Isis 2 Documentation

Release Notes:

For October 15, 2002 ISIS Release

This document describes the changes and enhancements that have been made to ISIS since the previous release on May 15, 2001. This is divided into several sections:

  1. Supported Platforms
  2. Notes on the IDL Display Programs
  3. Documentation Updates
  4. New Programs
  5. Program-Specific Updates
  6. Updates Applicable to Multiple Programs
  7. Data File Updates
  8. Changes of Interest to ISIS Programmers
  9. The Use of Perl Within ISIS


We currently support Sun Solaris 2.6 and RedHat Linux 6.1. ISIS will run on Redhat 7.2 and 7.3, but we have not yet verified the results. However, if you intent to use either of these operating systems you will need to download and install the appropriate Redhat ncurses4-5.04 library RPM for i386. The objective here is to install a library that is compatible with both ISIS and RedHat 7.2 or 7.3.


The IDL display programs in this ISIS release are compatible with IDL Version 5.4. We have discovered minor bugs when using the ISIS program "cv" in IDL 5.2 that are still present in IDL 5.4. Please see the Known Bugs"Known Bugs" page for a discription of these bugs. In addition, refer to Notes on Use of the IDL Display Programs for proper display setup instructions.

Most of the ISIS IDL programs and routines use the CALL_EXTERNAL function to call Fortran/C routines. The CALL_EXTERNAL interface was changed in IDL 5.5. Thus, most of the ISIS IDL code will not work correctly with IDL 5.5. (Also, in IDL 5.5 there is a change in the parameters to the IDL routines that access HDF/HDF-EOS files. The "cv" program has not yet been updated to account for these changes.)



The $ISISDOC directory contains Release Notes for each release of ISIS. These are contained in files named "isisYYMMDD_release.notes" or "isis_release_notes.YYMMDD", where YYMMDD is the date of the ISIS release. Each Release Notes file describes changes in the system since the previous release.

The current documentation for a release of ISIS is contained in a set of files in the $ISISHTML directory, which is part of the local ISIS installation. These are in a format that can be accessed with a web browser. For example, to view the local copy of the ISIS documentation with netscape, type:

    netscape $ISISHTML/documentation.html

You can also access the ISIS documentation over the Internet at the ISIS web site. However, note that the documentation on the ISIS web site is updated each time updates are made to our internal developmental version of ISIS. Thus, the web site documentation might contain information on new or modified programs that are not yet contained in the public release of ISIS that is described in your local $ISISHTML directory. However, the web site can be used for registering to receive update notices and for looking at the latest version of the Frequently Asked Questions list.


In addition to new documentation for the new programs and minor updates to documentation for previously existing programs, the following are some additional program documentation updates: - Clarified the description of passing strings to CALL_EXTERNAL routines in this example of how to access ISIS cube files from an IDL program.

mappars.pdf - This help file was updated to include the changes to mappars for SIMP and SINU.

multimatch - The documentation file ($ISISHELP/multimatch.hlp) was corrected to explain that "multimatch" uses different default values for the LOSAT1, HISAT1, LOSAT2, HISAT2 parameters (0.25) compared to their defaults when directly running "tvtie" (0.5).

photomet.pdf - The existing program has a change to the documentation that correctly explains use of the INCREF parameter: Uset the default 0.0 for non-topographic models and use 30 for topographic models. - Updated the Version Date (it hadn't been updated previously). - Updated the Version Date (it hadn't been updated previously). - Updated the Version Date (it hadn't been updated previously).


Frequently Asked Questions - Redefined the issue of needing Perl to successfully install ISIS as pertaining to the August 15, 2000 release only.

ISIS Acquisistion - Removed references and links to ISIS Patch Request web page, and Compaq Alpha platforms, and announced the new download utility "rsync". Updated the ISIS Relase date to Oct 15, 2002.

ISIS Appendix E - Environment Variables - Updated to include a description of the use of the PERL5LIB environment variable.

ISIS Distribution and Support Policies - Updated this page with the new THEMIS and Lunar Orbiter data areas, and announced the new "rsync" utility.

ISIS Documentation - Added a link to the new page Accessing an ISIS Cube from an IDL Program.

ISIS Documentation - Removed links to Patch Installation Guide.

ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated these two pages with new ISIS programs.

ISIS Installation Guide - Updated for the October 15, 2002 release.

Mars Odyssey THEMIS Geometry Processing With ISIS - This page has been created to introduce the new THEMIS processing with ISIS.

MGS Mars Orbiter Camera Image Processing with ISIS - Added a link to "NAIF SPICE Kernels in the ISIS System".


bef - This new program filters Mariner 9 images to remove bit errors.

cleanrx.pdf - This is a procedure that is Viking specific. It will filter noise, fill missing tracks, and find and remove the reseaux.

coregpr2 - A second implementation of coregpr using the new MPT software library. This one will perform more flexible and robust coorelations within each box being matched. Is similar to coreg2.

lev1plot - A new lev library program that will plot the footprint boundaries of a list of level 1 images into level 2 projections using the SPICE information in the kernels on the labels of the images. This program can plot Control points in a file, but does not plot Control points from the labels of the images. Match point file plotting is not implemented. The projections available are whatever projections are implemented in MAPPARS. Note that the output from "lev1plot" is an ascii file which can be edited.

lev1tolev1 - This application generates a transformation file (tfile) which will convert a Level 1 (raw radiometrically corrected) cube to a different Level 1 cube. The tfile and the Level 1 cube must then be input to the "geom" program which will transform the pixels in the input cube to the proper position in the output cube. As an example, the user must select two Level 1 cubes such as a Viking cube and an MGS MOC cube which cover the same area. The "lev1tolev1" program can be used to transform the Viking cube into raw MGS space.

lev1torand - This application generates SPICE information in RAND format for a single sample/line position in a cube or a list of cube files. The output RAND file is formatted the same way as it was in the spice2rand program.

lev2lab - This program will add or replace the entire IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION group.

lev2raster - This is a flexible data rasterization application that will create (level 2) projected image cubes from data that has latitude, longitude and raster DN data. The input data can be ASCII or binary with support for multiple bands. The PDF has extensive documentation on how to use this application.

lev2tolev2 - This program will generate a tfile to define the transformation from one map projection to another.

lev_findrx - This new program will eventually replace "findrx". It uses the "coreg" software to find the reseaux. Currently is supports Viking and Voyager data.

levgeoplane - This is an application that was created using the "lev1geoplane" application as a base. Just like "lev1geoplane", this application writes geometry information to the backplanes of an existing cube or to a new cube. Unlike "lev1geoplane", this application works on both Level 1 and Level 2 images. The ability to create backplanes containing slant distance and local solar time has been added to the "levgeoplane" application.

levpt - This new program will generate geometric information for a level 1 or a level 2 cube. This program will replace "lev1pt", so users should change their scripts and procedures to use "levpt" instead of "lev1pt".

linearize - This new program linearizes Mariner 9 images using the dark current frame.

lofixlabel - This program fixes the labels of a reconstructed Lunar Orbiter frame or subframe for running "levinit". It writes the PRODUCT_ID, LINES, SAMPLES, START_TIME, FIDUCIAL_ID, FIDUCIAL_SAMPLES, and FIDUCIAL_LINES to the labels.

