Isis 2 Documentation

Release Notes:

For August 15, 2000 ISIS Release

This document describes the changes and enhancements that have been made to ISIS since the previous release on June 15, 1999. This is divided into several sections:

  1. Supported Platforms
  2. Notes on the IDL Display Programs
  3. Documentation Updates
  4. New Programs
  5. Program-Specific Updates
  6. Updates Applicable to Multiple Programs
  7. Data File Updates
  8. Changes of Interest to ISIS Programmers
  9. The Use of Perl Within ISIS - *NEW*


We currently support Sun Solaris 2.6 (SunOS 5.6) Compaq Alpha running Compaq Tru64 Unix V4.0 - Rev. 1091 (previously known as DEC Alpha Digital Unix), and Linux RedHat 6.1.


The IDL display programs in this ISIS release are compatible with IDL Version 5.2. We have discovered minor bugs when using the ISIS programs cv and tvtie in IDL 5.2. Please see Known Bugs for a description of these problems. In addition, refer to Notes on Use of the IDL Display Programs for proper display setup instructions.



The $ISISDOC directory contains Release Notes for each release of ISIS. These are contained in files named "isisYYMMDD_release.notes" or "isis_release_notes.YYMMDD", where YYMMDD is the date of the ISIS release. Each Release Notes file describes changes in the system since the previous release.

The current documentation for a release of ISIS is contained in a set of files in the $ISISHTML directory, which is part of the local ISIS installation. These are in a format that can be accessed with a web browser. For example, to view the local copy of the ISIS documentation with netscape, type:

netscape $ISISHTML/documentation.html

You can also access the ISIS documentation over the Internet at the ISIS web site. However, note that the documentation on the ISIS web site is updated each time updates are made to our internal developmental version of ISIS. Thus, the web site documentation might contain information on new or modified programs that are not yet contained in the public release of ISIS that is described in your local $ISISHTML directory. However, the web site can be used for registering to receive update notices and for looking at the latest version of the Frequently Asked Questions list.


In addition to new documentation for the new programs and minor updates to documentation for previously existing programs, the following are some additional program documentation updates:

automos.pdf - Some typos were corrected in the automos.pdf procedure.

ddd2isis.pdf - There is a new version of the pdf which clarifies that the program is for ddd formated files not pds files.

instpars.pdf - is a documentation PDF, similar to the "sfrom" and "orange" PDFs. It describes the function of the instpars TAE parameter found in many geometry programs.

mappars.pdf - is a documentation PDF, similar to the "sfrom" and "orange" PDFs. It describes the function of the mappars TAE parameter found in many geometry programs.


Frequently Asked Questions - Updated the list of supported platforms and removed all references to RedHat 6.0 support.

ISIS Acquisition - Updated to allow acquiring the August 15, 2000 ISIS release.

ISIS Appendix E - Environment Variables - The ISIS_FPU_CONTROL environment variable description has been added.

ISIS Discussion Email List - New page that describes the new ISIS Discussion email list.

Installation Guide - Updated for this release.

Known Bugs - Updated with two new IDL 5.2 bugs concerning CV and TVTIE.

MGS Mars Orbiter Camera Image Processing with ISIS - This page has been updated to reflect the current state of MOC processing capabilities.

ISIS Patches - Removed patch links for June 1999 ISIS Release.

Policy on ISIS Programming - Updated to indicate that programming questions should be sent to (Both questions on use of ISIS and questions on ISIS programming should now be sent to this email address.)

Notes on Use of the IDL Display Programs - This page now provides a more detailed description on how to set up your display for IDL.

Release Notes - Description of updates in this release has been added.

User Feedback - Updated to remove the fill-in form. All questions/comments should now be emailed to

Voyager and Galileo SSI Image Processing with ISIS - The old Voyager page has been updated to include Galileo SSI image processing steps.


coreg2 - This new application is a merging of the old coreg concept with additional functionality and improved image pair coregistration. It has many additional features that augment the task of registering two images to one another. It writes the result to a file that is intended to be used for Imager for Mars Pathfinder's "imp2prj" application for projecting without an additional resampling thus reducing pixel error. This feature will likely be incorporated in other ISIS software as well. See the PDF for more details.

cvplot - New routine that can be called from IDL to make data plots from data contained in IDL arrays. This uses the same plotting routines as are used by the "cv" Cube Visualization program. Thus, it allows "drag and drop" copying of data plots between "cv" plot windows and "cvplot" windows. It also allows the same interactive control over the plotting, e.g., control of plot ranges, window resizing, control of plotting symbols, colors, and line styles, setting plot titles, PostScript output for hard copy, etc.

daisy - This procedure and the daisparm program it runs were ported over from PICS. It creates a "flower petal" projection from a series of transverse mercators and a lambert azimuthal projection in the center for making a globe.

fmidrfixlabel - This program corrects the labels on a Magellan F-midr image after it has been processed by pds2isis.

impcal - New program that performs radiometric calibraion on the Mars Pathfinder Lander images.

