Isis 2 Documentation
mgstime - convert between different MGS time formats mgstime - convert between different MGS time formats - enter UTC or SCLK or J2000 - program then displays time in all three formats - optionally, writes times in 'isis_param.out' file Enter either format of Coordinated Universal Time UTC = "2001-07-10T02:30:00.0000" UTC = "2001-191T02:30:00.0000" Enter Spacecraft onboard Clock SCLK = "1/0679199432.004" Enter Julian Time (ET - ephemeris time) J2000 = "48004264.183854" Enter YES/NO for 'isis_param.out' output file (optional) ISISOUT = NO {default=no} Programmer: Glenn Bennett, USGS, Flagstaff, AZ JAN 26 2001
Parm | Description | Default |
UTC | UTC time UTC ="2001-07-10T02:30:00.0000" UTC ="2001-191T02:30:00.0000" | -- |
SCLK | Spacecraft onboard clock time SCLK = "1/0679199432.004" | -- |
J2000 | J2000 (et) time J2000 = "48004264.183854" | -- |
ISISOUT | Create 'isis_param.out' file ISISOUT="YES" or ISISOUT="NO" |
Parm | Description |
UTC | Input UTC time Enter either format of Coordinated Universal Time UTC = "2001-07-10T02:30:00.0000" UTC = "2001-191T02:30:00.0000" |
SCLK | Input Spacecraft onboard Clock time SCLK = "1/0679199432.004" |
J2000 | Input J2000 (et) time Enter Julian Time (ET - ephemeris time) J2000 = "48004264.183854" |
ISISOUT | Create 'isis_param.out' file, this file can be read by other programs, perl scripts, etc.; see ISISPARM for more. ISISOUT = NO or ISISOUT=YES |
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