lostpckt - Finds Mars Pathfinder IMP compression blocks associated with dropped downlink transmission packets. These blocks typically have a signature of 0s in the RICE (lossles, 1x8 blocksize) or JPEG (lossy, 8x8 blocksize) data block. JPEG compression blocks sometimes have 2 pixels in the middle of the 8x8 block that are zeros with a gradual increase in DN value to the edge of the block. All blocks found to exhibit these signatures are set to the ISIS NULL pixel value.

losupport2ck1 - This program creates a NAIF camera kernel using data from the Lunar Orbiter Photographic Supporting Data.

m9filt.pdf - This new procedure finds and removes reseaux, corrects missing lines, and filters out bit errors in Mariner 9 images.

m9level1.pdf - This new procedure performs level 1 processing on a Mariner 9 image.

m9mlrp - This new program repairs missing lines in a Mariner 9 image.

m9psr - This new program removes pinstripe noise from Mariner 9 images.

m9radiom - This new program performs radiometric correction on Mariner 9 images.

m9res - This new program subtracts the residual component from Mariner 9 images.

makeground - This application will generate a special ground point file from a match point file and a DTM ISIS cube file. It computes the radius of the planet/body at matchpoint locations from the DTM and updates the matchpoint file to classify the point as a ground point. It automatically selects ground points that are associated with a level 2 ISIS cube file in the match point file.

makespk09 - This program creates a NAIF spacecraft/planet position kernel based on Lagrange interpolation using data from the Lunar Orbiter Photographic Supporting Data.

mkreseau - This program will create a RAND listing of the reseaux from cube labels.

month1_2 - Previously named "clemfix", this program corrects the phase angle differences between month 1 and month 2 orbits of Clementine images.

photbug - Previously named "clemfix2", this new program makes an approixmate correction for the photompr bug discovered in May/1999. This bug improperly normalized the radiance to a phase=30, ina=30, ema=0 for the lunar lambert function. Photompr inadvertently use the phase angle of the observation rather than the phase angle 0f 30 degrees in the normalization. This program was developed only for the systematic processing.

psfilt.pdf - This new procedure finds and removes pinstripes from a Mariner 9 image.

rand2ck1 - A new program that has been tested on Galileo SSI Rand format files and converts them to NAIF format camera-kernels, CK1.

rasrange - This application will determine the latitude and longitude ranges of a "lev2raster" compatible data set. Simply provide the raster CONFIG file and it reports the ranges.

rot180 - This application rotates the geometry of of a cube clockwise through 180 degrees. It will rotate an image such that the image will first be mirrored from left to right, then flipped from top to bottom. That is, the first sample is swapped with the last sample (mirroring), followed by the first line being swapped with the last line, and so on.

shadowtau - The name of the existing program "shadow_tau" has been changed to not have an underscore in it. You will have to change your pdf's if you have been calling "shadow_tau" with the underscore.

shiftreg - This application will shift an image to subpixel accuracy in line and sample dimensions. It performs the exact same shift as in the ISIS application, "coreg2". One can take the DYX output parameter from "coreg2" and apply it to FROM file with identical results. This is especially useful for application of image registrations if pre-processing was performed on the input files and the result must be applied to different files.

tesemiss - This application uses "vanna" to extract TES emissivity data based upon user specified constraints. It is a PDF script written to focus on this specific element of the TES data set.

thm2isis - This new program converts a single PDS-formatted THEMIS VIS or IR image (or list of images) to a Level 1 ISIS cube. This is done by running "pds2isis" and "levinit" on the image.

thmiric - This new program processes a single Level 1 THEMIS IR ISIS cube to produce an aligned instrument coordinates cube. This is done by using the "lev1tolev1" program to register all bands within a cube to a single band in the cube. Please look at the documentation at the top of the script for detailed information if you want to run the script standalone.

thmirmc - This new program processes a single Level 1 THEMIS IR ISIS cube to produce a map-projected cube. This is done by using "lev1stats" to acquire the lat/lon bounds that will enclose all bands within the cube and then using "lev1tolev2" to project all bands within the cube into those bounds. Please look at the documentation at the top of the script for detailed information if you want to run the script standalone.

thmvismc - This new program processes a single Level 1 THEMIS VIS ISIS cube to produce a map-projected cube. This is done by using "lev1stats" to acquire the lat/lon bounds that will enclose all bands within the cube and then using "lev1tolev2" to project all bands within the cube into those bounds. Please look at the documentation at the top of the script for detailed information if you want to run the script standalone.

unfazed - This program undoes the Clementine phase corrections.

vanna - This application interfaces with ASU's TES distribution software and data set. It is used to extract TES data using the ASU "vanilla" program. The data is that distributed via CDROM from the TES team.

vikbasefit - This program will create a c-kernel containing pointing for a list of Viking frames that have been "fit" to a base map.

vgrfixlabel - This is a application that should be used in place of "voyfixlabel" in the new lev system. This program must be run on a Voyager ISS image after it has been run through pds2isis and prior to running it through "levinit". The "vgrfixlabel" program corrects the BOTSIM/BOTALT time problem that exists in the Voyager ISS data that is supplied by PDS. The start time in the PDS images is missing the fractional seconds and "vgrfixlabel" applies a correction to get a more accurate time.


Any lev program - Voyager routines have been added to the lev library so all programs should work on Voyager cubes now.

Any level 2 programs - A bug in the SINU and SIMP projections has been fixed.

Any level 1 programs - A bug in the Galileo SSI mission specific code going from latitude/longitude to line/sample has been fixed.

Geometry Programs - Updated to support the Mars Odyssey THEMIS instrument.

Lambert Conformal Level 2 - A bug has been fixed in the Level 2 Lambert Conformal routines MAPPARS for sinusoidal and simple_cylindrical level 2 programs will now allow defaults for either CLON or the latitude system.

Lev programs - Voyager routines have been added to the lev library so all programs should work on Voyager cubes now.

Matchpoint (MPT) Library Software (libisismpt) - This library has been augmented by more complete support of level 2 images return of phototometric angles for both level 1 & 2 images.

Matchpoint (MPT) Library Software - Some bug fixes were made to correct inaccurate results in chip/image registration. The software has been augmented to support the different geometric systems recently introduced (PLANETOGRAPHIC, PLANETOCENTRIC latitudes, 0 to 360 and -180 to 180 longitudes).

MOC level 1 programs - The MOC NA cameral model has been improved so that clipping does not occur in polar images.

Subpixel Registration Software - A bug was discovered in the MPT image subpixel registration software that would randomly report errors when there really was no error. This occurred when attempting to find the nominal box size mapping from the truth chip to the geom chip when using the GEOM option. Applications that could be affected by this bug are "coreg2", "chipper", qmatch", "pntreg" and "coregpr2". Other applications that link to this library could also be affected.

add - Corrected so that it will properly record the history of the two input files in the history of the output file.

b4equal - This application has been modified to work on both SPI and LEV level 2 images. It requires that all input files have the same latitude system (PLANETOGRAPHIC or PLANETOCENTRIC), longitude range (0 to 360 or -180 to 180) and positive longitude (WEST or EAST). This is strictly enforced.

chipper - This application was modified to incorporate recent changes to the ISIS matchpoint (MPT) library.

chipper - Some minor changes where made to support the addition of latitude and longitude systems.

cleanrx.pdf - This procedure no longer runs "remrxi".

clem2isis - Fixed duplicate image_numbers for NIR the same fix as for UVVIS, replace the digit after the orbit with a 9.

coreg2 - This application was modified to incorporate recent changes to the ISIS matchpoint (MPT) library.

