Isis 2 Documentation

Release Notes:

For July 23, 2003 ISIS Release

This document describes the changes and enhancements that have been made to ISIS since the previous release on March 20, 2003. This is divided into several sections:

  1. Supported Platforms
  2. Notes on the IDL Display Programs
  3. Documentation Updates
  4. New Programs
  5. Program-Specific Updates
  6. Updates Applicable to Multiple Programs
  7. Data File Updates
  8. Changes of Interest to ISIS Programmers
  9. The Use of Perl Within ISIS


We currently support Sun Solaris 2.6 and RedHat Linux 6.1. ISIS will run on Redhat 7.2 and 7.3, but we have not yet verified the results. However, if you intent to use either of these operating systems you will need to download and install the appropriate Redhat ncurses4-5.04 library RPM for i386. The objective here is to install a library that is compatible with both ISIS and RedHat 7.2 or 7.3.


The IDL display programs in this ISIS release are compatible with IDL Version 5.4. We have discovered minor bugs when using the ISIS program "cv" in IDL 5.2 that are still present in IDL 5.4. Please see the Known Bugs page for a discription of these bugs. In addition, refer to Notes on Use of the IDL Display Programs for proper display setup instructions.

Most of the ISIS IDL programs and routines use the CALL_EXTERNAL function to call Fortran/C routines. The CALL_EXTERNAL interface was changed in IDL 5.5. Thus, most of the ISIS IDL code will not work correctly with IDL 5.5. (Also, in IDL 5.5 there is a change in the parameters to the IDL routines that access HDF/HDF-EOS files. The "cv" program has not yet been updated to account for these changes.)



The $ISISDOC directory contains Release Notes for each release of ISIS. These are contained in files named "isisYYMMDD_release.notes" or "isis_release_notes.YYMMDD", where YYMMDD is the date of the ISIS release. Each Release Notes file describes changes in the system since the previous release.

The current documentation for a release of ISIS is contained in a set of files in the $ISISHTML directory, which is part of the local ISIS installation. These are in a format that can be accessed with a web browser. For example, to view the local copy of the ISIS documentation with netscape, type:

    netscape $ISISHTML/documentation.html

You can also access the ISIS documentation over the Internet at the ISIS web site ( However, note that the documentation on the ISIS web site is updated each time updates are made to our internal developmental version of ISIS. Thus, the web site documentation might contain information on new or modified programs that are not yet contained in the public release of ISIS that is described in your local $ISISHTML directory. However, the web site can be used for registering to receive update notices and for looking at the latest version of the Frequently Asked Questions list.


In addition to new documentation for the new programs and minor updates to documentation for previously existing programs, the following are some additional program documentation updates: NONE


NAIF SPICE Kernels - Updated to include the extended mission mapping cycles 31 through 42.

ISIS Release Notes - July 23rd, 2003 Release Notes have been linked. These notes include descriptions of the new updates included in this release.

ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated these two pages with new ISIS programs.

ISIS Installation Guide - Updated for the July 23rd, 2003 release - Added the new Mars Exploration Rover data to the optional ISIS data kit installation.

Mars Odyssey THEMIS Geometry Processing With ISIS - Updated to reflect the software changes since the January 30, 2003 ISIS update. The following describes the changes:


add_reseaux - This *NEW* program is used in the process of generating control net solutions. Its purpose is to add reseaux information to a raw pixel measurement file.

bandfloat - This *NEW* program applies a separate base/multiplier to each band in an 8 or 16 bit Themis cube to produce a 32-bit floating point output cube. This program requires that the BAND_BIN group contain the base/multiplier for each band in the BAND_BIN_BASE and BAND_BIN_MULTIPLIER keywords.

chardip - this *NEW* program is used to create a "unit tilt toward sun" file needed by the script used in photoclinometry.

cube2ascii - This *NEW* program converts cube core dn values to a flat ASCII file

desmear - "desmear" is a *NEW* program that will remove the frame transfer smear from ccd cameras which use a frame transfer buffer. - This *NEW* Perl script and TAE wrapper creates a GIS header and/or World file from a Level 2 ISIS cube.

