Isis 2 Documentation
NEWMAP - Change geometry of sinusoidal or simple cyclindrical image "newmap" can be used instead of "nuproj" and "geom" to perform a limited spacial transformation on an ISIS cube. "newmap" can be used to change the map projection parameters: latitude range, longitude range, and/or center longitude for a sinusoidal equal-area (SINU) projection or simple cylindrical (SIMP) projection. The cube may be output in either a sinusoidal or simple cylindrical projection. The primary purpose of this program is to match the center longitudes of cubes projected to a sinusoidal so that they can be mosaicked. It will also trim the edges of the images to the exact latitude and longitude range that was requested (filling any pixels outside the given range with NULLs) if TRIM = YES. All image planes and backplanes within the input cube are processed, but backplanes pixels are not interpolated (the nearest sample is used). PROGRAMMER: Debbie A. Cook, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff, Arizona
Parm | Description | Default |
FROM | Input cube file name (Default extension is .cub) | NONE |
TO | Output cube file name (do not overlay) (default extension is .cub) | NONE |
PROJ | Output projection (SIMP,SINU) | SINU |
LATRANGE | Output latitude range (default is input range) | -- |
LONRANGE | Output longitude range (default is input range) | -- |
CLAT | Center latitude of "simp" | 0. |
CLON | Center longitude (default is input clon) | -- |
BOUND | Check boundary (YES,NO) | YES |
LIMIT | Longitude range limit | 180. |
TRIM | Trim edges of output projection (YES,NO) | YES |
INTERP | Interpolate core pixels in sample direction (YES,NO) |
Parm | Description |
FROM | Input cube file name. If the file extension is omitted, then ".cub" will be assumed. |
TO | Output cube file name. Do not make this the same as your input cube file name (do not overlay) or the results will be unpredictable. If the file extension is omitted, then ".cub" will be assumed. |
PROJ | Enter the desired projection for the output cube. Possible values for proj are: KEYWORD PROJECTION PARAMETERS REQUIRED CLON CLAT SIMP Simple Cylindrical * * SINU Sinusoidal Equal-area * |
LATRANGE | The latitude boundaries of the projection. The default is to use the MINIMUM_LATITUDE and MAXIMUM_LATITUDE values on the input cube labels. The valid range is from -90.0 degrees to 90.0 degrees. |
LONRANGE | The longitude boundaries of the projection. The default is to use the WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE and EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE on the input cube labels. On the Earth and Venus, longitude is negative to the west, positive to the east. The rest of the solar system is positive to the west, negative to the east. The valid range is -460.0 degrees to 460.0 degrees. |
CLAT | Center latitude of the projection which is not necessarily the center of the input or output image. If CLAT is NULL then "newmap" sets CLAT to 0 degrees if the output projection is SIMP. For SINU, CLAT is ignored. If working with images which will be computer mosaicked, then the center latitude for all those images must be the same. The valid range is from -90 degrees to 90 degrees. |
CLON | Center longitude of the projection which is not necessarily the center of the input or output image. If CLON is NULL, then "newmap" assumes the output CLON is the same as it is on the input image. Otherwise a value for CLON must be entered. If working with images that will be computer mosaicked, the center longitude for all those images must be the same. The valid range is from -360 degrees to 360 degrees. |
BOUND | If the boundary option equals "YES", and the output longitude position is not within the input longitude range, then the corresponding longitude (+ or - 360) will be searched for in the input file. For example if the input longitude range is -180. to 180. and the output range is 0. to 360. and positive longitude is WEST, the right half of the image (-180. to 0.) will be moved to the left side (180. to 360.) If the boundary option equals "NO", then in the previous example only the left half of the input image will be retained on the right half of the output image and the left half of the output image will be empty. |
LIMIT | The input and output longitude ranges are limited to within LIMIT degrees of the center longitude. If LIMIT=180, then boundaries are limited to no more than 180 degrees from the output CLON and only pixels within 180 degrees of the input CLON will be used. |
TRIM | If TRIM=YES, "newmap" trims the edges of the output image to the exact latitude and longitude range that was requested (it will fill any samples outside the given range with NULLS). |
INTERP | If INTERP=YES, the DN values of the two input samples with longitudes closest to the longitude of an output core sample are used to calculate the output DN. A weighted average is used to determine the actual output DN value. If INTERP=NO, the DN value of the input sample with a longitude closest to the longitude of an output sample is used. For backplanes, INTERP=NO is always assumed. |
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