coreg2, shiftreg, etc... - A routine in the match point software library (libisismpt) used to bilinearly interpolate linear shifts and geometric transformations was not preserving special pixels under certain conditions. It has been corrected.

cpylab - A bug was fixed that may have caused a segmentation fault.

cubeit - Fixed bug which would not allow cubes with backplanes to be stacked.

cv - A bug was fixed that caused the Region of Interest (ROI) polygon delete function to fail.

cv - Changed so that pixel values that have an absolute value less than 1.0 are reported using scientific notation.

cv - In the Region of Interest drawing function, added the "Press Only" toggle button. Selecting this button enables the drawing mode in which a drawing coordinate is generated only when the middle mouse button is pressed and no further coordinates are generated while holding the button down and moving the cursor. Also, the shape of the drawing curson on the image has been changed.

cv - The Latitude/Longitude reporting function was changed for HDF-EOS files. If the starting coordinate for the mapping between the image array and the Latitude/Longitude arrays is a coordinate that is outside the image, then the program will attempt to determine the mapping by examining the LatticePoint data field. (Previously, it assumed that the starting coordinate was the upper left corner of the image array, which gave incorrect results for ASTER Level 1A files.)

cv - Corrected so that small (<1.0) pixel values are reported in scientific notation for reporting slice location and backplane values (as well as current cursor location). Fixed a problem that occurred when doing the automatic display range computation with LOSAT,HISAT=0.0 for 32-bit files when all valid values are the same value.

daisparm - Fixed bug introduced when ISIS starting using integral values for the proj translations. When calculating the map scale, the extra pixel due to the integral values wasn't accounted for. The fix will result in 1 extra pixel to the right and on the bottom for floating point proj translations.

dform.pdf - Fixed a format statement bug involving the ostr parameter.

equalizer - This application has been modified to work on both SPI and LEV level 2 images. It requires that all input files have the same latitude system (PLANETOGRAPHIC or PLANETOCENTRIC), longitude range (0 to 360 or -180 to 180) and positive longitude (WEST or EAST). This is strictly enforced.

geom - If a dem file was used in "lev1tolev2", it will be listed in the IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION group now.

geom - A problem was fixed in a subroutine which would have caused the "geom" program to zero out the lat/lon extents in the output file.

gllfixlabel - The program no longer checks the DATA_SET_ID of the input image to make sure that it is a valid Galileo SSI image. This check was causing too many problems.

impcal - An update on May 10 2000 was incorrect. The responsivity values for the first coefficient were swapped for the left and right eye.

isis2pds - An erroneous check for valid data types on the running computer architecture was corrected. It would sometimes cause runtime failures and would ultimately result in incorrect computations for minimum and maximum values in the output PDS label.

lev1pt - This program now uses the new latsys and lonsys values when setting a lat/lon so that it will correctly compute a line/sample from a lat/lon.

lev1tolev1 - An option to RETEST tiles where no valid data was found to map into the output file has been added. The program will test every RETEST pixels in the line and sample direction within the tile. This option should be used if the input file contains fine features that are getting clipped.

lev1tolev2 - This program incorrectly reported the projection translations to the labels a pixel smaller than they should have been. The impact of this error is that latitude/longitudes were off by a pixel. The problem has been corrected and any old level 2 cubes should be regenerated.

lev1tolev2 - A new, optional user parameter has been added to allow projecting onto a radius/topo model instead of the ellipsoid. Mosaics may fit together better in areas with variations in elevations or oblique camera pointing using the dem option. To use the new option a dem file needs to be entered. The dem file should be a level 2 cube with a complete IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION group. For Mars the MOLA DEM file is available at $ISISDATA/mola_mars_planetary_radius.cub.

lev1tolev2 - This program has a new parameter that allows the user to select a retest increment. This parameter is used to specify a finer grid for retesting an output 64x64 tile that was found to have no valid input data to map to it. The old version only checked the 4 corners and the center of the tile. The default is to not use this parameter.

lev1torand - A bug was fixed that caused erroneous data to be written to the output rand file if an error was generated opening a cube or reading the labels.

lev2grid - A previously existing program which has been changed to use the new LATSYS, LONSYS parameters and to read LONDIR from the POSITIVE_LONGITUDE_DIRECTION entry in the TARGDEF file. Also, "lev2grid" tried to load some values even when the user didn't need/ input them, which ran without error on Linux but died ugly on Solaris. This has been fixed so that the uninitialized TAE PARMS are not loaded.

lev2grid - a previously existing program which has been changed to allow a default of 8x10 inch page size. Also, some documentation has been added to the pdf for the TARGDEF parameter.

lev2grid.pdf - This PDF has had LATSYS and LONSYS parameters added to it so the user can choose the desired representation of latitudes and longitudes in its output.

lev2raster - The lev2raster PDF file has been modified to specify defaults for the LATSYS and LONSYS parameters. Without them the application would not initialize the output file properly. Explicit specification of these parameters is now required.

lev2tolev2 - Now converts latitudes to the parameter latitude type before reporting to the user.

levinit - The existing program has been changed to allow processing of Galileo SSI images. Two lookup tables have been added to the system for SSI to use for two "levinit" parameters: KERNLST = ssi_kernels.def.1 INSTPARS = ssi_parameters.def.1

levinit - An error message will now be reported if no pointing files (ck) are found for the time coverage of the input cube.

levinit - Removed the feature that forces a 360 longitude system when the latitude system is ocentric.

levpt - This application now outputs the following information (in addition to what it put out before): slant distance (in KM), local solar time (in decimal hours), solar longitude (otherwise known as L-sub-s), intercept point on ground (in body-fixed rotating coordinate system and KM), spacecraft position (in body-fixed rotating coordinate system and KM), spacecraft event time in modified Julian date (Julian date - 2451545.0), spacecraft event time in UTC format, sun azimuth, and limb angle. The limb angle code has not been implemented yet, but a dummy routine exists that always outputs a value of 0.0. The levpt.pdf now has 3 additional parameters: INC, PNTLIST, PNTTYPE. These new parameters will allow you to acquire information for more than one point per run of the program. If no line,samp or lat,lon are entered, then the INC parameter will let you specify a sample increment and line increment to use in acquiring information at regular intervals throughout the image. The PNTLIST parameter can be used to input the name of a text file containing either lat, lon or line,sample coordinates in the image that you want information for. The PNTTYPE parameter is used to tell the program what type of information is in the file specified by PNTLIST (LINESAMP or LATLON).

moccal - The ISIS MOC calibration application, moccal, has been modified to implement recent understanding of how downtrack summing modes > 1 were handled in pre-mapping NA images. See the PDF for details. It is recommended that all previous calibrated MOC images be rerun using this new version of moccal along with the newly updated $ISISMGSDATA/moc_parameters.def.5 file. All NA pre-mapping images were not handled correctly and bascially were a factor of the downtrack summing mode too low. NA images with a downtrack summing mode of 1 were not affected by this problem but will be different for I/F images since the values for W0 have been changed (in $ISISMGSDATA/moc_parameters.def.5).

moclev0 - This script now obtains the latest version of the moc2isis_translation.def table that is available in the $ISISMGSDATA directory as the default.

mocmola - The web site at Wash U for obtaining the PEDR's has changed. This has been updated in the pdf.

moc_fixlabel - MOC images no longer have IMAGE_NUMBERS larger than 2,147,483,647. The large IMAGE_NUMBER would cause problems in other programs such as: b4equal and mosaic.

