Isis 2 Documentation
mocmola - Create MOLA table file based on MOC image time MOCMOLA calls a sequence of scripts to generate a MOLA binary ISIS table file (TBL) based on the time range of the input MOC image (FROM). The (ASC) option generates an ascii table file of the MOLA data. The default of this procedure will check to see if the required MOLA PEDR file is available in the current directory, if not, it will download the PEDR from the default site: The URL option can be used to specify another FTP remote site, MOCMOLA will then perform the download of the desired MOLA PEDR to the current current directory. Also the (PDIR) option of specifies a directory path on the local system where the required PEDR exists. The input MOC image (FROM) must have PDS labels or ISIS cube labels. ***PROGRAM DETAILS*** Individual Perl-scripts that 'mocmola' calls: These listed scripts have user interface documentation. The documentation can be accessed by entering TAE and tutoring each procedure. For example: TAE>t molasearch ***EXECUTION ALTERNATIVES*** This procedure can run within the ISIS environment, but outside TAE. At the unix prompt the following command can be entered: mocmola from=input.MOC.image to=mola.tbl [asc=mola.asc] [url=url] [pdir=pedrDir] [index=index] [exists=overwrite/rename] mocmola input.MOC.image mola.tbl [mola.asc] [url] [pedrDir] [index] [overwrite/rename] input.MOC.image mola.tbl [mola.asc] [url] [pedrDir] [index] [overwrite/rename] Programmer: Glenn Bennett, USGS, Flagstaff, 30 APR 2001 Tammy Becker, USGS, Flagstaff, 16 Feb 2001 TLB, Flagstaff 09-Sep-2004 Updated url (ida2) Trent Hare, USGS, Flagstaff, 03 Jan 2006 _Ver $Id: mocmola.html,v 1.4 2006/07/19 03:06:17 isismgr Exp $
Parm | Description | Default |
FROM | Input PDS or ISIS cub filename (.imq, or .cub file extension required) | NONE |
TBL | Output MOLA ISIS binary table filename. (.tbl extension recomended) | NONE |
ASC | Output MOLA ascii table filename (Optional) | -- |
URL | Website location of input MOLA PEDR (Optional) (default: | -- |
PDIR | Input directory of input MOLA PEDR (Optional) | -- |
INDEX | MOLA PEDR cumulative index filename (Optional) | -- |
EXISTS | 'overwrite' or 'rename' if output files already exist MOLA.tbl MOLA.asc (Optional) |
Parm | Description |
FROM | The input MOC filename in this parameter must have the ".imq" or ".cub" file extension. This determines whether the input file is in original PDS format or ISIS cube format. |
TBL | Filename of the output binary table file of the extract MOLA PEDR data based on the time range of the input MOC image (FROM). |
ASC | This parameter is optional. The default is null resulting in no creation of the ascii table file. The value specifies the filename of the ascii MOLA table file. |
URL | This parameter is required if the input MOLA PEDR data does not exist on the local processing machine AND the default site '' is not desired. The script will download the necessary file from the remote site and place the file in the user's current directory. One optional site for obtaining the MOLA PEDR is /mgs-m-mola-3-pedr-l1a-v1/ |
PDIR | PDIR is the local directory location of the input MOLA PEDR file. The default null assumes the user's current directory. |
INDEX | The default null value for this parameter assumes the reference to: $ISISMGSDATA/ The user can optionally specify an input MOLA PEDR cumulative index file. NOTE: This file is NOT the same format as the PEDR cumulative index file found on the MOLA CR-ROM distribution set. The required file can be created by executing the PERL script "" with the MOLA CD-ROM cumulative index file as input. This script adds J2000 time ranges to the table and elminates outdated versions of the MOLA PEDR files. |
EXISTS | if MOLA.tbl or MOLA.asc already exist, they can be overwritten or renamed. Otherwise script exits with error message. |
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