instpars - is a documentation PDF, similar to the "sfrom" and "orange" PDFs. It describes the function of the instpars TAE parameter found in many geometry programs.

lev1geoplane - A new program that is like "geoback" but works on MOC images and will write the new plane data to the backplanes of the FROM cube if no TO parameter is specified, but will write the data to bands of a new file when TO is specified.

lev1pt - This is a new program that will list geometric information for a point in a single cube file or list of cube files.

lev1stats - is a new program which generates geometric and photometric statistics for level 1 cubes. It currently supports MGS Mars Observer Camera data; however, in the future will support other missions.

lev1tolev2 - is a new program which generates a transformation file "tfile", which can be input to "geom". The tfile transforms level 1 cubes to a user specified map projection (level 2). It currently supports MGS Mars Observer Camera data; however, in the future will support other missions.

lev2grid - a new program that is like vax programs "plotgrid", "plot- tics" and "plotxtra". "lev2grid" generates a PostScript file for draw- ing latitude/longitude graticules, latitude and longitude ticks and/or an extra grid. The output plot file can be displayed on the screen using ghostview or printed to a PostScript device.

mappars - is a documentation PDF, similar to the "sfrom" and "orange" PDFs. It describes the function of the mappars TAE parameter found in many geometry programs.

mocbtbl - Creates an ISIS binary table file from the output of the lev1stats application. The input argument is either print.prt containing single file runs of lev1stats or the file named by TO in lev1stats for a list of input files. mocbtbl figures out which format the file is and generates the table file.

mocnoise50 - New program that corrects the noise spike that appears in some MOC images approximately every 50 pixels.

mocrange - Applies range constraints to one of the 4 element set/categories in an ISIS table file generated by the mocbtbl program from results of the lev1stats program. Note that output table files generated from mocrange can be used as the input table on sucessive runs.

pan2plan - This is a new program for IMP processing that has been in development for over a year. It reprojects an IMP panorama projection to an IMP planimetric projection. This program does not do the actual transformation of the cube. Geom must be run using the TFILE created by this program.

pntreg - This new application is designed to automatically co-register match points for large mapping projects. It takes in a matchpoint file and a list of images that comprise the map and attempts to refine the points via subpixel registration using a varying box size surrounding each point. Truth points are determined and held and the remaining points in a given set are registered to this point. A new matchpoint file is written containing the updated points. This program has been initially written in support of the Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP) mission but can be used for other projects as well. See the PDF, pntreg.pdf, for a detailed description of the program.

pt2pt - This is a new program for IMP processing that converts a point view to another point view. This program does not do the actual transformation of the cube. Geom must be run using the TFILE created by this program. The new point perspective is produced by inputting camera parameters different from the input cube.

readmoc - This program was obtained from the MGS/MOC PDS CD-ROM and ported to the Linux and Alpha machines. The readmoc program must be run on compressed MOC images prior to running pds2isis and moc_fixlabel.

shadco - This is a new program that was brought over to the system from VAX that will combine a shaded relief file with a color cube algebraically so that there will be no shift in hue (color) when intensity (brightness) is changed.

vikfixlabel - this is a new program that corrects the labels on a Viking EDR image after it has been processed by pds2isis.


asc2tbl - This program was updated to support ASCII table file lines of up to 1024 characters per line - up from 132. This allows for table files to be created from a long single line rather than multiple lines. The PDF was modified so the LINLEN parameter default is NULL. The application will now set it to the maximum supported number of characters per line if it needs it.

automos.pdf - This procedure will now delete the file specified by PDFFILE (temp.pdf) if it exists before attempting to create a new one.

b4equal - This program was changed to avoid a divide by zero error.

b4equal - The old version incorrectly calculated the PHOTO_MEAN sometimes due to a lack of precision. Also a new parameter has been added called MODE. If MODE=CONTRAST (default) the new version calculates the ratio used to get the mult values in "equalizer" like the old version. If MODE=SD, the ratio of the standard deviations is used instead (like the b5equal program). In the CONTRAST case, more statistics are written to the log file now as well

b4equal - This program will output photorad point averages and ratios with 15 fields, including 6 decimal places to the labels. The old version only wrote 10 fields with 4 decimal places.

b4equal - This program was updated to allow longer file specifications for the input files and to write more digits in each of the photo rad point fields. The averages and ratios are now written with up to 15 digits, including 6 decimal places. The image number and point counts are written with 11 digits.

clem2isis - The keyword, INSTRUMENT_COMPRESSION_TYPE, was added to the labels.

clem_keywords.sav - The keyword, INSTRUMENT_COMPRESSION_TYPE was added.

cpylab - Updated to fix a bug that caused it to fail when using COPY=LIST and the number of keywords in the output file BAND_BIN GROUP was less than the number in the IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION GROUP.

cpylab - Updated so that it will copy the ASTER_METADATA Group of keywords (in addition to the BAND_BIN and IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION groups) when the COPY=LIST option is used.

cubeit - Added option to read a file for input cube names when there are more than 50 (TAE limit) input cubes. Also allows a subcube specifier to be used for multi-band cubes, but only one band from each input cube can be processed at a time.