mosaic - Is the latest version (16 OCT 2001) that fixes AVERAGE option.

mosaic - mosaic requires that all input files have the same latitude system (PLANETOGRAPHIC or PLANETOCENTRIC), longitude range (0 to 360 or -180 to 180) and positive longitude (WEST or EAST). The first file used to generate the mosaic is used to establish these systems. All subsequent files included in the mosaic must have the same latitude and longitude systems. Note that the RECT option does not enforce this.

mosaic - A new parameter called PROPLEV1 has been added to mosaic.pdf. This parameter allows you to determine if the Level 1 label groups (ISIS_INSTRUMENT, ISIS_GEOMETRY, and ISIS_TARGET) of the first image mosaicked into a new mosaic will be propagated to the mosaic. This new parameter was needed by the Themis project when a Level 1 file had to be padded around the edges with NULLs before going through the lev1tolev1 program. The lev1tolev1 program requires that Level 1 labels reside in the file it processes. Use this parameter at your own risk. It will only need to be used in rare cases.

mospdf - mospdf requires that all input files have the same latitude system (PLANETOGRAPHIC or PLANETOCENTRIC), longitude range (0 to 360 or -180 to 180) and positive longitude (WEST or EAST). It is the application that "automos" uses to generates a PDF that mosaics all the input files. It most likely is not appropriate for the RECT option of mosaic.

naiflab - The existing program has the change that was in the development area now checked in. Also the lookup files are sinc-ed, so "naiflab" should work on all systems and all missions.

pds2isis - Modified the parsing routine that handles literals so that it allows the : and - characters.

pds2isis - the program no longer reports the non-fatal error messages that occur when a PDS literal value starts with a numeric digit.

pds2isis - added the capability to handle 32-bit PDS files. Also added the capability to handle PDS images that do not contain either a DATA_SET_ID or a SPACECRAFT_NAME. Either of these keywords was required in the past so that "pds2isis" could access the correct portion of the translation table. Any image without either of these keywords will now have the basic required ISIS keywords put into the output ISIS image file.

pds2isis - The pds2isis application can now convert multi-band PDS files into multi-band ISIS cubes.

pds2isis - Added a check to make sure that a keyword exists in the ISIS label before converting it to the keyword type specified in the translation table.

pds2isis - Fixed so that it strips off suffix bytes from the input PDS file before converting it to ISIS.

pds2isis - Added the capability to translate bit mask data.

photomet - This application has been modified to support image (cubes) generated by both SPI and LEV geometry software libraries in the ISIS system. Support for level 2 images was also added (inherent in MPT library).

pntreg - This application was modified to incorporate recent changes to the ISIS matchpoint (MPT) library. Most notable is a change in the format of the match point file, MATFROM (and MATTO). An extra field/column was added called "diameter". This column associates the diameter of a feature with each match point where application. Zero would be a suitable default for situations that do not call for such an association. It is a double floating point value reported in units of kilometers by definition and occupies 16 characters.

qview - The plot application will now correctly plot lat/lon/elevations from a table file on a displayed level 1 or level 2 cube.

qview - A new resource has been added to qview. If the following line is put into .qview-defaults, the first two display are linked automatically when displayed:

Qview.Link: True

This option will only work if the two files to be linked are given on the command line, ie:

TAE>qview from=(file1.cub,file2.cub)

rand2ck1 - This program has been updated to run on Voyager and Viking data in addition to Galileo.

remrx - This program was corrected to allow a reseau type of 0 if the cube file has lev-type labels

shadow_tau - The existing program has been changed to use a different default for the DATAFILE parameter. The default is now: photom.mar.sav

shadowtau - The name of the existing program "shadow_tau" has been changed to not have an underscore in it. You will have to change your pdf's if you have been calling "shadow_tau" with the underscore.

ssical - The existing program has been changed to allow processing of either the same files it always has or the new LEV software output from "pds2isis" (when the new gll_pds2isis_translation.def.1 table is used with "pds2isis"), "gllfixlabel", and "levinit".

thmvismc - Changed so that the mappars parameter uses the latitude system from the image labels instead of always being set to OGRAPHIC. - Updated the Version Date (it hadn't been updated previously).

unfazed - Changed the pdf to reflect the new names for "clemfix" and "clemfix2" to "month1_2" and "photbug" respectively.


TAE Menus - The program menus (obtained by typing "menu" (without the quotes) at the TAE prompt) have been updated to include the new programs.



io.def.2 - these new target files supercede the *.def.1 versions presently in the system (which will remain in the system for reference). The files now have the TARGET name in them for reading into the applications you run. If you are using hardcoded target definition files, they will not work after the next system build.

mola_mars_planetary_radius.cub - This file is the global MOLA DEM data stored as an ISIS level 2 cube. It can be referenced in a target.def file as the source of radii for projecting level 1 images to level 2.


Recent Galileo SSI dark current and calibration files have been placed in ISISGALDATA. The gll_dc.sav and gll_gain.sav lookup tables have been updated to included the addition of the new dc and cal files with their appropriate spacecraftclock ranges. JPL's MIPL galsos program documentation was used a guide. Documentation was added to the .sav files.

ckg28f_rec.plt - a new Galileo mission G28 final that is a reconstruction of the original final issued on 07 Feb 2001 named ckg28f.plt.

ckg29chcpred.plt - A new Galileo mission G29.

ckg29f.plt - a new Galileo mission G29 final.

ckg29f_rec.plt - a new Galileo mission G29 final that is a reconstruction of the original final issued on 19 Jul 2001 named ckg29f.plt.

ckc30agcpred.plt - A new Galileo mission C30 predict.

ckg30f.plt - a new Galileo mission G29 final.

cki31ahc.plt - a new Galileo mission I31 predict.

cki31f.plt - a new Galileo mission I31 final.

cki32ahcpred.plt - a new Galileo mission I32 predict.

cki32f.plt - a new Galileo mission I32 finail.

cki33afepred.plt - a new Galileo mission I33 predict.

cki33afepred.plt - a new Galileo mission I33 predict.

ckmerge_type3.plt - This file was created by merging all of the Naif Type 1 (discrete) ck files into a single file and then converting the merged file to a Type 3 (continuous) ck file.

galssi_cal_med.bck - The file $ISISGALDATA/ has been converted to a NEW binary-camera-kernel (bck) format file for use with the naif toolkit called by the new Lev library software.

galssi_eur_med.bck - The file $ISISGALDATA/ has been converted to a NEW binary-camera-kernel (bck) format file for use with the naif toolkit called by the new Lev library software.

galssi_gan_med.bck - The file $ISISGALDATA/ has been converted to a NEW binary-camera-kernel (bck) format file for use with the naif toolkit called by the new Lev library software.

galssi_io_010806.baa.bck - The locally produced Archinal/Becker Io solution file has been converted to a NEW binary camera kernel (bck) format file.

s010529a.bsp - A new Galileo mission file that begins 1 Feb 2000. It reconstructs I27, G28, G29 and has predict reference trajectory to 21 Sep 2003.

s010810a.bsp - a new Galileo mission file that begins 1 Feb 2000. It reconstructs I27, G28, G29, C30 and has predict reference trajectory to 21 Sep 2003.

s011018a.bsp - a new Galileo mission file that begins 1 Feb 2000. It reconstructs I27, G28, G29, C30, I31, and has predict reference trajectory to 21 Sep 2003.

