Isis 2 Documentation

Release Notes:

For January 30, 2003 ISIS Release

This document describes the changes and enhancements that have been made to ISIS since the previous release on October 15, 2002. This is divided into several sections:

  1. Supported Platforms
  2. Notes on the IDL Display Programs
  3. Documentation Updates
  4. New Programs
  5. Program-Specific Updates
  6. Updates Applicable to Multiple Programs
  7. Data File Updates
  8. Changes of Interest to ISIS Programmers
  9. The Use of Perl Within ISIS


We currently support Sun Solaris 2.6 and RedHat Linux 6.1. ISIS will run on Redhat 7.2 and 7.3, but we have not yet verified the results. However, if you intent to use either of these operating systems you will need to download and install the appropriate Redhat ncurses4-5.04 library RPM for i386. The objective here is to install a library that is compatible with both ISIS and RedHat 7.2 or 7.3.


The IDL display programs in this ISIS release are compatible with IDL Version 5.4. We have discovered minor bugs when using the ISIS program "cv" in IDL 5.2 that are still present in IDL 5.4. Please see the Known Bugs page for a discription of these bugs. In addition, refer to Notes on Use of the IDL Display Programs for proper display setup instructions.

Most of the ISIS IDL programs and routines use the CALL_EXTERNAL function to call Fortran/C routines. The CALL_EXTERNAL interface was changed in IDL 5.5. Thus, most of the ISIS IDL code will not work correctly with IDL 5.5. (Also, in IDL 5.5 there is a change in the parameters to the IDL routines that access HDF/HDF-EOS files. The "cv" program has not yet been updated to account for these changes.)



The $ISISDOC directory contains Release Notes for each release of ISIS. These are contained in files named "isisYYMMDD_release.notes" or "isis_release_notes.YYMMDD", where YYMMDD is the date of the ISIS release. Each Release Notes file describes changes in the system since the previous release.

The current documentation for a release of ISIS is contained in a set of files in the $ISISHTML directory, which is part of the local ISIS installation. These are in a format that can be accessed with a web browser. For example, to view the local copy of the ISIS documentation with netscape, type:

    netscape $ISISHTML/documentation.html

You can also access the ISIS documentation over the Internet at the ISIS web site. However, note that the documentation on the ISIS web site is updated each time updates are made to our internal developmental version of ISIS. Thus, the web site documentation might contain information on new or modified programs that are not yet contained in the public release of ISIS that is described in your local $ISISHTML directory. However, the web site can be used for registering to receive update notices and for looking at the latest version of the Frequently Asked Questions list.


In addition to new documentation for the new programs and minor updates to documentation for previously existing programs, the following are some additional program documentation updates:

vikbasefit - The error messages and documentation were changed.


ISIS Documentation - "TES Emissivity Data Processing with ISIS" page to was creared to announce TES processing capabilities with ISIS.

ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated these two pages with new ISIS programs.

ISIS Release Notes - January 30th, 2003 Release Notes have been added with new descriptions of the updates included in this release.


affinefit - This new program takes as input a control point file created by "coregpr2" and solves for the best fit of the control points to an affine transformation equation. The six coefficients are output to a REGFILE that can be used in programs that project from level1 space to level2 space, such as "last2prj".


coreg2 - This program was changed to write coefficients for a pure translation affine fit (instead of 0,0,translation) to the REGFILE. The only program that reads the regfile, "last2prj", was also changed so no difference should occur to the "last2prj" output.

cv - Changed spectrum plotting so that the band marker line will be plotted when a band with a negative "wavelength" is selected for Front View display. This allows stacking images in which the "band" dimension is something other than wavelength, e.g. temperature for a series of calibration images.

cvplot - Updated to be compatible with the updated "cv".

last2prj - This program was changed to apply the coefficients in the REGFILE to a general affine transformation. Previously only the last of the three coefficients was read and assumed to be translation.

lev1plot - A previously existing program which has been changed to check the correct flags for errors and good verses bad data. It will also now plot the Transverse Mercator projection. The program attempts to find a reasonable incidence angle range near 90 degrees and emission angle range near 90 degrees, using image resolution, for plotting the terminator and limb.

lev1tolev2 and lev1tolev1 - These programs now check the retest parameter (if it is used) to make sure it is smaller than the maximum tile size.

