Isis 2 Documentation
qview - Display cube PURPOSE ------- This program will display a standard ISIS cube on specific types of X Window based workstations/terminals (devices). It can display both black and white using a single band or a color composite using three bands. In addition, it contains a series of tools such as pixel listing and doctoring. OPENING A B/W DISPLAY --------------------- To open a display goto the "FILE" pulldown menu and select the open display item. This generates a "FILE SELECTION" box which allows the user to choose a cube to load in the display. Once the cube is selected the "LOAD OPTION" box appears which allows the user to select MIN/MAXs and BANDS to use for loading the cube. First select which band to display in the "RED/MONO" text field. Set the "GREEN" and "BLUE" text fields to zero. Next select the stretch to apply. Either NO STRETCH, AUTOMATIC, or MANUAL. NO STRETCH can only be used for 8-bit cubes. The AUTOMATIC stretch will cause "qview" to gather statistics from the image and use those statistics to determine minimum and maximum pixel values. The MANUAL stretch allows the user to specify the range of pixel values. If a MANUAL stretch is selected the user must supply the minimum and maximum values for the MANUAL stretch in the appropriate text fields. When done setting the band and stretch press the OK button and a 512x512 display will be created and loaded with the cube compressed to fit in the display. MANIPULATING THE CUBE --------------------- Once a cube is loaded in the display you can manipulate the cube using the toolbar functions. Currently there are five toolbar functions: Zoom function (Magnifying glass icon) Roam function (Four arrow icon) Stretch function (Warped square icon) List function (Text icon) Doctor function (MD icon) Measure function (Measuring tape icon) Each tool operates using the three mouse buttons (MB1,MB2,MB3) in the following fashion: ZOOM MB1 = Zoom in 2x MB2 = Zoom so 1 screen pixel represent 1 cube pixel MB3 = Zoom out 2x MB1+ = MB1 down and moving the cursor will cause a box to be drawn. When MB1 is released the data in the box will be zoomed. ROAM MB1 = Move image up/down/left/right based on pointer position on cube MB3 = Move pixel under pointer to center of display STRETCH MB1 = Apply automatic linear stretch using statistics of entire display MB3 = Reset stretch MB1+ = MB1 down and moving cursor will cause a box to be drawn. When MB1 is release the data in the box will be used to collect statistics for the stretch (local stretch) LIST MB1 = Obtain statistics and listing for a window about the pointer. DOCTOR MB1 = Apply pixel, horizontal line, start-end line, or rectangular edit to cube. Pixel values are changed with a user specified DN. MB2 = The DN value at the cursor will become the DN used in subsequent doctor operations. MB3 = Undo last edit MB1+ = MB1 down and moving the cursor will cause a line to be drawn. This is only applicable when the edit mode is start-end line. MEASURE MB1 = Holding the first mouse button down, draw a line for a linear measurement. Also for the "Center" option click the first mouse button to get a clat,clon of feature you are measuring. The measurement tool has the option of saving measurement information in a file. This is done by hitting the Save button in the measure dialog box. The default file name is measure.dat. The file name can be changed under the Options menu. The way the lat/lon values are displayed can also be changes under the Options menu. In ISIS, the lat/lon values can be positive or negative depending on whether the images is Positive longitude east or west. The cartographic lat/lon values are positive with a N (north), S(south), E(east) or W(west) following. For example: In ISIS 72.39:-179.35 Cartographic 72.39N:179.35W (for a positive longitude east) Note that many of the tools have options which can be changed under the options menu. For example, the zoom factor can be changed to 5 so that the zoom tool will zoom in/out by 5x. CHANGING THE VIEW ----------------- A different band can be viewed by selecting the "VIEW" option from the "FILE" pulldown menu. This will bring up the "VIEW OPTIONS" box which is similar to the "LOAD OPTIONS" box. Just change the band number in the "RED/MONO" text field and press the "OK" button to view the band. TRACKING SAMPLE/LINE AND PIXEL VALUES -------------------------------------- At the bottom of the display there are several fields reporting the SAMPLE/ LINE and PIXEL value (by default the reporting is OFF). To turn on position tracking press the toolbar function which looks like a animal track. As the pointer moves through the display window the sample/line and pixel values are reported. Also, if the cube has spice and/or projection labels the latitude/longitude will be reported. At this time, the azimuth and elevation for Mars Pathfinder IMP images is not reported. LOADING THREE BAND COLOR COMPOSITES ----------------------------------- First, you must be on a 24-bit X Device. When the "LOAD OPTION" box appears select the bands using the "RED, GREEN, and BLUE" text fields. Then select the stretch type. If a MANUAL stretch is selected enter three values in the MINIMUM text field and three in the MAXIMUM text field. For example, 10 30 90 200 150 190 would imply minimums of 10 30 90 for red, green, and blue, respectively. Similarly, 200 150 and 190 would be the maximums for red, green, and blue. "qview" Display Menus --------------------- File Menu View - Allows a new band to be viewed or allows the stretch to be changed. Close display - Closes current "qview" display window. Close all displays - Closes all "qview" display windows Options Menu Zoom Options - Allows the zoom factor to be changed. Roam Options - Allows the percentage of the image moved during the roam operation to be changed. Stretch Options - Allows the low and high