Isis 2 Documentation
PC2D - Perform interactive photoclinometry Interactive program with graphical user interface (GUI) for performing two-dimensional photoclinometry (shape from shading, or topographic modeling based on image brightness) using the finite-element method of Kirk (1987), which is described further by Kirk et al. (2003). Kirk, R. L. (1987) "III. A Fast Finite-Element Algorithm for Two-dimensional Photoclinometry," Ph.D. Thesis unpubl.), Caltech, pp. 165-258. Kirk, R. L., Barrett, J. M., and Soderblom, L. A., Photoclinometry made simple...?, "Advances in Planetary Mapping 2003", Houston, March 2003, on the web at USGSFlag/Space/Isprs/MEETINGS/Houston2003/abstracts/ Kirk_isprs_mar03.pdf A description of the program given "while standing on one leg" is as follows: An image is input. The program iteratively estimates the shape of the topographic surface that would come closest (in a least squares sense) to producing such an image under the viewing geometry described in the image label. The estimated topographic model can then be output as an ISIS cube. The process by which the solution is obtained is iterative, and in general doubly iterative. The nonlinear equations for the surface that best fits the image are repeatedly linearized and solved for increments to the topography that improve the fit, a process known as "Newton-Raphson iteration". Several means are available to solve the matrix equation generated at each Newton step: (a) Direct solution by matrix factorization. This is not iterative but its memory and CPU requirements grow very rapidly with image size so it is only practical for small images. Run program pcinfo to determine memory needs of each method for a given image. (b) Incomplete Cholesky/Conjugate Gradient method (ICCG). This is an iterative method that is memory efficient so it can be used with large images. It converges rapidly when it works but unfortunately tends to diverge cata- strophically for photoclinometry on all but the blandest images. (c) Successive over-relaxation (SOR). This is another memory- efficient, iterative method. SOR is the method of choice for most images. Its main weakness is that long spatial wavelength components of the solution converge very slowly. Convergence can be greatly speeded up by "multigridding" (working on approximations of the same problem at different resolutions in order to arrive at the different spatial frequency components of the solution simultaneously). The multigrid algorithm for photoclinometry unfortunately requires human supervision to be effective. The program parameters divide broadly into three groups: (1) Input/output file names (may include an initial guess at the topography, and a log file documenting the iterative solution process). (2) Description of surface & atmospheric scattering properties. (3) Parameters affecting the iteration process, most of which can be adjusted while the program is running so only their initial values are set through this interface. Once started, PC2D provides a GUI that includes two image display panels that allow synchronized panning and zooming in any two of the image, model image, DEM, and latest increment to DEM; widgets to control iteration and change iteration parameters; and graphical and text displays of statistics on the progress of the iteration. To perform 2D photoclinometry in batch mode, with a fixed maximum number of iterations with fixed parameters, use program pcsi. Programmer: Randolph Kirk, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff
Parm | Description | DefaultInput and output parameters |
FROM | Input cube file name | NONE |
SFROM | Input subcube specifier | -- |
TO | Output cube file name | NONE |
ZIN | Initial guess topo file name (optional). Set ZIN="DATUM" to start with datum instead of topo file. | -- |
ZOUT | Continuously updated topo estimate file name | zout.cub |
LOGFILE | Iteration history log file name (optional) | -- |
NOTE | Note for log file | NONE |
MAXMEM | Amount of memory in longwords (4-byte memory locations) to allocate. ----------------------- Photometric parameters: | 12000000 |
DNATM | Contribution to image DN by atmospheric scattering | 0.0 |
DNDATUM | DN value corresponding to datum (mean plane) orientation after subtracting DNATM | 0.1 |
DATUMTYP | Type of datum model (Zero-topography surface) 1=Plane 2=Sphere | 1 |
X | Sample at which to calculate geometry (rel to whole frame) | -- |
Y | Line at which to calculate geometry (rel to whole frame) | -- |
DISTORTD | For Viking/Voyager, does image still contain distortions? | NO |
RADIUS | Radius of datum sphere in km (If =< 0, label value used) | 0.0 |
XSPHERE | Center sample for sphere datum | -- |
YSPHERE | Center line for sphere datum | -- |
RMASK1 | Fractional radius at which to start masking for datum sphere | .85 |
