Isis 2 Documentation
nuproj - Create a tfile for map transformations NUPROJ creates a transformation data file (TFILE) which GEOM uses to transform a cube from one map projection to any other. GEOM must be used to actually transform the cube. NUPROJ has been designed to transform primarily the Sinusoidal Equal-area projection to any other projection without producing any artifacts. It may be used to transform other projections, but there is no guarantee that the output cube will be free of artifacts. PROGRAMMER: Kay Edwards, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff
Parm | Description | Default |
FROM | Input cube file name (default extension is .cub) | NONE |
TFILE | Name of tfile passed to GEOM (no default extension) | tfile.dat |
PROJ | Output projection | NONE |
KM | Image resolution (km/pix) or | -- |
DEG | Image resolution (pix/deg) (default=input) | -- |
LAT | Latitude range (default=input) | -- |
LON | Longitude range (default=input) | -- |
CLAT | Center latitude of projection | -- |
CLON | Center longitude of projection | -- |
PAR1 | First standard parallel | -- |
PAR2 | Second standard parallel | -- |
SCFA | Scale factor | 1. |
TIM1 | Time of planet rotation (min) | -- |
TIM2 | Time of satellite revolution (min) | -- |
INCL | Orbit inclination | -- |
ASCN | Longitude of ascending node | -- |
DIST | Height above planet (km) | -- |
LAT1 | Latitude of control point 1 | -- |
LON1 | Longitude of control point 1 | -- |
LAT2 | Latitude of control point 2 | -- |
LON2 | Longitude of control point 2 | -- |
MLIB | Maximum libration | 11.0 |
BOUND | Boundary test option | YES |
EDGE | Fine edge gridding | NO |
MAPROT | Map rotation | -- |
PLAT | Latitude of new pole | -- |
PLON | Longitude of new pole | -- |
OUTPNT | Lat,lon,line,samp | -- |
NS | Output number of samples | -- |
NL | Output number of lines | -- |
SPACE | Gridding space (1,4,16,64) (default=calculated by program) |
Parm | Description |
FROM | The name of the cube file that is to be projected. The labels must contain the input projection parameters. |
TFILE | This is the name given to a data file needed by GEOM called TFILE. After this program has finished, GEOM must be run to actually transform the cube. |
PROJ | Each projection is identified by a four letter keyword. The following table lists the keywords for all possible projections and the parameters that are required for each projection. KEYWORD PROJECTION PARAMETERS REQUIRED ALBE Albers Conical Equal-area CLON,CLAT,PAR1,PAR2 AZEQ Azimuthal Equidistant CLON,CLAT CYLI Cylindrical Equal-area CLAT* ECON Equidistant Conic CLON,CLAT,PAR1,PAR2 GNOM Gnomonic CLON,CLAT LAMA Lambert Azimuthal Equal-area CLON,CLAT (+90 to -90 from CLON,CLAT) LAMB Lambert Conformal CLON,CLAT,PAR1,PAR2 LAMG Lambert Azimuthal Equal-area CLON,CLAT (+170 to -170 from CLON,CLAT) MERC Mercator CLON,CLAT* MILL Miller Cylindrical CLON MSC Modified Stereographic Conformal OMER Oblique Mercator or Hotine CLON,CLAT,SCFA,INCL LAT1,LON1,LAT2,LON2 ORTH Orthographic CLON,CLAT POIN Point Perspective CLON,CLAT,DIST POLA Polar Stereographic CLON,CLAT* POLY Polyconic CLON,CLAT ROBI Robinson CLON SIMP Simple Cylindrical CLON,CLAT* or Equirectangular SINU Sinusoidal CLON SOM Space Oblique Mercator TIM1,TIM2,INCL,ASCN STER Stereographic CLON,CLAT TRAN Transverse Mercator CLON,CLAT,SCFA UTM Universal Transverse Mercator CLON,CLAT,SCFA VANG Van der Grinten I CLON *CLAT defines the latitude of true scale for the following projections: CYLI, MERC, POLA and SIMP. For UTM: CLON=(ZONE-31)*6+3, SCFA=.9996 for Earth Most of these projections are described by John Snyder in the U.S.G.S. Professional paper 1395 titled "Map projections - A Working Manual". |
LAT | The latitude boundaries of the projection. If the default is used, the input range will be used. The valid range is from -90. to 90. degrees. |
LON | The longitude boundaries of the projection. If the default is used, the input range will be used. On Earth, Venus, Moon and the Uranian system longitude is positive to the east. The rest of the solar system is positive to the west. The valid range is -360. to 360. degrees. |
KM | Resolution is usually specified in kilometers/pixel, degrees/pixel or pixels/degree. KM is the resolution of the cube in km/pix. Either this parameter or DEG can be used to enter the desired resolution. The equations relating the two parameters are: KM=RADIUS*.0174533/DEG or DEG=RADIUS*.0174533/KM If DEG is null, then KM will be used to define resolution. If both DEG and KM are specified, DEG will be used. |
DEG | DEG is the resolution of the cube in pix/deg. The default will be to use KM to define the resolution. If the desired resolution is given in degrees/pixel such as: 1/32 deg/pix, or .03125 deg/pix then the inverse must be used which is DEG=32 (pix/deg) and any value in KM will be ignored. |
CLAT | Projections requiring a center latitude are: ALBE, AZEQ, CYLI, GNOM, LAMA, LAMB, LAMG, MERC, OMER, ORTH, POIN, POLA, POLY, SIMP, STER, TRAN and UTM. The center latitude defines the latitude of origin of the projection, except for the following projections: CYLI, MERC, POLA and SIMP where it defines the latitude of true scale. It is a parameter defined by the user of the final product. If working with cubes that will be computer mosaicked, then the center latitude for all those cubes must be the same. The valid range is from -90. degrees to 90. degrees. |
