Isis 2 Documentation

moclev2 Documentation

moclev2 - Project Level 1 MOC image to a map projection
MOCLEV2 is a TAE procedure which calls PERL scripts to perform
the level2 processing sequence on MOC level 1 images.

The user has the choice to run one image at a time using the
FROM parameter or multiple files through an ascii file that
contains a list of input image filenames (FROMLIST parameter).
The 'FROMLIST' input file can be a single column file containing
the input filenames.  Input filenames MUST HAVE '.lev1.cub' for
the file extension.

Output filenames are built from the 'root' name with the .lev1.cub
extension "stripped" off and replaced with .lev2.cub.

The default of MOCLEV2 is to project each input cube(s) to
sinusoidal projection.  Other defaults include: the
center longitude, latitude and longitude range, km/pixel map
scale are all calculated and set for each input image;
the spice kernel used will be the one built within the ISIS

The user can over-ride most of the defaults mentioned above by
setting the available parameters (MAPPARS,KM,LATRANGE,LONRANGE).

 1) If you pass multiple files through an input list, they
will all be projected to the same values specified by
any of the parameters not left to default.
For example:
        mappars=SIMP:180 km=0.5
This example  results in all images included in your input list
will be projected to a simple cylindrical, clon=180 and
0.5 km/pixel, rather than the default of projecting to the
clon and km/px calculated.

2) This script calls lev1tolev2 & geom, there are other
parameters offered in lev1tolev2 that are NOT accessed
in this script...if these parameters are desired
then the user must run the separate programs.


The PERL scripts called generates a file that gives details
on problems encountered during the process:

         moclev2.err - File name and brief error description
If FROMLIST is used, then a more detailed error log is
generated: moclev2_prt.err


Perl Scripts included:

ISIS Programs executed:
    lev1tolev2 - generates the transformation file
    geom - generates the projected output cube


The Perl scripts mentioned above that are included in this
procedure can run within the ISIS environment, but outside
TAE.  At the unix prompt the following commands can be
entered for help:  or 

To run the perl scripts using all defaults, the command can
simply be: input.lev1.cub

Example to run the perl scripts changing the parameters follows:

For mosaic purposes, each individual input image must be
projected to the same center longitude and scale.  This example
demonstrates how to execute the batch script. filenames.lis SINU:0 .011

Notice that it is not required to enter a value for the
last parameters lat min/max & lon min/max to keep it's default,
because it is the last parameter in the script.  If KM needs to
default with INSTPARS parameter changed, the user would need to
enter "--" for a placeholder for KM. input.lev1.cub SINU:-80.0 -- -10 10 340 360

Programmer:  Tammy Becker, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff, 07Apr2004

Input filename
 (".lev1.cub" file
   extention required)
List of input filenames
Projection and required
Kilometers/pixel for
  output map resolution
Latitude range
Longitude range


The individual filename in this parameter
must have the ".lev1.cub" file extension
to indicate that the input successfully has
been processed thru MOCLEV1.

The output file name will be the 'root' name (without
the .lev1.cub extension) and .lev2.cub appended.
The input list can be a single column file that
contains the input image filenames.  The ".lev1.cub"
file extension is required for the input image filenames
to indicate that the files have successfully been
processed thru MOCLEV1. The output filenames will be the
'root' name (without the PDS extension) and .lev2.cub
This parameter is used to specify the desired map
projection and the required parameters.  Examples:
  1) Sinusoidal projection with center longitude = 0
        mappars = "SINU:0"
  2) Polar projection with center latitude = -90 and
      center longitude = 0
        mappars = "POLA:-90,0"

For additional detailed information, tutor the mappars.pdf
(i.e., TAE>t mappars ).
KM specifies the output map resolution in kilometers/pixel.
If a value is not entered then the average resolution of
the input image cube will be automatically calculated.
Latitude range of the desired output cube will be
produced by geom.  If the range is not entered, then
it will be automatically computed.
If the latitude range is entered, then the
longitude range must be entered as well!
Longitude range of the desired output cube will be
produced by geom.  If the range is not entered, then
it will be automatically computed.
If the longitude range is entered, then the
latitude range must be entered as well!

Last updated: Jan 31 2005
File: pdfs2.html

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