s001024a.bsp - Has been deleted.

s010529a.bsp - has been deleted.

s010810a.bsp - has been deleted.

ssi_kernels.def.2 - Replaced all Naif Type 1 ck files with ckmerge_type3.plt.

ssi_pds2isis_translation.def.1 - renaming of old file gll_pds2isis_translation.tbl for consistency with other Galileo SSI lookup files. Use this file for "pds2isis" to start processing of images in the new LEV software for the Galileo SSI camera.


imp_camera.sav - This file has been updated with the final toein and bore err values for filters 0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 as recommended by Randy Kirk.


lo1_fict.tsc - This is a *NEW* spacecraft clock kernel for Lunar Orbiter 1.

lo2_fict.tsc - This is a *NEW* spacecraft clock kernel for Lunar Orbiter 2.

lo3_fict.tsc - This is a *NEW* spacecraft clock kernel for Lunar Orbiter 3.

lo4_fict.tsc - This is a *NEW* spacecraft clock kernel for Lunar Orbiter 4.

lo5_fict.tsc - This is a *NEW* spacecraft clock kernel for Lunar Orbiter 5.

lo_4_hi.fiducials - This *NEW* file is a table of fiducial positions for Lunar Orbiter 4 high resolution camera. The table consists of 3 columns: fiducial id, fiducial x position, and fiducial y position.


MGS_SCLKSCET.00037.tsc - A new MGS spacecraft clock kernel (SCLK) supplied by NAIF. It is now the default SCLK used in all ISIS applications (see $ISISMGSDATA/moc_kernels.def.3).

MGS_SCLKSCET.00038.tsc - A new MGS spacecraft clock kernel (SCLK) supplied by NAIF. It is now the default SCLK used in all ISIS applications (see $ISISMGSDATA/moc_kernels.def.4).

MGS_SCLKSCET.00043.tsc - A *NEW* MGS spacecraft clock kernel (SCLK) supplied by NAIF. It is now the default SCLK used in all ISIS applications (see $ISISMGSDATA/moc_kernels.def.7).

MGS_SCLKSCET.00045.tsc - A *NEW* MGS spacecraft clock kernel (SCLK) supplied by NAIF. It is now the default SCLK used in all ISIS applications (see $ISISMGSDATA/moc_kernels.def.9).

isis_moc_kernels.txt - Replaces isis_moc_kernels.doc (as it has been pointed out that this file can be mistaken for a Microsoft Word document which it isn't). This file describes in detail MGS NAIF kernels in the ISIS system. It has been updated to contain information about the extended mission.

isis_moc_kernels.txt - Contains updated kernel information for the MGS mission.

mgs_ext1.bsp - This file is the first of 6 extended MGS mission NAIF SPK kernels. It covers a part of 25th -- from the beginning of the Extended mission whole 26th and 27th 28-day mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission (mapping orbits 8506 through 9264):

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2001 FEB 01 00:00:00.000
        COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2001 APR 04 01:00:00.000

mgs_ext2.bsp - This file is the second of 6 extended MGS mission NAIF SPK kernels. It covers the 28th, 29th and 30th 28-day mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission (mapping orbits 9264 through 10291):

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2001 APR 04 00:00:00.000
        COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2001 JUN 27 01:00:00.000

mgs_ext5.bsp - This file covers the 37th, 38th, and 39th 28-day mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission (mapping orbits 12346 through 13373):

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2001 DEC 12 00:00:00.000
        COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2002 MAR 06 01:00:00.000

mgs_ext6.bsp - This file covers the 40th, 41st, and 42nd 28-day mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission (mapping orbits 13374 through 14400):

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2002 MAR 06 00:00:00.000
        COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2002 MAY 29 01:00:00.000

mgs_map.bsp - This file is the daily SPK predict file maintained by NAIF for the MGS mission. It is not used by internal USGS - Astro staff or ISIS in deference to mgs_map_rec.bsp, but is provided for the possibility of outside user need. Coverage times are:

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2001 DEC 11 23:58:55.817
        COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002 FEB 25 08:15:00.000

mgs_map.bsp - This file is the daily SPK predict file maintained by NAIF for the MGS mission. It is not used by internal USGS - Astro staff or ISIS in deference to mgs_map_rec.bsp, but is provided for the possibility of outside user need. Coverage times are:

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2002 MAY 28 23:58:55.815
        COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002 AUG 22 09:28:55.817
mgs_map_rec.bsp - This file is the daily SPK file maintained by NAIF for the MGS mission. It is intended to provide coverage from the last normal released SPK kernel (in this case map_ext1.bsp). Coverage times are:
        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2001 APR 03 23:58:55.814
        COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2001 JUN 10 00:05:00.000

mgs_map_rec.bsp - This file is the daily SPK file maintained by NAIF for the MGS mission. It is intended to provide coverage from the last normal released SPK kernel (in this case map_ext2.bsp). Coverage times are:

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2001 JUN 26 23:58:55.816
        COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2001 AUG 19 05:50:00.000

mgs_map_rec.bsp - This file is the daily SPK file maintained by NAIF for the MGS mission. It is intended to provide coverage from the last normal released SPK kernel (in this case map_ext4.bsp). Coverage times are:

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2001 DEC 11 23:58:55.817
        COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002 FEB 25 08:43:55.815

mgs_map_rec.bsp - This file is the daily SPK file maintained by NAIF for the MGS mission. It is intended to provide coverage from the last normal released SPK kernel (in this case map_ext6.bsp). Coverage times are:

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2002 MAY 28 23:58:55.815
        COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002 AUG 04 14:28:55.817

mgs_sc_ext1.bc - This file is the first of 6 extended MGS mission NAIF CK kernels. It coincides with mgs_ext1.bsp SPK kernel and covers a half of 25th -- from the beginning of Extended Mission -- whole 26th and 27th mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission:

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2001-FEB-01 00:00:59.362
        COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2001-APR-03 23:59:54.612

mgs_sc_ext2.bc - This file is the second of 6 extended MGS mission NAIF CK kernels. It coincides with mgs_ext2.bsp SPK kernel and covers the 28th, 29th and 30th 28-day mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission (mapping orbits 9264 through 10291):

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2001 APR 04 00:00:00.000
        COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2001 JUN 27 01:00:00.000

mgs_sc_ext5.bc - This file covers the 37th, 38th, and 39th mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission:

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2001-12-12T00:00:03.485
        COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002-03-05T23:33:14.401

mgs_sc_ext6.bc - This file covers the 40th, 41st, and 42nd mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission:

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2002-MAR-06 00:07:27.400
        COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002-MAY-28 23:59:53.297

mgs_sc_map.bc - This file is composed of the daily MGS CK files from NAIF. It is created by concatenating all files from the last normal released CK kernel (in this case map_sc_ext1.bc). Coverage times are:

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2001-04-04T00:00:58.613
        COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2001-06-16T23:59:53.711

mgs_sc_map.bc.lbl contains the list of daily CK kernels included in this file.

mgs_sc_map.bc - This file is composed of the daily MGS CK files from NAIF. It is created by concatenating all files from the last normal released CK kernel (in this case map_sc_ext2.bc). Coverage times are:

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2001 JUN 27 00:00:05.586
        COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2001 AUG 20 23:59.52.907

mgs_sc_map.bc.lbl contains the list of daily CK kernels included in this file.