cubeit - Added TAE parameter, BANDKEYS, which allows you to transfer keywords to the BAND_BIN group so that they are not lost when stacking bands.

cv - Contains several updates:

  1. Fixed so that it will not fail when asked to display an "image" that is only one sample wide or only one line high.
  2. The "PCOR Plot" was added to the Functions|Profiles menu on the main control panel. This is a specialized type of plot used for NIMS pointing correction data.
  3. The "SOL Plot" was added to the Functions|Profiles menu on the main control panel. This is a specialized type of plot used for NIMS pointing correction solution data.

cv - Two bugs were fixed that were causing it to fail when the subsampled display window was only one pixel wide or one pixel high.

cv - Two bugs were fixed that were causing it to fail when the subsampled display window was only one pixel wide or one pixel high.

cv - Several updates were made:

  1. The program will detect when it is running with a 24-bit DirectColor or 24-bit TrueColor visual and give an explanation that it will only work correctly when running with an 8-bit PseudoColor visual.
  2. The program has been reorganized to allow it to provide an active command line when it is running. This allows running other IDL routines while "cv" is active. However, only one instance of "cv" can be running at the same time in an IDL session. Although running other display routines while "cv" is running might not work correctly, the new "cvplot" routine is an exception to this rule since it is intended to work correctly with "cv".
  3. When loading a new cube file, the default display parameters will be the parameters used for loading the previous cube. This includes SFROM, display range, etc.
  4. The program has been reorganized to eliminated the following "error" message: "X MANAGER: The MODAL keyword to the XMANAGER procedure is obsolete. It is superseded by the MODAL keyword to the WIDGET_BASE function." (This "error" message resulted from an IDL design change made in IDL Version 5.0.2.)

cv - Fixed a bug that caused it to fail when a zero-length SFROM string was specified.

ddd2isis - There is a new version of the pdf which clarifies that the program is for ddd formated files not pds files.

ddd2isis - More keywords were added to the output cube.

ddd2isis - update spacecraft clock file.

ddd2isis - When two WA images are taken the same code is used in the command sequence. The first one will be assumed to be the RED filter. Additionally, any errors are now reported using the ISIS error reporting and missing keywords are returned to TAE for use in the calling procedures (TAE pdf's or perl scripts).

ddd2isis - removed unnecessary Naif calls when initializing spice.

equalizer - This program was fixed to correct a problem that caused it to bomb if no images were held. Also the PRODUCT_ID keyword label is no longer read since it is not used.

equalizer - The weighting of the least squares fit has been changed. The old version used the number of points in the overlap areas as a weight for each of the overlap areas. The new version uses a weight of 1 unless the overlap area has fewer than MINCOUNT points. MINCOUNT is a new parameter with a default value of 1000. When the overlap point count is below MINCOUNT it is given a 0 weight and will not go into the solution.

equalizer - This program will output all floating point values with 15 fields, including 6 decimal places. The old version only wrote 10 fields with 4 decimal places for floating point values.

equalizer - This program was updated to read the altered photo rad points written by the updated b4equal program.

fs.h - Added test _SYS_BSD_TYPES_H so the redefinition of "unit" doesn't clash with the system definition. This file is used by the readmoc program.

fx - Correctly initialized a variable that wasn't, correcting erroneous behavior.

fx - fx had several problems fixed. The subcube specifier (SFROM) was occasionally being parsed when none were given causing chaos. Computations involving exponents of the form X**Y were sometimes erroneously being flagged as invalid. When X is negative, Y must be an integral number and when X equals 0, Y must be non-negative. The first case was not properly handled (no test for integral Y) and the second was not tested for at all possibly leading to floating point exceptions.

geoback - an updated program that has been changed so that it doesn't try to close a file that doesn't exist upon error exit due to non-existant file.

geoback - This program was not set up to process level 1 cubes with significant geometric distortion. The program will now handle these cubes unless the TOPO option is selected, in which case the program will issue an error message and quit.

geom - This program will now process a new tfile format (PDS labeled file) as well as the old tfile format.

getcol - A bug was fixed which was not initializing some variables properly.

getfname - A bug was fixed which was not initializing some variables properly.

gllfixlabel - The problem with generating correct FRAME_RATE_ID and IMAGE_NUMBER keyword values has been fixed. (See also the update of the pds2isis_translation.tbl data file below.)

impcal - The latest calibration algorithm from U of A (Bob Reid) has been incorporated.

imp2prj - an updated program that has been changed so that it calls a new library. Usage should be the same.

imp2prj - A previously checked in program that has had some single precision calculations converted to double precision and lines-too-long fixed.

imp2prj - A previously checked in program that has had the registration section implemented through the new mpt library.

imp_fixlabel - The constraint on input image bit type has been removed.

isisdiff - has been modified to include a progress status indicator and to fix a bug which would occasionally cause a floating point exception.