levsetlab - this *NEW* program is used to set the PHOTO_DEM keyword in an ISIS cube. The PHOTO_DEM keyword value is used to determine the DEM that will be used to obtain surface orientation for calculating photometric angles. This keyword is needed by photomet, lev1geoplane, and levgeoplane when using the options that require a DEM.

mocgap - this *NEW* program is used to fill in the detector 371 gap in MOC data. - this *NEW* script will change the size of a MOC image and recalculate its spacecraft clock time. - this *NEW* script is used to obtain the haze and relative albedo factors for use in photoclinometry. The fitting is done in the image (forward) domain. - this *NEW* script is used to obtain the haze and relative albedo factors for use in photoclinometry. The fitting is done in the DEM (inverse) domain.

pcinfo - This *NEW* program is used to calculate the memory requirements needed to do photoclinometry on a specific image.

pcsi - This *NEW* program is a non-interactive version of "pc2d". It is used to do photoclinometry by doing a fixed set of iterations (based on user desires) to add local details to a low-resolution elevation model by using "smart interpolation".

radar - This *NEW* program performs radargrammetric control net solutions on both left and right looking Magellan radar data using either conjugate gradient orleast squares methods.

randlsq - This *NEW* program performs photogrammetric control net solutions using either conjugate gradient or least squares methods.


b4equal - This program includes a test image numbers that exceed the largest 32-bit integer. The previous version converted all image numbers that were too large to the largest 32-bit integer, possibly causing duplicate image numbers.

labels.F - "labels" program would list 'all' no matter what list option was selected.

last2prj - This program has been changed so that it will not clip the input image to the bounds of the truth image when the az/el range is defaulted. Now the program defaults to the bounds of the input image.

lev_findrx - This program will now retain the invalid flag (-1) on invalid nominal reseaus.

lev1geoplane - the capability was added to generate incidence and emission angle backplanes using surface orientation data of a DEM. The two new backplanes are DEM_EMISSION_ANGLE and DEM_INCIDENCE_ANGLE.

lev1prop - was modified so that the BAND_BIN group of the level 1 file is also propagated to the output file.

lev1pt - replaced by "levpt" and deleted from the ISIS software.

lev1tolev2 and lev2tolev2 - Due to a software error all polar stereographic projections created by these programs were only accurate if the center latitude was at one of the poles. The error has been corrected and the projection should be accurate for any center latitude now.

lev2tolev1 - This program converts map projected images into a specified camera coordinate image.

levgeoplane - the capability was added to generate incidence and emission angle backplanes using surface orientation data of a DEM. The two new backplanes are DEM_EMISSION_ANGLE and DEM_INCIDENCE_ANGLE.

levpt - This program was not correctly setting the target in level 2 cubes without an ISIS_INSTRUMENT group. The bug was only apparent on systems running Redhat 7.3. The problem has been fixed.

levpt - This program now has improved error reporting when reading level 1 labels.

levpt - Corrected THEMIS processing so that non-integer coordinates in the top half of the top line of each VIS framelet are projected using the SPICE data for the correct framelet when computing lat/lon from samp/line.

levpt - Corrected THEMIS processing so that the test for whether a given samp/line is on the image (for both IR and VIS) will allow all coordinates on the edges of the images for which the computations can be done.

levpt, thmirmc - Corrected THEMIS processing so that the test for whether a given lat/lon is within an IR image will accept any coordinates within the pixels along the left or right edges. (This might result in slight differences along the edges of projected IRMC images.)

linfit - added the output of rms error and correlation coefficient. - This Program was modified to invoke the readmoc program in $ISISEXE to eliminate conflict with the readmoc program supplied under the xv program. - This Program was modified to invoke the readmoc program in $ISISEXE to eliminate conflict with the readmoc program supplied under the xv program. - This script no longer fails on newer Solaris OS.

mosaic - This program was truncating data at the top or bottom of the output file if the ISIS keyword values for PROJECTION_LATITUDE_TYPE and KEYWORD_LATITUDE_TYPE were not the same. The program will now convert any latitude mapping parameters to ographic, which is the only latitude type "mosaic" knows, to correctly define the output file size and offsets. Also "mosaic" was not checking polar stereographic projections for compatible mapping parameters (clon and clat). It mosaicked images together that did not have the same clon without complaining, yielding misaligned output. The error checking has been corrected and the program will now fail and generate an error message if the mapping parameters are not compatible.