mgs_sc_map.bc - This file is composed of the daily MGS CK files from NAIF. It is created by concatenating all files from the last normal released CK kernel (in this case map_sc_ext4.bc). Coverage times are:

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2001-DEC-13 00:00:03.473
        COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002-FEB-27 20:17:06.481

mgs_sc_map.bc.lbl contains the list of daily CK kernels included in this file.

mgs_sc_map.bc - This file is composed of the daily MGS CK files from NAIF. It is created by concatenating all files from the last normal released CK kernel (in this case map_sc_ext6.bc). Coverage times are:

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2002-MAY-29 00:01:01.297
        COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002-AUG-10 20:19:32.304

mgs_sc_map.bc.lbl contains the list of daily CK kernels included in this file.

moc2isis_translation.def.1 - The old version was not placing the ORIGINAL_SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_COUNT in the correct ISIS group (ISIS_INSTRUMENT). The LINES and LINE_SAMPLES keywords were being searched for in the PDS ROOT object instead of the IMAGE object.

moc20.ti - A *NEW* MGS MOC instrument kernel supplied by NAIF. This file is informational, but our software does not look at it. Version 2.0 -- September 6, 2001 -- Substantial change from moc13.ti kernel, including: -- assigned unique ID codes to NA, WA/RED and WA/BLUE cameras; -- replaced all keywords using old MOC ID with new keywords using new individual camera IDs; -- incorporated in-flight calibrated mounting offsets; -- defined and described individual camera frames and filled the definitions with in-flight calibrated mounting offsets; -- incorporated in-flight calibrated optical distortion models; -- included additional optics and detector parameters; -- added SPICE FOV definition for each camera;

moc_kernels.def.3 - This file, located in $ISISMGSDATA, contains the list of all NAIF MGS/MOC kernel files used in ISIS applications. It has been updated to reflect recently released NAIF data/kernels and includes information for the MGS Extended mission.

moc_kernels.def.4 - This file, located in $ISISMGSDATA, contains the list of all NAIF MGS/MOC kernel files used in ISIS applications. It has been updated to reflect recently released NAIF data/kernels and includes information for the MGS Extended mission.

moc_kernels.def.5 - This updated kernel list omits nonexistent kernels.

moc_kernels.def.7 - This file, located in $ISISMGSDATA, contains the list of all NAIF MGS/MOC kernel files used in ISIS applications. It has been updated to reflect recently released NAIF data/kernels and includes information for the MGS Extended mission.

moc_kernels.def.9 - This file, located in $ISISMGSDATA, contains the list of all NAIF MGS/MOC kernel files used in ISIS applications. It has been updated to reflect recently released NAIF data/kernels and includes information for the MGS Extended mission.

moc_parameters.def.4 - This file in $ISISMGSDATA has had the MGS MOC NA_A_W0 value updated.

moc_parameters.def.5 - This file in $ISISMGSDATA has had the MGS MOC NA_A_W0, WA_RED_W0 and WA_BLUE_W0 values updated. These new values are the work of the scientists at USGS using simultaneous Hubble observations and imperical observations. They were derived after recent corrections to the moccal application. See the moccal update notice and documentation in the moccal.pdf file. It is recommended that all MOC images where I/F was requested be reprocessed.

moc_parameters.def.6 - The system gain value, WA_RED_Z, for the MOC WA RED filter was updated to agree with documented values. The value was incorrect and has now been set to the value contained in the MOC2 Calibration Report from the table created by images taken in a thermal/vac which happen to also be the values used to generate the pixel-to-pixel variation coefficients.

mola_kernels.def.3 - Removed references to MGS extended missions spacecraft and camera kernels that do not yet exist.


thm_parameters.def.1, .2, .3 - Instrument parameter definitions for the THEMIS instrument.

thm2isis_translation.def.1. .2, .3, .4 - as of 6/05/01 - These are *New* translation tables used for conversion of Themis images from PDS to ISIS.


VIKING_RESEAUX.NOM - This file replaces VIKING_RESEAUS.NOM. The format has been altered slightly to accommodate changes to the lev software.

VO1_VISA_RESEAUS.TEMPLATE - This new file is an ISIS 8-bit cube and is used by levfindrx to locate the Viking 1 camera A reseaux on an image. This file differs from previous templates in that it contains a template for each of the 103 reseaux.

VO1_VISB_RESEAUS.TEMPLATE - This new file is an ISIS 8-bit cube and is used by levfindrx to locate the Viking 1 camera B reseaux on an image. This file differs from previous templates in that it contains a template for each of the 103 reseaux.

VO2_VISA_RESEAUS.TEMPLATE - This new file is an ISIS 8-bit cube and is used by levfindrx to locate the Viking 2 camera A reseaux on an image. This file differs from previous templates in that it contains a template for each of the 103 reseaux.

VO2_VISB_RESEAUS.TEMPLATE - This new file is an ISIS 8-bit cube and is used by levfindrx to locate the Viking 2 camera B reseaux on an image. This file differs from previous templates in that it contains a template for each of the 103 reseaux.

vik2isis_translation.def.1 - The Viking transation table used as input in pds2isis for processing with level labels is now in the ISISVIKDATA direcory on all systems.

vis_parameters.def.2 - This file contains the default parameters used for processing Viking images with ISIS lev software.

vis_parameters.def.2 - This file now lists the new, improved Viking reseaux templates.

vo1_vis_kernels.def.1 - This list of kernels now includes a special kernel with gem data for the Viking 1 extended mission frames in the MDIM that are not included in the other NAIF spk.

vo1_ext_gem.bsp - This spacecraft/planet kernel contains a small set of data from the ISIS Viking 1 gem files. This spk was created to allow the entire MDIM to be processed using NAIF kernels.


VG1_ISSNA_RESEAUX.TEMPLATE - A *NEW* reseau template file for the VOYAGER_1 Narrow Angle instrument to be used by the new lev software.

VG1_ISSWA_RESEAUX.TEMPLATE - A *NEW* reseau template file for the VOYAGER_1 Wide Angle instrument to be used by the new lev software.

VG2_ISSNA_RESEAUX.TEMPLATE - a *NEW* reseau template file for the VOYAGER_2 Narrow Angle instrument to be used by the new lev software.

VG2_ISSWA_RESEAUX.TEMPLATE - a *NEW* reseau template file for the VOYAGER_2 Wide Angle instrument to be used by the new lev software.

VOYAGER_RESEAUX.NOM - This file is a reformatted version of VOY_RES.NOM and is used by the lev software.

VOYAGER_RESEAUX.NOM - Changed the reseau type to 5 for all valid reseaux and set the reseau type to 0 for all reseau marks that fall outside of a VOYAGER frame.

vgr_kernels.def.1 - This is a *NEW* kernel definitions file.

vg100008.tsc - This is a *NEW* spacecraft clock kernel file.

vg200008.tsc - This is a *NEW* spacecraft clock kernel file.

vgr2isis_translation.def.1 - This *NEW* translation table needs to be used by "pds2isis" when a Voyager ISS image is to be processed in the new lev system.


Data Type Validation - A utility routine (u_validate_type.c) has been corrected that allows single byte data to be valid on all architectures. It would occasionally report an invalid type on 1-byte UNSIGNED_INTEGER core data.

DOCUBE - Added the D_MHPROP variable to the (and docube.h) file. This allows the application program to tell DOCUBE to request history object propagation for multiple input files when propagating history information to the output file. (The application program can then call the H_COPY routine to propagate history information for input files other than the first input file (which is automatically handled by DOCUBE).)