RMASK2 | Fractional radius beyond which to mask for datum sphere | .95 |
K | Minnaert exponent for MIN | -- |
L | Lunar-Lambert weight for LUNLAM | -- |
WH | Single-scattering albedo for HAPHEN, HAPLEG, HAPH_S, HAPL_S | -- |
HH | Opposition surge width for HAPHEN, HAPLEG, HAPH_S, HAPL_S | -- |
B0 | Opposition surge strength for HAPHEN, HAPLEG, HAPH_S, HAPL_S | -- |
THETA | Macroscopic surface roughness in degrees, for HAPHEN, HAPLEG | -- |
HG1 | Henyey-Greenstein asymmetry parameter for single particle phase function in HAPHEN, HAPH_S | -- |
HG2 | 2nd Henyey-Greenstein parameter controls mix of +HG1, -HG1 components for HAPHEN, HAPH_S | -- |
BH | Coefficient of P1(cos(phase)) in Legendre single particle phase function for HAPLEG, HAPL_S | -- |
CH | Coefficient of P2(cos(phase)) in Legendre single particle phase function for HAPLEG, HAPL_S -------------------------------- Parameters controlling iteration Most of these parameters can be changed while the program is running | -- |
ALPHA | Penalty number | 10000.0 |
ALPHAASYM | Asymptotic penalty number | 10000.0 |
STEPASYM | Time constant (steps) to approach ALPHAASYM | 1000000.0 |
WMAX | Asymptotic SOR weight | 1.5 |
DIVTOL | Max topo change / RMS change bigger than this signals local divergence of iteration step | 300.0 |
ITMAX | Max # SOR steps/linearization | 10 |
ETOL | RMS residual value indicating solution has converged | 0.00001 |
TAUFAC | Fraction of truncation error to achieve for convergence | 1.0 |
BIGTOL | RMS residual/higher-res residual -->go to next higher resolution | 0.1 |
OLDTOL | RMS residual/previous residual -->go to next lower resolution | 0.8 |
DEPTHLIM | Maximum # of levels by which to reduce resolution by 2 |
Parm | Description |
FROM | The image file upon which photoclinometry is to be performed. |
SFROM | Input subcube specifier for the FROM file. Selects the part of the input cube file upon which photoclinometry is to be performed. The format for the SFROM parameter is ss-es(sinc):sl-el(linc):sb-eb(binc) where: ss = starting sample es = ending sample sinc = sample increment sl = starting line el = ending line linc = line increment sb = starting band eb = ending band binc = band increment The default value of NULL will select the entire input cube. If the line and sample increments are not equal, the map scale will not be accurate. |
TO | The cube file to be created, containing a digital elevation model (DEM) of the region contained in the input (sub)image. TO is created only when the program finishes successfully. The difference between TO and ZOUT is that values in TO have been interpolated to pixel centers, so that TO has the same line and sample dimensions as the area of FROM specified by SFROM. ZOUT contains elevations at the corners of the image pixels and therefore has one more line and sample than TO. Both TO and ZOUT are 32-bit floating point files containing heights in meters. The photoclinometry algorithm actually calculates "heights" measured along line-of-sight toward the camera. Rather than performing a full three-dimensional resampling of the topography to convert to heights measured vertically (i.e., orthorectification), the program scales the slantwise heights by the cosine of the emission angle. The difference between a DEM scaled in this way and one that is orthorectified will be negligible if either the emission angle or the maximum topographic slope is small. |
ZIN | Optional cube file to be read, containing an initial estimate of the topography (relative to the datum surface, in units of meters) to be used to start iteration. There are two valid options for the size of ZIN; any Other size will cause the program to abort. (1) ZIN is the same size as the subarea of the image FROM specified by SFROM, and contains heights at the centers of pixels. This would be the case if topographic data from another source (stereo or altimetry) are projected to the geometry of FROM. The output file TO from a previous photoclinometry calculation is also this size and can be used, but the ZOUT file is preferred. ZIN files this size will be resampled to give pixel-corner heights before they are used. (2) ZIN is one sample and one line larger than the specified subarea of FROM, and contains heights at the corners of pixels. A ZOUT file from a previous photoclinometry calculation can be used as ZIN, allowing iteration to continue with no degradation caused by resampling If no file is specified, an initial estimate will be computed using the fast "SSIPSF-PI" algorithm, which exploits the symmetries of the photoclinometry equations linearized about the datum plane. If the string "DATUM" is used for ZIN, no cube file will be read, and the elevation model will be initialized to the datum model (planar or spherical) with no added topography. |