pc2d - fixed a problem with the handling of the LUNLAM photometric function. Fixed a problem with the handling of level 1 labels in a level 2 image.

pds2isis - Added capability to handle keywords that occur multiple times in different GROUPs throughout the label. Modified the way that 32-bit data is handled. Also, the KEEPBYTES parameter is now recorded in the KEEP_BYTES keyword of the ISIS_INGESTION group.

photomet - Added SHADE and SHDAT modes. Also added capability to get photometric angles from a DEM.

qview - There is a new version of qview that will display photo statistics for level 2 images.

remrx - This program will no longer attempt to remove reseaus that are flagged as invalid nominal positions.

ssical - "ssical" was updated to used a PICSCALE of 1 as a default if it does not exist in the labels and added additional scale values for the later encounters. - Checks the bit type of the input image file to determine if the bandfloat program needs to be run. - now runs bandfloat on the input image (if needed). - now checks the "mappars" parameter for necessary information such as clon, clat, and latitude system and adds it if necessary. - now checks the mappars parameter for necessary information such as clon, clat, and latitude system and adds it if necessary.

thmirmc and thmvismc - Three new parameters were added. Previously, the longitude system for the projected image would always be automatically switched from 0-360 degrees to +/- 180 degrees when the image included longitude=0. This was usually desirable to prevent producing a large projected image with some image data on the left, some on the right and a large blank area in the middle. The new AUTOLON parameter allows selecting whether or not this automatic switch of longitude system is performed. (The default gives the same behavior as previously.) If automatic longitude system switching is selected, the longitude system will also automatically be switched to 0-360 degrees if the image crosses the longitude=180 boundary. In addition, the new LATRANGE and LONRANGE parameters allow the user to specify the desired latitude/longitude range for the projected image. If not specified, the latitude/longitude range will be computed to include all the image data (as was always done previously). Together, these three new parameters allow greater control over the projected image. This allows doing things such as producing mosaics of the polar regions in four separate quadrants using a consistent longitude system.

thmirmc and thmvismc - Modified to improve the speed of processing. This will be most noticeable with VIS images that consist of lots of framelets.

pc2d - Fixed a problem in the initpcp subroutine so that the Lunar- Lambert photometric function is handled correctly.

vgrfixlabel - The keyword, CAMERA_STATE_1 was moved into the ISIS_INSTRUMENT group.

voycal - "voycal" now runs with images in the Lev system.


TAE Menus - The program menus (obtained by typing "menu" (without the quotes) at the TAE prompt) have been updated to include the new programs.



enceladus.def.1 - A *NEW* file containing one of Saturn's moons (Enceladus) ISIS target definitions.

photom.marsblu.sav - this *NEW* file contains Lunar-lambert and Minnaert empirical fits to a Hapke model for Mars in the blue band.

photom.marsred.sav - this *NEW* file contains Lunar-lambert and Minnaert empirical fits to a Hapke model for Mars in the red band.

rhea.def.1 - A *NEW* file containing one of Saturn's moons (Rhea) ISIS target definitions.


Galileo SSI c-kernels - The merged c-kernel distributed with ISIS for Galileo SSI may have generated inaccurate pointing when used between November 30, 2001 and now. When the ck were merged, the interpolation tolerance was increased on ck that already had a working tolerance. The method of merging the ck has been improved to correct the problem.

gll-dc.sav, gll_gain.sav - These files have been updated to include the latest Galileo SSI calibration files.






mer2isis_translation.tbl - this *NEW* file is now stored in the /usgs/isisd/merdata directory. This is the same file that has been used to do "pds2isis".