isisparam - There was a bug fixed that would erroneously match partial keywords specified by the caller and then parse errors would ensue. For example if isis_param.out contains a keyword like "KEYVAL" but the user invoked isisparam via "isisparam KEY", it would find "KEYVAL" but incorrect parsing would occur. This problem has been fixed. KEY will no longer resolve to KEYVAL. Keyword names must match exactly. The isisparam file has a new parameter that allows the user to provide the name of parameter file on the command line, overriding the default (isis_param.out) and the value of the environment variable ISIS_PARAM_FILE. Use "isisparam -p <file> ..." to specify "<file>" as the parameter file further operations will result on. BEWARE the "-rm" (remove) file option works when using this option. Some support routines have been modified to allow isisparam to have greater flexibility when parsing the contents of the parameter file. It will remove carriage returns, line feeds and white space from the end of each line in the parameter file. It will also now recognize commas and equal signs as line continuation characters. It will also terminate parsing operations when an "END" is encountered on a line by itself. Any big light bulbs go off yet?? can now use isisparam to extract keyword values directly from ISIS PDS labeled files. And it is easier to do this with the addition of the addition of the "-p" option mentioned earlier. For example to get the dimensions of each axis in a cube and the names of the axes, use:

                    isisparam -p isis.cub CORE_ITEMS
                    isisparam -p isis.cub axis_name

Note that you may use upper or lower case keyword names. A couple things that users need to be aware of when using this on ISIS cubes. The remove file option will work so be careful when using this scenario! The only case I know will cause problems is ISIS label strings that span more than one line. It is difficult to code for all the possible combinations of ISIS string continuations so this is not fully supported. It may continue to parse OK when this condition occurs if (a) you do not select the keyword containing strings spanning more than one line and (b) the subsequent lines of a string do not begin with the name f the keyword you are searching for. Generally, strings that span more than one line are not too common to ISIS cubes. Note that I do handle the case where a string or an array of strings begin on the line after "KEYWORD =". (This is handled by the '=' sign supported as a line continuation character.)

isis2std - Fixed a bug that was causing special pixels and display saturation pixels to be displayed incorrectly in one-band display mode after three-band display mode had been used.

jigsaw - Since May 1999 this program incorrectly indexed files when hold images were not at the end of the from list, giving incorrect results. The problem has been corrected.

jigsaw - The latitude/longitude values for points with both measurements on held images are now correctly written to the log file. The previous version wrote "0" for these values.

labels - Labels now allows up to 1000 values to be entered in the keyword value file.

lev2grid - A change has been made so that the boundaries of the plot will always be ticked if the boundaries fall on the requested ticking increment.

makeflat - This program was fixed to correctly initialize the output flat-field file.

map_projt - This routine was updated to allow a larger field when writing km values to the tfile. The following programs may be affected by this change: planorth, plansinu, nuproj, planspace, imp2proj, pan2plan, and pt2pt.

moc_fixlabel - The program now supports mapping-phase MGS/MOC image data.

moc_fixlabel - the ISIS IMAGE_NUMBER keyword value is now generated using a combination of the PDS keywords PRODUCT_ID and IMAGE_TIME instead of just the PRODUCT_ID. The program now generates an ISIS IMAGE_KEY_ID keyword value using a combination of the PDS keywords PRODUCT_ID and SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT. These changes were necessary to insure that the MOC images can be uniquely identified.

moc_fixlabel - changed the BAND_BIN units from nanometers to micrometers.

moccal - There is now a w0 value for WA, RED filter moc images.

moccal - The latest coefficient files have been added for the NA and WA Red filter.

moccal - Check for a valid entry in for mars heliocentric distance and update w0 value for WA/red filter.

mocbtbl - Creates an ISIS binary table file from the output of the lev1stats application. The input argument is either print.prt containing single file runs of lev1stats or the file named by TO in lev1stats for a list of input files. mocbtbl figures out which format the file is and generates the table file.

mocevenodd - Modified to allow WA images.

mocnoise50 - Fixed bug when the noise pattern decreased in samples from line to line.

mospdf - A bug was fixed in the "mospdf" program that caused the program to bomb in the SPI_CHECKLEV subroutine. A positive return code was added to SPI_CHECKLEV and the "mospdf" program needed to be changed to account for this return code.

mocrange - Applies range constraints to one of the 4 element set/categories in an ISIS table file generated by the mocbtbl program from results of the lev1stats program. Note that output table files generated from mocrange can be used as the input table on successive run.

msi2isis - an updated program that will now put a phony target (Rhea) on the image labels when there is no valid target vector. This allows the image to be processed by map projection programs when the spacecraft is looking at stars.

naiflab - This was program will now attempt to read the RADII and LPOS values from the cube labels first unless a TARGET is input by the user. If the RADII and LPOS values are not found on the labels, or the user enters a TARGET, the RADII and LPOS values will be read from the ISIS planet.sav table like they usedi to be.

naiflab - This program was changed to check for the planet radii on the labels. If the radii are on the labels, the program will not change them. Otherwise the program will get the default radii and positive longitude form the ISIS planet file. The previous version issued an error message if the radii were not on the labels and the user did not enter a target.

naiflab - This program will now process MSI NEAR cubes.

