN
values so that the output will fit on a page.  Fifty
lines will fit on a page of print and the number of
samples depends on the FORTRAN format chosen.  If "NO",
every DN value in the band chosen will be listed.
MAXPGS will be checked to make sure that value is not
Comment from the user.  This will be recorded in the ISIS
session log file and also in the History entry that is put
into the History object of the output file.

Last updated: Jan 31 2005
File: pdfs2.html

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