ZOUT | Output image file continuously updated to contain the most recent full-resolution estimate of the digital elevation model (DEM) during iteration. In the event that the program encounters an error or is stopped by the user before convergence is achieved, ZOUT can be used as the ZIN file in a subsequent run of the program, allowing iteration to be resumed with no loss of DEM quality. The difference between TO and ZOUT is that values in TO have been interpolated to pixel centers, so that TO has the same line and sample dimensions as the area of FROM specified by SFROM. ZOUT contains elevations at the corners of the image pixels and therefore has one more line and sample than TO. Both TO and ZOUT are 32-bit floating point files containing heights in meters. The photoclinometry algorithm actually calculates "heights" measured along line-of-sight toward the camera. Rather than performing a full three-dimensional resampling of the topography to convert to heights measured vertically (i.e., orthorectification), the program scales the slantwise heights by the cosine of the emission angle. The difference between a DEM scaled in this way and one that is orthorectified will be negligible if either the emission angle or the maximum topographic slope is small. |
LOGFILE | Optional output text file containing a header with parameter information and a table of various statistics as they change during the iteration process. The statistics tabulated include: iteration #, resolution at which iteration is being done (in units of full image resolution), # of floating operations expended so far, RMS residual in photoclinometry equations, RMS difference between observed image and that calculated from the topo solution, and RMS topography in pixel widths. |
NOTE | Note to be included in the header of the log file. Will also be written to the header of the output image file. Maximum 72 characters. |
MAXMEM | This is the amount of memory in longwords to allocate. Memory required depends on the image size, illumination geometry (which determines how the image will be rotated for some processing steps) and solution methods used. Run program pcinfo to determine memory needs for a given image. |
DNATM | Estimated atmospheric scattering contribution to input image. This value will be subtracted from all pixels before the image is scaled and used for photoclinometry. DNATM+DNDATUM should be close to the mean DN of the image or of a level subarea. If they are not, the resulting DEM will be tilted. |
DNDATUM | Estimated brightness of a patch with the orientation of the mean planetary surface (datum) in the input image. This is the value after DNATM is subtracted from the image. The amplitude of estimated topography is inversely proportional to the DNDATUM assumed, so if the resulting DEM can be compared to a priori height information even of low resolution, DNDATUM and DNATM can be refined. |
DATUMTYP | Type of model for the datum, or mean planetary surface. If DATUMTYP=1, the datum is a plane tangent at the image point at which geometric quantities are calculated (see X, Y). If DATUMTYP=2, the datum is a portion of a sphere. In this case the size and location of the sphere may be calculated from label information or overridden by user input (see RADIUS, XSPHERE, YSPHERE). Default is 1. |
X | Affects the location in the image at which geometric quantities will be calculated from SPICE label information. These quantities will be calculated at sample X, line Y measured relative to the FULL camera frame from which the current data were extracted. If no value is given for X the sample coordinate of the center of the full frame will be used. |
Y | Affects the location in the image at which geometric quantities will be calculated from SPICE label information. These quantities will be calculated at sample X, line Y measured relative to the FULL camera frame from which the current data were extracted. If no value is given for Y the line coordinate of the center of the full frame will be used. |
DISTORTD | Do the images still contain camera distortions? If YES, the X,Y values from either the user inputs or the defaults for the center of the frame will be corrected before being used to find the illumination and viewing geometry. Default is NO (no correction). |
RADIUS | Radius in km of the spherical datum model to be used if DATUMTYP=2 (q.v.). If RADIUS=<0, the planetary radius read from PLANET.SAV will be used, but if RADIUS>0 the value input will be used. |
XSPHERE | Affects the center that will be used for a spherical datum model. If no value is given, the center of the disk will be calculated from the label information. |
YSPHERE | Affects the center that will be used for a spherical datum model. If no value is given, the center of the disk will be calculated |