nuproj - The routine that writes the tfile was modified to allow larger numbers for the mapping parameters. The routine that creates the transverse mercator bombed when processing data near the poles. This problem was corrected.

pds2isis - the pdf was modified so that it looks for the translation table in $ISISDATA instead of $DEVISISEXE.

pds2isis - modified so that it can handle extra long keyword values, i.e., long string values or long arrays of values.

pds2isis - Added capability to handle compressed Viking EDR images.

photostat - A change has been made to a subroutine that "photostat" calls that will fix "photostat" so that it writes the filter for all missions. Also, "photostat" will now check for a label: OBSERVATION_ID and if it is on the image, the label value will be written with the other statistics to the screen and print file.

plansinu - A bug was corrected that produced data outside the lat/lon range when the trim option was used.

qview - Bugs in some subroutines used by "qview" were fixed so that "qview" will now be able to correctly display IMP images on all supported platforms.

qview - A routine used by "qview" (spi_last_cmodel) was updated so that "qview" is now able to display IMP images on the Linux platform. (This still requires that the IMP data files are installed in $ISISIMPDATA.)

qview - Bugs in some subroutines used by "qview" were fixed so that "qview" will now be able to correctly display IMP images on all supported platforms.

qview - Changes made to qview to improve the appearance on Linux machines.

qview - Subroutines called by "qview" have been changed to include a new argument, TWIST, in call to spi_last_lbspice.

qview - Qview will now exit gracefully if there are not enough color cells to allocate.

random - Fixed bug when entering 2 control points for translation and rotation. The points needed to be double precision.

readmoc - This program was obtained from the MGS/MOC PDS CD-ROM and ported to the Linux and Alpha machines. The readmoc program must be run on compressed MOC images prior to running pds2isis and moc_fixlabel.

size - The application "size" failed intermittently on Linux machines due to an uninitialized variable. The problem has be fixed.

stretch - Has been modified to output the number of pixels that are converted to HRS or LRS when using the MINMAX or TMINMAX options. The output is written both to the terminal and the log file.

Subcube Specifications (SFROM) - fixed a bug in the subcube parsing that would generate incorrect mappings for cases like "1,1-*(0.5)". This did not yield the desired doubling expansion of axis elements on any system other than Solaris.

tbl2asc - The number of columns tbl2asc supports was increased to 100 from 50.

tbl2asc - This program was updated to support creation of ASCII representations of binary tables with much longer line lengths. It now allows up to 1024 characters per line - up from 132. The LINLEN PDF parameter was modified to set its default value to NULL. The application will now set it to the maximum line length (1024) if not provided.

warp2 - Added TAE parameter, DEG, which allows you to choose the degree of polynomial to fit.


TAE Menus - The program menus (obtained by typing "menu" (without the quotes) at the TAE prompt) have been updated to include the new programs.



naif_kernels.sav - the lookup file in $ISISDATA has been updated.

naif_kernels.sav - This file now includes the pck and spk files for MSI NEAR.

pds2isis_translation.tbl - This table (in $ISISDATA) was modified so that required ISIS keywords would be put into the "pds2isis" output file for unsupported PDS datasets. Some changes were also made to fix translation problems for Galileo SSI data.

pds2isis_translation.tbl - This file was modified to provide support for the high resolution Clementine data.

pds2isis_translation.tbl - added translation capability for Viking EDR, MGS/MOC mapping-phase, and Magellan F-MIDR.

pds2isis_translation.tbl - added DATA_QUALITY_DESC and ORBIT_NUMBER translations to the MOC portion of the table.

pds2isis_translation.tbl - this table now supports high resolution Viking Orbiter MDIM data (V01/V02-M-VIS-5-DIM-V1.0).R

pck00005.tpc - This Naif P-kernel was updated. The w0 value for the prime meridian on Callisto has been changed to 259.510 based on a RAND April 12, 1999 triangulation. The w0 value for the prime meridian on Ganymede has been changed to 44.064 based on a RAND Nov. 9, 1999 triangulation. The w0 value for the prime meridian on Europa has been changed to 36.022 based on a RAND May 17, 2000 triangulation. All RAND triangulations included data from both Voyager and Galileo SSI. These updates will effect the calculation of the planet angles for the above bodies and should be consistent with the latest USGS mosaics.

planet.sav - The radii for the following bodies has been updated: Callisto radius = 2409.3, Ganymede radius = 2632.82, and Europa radius = 1562.09. The changes were all based on RAND triangulations (Callisto April 12, 1999; Ganymede Nov 9, 1999; Europa May 17, 2000) of both Voyager and Galileo SSI data and should be consistent with the latest USGS mosaics.


s990706a.bsp - a new Galileo mission preliminary reconstruction for E-12 through E-20 and predict for reference trajectory T-990706 to end of GEM mission, which goes in $ISISGALDATA. It replaces s990607a.bsp.

ckc21aqg.plt - a new Galileo mission E-21 predict in $ISISGALDATA.

s990607a.bsp - deleted from $ISISGALDATA.

ckc20f.plt - a Galileo mission C-20 final.