stretch percentages to be changed. List Options - Option to list core data or backplane data, change the number of samples and lines listed and allows the file name where the listing is saved to be changed. Doctor Options - Option to define doctor function defaults such as the type of editing (point,line,etc.) and what value to replace pixels with. Display size - Lists the number of lines and samples in the display window. Note there is a file, $ISISDATA/qview-defaults, which can be modified to allow for user defined values for all of the above options. The file is read at startup time of "qview" and overrides any internal defaults. Please see the documentation in the file for additional information. Show Menu Image Information - Lists statistics about the image displayed such as image size, bit type, etc. Histogram - List image data statistics and a tabular histogram. Photo Statistics - If the image displayed has spice information, photometry statistics will be listed as the cursor is moved around the image. Applications Menu Browse - Brings up a dialog box which allows images to be chosen and displayed quickly in the display window. Limbfit - Measures control points along the limb of an image and finds a best fit circle through the points to define the plane size and positon. New camera angles are calculated and written to the labels. Control points may be saved to a data file. To mark a control point move cursor to location you want to choose and hold the Control key while clicking the first mouse button. This will allow you to use the mouse for the other toolbar functions such as zoom and stretch. The planet radius calculated is written to the file "radii.dat". Reseau - This tool allows you to fine tune the location of the reseaus located in the labels in the keywords, RESEAU_SAMPLE and RESEAU_LINE. When this application is opened, a red box will be drawn around each reseau on the displayed image using the locations in the labels. A dialog box will also be displayed showing reseau information. To change a reseau location, place the cursor where the reseau is actually located, and press Cntrl-1st mouse button. This new location will be written to the dialog box. To save this new location (not written to labels yet), Click on the "Save" button in the dialog box or press Cntrl-middle mouse button. Proceed to the next reseau. The new reseau locations will not be written to the image labels until you Exit the reseau dialog box. Record - This tool allows you to assign a unique ID to points in an image file and record the ID, Sample, and Line information to a text file. This tool was originally developed for use with the Lunar Orbiter project so that fiducial points could be easily recorded. When you choose the Record option from the Applications menu, a file selection dialog will appear. You can either choose an existing file or create a new one. After choosing the file, a dialog box will appear that lists all (if any) points from the input file. A red X will be placed on the image file at the location of each point that has been recorded. To add, delete, or replace a recorded point, place the cursor on the point of interest within the image display window. Then press the "R" key (upper or lower case doesn't matter). A dialog window will appear asking for an ID. Enter the ID and press one of the buttons on the bottom of the window that applies to the action you want to take. When you are finished recording points, press the Exit button in the window that shows recorded points. Main "qview" dialog box toolbar ------------------------------- Link - Allows displays to be linked together resulting in zoom and roam operations performed on all displays linked together. Displays that are to be "blinked" need to be "linked" first. Blink - If displays are "linked" together, this tool will alternate the display of the "linked" images in a single display window. Register - This option is a very simple attempt to bring PICS TVREG capabilities into "qview". Two images must be loaded and linked in displays 1 & 2. You should load the cubes with an automatic or manual stretch. Check off the register option and give a file name for saving control. Using the zoom/roam tools along with the blink option you can line up features in both displays. Once you have a feature registered, put the pointer on it in display 1 and press the "s" key. A window will pop up to allow you to name the control point. If it doesn't then either the "s" key wasn't pressed in display 1 or display 1 was not active. Continue picking as many control as desired and when completed the control file can be used as input to random or warp2. TAE Options ----------- Displays may also be opened from the TAE command line or by tutoring "qview" in TAE and using the parameter FROM. Upto 6 images may be opened at one time. This option will only display the first band of multi-band images. You can also specify a min/max on the TAE command line by using the MIN and MAX parameters. If the MIN and MAX parameters are not used, an automatic stretch will be performed on the image. Programmers: Jeff Anderson, Tracie Sucharski, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff
Parm | Description | Default |
FROM | Input cube file name (default extension is .cub) | -- |
MIN | Manual stretch minimum | -- |
MAX | Manual stretch maximum |
Parm | Description |
FROM | Input cube file name. If the file extension is omitted, then ".cub" will be assumed. |
MIN | Minimum values used in the manual stretch. This corresponds to the values entered in the from parameter. For example, from=(test1.cub,test2.cub) min=(0,20) max=(0,150) The minimum/maximum values for test1.cub would be set to 0,0 which tells "qview" to calculate the stretch. The minimum/maximum values for test2.cub would be set to 20,150 respectively. |
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