Isis 2 Documentation
nimsgeoplane - Create NIMS geom. backplanes for all grating positions "nimsgeoplane" creates backplanes of unprojected NIMS geometry on NIMS "tubes". The cube must be an unprojected "tube". Only one "tube" may be processed at a time. "Tubes" may be spliced together with CUBESTACK or an equivalent program later but caution must be used when splicing because the STARTING_NATIVE_TIME must be the same for all "tubes" for some programs. The NATIVE_TIME backplane must exist for this program to run. An auxiliary SPICE file must also exist. Unless explicitly named, it is assumed to be in the area associated with the environment variable $ISISGALDATA and named, where PLANET is the target body name. Ex: Up to eleven types of geometry backplanes can be created. The output options are latitude, longitude, emission angle, incidence angle, phase angle, the distance from the camera to the point on the surface of the planet, the local radius or projected radius of the planet, right ascension angle, declination angle, cone angle and clock angle. Any or all of these planes can be selected by entering "YES" for the corresponding parameter(s). The backplane data will be 32 bit floating point format. An individual backplane for each grating position will be created. For example, if latitude and longitude are selected and there are 12 grating positions, 12 latitude backplanes and 12 longitude backplanes will be created. The program will put a set of default mapping parameters in the labels of the output cube if latitude and longitude backplanes are selected. The default projection will be Orthographic and the scale will be picked from the highest resolution recorded during the sequence. The center latitude and center longitude are the average subspacecraft latitude and longitude during the sequence. The latitude and longitude range are the actual range covered. Programmer: Kay Edwards, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff
Parm | Description | Default |
FROM | Input cube file name (default extension is .cub) | NONE |
TO | Output cube file name (default extension is .cub) | NONE |
SFILE | Input SPICE file name | " " |
DECOFF | Declination offset (deg) | 0.0 |
RAOFF | Right ascension offset (deg) | 0.0 |
LAT | Create latitude backplane | YES |
LON | Create longitude backplane | YES |
EMI | Create emission angle backplane | NO |
INC | Create incidence angle backplane | NO |
PHASE | Create phase angle backplane | NO |
RANGE | Create backplane of distance to surface from camera | NO |
RADIUS | Create planet radius backplane | NO |
RA | Create right ascension backplane | NO |
DEC | Create declination backplane | NO |
CONE | Create cone angle backplane | NO |
CLOCK | Create clock angle backplane |
Parm | Description |
FROM | This is the name of the NIMS "tube" which must have the native time backplane called NATIVE_TIME. |
TO | This is the name of the NIMS "tube" which will contain selected geometry backplanes. |
SFILE | This parameter allows explicit input of the name of an arbitrary SPICE file in an arbitrary location. Otherwise, it is assumed to be in $ISISGALDATA and named, where PLANET is the target body name. |
DECOFF | This will add a constant offset to the declination stored in the SPICE file. |
RAOFF | This will add a constant offset to the right ascension stored in the SPICE file. |
LAT | When this option is chosen, a backplane is created of the latitude value at each point. Latitude will be set to NULL for any points off the planet. See RADIUS for exception. The name of the backplane will be GR_POS_nn_LATITUDE where nn is the grating position. |
LON | When this option is chosen, a backplane is created of the longitude value at each point. Longitude will be set to NULL for any points off the planet. See RADIUS for exception. The name of the backplane will be GR_POS_nn_LONGITUDE where nn is the grating position. |
EMI | When this option is chosen, a backplane is created of the emission angle value at each point. Emission angle will be set to NULL for any points off the planet. The name of the backplane will be GR_POS_nn_EMISSION_ANGLE where nn is the grating position. |
INC | When this option is chosen, a backplane is created of the incidence angle value at each point. Incidence angle will be set to NULL for any points off the planet. The name of the backplane will be GR_POS_nn_INCIDENCE_ANGLE where nn is the grating position. |
PHASE | When this option is chosen, a backplane is created of the phase angle value at each point. Phase angle will be set to NULL for any points off the planet. The name of the backplane will be GR_POS_nn_PHASE_ANGLE where nn is the grating position. |
RANGE | When this option is chosen, a backplane is created of the distance from the surface of the planet to the camera at each defined point. Distance will be set to NULL for any points off the planet. The name of the backplane will be GR_POS_nn_SLANT_DISTANCE where nn is the grating position. |
RADIUS | When this option is chosen, a backplane is created of the local radius of the planet or the projected radius of the planet (the distance to the closest approach of a vector that does not intercept the planet) if the NIMS data is not on the planet. Also, the latitude and longitude planes will contain the projected latitude and longitude for points off the planet. The name of the backplane will be GR_POS_nn_RADIUS where nn is the grating position. |
RA | When this option is chosen, a backplane is created of the right ascension value at each point. The name of the backplane will be GR_POS_nn_RIGHT_ASCENSION where nn is the grating position. |
DEC | When this option is chosen, a backplane is created of the declination value at each point. The name of the backplane will be GR_POS_nn_DECLINATION where nn is the grating position. |
CONE | When this option is chosen, a backplane is created of the cone angle value at each point. The name of the backplane will be GR_POS_nn_ENCODER_CONE_ANGLE where nn is the grating position. |
CLOCK | When this option is chosen, a backplane is created of the clock angle value at each point. The name of the backplane will be GR_POS_nn_ENCODER_CLOCK_ANGLE where nn is the grating position. |
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