Isis 2 Documentation
mocrange - Apply range of MOC statistics to ISIS table file mocrange is a program that allows the user to select a range of MOC geometric statistics computed by "lev1stats" and put in an ISIS binary table file by the "mocbtbl". The user can provide a minimum and maximum value in the RANGE parameter, respectively and mocrange will create a new table that satisfy the range constraints. "lev1stats" creates ten sets of four statistics from ISIS images. These ten sets are: Latitude Longitude Sample Resolution (KM) Line Resolution (KM) Average Resolution (KM) Aspect Ratio (Line/Sample Resolution) Phase Angle Incidence Angle Emission Angle North Azimuth Angle Each one of these characteristics has the minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation computed for it. Once these statistics are generated, the "mocbtbl" application parses them and stores them to an ISIS binary table file. Each record in the file has forty 4-byte floating point fields and the filename stored in them. mocrange can then be used to manipulate this table file by constraining any one of the ten characteristics by confining then to a range of values. A stored statistic entry in the binary table file will fail the range test if the stored minimum of the select characteristic is greater than the maximum specified in the RANGE parameter or the stored maximum is less than the specified minumum in the RANGE parameter. If the stored record satisfies this test, then it can also be eliminated if the stored standard deviation is greater than STDMAX as an additional constraint. All records that pass are written to a new table file. mocrange has a special statistic called "NONE". This is provided to convert an ISIS MOC binary table file from one architecture type to another. For this constraint, all records pass regardless of the values provided in RANGE and STDMAX. In fact, this is the only value of STAT that does not require the user to enter values for the RANGE parameter. Note that this conversion is limited to IEEE-compatable architectures and will not work on VAX floating point. It will always convert the input table to the architecture of the system executing mocrange. The output table file is always written the the format of the running system. See help on the STAT parameter for additional information. The output of this program can also be the input file. This allows multiple constraints to be applied to achieve a specific range of several constaints. For example, to get records that are only in the longitude range of 180.0 to 270.0 degrees and a latitude of 30.0 to -30.0 degrees, mocrange would need to be run twice in the following manner: mocrange fromtbl=first.tbl totbl=second.tbl stat=longitude range=(180.0,270.0) mocrange fromtbl=second.tbl totbl=third.tbl stat=latitude range=(-30.0,30.0) STDMAX can be used to in any run to exclude any records that the value you specify. mocrange returns to the calling PDF the number of records that are written out to the output table filein the NRECS parameter. This can be useful to determine if any records actually passed the constraints. In this case, the output table file is not created. See also lev1stats, mocbtbl, tbl2asc and asc2tbl. PROGRAMMER: Kris Becker, USGS, Flagstaff, Arizona
Parm | Description | Default |
TBLFROM | Name of input table file | NONE |
TBLTO | Name of output table file | NONE |
STAT | Specify which statistic to constrain: LATITUDE - Latitude (Degrees) LONGITUDE - Longitude (Degrees) SAMPRES - Sample Resolution LINERES - Line Resolution AVERES - Average Resolution ASPECTRAT - Aspect Ratio PHASE - Phase Angle INCIDENCE - Incidence Angle EMISSION - Emission Angle NORAZ - North Azimuth NONE - No statistic | "LONGITUDE" |
RANGE | Specify MIN/MAX of desired statistic, STAT | -- |
STDMAX | Maximum standard deviation allowed in statistics | 10.0 |
NRECS | Number of records that passed the constraints |
Parm | Description |
TBLFROM | Name an ISIS binary table file generated by mocbtbl or this application. The application can be run multiple times over its own output to further contrain existing elements in the table. This binary table file can also originate from a system that has a different IEEE architecture than the current one. Use the "NONE" STAT option to convert the file to the current IEEE architecure. |
TBLTO | Name of new table where all records that pass the constraints are written. If no records pass the constraints, then this file is not created. |
STAT | This parameter selects which statistic to apply the RANGE to. The following values are valid: LATITUDE - Latitude (Degrees) LONGITUDE - Longitude (Degrees) SAMPRES - Sample Resolution LINERES - Line Resolution AVERES - Average Resolution ASPECTRAT - Aspect Ratio PHASE - Phase Angle INCIDENCE - Incidence Angle EMISSION - Emission Angle NORAZ - North Azimuth NONE - No statistic The "NONE" STAT option is special in that all records pass regardless of the values provided in RANGE or STDMAX. This is specifically for conversion of one IEEE format to be compatable with the current system. |
RANGE | This parameter is for the range of minimum and maximum values that select records from the input parameter. The minimum should be the first value (RANGE(1)) and the maximum second (RANGE(2)). If the stored maximum is less than RANGE(1) or the stored minimum is greater than RANGE(2), the record does not pass the constraint and is eliminated from the output table file. The order in which the values are provided by the caller is of no consequence as mocrange reorders them so the smaller of the two RANGEs is the first value, larger of the two is the second so the above test is applied correctly. |
STDMAX | This parameter is provided to further constrain the selected statistic. It has proven useful to eliminate suspicious fields in the tables generated by lev1stats. It can also be used to eliminate records with large standard deviations (duh). |
NRECS | This is a return parameter that passes the number of records that pass the constratins to the calling PDF. This is useful for testing for the condition where no records pass the constraints. When this condition occurs the output file is not generated. |
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