ISIS PDS Keyword Library (libisis) - New routines have been added to make finding keywords anywhere in the label as opposed to the current group restricted keyword searching. These routines will basically find the first occurance of a specified keyword irregardless of GROUP location, or, for that matter, OBJECT locations. This set of routines can get *any* keyword in the label with properly configured parameters. The single source driver for all these routines is p_find_key.c. This is a C-callable only routine that can retrieve all keyword value types in a single call. The other routines are p_find_char_key, p_find_dbl_key, p_find_int_key, p_find_lit_key, p_find_real_key, and p_find_str_key. These routines are both C and FORTRAN callable and are analogous to the p_get_*_key cousins.

Makefile - Lunar Orbiter plug-in routines were added.

Matchpoint Software Library (libisismpt) - Some files in this library were modified to correct some bugs and add/augment some new features in the software environment. Here is a breakdown:

Matchpoint Software Library (libisismpt) - Some files in this library were modified to add some functionality and to remove some (basically, FORTRAN support to some routines). Applications that link dynamically to the MPT library,, will cease to function correctly until they have been brought into compliance with the changes and relinked against the new version of the library once they have been incorporated into the ISIS system. Here is a breakdown of changes to MPT files:

Matchpoint Software Library (libisismpt) - Some new routines were written for this library that computes and applies the geometric transformation of sub-images (or chips) without also applying coregistration. This was deemed necessary for image sets that have widely varying viewing conditions.

Matchpoint (MPT) Library Software (libisismpt) - A FORTRAN callable interface to the basic geometry functions of this library has been added (primarily for support of the ISIS "photomet" application). See mpt_finit, mpt_findlat, mpt_findlin, mpt_pier and mpt_frelease. As mentioned previously, support for level 2 images has been augmented.

Matchpoint (MPT) Library Software (libisismpt) - There have been numerous changes to this library. Namely, support for differing latitude systems (PLANETOGRAPHIC, PLANETOCENTRIC), longitude systems (0 to 360 and -180 to 180) and positive longitudes (WEST, EAST). Two routines, mpt_init_imgcoord and mpt_init_mapcoord, were added for proper initialization of MATCHPT_IMGCOORD and MATCHPT_MAPCOORD structures in support of the new geometric system changes. A new routine was added to eliminate the dependancy of the ISIS libisistools library - this library can be removed from make files if it was soley included for the MPT library. A new routine to return projection information (mpt_proj_info) was added. A routine to convert geometric latitudes and longitudes from one system to another (mpt_convert_latlon) was added. A few changes that affect how things are represented results in much better geometric transformation support. Pixels in the geoming function are now represented as floating point coordinates so accurate geomed pixel locations can be preserved. A correction of chip registration results when updating the resulting match point had some problems that caused inaccurate results.

isis++.rules - C++ compile and link rules for ISIS applications. This file has been created for Linux and Solaris machines and should be the only file that is included in the C++ make file in place of isis.rules. It automatically inherits normal C definitions with modifications where necessary. This is to say that the $ISISDBG and (probably) $ISISSTATIC environment variables will work for C++ application build/links as well.

isismain_c.h - This file required a modification in order for C++ applications written in ISIS to compile/link correctly. Basically, the prototype of the "isis_main" entry point had to be moved outside of the "main" routine so that C++ compile mangling does the right thing. Note that this does not affect any current ISIS application in the system but will take affect from the time it is updated in the system for any subsequent builds. It should have no apparent affect on programmers.

ker_naifcode.F - There was a variable that was not declared of sufficient length to accomodate the translation of $ISISDATA on some systems that did not install ISIS in the normal (short) directory. It died unmercifully. It has been corrected.

lev.h - This file now includes a new structure called Lev that can be used as a generic level parameter when calling the routines lev_init, lev_latlon_to_line samp, and lev_linesamp_to_latlon. The Lev structure can be used by programs that run on multilevel cubes.

lev.h - A name was given to the Lev2 structure. Also included levdem.h.

lev_findrx - The program will now check for the new ISIS_GEOMETRY keyword RESEAU_STATUS. If it has a value of REMOVED, it will issue an error and quit.

lev_init.c - This new routine uses the new Lev structure to initialize a cube of any level and should be called by programs that run on both level 1 and level 2 cubes.

lev_init_data.c - Includes initialization new levdata member radius.

lev_latlon_to_linesamp.c - This *NEW* routine uses the new Lev structure to handle conversion from latitude/longitude to line/sample for either level 1 or level 2 cubes.

lev_linesamp_to_latlon.c - This new routine uses the new Lev structure to handle conversion from line/sample to latitude/longitude for either level 1 or level 2 cubes.

levu_convert_latlon.c - Will always adjust longitude if it is outside the longitude range of the output lonsys instead of only if the input and output lonsys differ.

levu_copy_target.c - Includes the new dem substructure member. lev0naif.h - Camera kernel types were added to the structure.

lev0u_naif_check_ck.c - When the start/stop times of the time range are the same, then this subroutine now checks for an exact match in the ck kernel within an allowable tolerance before the ck kernel can be used to obtain pointing information. Also added the spi structure to the argument list of this routine so that it has access to the max_time_tolerance.

lev0u_naif_screen_kernels.c - Added the spi structure to the argument list of the call to lev0u_naif_check_ck.

lev1_calc_limb_angle - This *NEW* subroutine is a placeholder for the code that will eventually be written to calculate the limb angle. Right now it returns a value of 0.0 for every call.

lev1_calc_local_solar_time - This *NEW* subroutine will calculate the local solar time in decimal hours for a point in a Level 1 image.

lev1_calc_local_solar_time - Now checks to see if the lev image is PLANETOCENTRIC or PLANETOGRAPHIC before calling the NAIF subroutine et2lst.

lev1_calc_longitude_of_sun - This *NEW* subroutine will calculate the solar longitude (otherwise known as L-sub-s) for a point in a Level 1 image.

lev1_calc_longitude_of_sun - This subroutine is used by the levpt program. A bug has been fixed in it which was causing an incorrect value to be created when the longitude returned by NAIF was greater than or equal to 0.

lev1_calc_slant_distance - This *NEW* subroutine will calculate the slant distance (in KM) for a point in a Level 1 image.

lev1_calc_spacecraft_azimuth - This *NEW* subroutine calculates the spacecraft azimuth at a point in Level 1 space.

lev1_calc_sun_azimuth - This *NEW* subroutine will calculate the sun azimuth for a point in a Level 1 image.

lev1_init.c - This routine has been modified so that it will initialize level 2 cubes with level 1 labels also.

lev1_init.c - Lunar Orbiter 4 high resolution camera was added to the instrument list.

lev1_init.c - The Voyager instruments were added.

lev1_latlon_to_linesamp.c - Now uses the dem to get the local radius instead of the triaxial radii if the usedem flag is true.

lev1_release_dem.c - *New* routine to free memory and close the dem file if the usedem flag is true.

lev1_use_dem.c - *New* routine to set the usedem flag to true and put the dem name into the dem substructure of the target structure. This routine also allocates memory for the dem i/o buffer and opens the dem file.

lev2_calc_eastnorth_range.c - Now sets lonsys to 0 in data structure to flag condition to not adjust longitude so that the full easting/northing range can be calculated.

lev2_calc_map_resolution - This *NEW* subroutine calculates the line and sample resolution in km/pix at a point in Level 2 space.