RMASK1 | This parameter is applicable only if DATUMTYP=2. Pixels further than RMASK2 times the radius of the spherical datum from the center of the sphere will be set to the (local) datum brightness, those closer than RMASK1 will be left alone, and those in between will have their brightness interpolated between the actual and datum values. |
RMASK2 | This parameter is applicable only if DATUMTYP=2. Pixels further than RMASK2 times the radius of the spherical datum from the center of the sphere will be set to the (local) datum brightness, those closer than RMASK1 will be left alone, and those in between will have their brightness interpolated between the actual and datum values. |
PHOFUNC | This parameter selects the type of photometric function model used to describe the planetary surface. The parameters used differ between the photometric functions. PHOTOMETRIC FUNCTIONS TAE Full name Parameters ___ _________ __________ LAMBER Lambert none LOMSEL Lommel-Seeliger ("lunar") none LUNLAM Lunar-Lambert function L MIN Minnaert function K HAPHEN Hapke - Henyey-Greenstein WH,HG1,HG2, HH,B0,THETA HAPLEG Hapke - Legendre WH,BH,CH, HH,BH,THETA HAPH_S Hapke - Henyey-Gr. smooth WH,HG1,HG2 HAPL_S Hapke - Legendre smooth WH,BH,CH The functions are defined as follows, where phase is the phase angle, and u0 and u are the cosines of the incidence and emission angles, respectively Lambert FUNC=u0 Lommel-Seeliger FUNC=u0/(u0+u) Minnaert FUNC=u0**K * u**(K-1) Lunar-Lambert ("lunar" part is Lommel-Seeliger) FUNC=(1-L)*u0 + 2*L*u0/(u0+u) Hapke - Henyey-Greenstein Complete Hapke (1981; 1984; 1986) photometric model with Henyey-Greenstein single-particle phase function whose coefficients are HG1 and HG2, plus single scattering albedo WH, opposition surge parameters HH and B0, and macroscopic roughness THETA. Hapke - Legendre Similar to the previous except that the single particle phase function is a two-term Legendre polynomial with coefficients BH and CH. Hapke - Henyey-Greeenstein smooth Substantially simplified version of Hapke-Henyey-Greenstein function that omits the opposition effect as well as the (very slow) macroscopic roughness correction. For a smooth model with opposition effect, use the full Hapke-Henyey function with THETA=0. Hapke - Legendre smooth Simplified Hapke model with Legendre single particle phase function, no opposition surge, and no roughness correction. Hapke, B. W., 1981. Bidirectional reflectance spectroscopy 1: Theory. J. Geophys. Res., pp. 86,3039-3054. Hapke, B., 1984. Bidirectional reflectance spectroscopy 3: Corrections for macroscopic roughness. Icarus, 59, pp. 41-59. Hapke, B., 1986. Bidirectional reflectance spectroscopy 4: The extinction coefficient and the opposition effect. Icarus, 67, pp. 264-280. McEwen (1991) has compiled Hapke parameter estimates for many planets and satellites from a variety of sources. McEwen, A. S., 1991. Photometric functions for photo- clinometry and other applications. Icarus, 92, pp. 298-311. |
K | Exponent that governs limb-darkening in the Minnaert photometric function: PHOFUNC=u0**K * u**(K-1). Values generally fall in the range from 0.5 ("lunar-like", almost no limb darkening) to 1.0 (Lambert function). |
L | Weight that governs limb-darkening in the Lunar-Lambert photometric function: PHOFUNC=(1-L)*u0 + 2*L*u0/(u0+u). Values generally fall in the range from 0 (Lambert function) to 1 (Lommel-Seeliger or "lunar" function). |
WH | Single-scattering albedo of surface particles, used if PHOFUNC=HAPHEN, HAPLEG, HAPH_S, or HAPL_S. See Hapke (1981). |
B0 | Magnitude of the opposition effect for the surface, used if PHOFUNC=HAPHEN, HAPLEG, HAPH_S, or HAPL_S. See Hapke (1984). |
HH | Width parameter for the opposition effect for the surface, used if FUNC=HAPHEN, HAPLEG, HAPH_S, or HAPL_S. See Hapke (1984). |
THETA | "Macroscopic roughness" of the surface as it affects the photometric behavior, used if PHOFUNC=HAPHEN or HAPLEG. This is the RMS slope at scales larger than the distance photons penetrate the surface but smaller than a pixel. See Hapke (1986). The roughness correction, which will be evaluated if THETA is given any value other than 0.0, is extremely slow. |
HG1 | Asymmetry parameter used in the Henyey-Greenstein model for the scattering phase function of single particles in the surface, used if PHOFUNC=HAPHEN or HAPH_S. See Hapke (1981). The two-parameter Henyey-Greenstein function is P(phase) = (1-HG2) * (1-HG1**2)/(1+HG1**2+2*HG1*COS(PHASE))**1.5 + HG2 * (1-HG1**2)/(1+HG1**2-2*HG1*COS(PHASE))**1.5 |
HG2 | Second parameter of the two-parameter Henyey-Greenstein model for the scattering phase function of single particles in the surface, used if PHOFUNC=HAPHEN or HAPH_S. This parameter controls a the proportions in a linear mixture of ordinary Heneyey-Greenstein phase functions with asymmetry parameters equal to +HG1 and -HG1. See HG1 for the full formula. |
