Isis 2 Documentation
moclevall - Process MOC images thru moclev0,moclev1 & moclev2 MOCLEVALL calls a sequence of scripts to process a single MOC image file (FROM) or a list of MOC image files (FROMLIST) thru all the ISIS prcessing steps (i.e., starting with the PDS raw format (MOCLEV0) and process thru a map projection (MOCLEV2). The user has the choice to run one image at a time using the FROM parameter or multiple files through an ascii file that contains a list of input image filenames (FROMLIST parameter). The 'FROMLIST' input file can be a single column file containing the ".img" or ".imq" input filenames. Output filenames are built from the 'root' name with the .imq/.img extension "stripped" off and .lev0.cub, .lev1.cub, and .lev2.cub appended. When DELNPUT="YES", the input PDS file will be deleted after it has been successfully converted to ISIS. **The .lev0.cub and .lev1.cub output files are always deleted after a successful run thru 'moclev2'. A description of the scripts and TAE-PDF's called in this procedure are briefly described below: MOCLEV0 converts the input MOC image(s) from PDS format to ISIS format. The PDS input files can either be compressed (.imq) or decompressed (.img). Output filename='root'.lev0.cub MOCLEV1 applies radiometric calibration and camera artifact removal to the .lev0.cub images. Output filename='root'.lev1.cub MOCLEV2 projects the level1 (MOCLEV1) output files to the user-specified map projection. Ouput filename='root'.lev2.cub ***TRACKING ERRORS*** The PERL scripts called generates two files that will give details on problems encountered during the process: moclevall.err - File name and brief error description movlevall.prt - ISIS program log file If FROMLIST is utilized then a more detailed error log file is generated; moclevall_prt.err ***PROGRAM DETAILS*** Individual Perl-scripts that 'moclevall' calls: ***EXECUTION ALTERNATIVES*** This procedure can run within the ISIS environment, but outside TAE. At the unix prompt the following commands can be entered -delete=yes input.img [proj] [km] [transtab] [targdef] [kernlst] [instpars] [lonsys] [latsys] (-delete=yes is an optional delete flag to remove the input PDS files and .lev0.cub files) -or to run a list of file names thru in batch- -delete=yes filenames.lis [proj] [km] [latmin][latmax] [lonmin] [lonmax] [lonsys] [latsys] [transtab] [targdef] [kernlst] [instpars] [maxdev] Programmer: Tammy Becker, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff, 07Apr2004
Parm | Description | Default |
FROM | Input PDS filename (".img" or ".imq" file extention required) | -- |
FROMLIST | List of input PDS filenames | -- |
DELINPUT | Delete PDS input files (YES/NO) --MOCLEV2 PARAMETERS: | NO |
MAPPARS | Projection and required pararmeters | SINU: |
KM | Kilometers/pixel for output map resolution | -- |
LATRANGE | Latitude Range (default=calculated) | -- |
LONRANGE | Longitude Range (defautl=calculated) --MOCLEV1 PARAMETER: | -- |
MAXDEV | Number of standard deviations used in determining bad pixels (WA BLUE filter only) --MOCLEV0 PARAMETERS: | 1.0 |
LONSYS | Longitude system (180 or 360-default) | -- |
LATSYS | Latitude system (default OCENTRIC) | OCENTRIC |
TRANSTAB | Name of translation table file | -- |
TARGDEF | File containing target defintions | -- |
KERNLST | File containing kernel list | -- |
INSTPARS | File containing instrument parameters |
Parm | Description |
FROM | The individual filename in this parameter must have the ".img" or the ".imq" file extension to indicate that it is the original PDS format. The output file name will be the 'root' name (without the PDS extension) and .lev0.cub appended. |
FROMLIST | The input list can be a single column file that contains the input image filenames. The ".img" or the ".imq" file extension is required for the input image filenames to indicate that the files are the original PDS format. The output filenames will be the 'root' name (without the PDS extension) and .lev0.cub. appended. |
DELINPUT | DELINPUT = "YES" will delete the PDS input files after 'moclev0' successfully executes. **NOTE: The .lev0.cub output files of 'moclev0' and .lev1.cub output files of 'moclev1' are always deleted after 'moclev2' successfully runs. |
MAPPARS | This parameter is used to specify the desired map projection and the required parameters. Examples: 1) Sinusoidal projection with center longitude = 0 mappars = "SINU:0" 2) Polar projection with center latitude = -90 and center longitude = 0 mappars = "POLA:-90,0" For additional detailed information, tutor the mappars.pdf (i.e., TAE>t mappars ). |
KM | KM specifies the output map resolution in kilometers/pixel. If a value is not entered then the average resolution of the input image cube will be automatically calculated. |
LATRANGE | Latitude range fo the desired output cube will be produced by geom. If the range is not entered, then it will be automatically computed. NOTE: If the latitude range is entered, then the longitude range must be entered as well! |
LONRANGE | Longitude range fo the desired output cube will be produced by geom. If the range is not entered, then it will be automatically computed. NOTE: If the longitude range is entered, then the latitude range must be entered as well! |
MAXDEV | Number of standard deviations used in determining bad pixels (WA BLUE filter only) |
LONSYS | This parameter is used to define the longitude system computed by "lev1" programs. Valid values are either 180 or 360. The default is 360 which implies longitudes will be output in the range of 0 to 360. The value 180 implies longitudes will be output in the range of -180 to 180. This has definite effects on programs like "lev1stats" and "lev1tolev2", both of which compute and utilize longitude ranges. |
LATSYS | This parameter is used to define the latitude system computed by "lev1" programs. Valid values are either OGRAPHIC or OCENTRIC. The default is OCENTRIC. |
TRANSTAB | Translation table for pds2isis. |
TARGDEF | This parameter is used to specify different target parameters (radius, omega 0, etc). The default is to read the target from the cube labels and construct a filename in the form of "target.def.version". For example, if Mars is the target in the labels then the default value will be "$ISISDATA/targets/mars.def.1". If the user needs to define their own target parameters, copy file from $ISISDATA/targets and modify as necessary. |
KERNLST | This parameter is used to specify a file containing a list of SPICE kernels. The program will select a sub-set of these kernels which covers the time-range for the input cube. The names of the selected kernels will be written to the labels of the cube. The default is $ISISMGSDATA/moc_kernels.def.1 |
INSTPARS | This parameter is used to specify a file containing instrument parameters (boresight, focal length, etc). The default is instrument specific. For example, MGS/MOC may attempt to open "$ISISMGSDATA/moc.def.1". This file is versioned identically to the method defined under TARGDEF. If the user needs to define their own instrument parameters simply copy the appropriate instrument file from the mission data area (e.g., $ISISCLEMDATA) and modify as needed. |
MAXDEV | This parameter only applies to Wide Angle Blue images. Any point that lies more than MAXDEV standard deviations from the average of the pixels surrounding detector 371 is considered to be a bad pixel. Refer to the ISIS program, 'mocgap' for more detail. |
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