s990814a.bsp - a new Galileo mission preliminary reconstruction for E12 through C-22 and predict for reference trajectory T-990814 to end of Post-GEM mission, OD253, which replaces s990706a.bsp.

ckmn68aa.plt - a new Galileo mission C-21 predict in $ISISGALDATA

ckc21f.plt - a new Galileo mission C-21 final in $ISISGALDATA

ckc22ajd.plt - a new Galileo mission C-22 predict in $ISISGALDATA

ckc22bfd.plt - a new Galileo mission C-22 predict in $ISISGALDATA

s990706a.bsp - deleted from $ISISGALDATA.

s990923a.bsp - a new Galileo mission reconstruction for E-12 through C-22, preliminary reconstruction for C23, and predict for reference trajectory T-990923 to end of GEM mission, which goes in $ISISGALDATA. It replaces s990814a.bsp.

ckc22f.plt - a new Galileo mission E-22 final in $ISISGALDATA.

s990814a.bsp - has been deleted from $ISISGALDATA.

ckmn75aa.plt - is a Galileo mission I-24 predict.

s991014a.bsp - a new Galileo mission reconstruction for E-12 through C-23, and predict for reference trajectory T-991014 to end of Post-GEM mission, which goes in $ISISGALDATA. It replaces s990923a.bsp.

s990923a.bsp - has been deleted from $ISISGALDATA.

cki24age.plt - is a Galileo mission I-24 predict for the first half of the I-24 encounter.

ckmn76ab.plt - a new Galileo mission I-24 predict.

ckc23f.plt - is a Galileo mission C-23 final.

s991130a.bsp - a new Galileo mission reconstruction for E-12 through I-25, and predict for reference trajectory T-991130 to end of Post-GEM mission, which goes in $ISISGALDATA. It replaces s991014a.bsp.

s991014a.bsp - has been deleted from $ISISGALDATA.

ckmn76ca.plt - a new Galileo mission I-24 predict that replaces ckmn75aa.plt & ckmn76ab.plt.

ckmn75aa.plt - has been deleted from $ISISGALDATA.

ckmn76ab.plt - has been deleted from $ISISGALDATA.

cki24f.plt - is a Galileo mission I-24 final.

cki25f.plt - is a Galileo mission I-25 final.

s000105a.bsp - a new Galileo mission reconstruction for E-12 through I-25, preliminary reconstruction for E26, and predict for reference trajectory T-000105 to end of GEM mission, which goes in $ISISGALDATA. It replaces s991130a.bsp.

cke26afc.plt - a new Galileo mission E-26 predict in $ISISGALDATA.

s991130a.bsp - has been deleted from $ISISGALDATA.

ckmn83ab.plt - a new Galileo mission E-26 predict that replaces cke26afc.plt.

s000407.bsp - a new Galileo mission predicted trajectory for the Galileo Millennium Mission (GMM). This file begins 8-SEP-2000 (DOY 00-252) and continues to the end of the Post-GMM tour (DOY 03-286) and is located in $ISISGALDATA.

cke26afc.plt - has been deleted from $ISISGALDATA.

mk98267a.tsc - replaces the previous Galileo mission SPICE clock file, which has been deleted from $ISISGALDATA.

mk00062b.tsc - a new Galileo mission SPICE SCLK clock file, which replaces mk98267a.tsc.

mn75aa.plt - has been deleted from $ISISGALDATA.

pck00005.tpc - The w0 value for Mars was updated from 176.901 to 176.7215 (via Rand) in this Naif planetary constant kernel.

s000615a.bsp - a new Galileo mission reconstruction Initial Epoch for GEM Millennium Mission, Reconstruction for I27, Preliminary Reconstruction for G28, and Predict reference trajectory to end of Post-GMM mission.


New files in the $ISISIMPDATA data area. These are flat field, dark current and shutter calibration files for the IMP instrument of Mars Pathfinder. They include:

        0Lnormbpavgflat.flt.vicar.cub, 0Rnormbpavgflat.flt.vicar.cub,
        10Lnormbpavgflat.flt.vicar.cub, 10Rnormbpavgflat.flt.vicar.cub,
        11Lnormbpavgflat.flt.vicar.cub, 11Rnormbpavgflat.flt.vicar.cub,
        1Ldarkavgnorm.flt.vicar.cub, 1Lshutteravgzsnorm.flt.vicar.cub, 
        1Rdarkavgnorm.flt.vicar.cub, 1Rshutteravgzsnorm.flt.vicar.cub
        5Lnormbpavgflat.flt.vicar.cub, 5Rnormbpavgflat.flt.vicar.cub,
        6Lnormbpavgflat.flt.vicar.cub, 6Rnormbpavgflat.flt.vicar.cub, i
        7Lnormbpavgflat.flt.vicar.cub, 8Lnormbpavgflat.flt.vicar.cub
        8Rnormbpavgflat.flt.vicar.cub, 9Lnormbpavgflat.flt.vicar.cub,

imp_camera.sav - This file was altered to allow different twist values for the left and right cameras. Currently theses values are identical and equal to -.21 degrees.,, - These are the IMP reflectance data for the lower calibration target.

sky_tau.asc - Added values for Sol 83

rereduced_flight_t20.txt,,,, sky_tau.asc - Calibration files for Mars Pathfinder that are used in the "impref" program.

ldark*.cub,ldarkshut*.cub,rdark*.cub and rdarkshut*.cub - have been deleted.


isis_moc_kernels.doc - This document is a very detailed description of NAIF SPICE kernels for the MGS MOC instrument and their use in the ISIS system. This would be of interest to anyone who desires to understand how MOC ephemeris is distributed in SPICE kernels and how to install new ones in ISIS.

