Isis 2 Documentation
maketopo - Create topo file for any planet This program was written to solve a very specific problem. It was written as a tool when working on creating topographic models of irregular satellites such as Phobos. It will read an ascii file of sparce elevations, or one which completely covers the planet at a very low resolution (.5 pixels/degree) such as the Peter Thomas model of Phobos, or it will create an elevation at every pixel for the triaxial model of a planet. All elevations are expected to be in kilometers from the center of the planet (local radii). It creates a standard ISIS 32-bit file containing topographic data of any planet with a maximum of 90 lines and 360 samples. The projection is simple cylindrical with a scale of .5 pixels/degree. Longitude range is either +360 and -360 degrees from the center longitude or +180 and -180 from the center. Latitude range is from -90 to +90 degrees. The data will be duplicated in the longitude direction if the longitude is +360 and -360 from the center so that WARP3 can interpolate the areas between control points and then the extra 360 degrees (180 at each end) can be discarded and the ends that are left (CLON-180, CLON+180) will join. In other words, WARP3 will not be extrapolating at the edges. PROGRAMMER: Kay Edwards, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff, AZ
Parm | Description | Default |
FROM | Input ascii file name (no default extension) | -- |
TO | Output cube name (default extension is .cub) | NONE |
PLANET | Planet name | PHOBOS |
CLON | Center longitude of projection | 180. |
LONRANGE | Longitude range from center longitude (180,360) | 360. |
POLES | Add triaxial pole values (YES,NO) |
Parm | Description |
FROM | This file contains the latitude, longitude and local radius in kilometers for each control point. If this data is completely filled in (such as the set from Peter Thomas), then only the ends need to be truncated (with MOSAIC) and WARP3 will not be needed. If no file is entered, the local triaxial radius will be filled in at each point. |
TO | Output cube file name. If the file extension is omitted, then ".cub" will be assumed. |
CLON | This is the center longitude of the projection. The longitude range will then be set to CLON - LONRANGE, CLON LONRANGE degrees. The latitude range will always be -90 to 90 degrees. |
LONRANGE | This is the longitude range to be added and subtracted from CLON. LONRANGE is either 180. or 360. When LONRANGE = 360., control will be duplicated at either LON + 360 or LON - 360. |
POLES | If POLES=YES add the elevation values at the poles for the triaxial shape. |
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