Isis 2 Documentation

mult Documentation

mult - multiply a cube by a band

The "mult" program will multiply a single "reference band" to each band
of an input cube if "C2RB" option is chosen (this is the default).
The "reference band" can be obtained either from the input cube or
from a second cube file.  Also, the "reference band" can
be obtained either from the CORE or BACKPLANE region of the file.
Additive and multiplicative factors can be applied during the

The algorithm for "mult" follows:

NP = (DN * MUL * DNREF) + ADD where

  NP = new pixel value
  DN = pixel value from the input file
  MUL = multipication factor
  DNREF = pixel value from the reference band at the same line and
          sample as the pixel value from the input file
  ADD = user defined constant

The user should enter a multiplication factor (MUL) and a constant
factor (ADD) for each band of the input cube that will be used to
create the output cube (ie. each band selected using the SFROM
parameter).  The MUL and ADD factors can be entered in two ways.
The first is to simply type each factor under the TAE ADD or MUL
prompt.  The second is to enter the factors using a binary table file
(TBLMUL).  TBLMUL has 2 columns of real numbers and can be created
using a text editor to create the ASCII file and the "asc2tbl" ISIS
program to convert the file to binary form.  If more than 50 MUL and
ADD factors are being entered, the user must use the binary
table file option.  If you wish to use the same MUL or ADD factor
for all bands in the FROM cube, enter a single MUL or ADD factor
at the TAE prompt.

If "C2C" option is chosen, each band of the input cube will be
multiplied by each corresponding band of the second input cube.

    NP = (DN * MUL * FROM2(DN)) + ADD

If a special pixel value is encountered in either the FROM cube or
the FROM2 reference band, the new pixel value will be set equal to
the value of the input cube.

Programmer: Jim Mathews, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff

Input cube file name
  (default extension is .cub)
Input subcube specifier
Second input cube file name
  (default extension is .cub)
Second input subcube specifier
Output cube file name
  (default extension is .cub)
Program computation option
  (C2RB or C2C)
Location of input BAND
Input band/backplane number
Input backplane name
Table file of multiplication
  factors and additive values
Multiplication factors
  Used only when TBLMUL=--
Constants to add to product
  Used only when TBLMUL=--
Output pixel type
 NULL = input type
    1 = 8 bit
    2 = 16 bit
    3 = 32 bit
Output min/max data range
User comment
" "


Input cube file name.  If the file extension is omitted,
then ".cub" will be assumed.
SFROM specifies the subcube using a single string for all
three dimensions of the cube.  The order of the three
dimensions is always "samples:lines:bands".
If a dimension is left blank, all the data for that
dimension is selected.  The default value of NULL for SFROM
selects the entire cube.

Any application below can be used for any dimension.
To select specific data from any dimension:
  "10-100(3):11,12,15-20:1-10(2)" =  This example will
select every third sample starting with sample 10 thru 100.
It selects lines 11 and 12, and 15-20. It selects every
other band, starting with band 1 thru 10.

There are special characters that can be used for
selecting a subcube efficiently, such as "*","#", and "~".
For examples type "help sfrom" in TAE.
**NOTE** For more examples and explanation of the many
features of the SFROM parameter, tutor the sfrom.pdf or
refer to Introduction To ISIS, Section 6, of the ISIS
User's Manual **
Second input cube file name.  If NULL, process from the
first input cube.  If the file extension is omitted, then
".cub" will be assumed.
Input subcube specifier for the second input file.  You
must select the same spatial size as the SFROM parameter.
Refer to the SFROM parameter help section for examples.
Output cube file name.  If the file extension is omitted,
then ".cub" will be assumed.
You have 2 options in running the program.  "C2RB" will
multiply a single reference band to the input cube.  "C2C"
will multiply a second cube to the input cube.  The two
input cubes must have the same dimensions for OPTION=C2C.
Specifies whether the band selected from the second input
file is part of the CORE or is from the BACKPLANE.
Specifies the core band number to be used from the first or
second input file.  This is the actual plane in the core
in relation to the physical dimensions of the
input cube, not an index into the subcube.  The band
selected with this parameter must be included in the virtual
cube that is selected by the subcube specifier for the
second input file.  If REGION = BACKPLANE is specified and
BCKNAM is the NULL (default) value, then BAND specifies an
index into the backplane region rather than a core band
number.  The BAND parameter is ignored if REGION = BACKPLANE
is specified and a backplane name is specified with the
BCKNAM parameter.  The BAND parameter is ignored when
This parameter is ignored if REGION = CORE is specified.
If REGION = BACKPLANE is specified, then this parameter
allows the user to select a backplane by name rather than
with the BAND parameter.  (BAND is ignored if a BCKNAM
value is supplied.)
A binary table file of multipication factors and ADD values.
The table contains two columns called MUL and ADD and both
are real numbers.  One MUL and one ADD value factor should
be used for each band selected in the subcube specifier.
The table object name for TBLMUL is "TABLE".
Enter multipication factors for each band selected in the
subcube specifier.  Use this parameter when less than 50
factors are entered.  If only one value is entered, it
will be used for all the bands.  Use this parameter only
if TBLMUL is set to the NULL value.
Enter an additive constant for each band selected in the
subcube specifier.  Use this parameter when less than 50
factors are entered.  If only one value is entered, it
will be used for all the bands.  Use this parameter only
if TBLMUL is set to the NULL value.
Output pixel data type.  Permitted values are:
 NULL = output type is same as input file pixel type
    1 = 8-bit (integer with type conversion parameters)
    2 = 16-bit (integer with type conversion parameters)
    3 = 32-bit (floating point)
When processed data are being written back into the input
file, the output pixel type must be the same as the
existing pixel type in the input file.
Output pixel data range.  If ORANGE is NULL, then the
CORE_BASE and CORE_MULTIPLIER in the output file will be
set to represent the same range of data as the input file.

If OTYPE=1 (8-bit) or OTYPE=2 (16-bit), then the CORE_BASE
and CORE_MULTIPLIER in the output file will be set to values
that allow representing the specified range of output
values.  Output values outside this range will be stored as
a special "representation saturation" value.

The ORANGE parameter is ignored if OTYPE=3 (32-bit) since
the CORE_BASE and CORE_MULTIPLIER are not applicable to
floating point pixel values.

**NOTE** For a more detailed explanation of ORANGE, tutor
the orange.pdf.
Comment from the user.  This will be recorded in the ISIS
session log file and also in the History entry that is put
into the History object of the output file.

Last updated: Jan 31 2005
File: pdfs2.html

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