MGS_MGS_SCLKSCET.00028.tsc - New MGS Spacecraft Clock SCLK (S-clock) kernel. This file supercedes all previous versions (currently 00025). MGS_MGS_SCLKSCET.00028.tsc.lbl is NAIF label describing this file.

mgs_map2.bsp - New MGS Spacecraft SPK kernel. This file contains ephemeris data for the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft. NAIF ID code for MGS is -94. This file is for the second mapping phase as defined by NAIF kernel distribution scheme. This should not be confused with the MGS mission phase scheme. This file covers 4th, 5th and 6th 28-day mapping cycles of the Mapping phase of the mission (mapping orbits 1040 through 2068):

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   1999 JUN 02 00:00:00.000
        COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     1999 AUG 25 01:00:00.000

The file mgs_map2.bsp.lbl is the NAIF label describing this file.

mgs_sc_map2.bc - New MGS Spacecraft CK kernel. This file contains orientation and angular velocity for the MGS Spacecraft frame. This file is for the second mapping phase as defined by NAIF kernel distribution scheme. This should not be confused with the MGS mission phase scheme. This file covers fourth, fifth and sixth mapping cycles of the Mapping phase of the mission:

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   1999-JUN-02 00:00:02.058
        COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     1999-AUG-24 23:59:53.237

The file mgs_sc_map2.bc.lbl is the NAIF label describing this file.

MGS_SCLKSCET.00032.tsc - MGS spacecraft clock count file and label describing its contents.

mgs_ab2.bsp - Aerobraking-2 (AB2) phase (orbits 573 though 1683) mgs_ab2.bsp.lbl

mgs_map.bsp - Merge of 2000-02-08 through 2000-05-21 mapping activity mgs_map.bsp.log

mgs_map3.bsp - 7, 8 and 9 28-day mapping cycles (orbits 2069 through 3096) mgs_map3.bsp.lbl

mgs_map4.bsp - 10, 11 and 12 28-day mapping cycles (orbits 3097 through 4125) mgs_map4.bsp.lbl - MGS SPK kernels containing ephemeris data and their labels for the spacecraft. These files cover the following time periods:

                mgs_ab2.bsp:  1998 SEP 23 02:25:00.000 to
                              1999 MAR 09 01:00:00.000
                mgs_map3.bsp: 1999 AUG 25 00:00:00.000 to
                              1999 NOV 17 01:00:00.000
                mgs_map4.bsp: 1999 NOV 17 00:00:00.000 to
                              2000 FEB 09 01:00:00.000
                mgs_map.bsp:  2000 FEB 08 23:58:55.815 to
                              2000 MAY 21 11:40:00.000

mgs_sc_ab2.bc - Aerobraking-2 (AB2) phase (orbits 573 though 1683) mgs_sc_ab2.bc.lbl

mgs_sc_map.bc - Merge of 2000-02-08 through 2000-05-21 mapping activity mgs_sc_map.bc.log

mgs_sc_map3.bcx - 7, 8 and 9 28-day mapping cycles (orbits 2069 through 3096) mgs_sc_map3.bc.lbl

mgs_sc_map4.bc - 10, 11 and 12 28-day mapping cycles (orbits 3097 through 4125) mgs_sc_map4.bc.lbl - MGS CK kernels containing orientation and angular spacecraft. These files cover the following time periods:

                mgs_sc_ab2.bc:  1998-SEP-23 00:26:15.661 to
                                1999-MAR-08 21:16:08.042
                mgs_sc_map3.bc: 1999-AUG-25 00:00:05.232 to
                                1999-NOV-16 23:59:56.360
                mgs_sc_map4.bc: 1999-NOV-17 00:00:04.360 to
                                2000-FEB-08 23:59:55.476
                mgs_sc_map.bc:  2000 FEB 09 00:00:03.477 to
                                2000 MAY 01 23:59:54.566 - The file, containing the mars-sun distance used in the moccal program has been extended to include dates up through 2004.

moc_kernels.lis - A list of all the available MGS MOC kernels that can be loaded by the ISIS software system. This file is referenced by all ISIS applications that require MGS/MOC ephemeris data. It can be copied by any user and new files added as they become available for new time periods.

moc_na.coef, and moc_wa_red.coef - These are the gain/offset coefficient files for the MOC camera used in "moccal". - check with Eric to see if this is necessary


near_1999218_2000101_merged_v02.bsp, near_2000040_2000125_reconstr_v02.bsp, near_2000093_2000242_merged_v01.bsp, near_2000166_2000270_merged_v01.bsp - These spk (spacecraft/planet kernel) files for NEAR MSI have been added to the ISIS data collection.

erosatt_2000045_2000151.bpc, erosatt_2000076_2001151.bpc, erosephem_1999004_2002181.bsp - The NEAR binary planetary constants files containing data for EROS are now included in ISIS.