CLON | Projections requiring a center longitude are: ALBE, AZEQ, ECON, GNOM, LAMA, LAMB, LAMG, MERC, MILL, OMER, ORTH, POIN, POLA, POLY, ROBI, SIMP, SINU, STER, TRAN, UTM and VANG. The center longitude defines the central meridian of the projection, not necessarily the center of your input or output cube. It is a parameter defined by the user of the final product. If working with cubes that will be mosaicked, then the center longitude for all those cubes must be the same. If the TRAN is being used on Earth, there is a convention used of defining the center longitude of 6 degree wide zones (Universal Transverse Mercator or UTM). These zones are defined by measuring 6 degree increments from 0 degrees longitude. This means that the center longitudes of these zones start at 3 and go in increments of 6 degrees through 357 degrees. Or from -177 degrees to 177 degrees. On Earth, Venus and the Uranian system longitude is positive to the east. The rest of the solar system is positive to the west. The valid range is from -360 degrees to 360 degrees. For UTM: CLON=(ZONE-31)*6+3 for Earth. |
PAR1 | Projections requiring standard parallels are: ALBE, ECON and LAMB. Standard parallels must have the same sign as the latitude range of the projection. Default standard parallels for Lambert Conformal are: PLANET PAR1 PAR2 ------- ---- ---- CALLISTO 30. 58. EARTH 33. 45. GANYMEDE 30. 58. MARS 35.83 59.17 MERCURY 30. 60. Default standard parallels for Albers Equal-area are: PLANET PAR1 PAR2 ------- ---- ---- EARTH 29.5 45.5 |
PAR2 | See PAR1 |
SCFA | The projections requiring a scale factor are: OMER, TRAN and UTM. This is the ratio between true scale at some standard point such as a standard parallel and the scale at any given point. This value is normally left at 1. The UTM overides the default and sets SCFA=.9996. The UTM should only be used for Earth. |
TIM1 | The SOM is the only projection requiring the time of planet rotation. TIM1 is the length of Earth's rotation with respect to the precessed ascending node of the satellite orbit in minutes. For Lansat this value is 1440 minutes or one day (See Snyder). |
TIM2 | The SOM is only projection requiring the time of satellite rotation. TIM2 is the time required for one revolution of the spacecraft in minutes. For Landsat 1,2,3 TIM2=103.267, for Landsat 4,5 TIM2=98.884. |
INCL | The projections requiring the orbit inclination are: OMER and SOM. INCL is the angle of inclination between the plane of the planet's equator and the plane of the satellite orbit, measured counterclockwise from the equator to the orbital plane at the ascending node. For Landsat 1,2,3 INCL=99.092, for Landsat 4,5 INCL=98.20. |
ASCN | The SOM is only projection requiring the longitude of the ascending node of the orbit. |
DIST | The POIN is the only projection requiring the height above the planet which is given in kilometers. |
LAT1 | The OMER is the only projection requiring the latitude and longitude of two control points. These control points must be on the great circle chosen for the projection. The Mercator is a special case of the Oblique Mercator where the Equator is the great circle chosen for the projection. |
LON1 | See LAT1 |
LAT2 | See LAT1 |
LON2 | See LAT1 |
MAPROT | This parameter defines which way is up. For most projections, North is at the top when MAPROT=0. When MAPROT=90., the cube will be rotated clockwise. The valid range is -360 to 360 degrees. |
PLAT | Latitude of the pole of a new spherical coordinate system. For the majority of cases, the default of no rotation is what should be used. The valid range is -90 to 90 degrees. |
PLON | Longitude of the pole of a new spherical coordinate system. For the majority of cases the default of no rotation is what should be used. The valid range is -360 to 360 degrees. |
BOUND | When BOUND=YES a test is done on the output longitudes to check if they are outside the input longitude range. If they are, the program adds or subtracts 360 from that longitude to find the proper input longitude. For most cases, this option should be left on. |
EDGE | NUPROJ computes the smallest rectangle needed to contain the specified latitude and longitude range. If the projection has curved latitude or longitude lines, there will be areas within the cube that are outside the specified ranges. The EDGE parameter allows the user to "mask" these areas if needed. When EDGE=NO, the gridding may be coarser and the edge of the cube will appear jagged for some projections, and areas outside the specified ranges will not be masked. When EDGE=YES, the area outside the exact edge of the latitude and longitude range will be set to NULL. The gridding will be finer at the latitude and longitude boundaries. This option will usually take longer than EDGE=NO. |
OUTPNT | This is a lat,lon,line,samp set that the user has picked to define the positioning of the output map projection. This is to be used only when the default position is not what you want. Ex: A normal polar default position placed the pole at 1000,1000. This can be changed by entering: OUTPNT="90.,0.,500.,500." which will move the pole to 500,500. This option is changing the origin of the map projection. |
NS | The total number of samples of the output projection can be changed with this option. |
NL | The total number of lines of the output projection can be changed with this option. |
SPACE | The number of lines per grid. Only use if the default results in a cub with no dn values. |
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