levinit - This program previously wiped out the reseaux positions in the labels even if KERNONLY was turned on and the kernel files could not be opened. This "feature" has been removed so that if KERNONLY is turned on, the reseaux positions are always preserved. levpt - The lev1u_mgs_moc_routines file was not returning the ephemeris time for a data line back to the calling program. This was causing "levpt" to produce erroneous time-based results for MOC images.

lofixlabel - This program will check to see if the input support file exists and stop if it does not, after sending an error message.

losupport2ck1 - This program will now create "ck" for Lunar Orbiter 3 and Lunar Orbiter 5 as well as Lunar Orbiter 4. A test was added to see if the input support file exists also.

makespk09 - This program was generalized to create "spk" for all Lunar Orbiter missions.

pds2isis - A problem with the translation of real values in exponential form was fixed.

rand2ck1 - This file had a missing "-" in the one of the instrument rotations for Viking 2, camera A, causing the Viking 2 "ck" the program created to be bogus. Any Viking 2 "ck" created by this program before October 29, 2002 are incorrect. The problem has been corrected.

shiftreg - This program now has the option to read the offsets from a REGFILE.

thm2isis - Added a time option which is used to specify a time offset that can be used to adjust the spacecraft clock time of the input file. The time adjustment is applied before the file is processed. The problem was fixed in which the parameters were not being initialized to the TAE null value (--) when the script was run from the command line. The $ISIS_LOG_FILE environment variable is now checked to see if the user wants output log information to go to a file other than print.prt.

thmiric - The IR optical distortion correction was cleaned up so that all the bands will be correctly registered to each other in the output Instrument Coordinate file. (But keep in mind that it cannot use the MOLA DEM and thus will not give ban- to-band registrationthat is as good as that produced by using "thmirmc" to project to map coordinates.)

thmiric - When the user requests an interpolation type of NEAREST_NEIGHBOR to be used in geom, then the internal parameter is set to NEAREST to avoid a string length limitation in TAE. If the user sets the RETEST parameter on the command line, then it is now checked for a valid value of 1, 4, or 16. The problem was fixed in which the parameters were not being initialized to the TAE null value (--) when the script was run from the command line. The $ISIS_LOG_FILE environment variable is now checked to see if the user wants output log information to go to a file other than print.prt.

thmirmc - If the user sets the RETEST parameter on the command line, then it is now checked for a valid value of 1, 4, or 16. Fixed so that the latitude system from the labels of the input file is used instead of always defaulting to OGRAPHIC. When the user requests an interpolation type of NEAREST_NEIGHBOR to be used in geom, then the internal parameter is set to NEAREST to avoid a string length limitation in TAE. The problem was fixed in which the parameters were not being initialized to the TAE null value (--) when the script was run from the command line. The $ISIS_LOG_FILE environment variable is now checked to se if the user wants output log information to go to a file other than print.prt.

thmirmc - The IR optical distortion correction was cleaned up so that no corners of the input image data will be outside the projected IRMC file. Also, the band-to-band registration will now be slightly different, perhaps even a little better.

thmvismc - Added corrections for optical distortions. These changes (along with the updated THEMIS Frames Kernel and the new thm_parameters.def.6 THEMIS instrument parameters file) result in improved band-to-band registration and also improved framelet overlap within a single band in projected VIS files. For some VIS files (e.g., V01709001) the band misregistration relative to band 3 will probably be less than one pixel. However, for some other files (e.g., V02300002) the misregistration will probably be greater. It is not yet known why the registration errors are different for different files.

thmvismc - If the user sets the RETEST parameter on the command line, then it is now checked for a valid value of 1, 4, or 16. Modified so that the lat/lon extent of each intermediate frame file is set to the min/max lat/lon of that frame only (instead of the entire mosaic). When the user requests an interpolation type of NEAREST_NEIGHBOR to be used in geom, then the internal parameter is set to NEAREST to avoid a string length limitation in TAE. The problem was fixed in which the parameters were not being initialized to the TAE null value (--) when the script was run from the command line. The $ISIS_LOG_FILE environment variable is now checked to see if the user wants output log information to go to a file other than print.prt. The BAND_BIN_FILTER_NUMBER keyword values are now being propagated to the output file.

vikbasefit - This program had a bug that prevented it from processing both Viking Orbiter 1 and Viking Orbiter 2 cubes in the same list. The problem has been corrected.