*.med files - Now available for spicelab for the Galilean Satellites, Callisto, Ganymede, and Europa. These are the updated c-matricies made available by Mert Davies and Tim Colvin at the RAND Corp. The most recent global base maps generated locally are based on the geometric control of these files. The data is based on Voyager 1 & 2 and Galileo SSI data. These files include the following:



viking2a.bsp and viking2b.bsp - The Linux version of these Naif kernel files were corrupt and have been replaced.

8. CHANGES OF INTEREST TO ISIS PROGRAMMERS - Updated to be consistant with isis_limits.h. R_ASCII_LINE_MAX was changed to match the value (1024) in isis_limits.h

libisislev - This new library has been developed to operate on level 1 and level 2+ cubes. The basis of operation is the ability calculate the latitude/longitude at a given line/sample or vice versa. When in level 1 space this implies using SPICE kernels and instrument characteristics to determine the position and in level 2 space implies using map projection parameters. Currently these routines work only for MGS/MOC in level 1 space and for sinusoidal, Mercator, simple cylindrical, polar stereographic, and Lambert conic conformal in level 2 space.

libisismpt - This new library of routines is an abstraction of generalized image co-registration software. It can be used to compute co-registration between two images and portions of images, or "chips". See mpt_coreg.c as a starting point. The first application written using this library is called pntreg.c and can be found in $ISIS/apps/gen. Note that this does not have a direct FORTRAN callable interface to it because of the extensive use of structures.

libisistfile - This new library contains the utility routines for the ISIS version 2 tfile. The new tfile has PDS labels.

mat_fastgeom.F - this is an updated subroutine that has had a round off problem fixed that caused the projected image number 2 to have a noisy appearance.

mat_hisrgb.F - a new subroutine available in $ISIS/subs/libisismath that is called by mat_rgbhis.F. Given hue, intensity, and saturation, mat_hisrgb.F finds red, green and blue.

mat_rgbhis.F - a new subroutine available in $ISIS/subs/libisismath that given red, green and blue finds hue, intensity, and saturation or given hue, intensity, and saturation finds red, green and blue.

plansinu - The code that computes the default resolution and scale was documented and diagrammed.

pu_label_to_real.c - Conversion of integer values was not being handled correctly. It now properly casts them to valid floating point values. Note that hexidecimal values are assumed to be valid floating point values (i.e. special pixel values) and are simply copied with the proper casting (float, double).

pu_label_to_value.c - Modified to allow strings to be converted to literals and literals to be converted to strings. This change is significant because it allows the programmer to call either p_get_lit_key or p_get_str_key to retrieve both literals and strings. Prior to this change, these types fo translations were trapped as errors.

spi_get_filter.F - an updated subroutine that will assign filter = 'ALL' if no filter is found for non NIMS images. The subroutine will return ret=1 for this condition.

spi_get_filter.F - an updated subroutine that will assign filter_band_no = 1 for any missions that do not have the filter in the BAND_BIN group. This will allow the filter_band_no to be used as a filter counter by any calling program.

spi_mfindlat - Fixed bug where parameter was defaulting to REAL*4 when it should have been REAL*8.

spi_mfindlin - Fixed bug where parameter was defaulting to REAL*4 when it should have been REAL*8.

Table File Routines - The following files were updated to support ascii table file lines of 1024 characters per line: tf_txtopn.F, tu_crt_tmpfil.F, tu_find_dsect.F, tu_read_txtlab.F, and tu_write_txtlab.F.

u_base2bin.c - This routine had a bug that would not properly convert hexidecimal (special pixels) values. It would always return LONG_MAX (a C defined macro) for certain values.

u_bind_F.c - The u_text_io binding had an error that basically added an extra character to the end of an output buffer when called from C. This problem was corrected.


The PERL development language has made great inroads into the ISIS system over the past year. It is an extremely useful tool for the development of batch processing capabilities. Procedures can quickly be written that execute a series of ISIS programs to produce a desired output. In fact, its use has grown so quickly we have not yet determined how it will be integrated into the ISIS system.

For this release, we have placed all PERL programs (*.pl) into the executable directory of the ISIS running tree ($ISISEXE). The current list of PERL programs are used exclusively in the processing of MGS/MOC data and are:

For now, they can be invoked under TAE and have associated documentation. For example,

Will output the purpose of the "mocsearch" perl script.

Please be aware that PERL needs to be installed in, or linked to, /usr/bin to successfully download ISIS from the ISIS release CD-ROMs. Additionaly, the way PERL interacts with ISIS may change after it becomes fully integrated into the ISIS system.

<End of Release Notes>

Last updated: Oct 24 2003
File: release_notes.html

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