Isis 2 Documentation
photosort - Sort a list of images based on photo statistic constraints Programmer: Tammy Becker, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff Photosort takes an input list of filenames and creates a new output file that contains the filenames of the images that fall within the user specified constraints. The constraints are defined by the TAE parameters that allow the user to enter a range of values for each of the photo statistics. The photo statistic parameters that are defaulted to null will not be included in the contraints. One last constraint is the gain mode id, which is a one value constraint, the valid values are either 0,1,2,3 or 4. If gain is left at default of null, it will not be used as a constraint. Start_times of 1950 are automatically eliminated, as well as images that have a center latitude and longitude off the planet.
Parm | Description | Default |
FROMLIST | List of input cube file names (No default extension) | NONE |
TOLIST | List of output cube file names (No default extension) | NONE |
EMA | Emission angle range | -- |
INC | Incidence angle range | -- |
PHASE | Phase angle range | -- |
SCLAT | Subspacecraft latitude range | -- |
SCLON | Subspacecraft longitude range | -- |
SUNLAT | Subsolar latitude range | -- |
SUNLON | Subsolar longitude range | -- |
RES | Resolution (km/px) range | -- |
LAT | Latitude range | -- |
LON | Longitude range | -- |
GAIN | Gain mode id (0,1,2,3) |
Parm | Description |
FROMLIST | Input file list name. This is an ascii file that can be created with the directory listing command that contains the path and filenames. |
TOLIST | Output file list name. This contains all the filenames that have fallen within the constraints. |
EMA | Emission angle range. The image falls within the emission angle constraint if the angle of the image is greater than or equal to ema(1) and less than or equal to ema(2). If ema = null, the emission angle will not be used as a constraint. |
INC | Incidence angle range. The image falls within the incidence angle constraint if the angle of the image is greater than or equal to inc(1) and less than or equal to inc(2). If inc = null, the incidence angle will not be used as a constraint. |
PHASE | Phase angle range. The image falls within the phase angle constraint if the angle of the image is greater than or equal to phase(1) and less than or equal to phase(2). If phase = null, the phase angle will not be used as a constraint. |
SCLAT | Subspacecraft latitude range. The image falls within the constraint if the subspacecraft latitude of the image is greater than or equal to sclat(1) and less than or equal to sclat(2). If sclat = null, the subspacecraft latitude will not be used as a constraint. |
SCLON | Subspacecraft longitude range. The image falls within the constraint if the subspacecraft longitude of the image is greater than or equal to sclon(1) and less than or equal to sclon(2). If sclon = null, the subspacecraft longitude will not be used as a constraint. |
SUNLAT | Subsolar latitude range. The image falls within the constraint if the subsolar latitude of the image is greater than or equal to sunlat(1) and less than or equal to sunlat(2). If sunlat = null, the subsolar latitude will not be used as a constraint. |
SUNLON | Subsolar longitude range. The image falls within the constraint if the subsolar longitude of the image is greater than or equal to sunlon(1) and less than or equal to sunlon(2). If sunlon = null, the subsolar longitude will not be used as a constraint. |
RES | Resolution range (km/px). The image falls within the constraint if the resolution of the image is greater than or equal to res(1) and less than or equal to res(2). If res = null, the resolution will not be used as a constraint. |
LAT | Latitude range. The image falls within the constraint if latitude range of the image is greater than or equal to lat(1) and less than or equal to lat(2). If lat = null, the latitude range will not be used as a constraint. |
LON | Longitude range. The image falls within the constraint if longitude range of the image is greater than or equal to lon(1) and less than or equal to lon(2). If lon = null, the longitude range will not be used as a constraint. |
GAIN | Gain mode id (0,1,2,3). The image falls within the constraint if the gain mode id of the image is equal to GAIN. If GAIN = null, the gain mode id will not be used as a constraint. |
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