BH | When PHOFUNC=HAPLEG or HAPL_S, a two-term Legendre polynomial is used for the scattering phase function of single particles in the surface P(phase) = 1 + BH * P1(COS(PHASE)) + CH * P2(COS(PHASE)) |
CH | When PHOFUNC=HAPLEG or HAPL_S, a two-term Legendre polynomial is used for the scattering phase function of single particles in the surface P(phase) = 1 + BH * P1(COS(PHASE)) + CH * P2(COS(PHASE)) |
ALPHA | Penalty number for the constrained minimization form of the photoclinometry equations: a small amount 1/ALPHA of a function expressing the "roughness" of the topographic surface is added to the expression for the RMS difference between the observed and modeled (from the topo) image brightnesses, and the combined function is minimized. In this way, the under-determination of the brightness fit by itself is avoided. In theory, ALPHA should scale like the signal-to-noise ratio of the data. In practice, the value of ALPHA has very little effect on the solution obtained, as long as it is large (1000 or greater, say). Reducing ALPHA might be attempted if the iteration process does not converge successfully with the default value. This parameter can be reset once the program is running. |
ALPHAASYM | Asymptotic penalty number. The penalty number will be slowly increased from its current value toward ALPHAASYM at each Newton- Raphson step. The number of steps needed to approach the asymptote is set by STEPASYM. Tbus, ALPHAASYM >= ALPHA is required. Changing penalty number is not useful for SOR but may be helpful to achieve convergence with the Incomplete Cholesky/Conjugate Gradient (ICCG) method of solving the linearized equations. This parameter can be reset once the program is running. |
STEPASYM | Time constant (steps) to approach asymptotic value of the penalty number. See ALPHAASYM. |
WMAX | Successive over-relaxation (SOR) is used to approximate the solution to the linearized photoclinometry equations. The relaxation weight is gradually increased from 1.0 (technically, Gauss-Seidel iteration rather than over-relaxation) in the first iteration, reaching WMAX asymptotically. This is of use because a weight >1.0 can speed convergence dramatically in the later stages of SOR (when the residual error is a smooth function of location) but is often inappropriate for the first few iterations. If the topography being reconstructed is very rugged, a large SOR weight may be inappropriate even for the later steps. Setting WMAX=1.0 or only slightly larger may help convergence in such cases. For the roughest topography, it may be necessary to set WMAX < 1 and perform underrelaxation to smooth local divergence. Underrelaxation may sometimes be alternated with overrelaxation if the latter converges most of the solution quickly but causes a few areas to diverge. This parameter can be reset once the program is running. |
DIVTOL | Successive over-relaxation (SOR) is used to approximate the solution to the linearized photoclinometry equations. SOR can be subject to local divergence if the image is noisy or the topography is rough. The SOR increments to the topography are therefore examined for divergent values: values more than DIVTOL times the RMS over the whole dataset are considered divergent. If such values occur, the increment is rejected, the topography is smoothed, and iteration is restarted. To avoid a possible infinite loop, iteration is abandoned completely if three successive smoothings do not cure divergence. This parameter can be reset once the program is running. |
ITMAX | Successive over-relaxation (SOR) is used to approximate the solution to the linearized photoclinometry equations. ITMAX is the maximum number of SOR steps that will be taken before the equations are relinearized about the new topographic estimate. The smoother the topography, the closer the equations are to linear in the first place, and the larger ITMAX may be set to increase the efficiency of computation. (Note that DDZTOL needs to be set smaller at the same time.) |
ETOL | Target RMS residual for iteration on the linearized photoclinometry equations. If the RMS residual falls below ETOL, iteration is assumed to have converged. If this occurs while iterating at full resolution, the "Hints" area of the GUI will recommend that the user end iteration and output the current solution as TO; if it occurs at lower resolution, the hint will recommend that the user change to the next higher resolution to continue iteration (see BIGTOL, OLDTOL, TAUFAC for further explanation of multi-resolution iteration). This parameter can be reset once the program is running. |