lev2_calc_spacecraft_azimuth - This *NEW* subroutine calculates the spacecraft azimuth at a point in Level 2 space.

lev2_calc_sun_azimuth.c - This is a *NEW* subroutine that calculates the sun azimuth for level 2 (projected) images.

lev2_linesamp_to_latlon.c - Now returns latitude in parameter latitude type units instead of projection latitude type units.

lev2_write_report_to_labels.c - Additionallly reports the name of the dem file, if usedem is true, to the labels IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION group.

lev1u_frame_pointing_to_cls - Added test for usedem flag to determine whether to use the target radii or the data structure lat/lon radii for the back of planet test (surfpt).

lev1u_gal_ssi_routines.c - The existing subroutines have been changed to find the camera pointing for the partial frame Galileo images (FRAME_MODE_ID = "S (SUMMATION MODE)").

lev1u_get_local_radius_from_dem.c - *New* routine that uses the lat/lon in the data structure to find line/sample in a dem file and return a local radius at that lat/lon.

lev1u_init_target_from_labels.c - Initializes dem substructure.

lev1u_load_dem_map.c - *New* routine to open a dem file and load the level 2 substructure.

lev1u_mgs_moc_init - Sets the local radius in the data structure to 0 so that the default target radii will be used to define the target body.

lev1u_mgs_moc_linesamp_to_latlon - Changed to use the radius in the data structure instead of target radii when usedem is true.

lev1u_mgs_moc_wa_latlon_to_linesamp - Added documentation and now puts the local radius into the data structure that is passed in the lev1_linesamp_to_latlon calls.

lev1u_mgs_moc_na_latlon_to_linesamp - Puts the local radius into the data structure that is passed in the lev1_linesamp_to_latlon calls.

lev1u_mgs_moc_quad - Added documentation and now puts the local radius into the data structure that is passed in the lev1_linesamp_to_latlon calls.

lev1u_naif_get_pointing_etal.c - The existing subroutine has been changed to copy the body-to-Earth_Mean_Equatorial(J200) matrix to the data structure.

lev1u_naif_load_kernels_from_labels.c - The existing subroutine has been changed to update the variable that indicates how recently the loaded kernels were used.

lev1u_vik_vis_linesamp_correct - This *NEW* routine will apply Vidicon distortion corrections and output a corrected line/sample position.

lev2u_simple_cylindrical_eastnorth_to_latlon - Changed valid latitude test to allow for DBL_EPSILON roundoff errors and allow values of -90. and 90.

lev2u_simple_cylindrical_latlon_to_eastnorth - Now allows a lonsys value in the data structure of 0 to indicate no conversion of lonsys should occur so that ranges can be calculated without longitudes wrapping.

levu_init_target_from_user.c - Now does an error check on lonsys.

levu_set_target.c - Now initializes new dem substructure and closes targdef before returning.

levu_write_target_to_log.c - Writes the dem file to the log if usedem is true and a dem file is in the substructure.

levdata.h - Added local radius to complete point definition of surface point.

levdata.h - The latitude system, longitude system, and longitude direction of the latitude/longitude were added to the structure.

levdem.h - *New* structure for the optional dem file used as a source for local radii when going to and from level 1 line/sample

levinit - A new parameter has been added to this program. The new parameter is called KERNONLY and only affects data from vidicon cameras. The default value of NO will cause levinit to run as it always has. If KERNONLY=YES, then levinit will save the reseau labels and only update the kernels in the ISIS_GEOMETRY group. Also levinit will now write out a new keyword to the ISIS_GEOMETRY group called RESEAU_STATUS. After running levint this keyword will be set to NOMINAL.

levinstrument.h - added a new element called cktype to the Lev1Instrument structure. cktype will be used to store the type of c kernel file (1, 2, or 3) associated with an image.

levinstrument.h - Interpolate_camera_angles and ticks_per_minute were removed from the structure.

levinstrument.h - A new value was added to the structure, ck_matched_time. This value should be reported to the user for any instrument using type 1 ck and a nonzero tolerance. Otherwise the change can be ignored.

levprojection.h - Circular was added to the structure to flag circular projections.

levprototypes.h - Prototypes were modified for levu_set_target and lev0u_naif_screen_kernels. A prototype was added for new routine levu_convert_latlon.

levprototypes.h - Added the spi structure to the argument list of the lev0u_naif_check_ck routine.

levprototypes.h - Lunar Orbiter plug-in routines were added.

levprototypes.h - Voyager routines have been added to the prototypes.

levprototypes.h - The prototype for lev2_calc_sun_azimuth was added.

levprototypes.h - Added 3 new subroutines (lev1_calc_spacecraft_azimuth, lev2_calc_spacecraft_azimuth, lev2_calc_map_resolution).

levpt_guts.c - This subroutine, which is called by the levpt program, was changed so that it calculates the sun azimuth for both level 1 and level 2 images.

levtarget.h - Added dem substructure to target structure.

levu_convert_latlon.c - This new routine will convert the input latitude/longitude to the desired lat/lon systems and lon dir.

mat_bind_F.c - mat_least2 was added.

math.h - mat_least2 was added.

mpt_fetch_coordinate.c - A typo was corrected in the Lev software section that computed the line/sample from latitude/longitude coordinates.

mpt_geom_box_map.c - A bug was discovered in this routine that would return a positive status code indicating failure when it actually was successful. This occurred at the end of the binary search algorithm when it erroneously considered only the final attempt at a valid mapping whilst ignoring any previously successful mapping thus invalidating the entire process.

remrx - This program will now check for the new ISIS_GEOMETRY keyword RESEAU_STATUS. If it has a value of REMOVED, it will issue an error and quit. Also the program will issue an error if RESEAU_STATUS=NOMINAL notifying the user to run lev_findrx to compute the reseaux.

spi_last_cmodel - Changed the code that tests TABLEFROM and DIR to see if they are empty strings. Instead of checking these strings to see if they are blank, the code now tests to see if the string length is zero.

tfile_set_retest_inc - This routine can be used to set the retest increment for retesting output tiles that are found to have no valid input data to map to them using only the four corners and center of the tile.

u_get_geomsys - This new routine has been added to the utilib section of libisis to return the geometric system properties for level 2 images. It is used for applications that take a list of projected images and require compatable systems (e.g., mosaic, b4equal, equalizer, automos).

u_validate_type.c - This routine was not checking the proper internal variable to validate single byte core data. For some platforms it would report incompatabilites.


Our Perl scripts require that you have Perl installed in /usr/bin. If you have Perl installed in a different directory you need to set up a link between your location and /usr/bin/perl. To accomplish this you need to determine the absolute path name of your Perl executables. Then type the following at the command line:

ln -s <your Perl absolute path name>/perl /usr/bin/perl

This will estabish a softlink between our perl scripts and your Perl exectables. If you don't have root priviledges you will have to see your Sys-Admin person to execute this command.

If you use and develop your own Perl scripts and modules you may be using the PERL5LIB environment variable. If you are, please be aware that we are also setting this variable in the ISIS startup scripts to point to our Perl modules. Our startup scripts will check to see if you have PERL5LIB defined and then append to your path list (and not overwrite it). Therefore, if you are defining this variable, it is important to so before initiating ISIS. If you define PERL5LIB after initiating ISIS, you may overwrite our ISIS Perl path names and our Perl scripts will not operate correctly. <End of Release Notes>

Last updated: Oct 24 2003
File: release_notes.html

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