Isis 2 Documentation

lofixlabel Documentation

lofixlabel - Update the labels in a Lunar Orbiter complete frame.
lofixlabel should be run on a Lunar Orbiter ISIS cube
after frame reconstruction.  lofixlabel is responsible
for making mission-related corrections to the labels
of a Lunar Orbiter reconstructed frame cube.

The program will complete labels for a complete high
resolution frame, any subframe of a high resolution
frame, or a medium resolution frame.

Programmer: Debbie A. Cook  U.S.G.S.  Flagstaff, AZ

Input cube file
(complete frame or subframe)
Ascii table of support data
Fiducial measurement file(s)
(required for high res camera)
Ascii table of offsets

The remaining parameters are
only used for medium frames
in the case that FIDMEAS=--.
High resolution level 1 image
Matchpoint file


The name of the ISIS file containing a completely
reconstructed frame or subframe.
Files created by user containing a list of fiducials:
the fiducial identification string followed by the
sample/line position of the measured fiducial point.
The measurements are assumed to be relative to the
frame or subframe on which they were measured.  In
the case of a subframe input cube, the program will
translate the measurements into the input cube before
writing them to the labels.

The FIDMEAS file specification will be used to
determine the subframe on which the measurements
listed in that file were taken.  The file name must
contain the subframe identifier in this case
(h1, h2, or h3) in order for the measurements to be
correctly applied.
Ascii table containing Lunar Orbiter photographic
support data.  Table format:

yymmdd spalt splat splon tilt az swing frame
where yymmdd = last 2 digits of the year (67), followed
               by numeric month and day of the month = hour of the day, minutes past the hour,
                  and seconds to the nearest hundredth
      spalt = spacecraft altitude in km
      splat = subspacecraft latitude (ographic) degrees
      splon = subspacecraft longitude degrees
      tilt = spacecraft orientation tilt angle degrees
      az = spacecraft orientation tilt azimuth degrees
      swing = spacecraft orientation swing angle degrees
      frame = frame number
This is an Ascii table containing sample offsets of each
high resolution Lunar Orbiter subframe into the full
frame.  These offsets will be used to translate the
subframe dependent fiducial measurements into the
subframe being processed (FROM).  The offset file
contains two columns:
 image number    sample offset
This is the companion Lunar Orbiter high resolution H2
frame that has already been initialized for level 1
processing with levinit.   This file will be used to
establish the geometry of the input medium resolution
This is a matchpoint file containing points between the
input medium resolution file and the HIH2 file.  For
best results the points should be selected on features
near the center of the frame.

Last updated: Jul 13 2006
File: pdfs2.html

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