TAUFAC | Successive over-relaxation (SOR) is used to approximate the solution to the linearized photoclinometry equations. This has the drawback that, although the high spatial frequency (horizontally small) components of the solution are arrived at quickly, the low spatial frequency (horizontally large) components are not. A technique known as "multigridding" is used to speed up full convergence. Lower-frequency components of the full solution are arrived at by attempting to solve the equivalent problem with half the resolution (twice the pixel size or "mesh spacing"). The full speedup of the method is realized when a 1/4 resolution mesh is used to speed convergence at 1/2 resolution, a 1/8 res mesh to speed convergence at 1/4 res, and so on. TAUFAC controls the switching between meshes and also detection that the solution has converged. When the working resolution is changed from a higher to a lower level, an estimate of the "truncation error" (the accuracy with which the coarser equations represent the problem to be solved) is generated. A truncation error estimate is not directly available at full resolution, but once iteration has been done at coarser resolution the truncation error can be extrapolated to full resolution. It is not generally useful to refine solution beyond the level of accuracy set by the truncation error. The RMS residual after each Newton-Raphson step is therefore compared to the truncation error estimate times TAUFAC. If the residual is less, iteration at the current resolution is assumed to have converged. If this occurs while iterating at full resolution, the "Hints" area of the GUI will recommend that the user end iteration and output the current solution as TO; if it occurs at lower resolution, the hint will recommend that the user change to the next higher resolution to continue iteration. The same hints are also given if the residual is less than ETOL. The default TAUFAC=1 causes the RMS truncation error to be used as the criterion for convergence. Setting TAUFAC slightly less than 1 may be reasonable to allow for more refinement in those areas of the DEM where the truncation errors are smaller than the RMS value. This parameter can be reset once the program is running. |
BIGTOL | Successive over-relaxation (SOR) is used to approximate the solution to the linearized photoclinometry equations. This has the drawback that, although the high spatial frequency (horizontally small) components of the solution are arrived at quickly, the low spatial frequency (horizontally large) components are not. A technique known as "multigridding" is used to speed up full convergence. Lower-frequency components of the full solution are arrived at by attempting to solve the equivalent problem with half the resolution (twice the pixel size or "mesh spacing"). The full speedup of the method is realized when a 1/4 resolution mesh is used to speed convergence at 1/2 resolution, a 1/8 res mesh to speed convergence at 1/4 res, and so on. BIGTOL controls the switching between meshes: when the current RMS residual is less than BIGTOL times the residual at the next higher resolution, the current low-resolution solution is considered to be "good enough" and the "Hints" area of the GUI will recommend that the user change to the next higher resolution to continue iteration. The same hint is also given if the residual is less than ETOL or the estimated truncation error times TAUFAC. This parameter can be reset once the program is running. |
OLDTOL | Successive over-relaxation (SOR) is used to approximate the solution to the linearized photoclinometry equations. This has the drawback that, although the high spatial frequency (horizontally small) components of the solution are arrived at quickly, the low spatial frequency (horizontally large) components are not. A technique known as "multigridding" is used to speed up full convergence. Lower-frequency components of the full solution are arrived at by attempting to solve the equivalent problem with half the resolution (twice the pixel size or "mesh spacing"). The full speedup of the method is realized when a 1/4 resolution mesh is used to speed convergence at 1/2 resolution, a 1/8 res mesh to speed convergence at 1/4 res, and so on. OLDTOL controls the switching between meshes: when the current RMS residual is more than OLDTOL times the residual after the previous linearization, progress at the current resolution is considered to be "slow" and the "Hints" area of the GUI will recommend that the user change to the next lower resolution to continue iteration. This parameter can be reset once the program is running. |
DEPTHLIM | The multigrid clinometry algorithm operates on the original image and a series of derived images, each with a factor of two lower resolution than the one before. This parameter controls the maximum number of times the resolution can be reduced (the "depth" of the multigrid algorithm). Regardless of the value of DEPTHLIM, however, the resolution will never be reduced so far that the reduced image would have less than 16 pixels in width or height. |
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