TAE Menus - The program menus (obtained by typing "menu" (without the quotes) at the TAE prompt) have been updated to include the new programs.









lo_5_hi.fiducials - This *NEW* data file listing the LO5 fiducial positions in the camera plane, was added so Lunar Orbiter 5 frames can be processed in ISIS.

lo_parameters.def.2 - Parameters for Lunar Orbiter 3 were added.



7.6 MARS ODYSSEY (THEMIS) DATA FILES - The value of TKFRAME_-15031_ANGLES in the M01_THEMIS_IR frame was updated to have an IR yaw rotation of -0.672 degrees rather than -0.572 degrees. This change provides improved IR band-to-band registration in the horizontal direction. (This is a return to the value that had been used previously.) The value of TKFRAME_-53032_ANGLES in the M01_THEMIS_VIS frame was updated to include a -0.25 degree yaw rotation of the VIS detector relative to the M01_THEMIS_OPTICS frame. Note that a file named is available from NAIF. However, that file contains the old -0.572 value for the IR detector yaw rotation and the old 0.0 value for the VIS detector yaw rotation and thus should not be used with the current software and other data files. (You should make sure your thm_kernels.def.N file lists rather than

thm_parameters.def.4 - The IR optical distortion parameters were cleaned up. (Parameters that were unused were eliminated and the documentation was updated.) Optical distortion parameters for VIS were added.

thm_parameters.def.5 - This file, which defines THEMIS instrument parameters, was updated as follows:

  1. FOCAL_LENGTH changed from 0.2000 m to 0.2039 m
  2. IR_LINERATE changed from 33.333333333333 ms (30.0 lines/sec) to 33.2804 ms (30.0477 lines/sec)
  3. IR_EXPOSURE_DURATION changed from being the same as IR_LINERATE to being one-half the IR_LINERATE value
  4. IR optical distortion correction parameters (IR_OD_CY*) updated to work properly with the other changes

These changes result in improved absolute accuracy of projected coordinates. As an example, the unprojected I00831002 observation contains 5392 lines of data. When projected to map coordinates using the default projection and a resolution of 0.1 km/pixel, an output cube with a spatial size of 1077x5434 will now be produced. The actual width of the projected Band 5 image data is about 311 pixels. With the previous version of the software and data files, an output cube with a spatial size of 1085x5441 was produced. The actual width of the projected Band 5 image data was about 318 pixels. Thus, with this update, the area on the ground covered by the image data is considered to be somewhat shorter along-track (due to a slightly faster linerate) and somewhat narrower across-track (due to a slightly longer focal length).

thm_parameters.def.6 - The VIS optical distortion correction factors were updated.






lev1_init - Two new instruments, Lunar Orbiter 3 and Lunar Orbiter 5, were added. The total number of instruments is now 18.

lev2u_trans_merc_routines.c - A *NEW* file has been created for the Transverse Mercator projection.

levprototypes.h - The Transverse Mercator routine prototypes have been added. Programmers may need a merge.

lev2u_set_projection.c - The Transverse Mercator routine hooks have been added.

libisisclass - The subs directory Makefile has been modified to include the following line:

This line removes the shared file as a workaround to an error in the C++ compiler that ends up not sharing libraries properly. The libisisclass.a file is used instead.


Our Perl scripts require that you have Perl installed in /usr/bin. If you have Perl installed in a different directory you need to set up a link between your location and /usr/bin/perl. To accomplish this you need to determine the absolute path name of your Perl executables. Then type the following at the command line:

This will estabish a softlink between our perl scripts and your Perl exectables. If you don't have root priviledges you will have to see your Sys-Admin person to execute this command.

If you use and develop your own Perl scripts and modules you may be using the PERL5LIB environment variable. If you are, please be aware that we are also setting this variable in the ISIS startup scripts to point to our Perl modules. Our startup scripts will check to see if you have PERL5LIB defined and then append to your path list (and not overwrite it). Therefore, if you are defining this variable, it is important to so before initiating ISIS. If you define PERL5LIB after initiating ISIS, you may overwrite our ISIS Perl path names and our Perl scripts will not operate correctly. <End of Release Notes>

Last updated: Oct 24 2003
File: release_notes.html

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