MGS_SCLKSCET.00049.tsc - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC clock kernel (SCLK) supplied by NAIF. It is now the default SCLK used in all ISIS applications (see $ISISMGSDATA/moc_kernels.def.10). - This table file now covers information thru CD volume MGSC_1234 (Extended Sub-Phase 18).

mgs_ext7.bsp - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC SPK kernel that covers the 43rd, 44th, and 45th 28-day mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission (mapping orbits 14401 through 15428):

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2002 MAY 29 00:00:00.000
	COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2002 AUG 21 01:00:00.000

mgs_ext8.bsp - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC SPK kernel that covers the 46th, 47th, and 48th 28-day mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission (mapping orbits 15429 through 16455):

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2002 AUG 21 00:00:00.000
	COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2002 NOV 13 01:00:00.000

mgs_ext9.bsp - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC SPK kernel that covers the 49th, 50th, and 51th 28-day mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission (mapping orbits 16456 through 17483):

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2002 NOV 13 00:00:00.000
	COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2003 FEB 05 01:00:00.000

mgs_ext10.bsp - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC SPK kernel that covers the 52nd, 53th, and 54th 28-day mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission (mapping orbits 17484 through 18511):

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2003 FEB 05 00:00:00.000
	COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2003 APR 30 01:00:00.000

mgs_sc_ext7.bc - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC CK kernel that covers the 43rd, 44th, and 45th mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2002-MAY-29 00:01:01.297
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002-AUG-20 22:22:08.168

mgs_sc_ext8.bc - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC CK kernel that covers the 46th, 47th, and 48th mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2002-AUG-21 00:01:00.166
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002-NOV-12 23:59:55.023

mgs_sc_ext9.bc - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC CK kernel that covers the 49th, 50th, and 51th mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2002-NOV-13 00:00:59.022
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2003-FEB-04 23:59:53.864

mgs_sc_ext10.bc - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC CK kernel that covers the 52th, 53th, and 54th mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2003-FEB-05 00:00:57.863
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2003-APR-29 23:44:44.695

*mgs_map.bsp - *NOTE: This file is included in ISISMGSDATA, however it is recommended that you use mgs_map_rec.bsp* - An updated MGS mission MOC kernel. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2003 APR 29 23:58:55.815
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2003 AUG 24 08:03:55.817

mgs_map_rec.bsp - An updated MGS mission MOC SPK kernel. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2003 APR 29 23:58:55.815
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2003 JUL 21 05:35:55.816

mgs_sc_map.bc - This file is composed of the daily MGS CK files from NAIF. It is created by concatenating all files from the last normal released CK kernel (in this case map_sc_ext10.bc). Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2003 APR 30 00:01:00.695
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2003 JUL 27 19:42:11.459

moc_parameters.def.7 - this *NEW* file was created to be used with the new MOC sensor model software.

moc_kernels.lis - This obsolete MGS/MOC definition file has been deleted.

mgs_ext5.bsp.log - This redundant MGS/MOC SPK label file has been deleted.

mgs_ext6.bsp.log - This redundant MGS/MOC SPK label file has been deleted.

mgs_sc_ext5.bc.log - This redundant MGS/MOC CK label file has been deleted.

mgs_sc_ext6.bc.log - This redundant MGS/MOC CK label file has been deleted.

mgs_sc_map.bc.lbl - This redundant MGS/MOC CK daily label file has been deleted.


PLEASE NOTE: The Mars Odyssey data directory ($ISISM01DATA) has been significantly modified and updated. The change is necessary to help facilitate ease of management and improved and standardized organization with other ISIS data directories. The significant changes are as follows:

ORB1_SCLKSCET.00072.tsc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey mission clock kernel (SCLK) supplied by NAIF. It is now the default SCLK used in all ISIS applications (see $ISISM01DATA/thm_kernels.def.2, $ISISM01DATA/thm_kernels_both.def.2, and $ISISM01DATA/thm_kernels_nadir.def.2).

m01_ab_v2.bsp - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey SPK "version 2" kernel that covers part of the aerobraking phase of the mission, and replaces m01_ab.bsp. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2001 OCT 24 04:00:00.000
	COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2002 FEB 19 01:00:00.000

m01_map1_v2.bsp - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey SPK "version 2" kernel that covers part of the mapping phase of the mission. This file contains the same data as m01_map1.bsp, except that it covers only through March 31, 2002. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2002 FEB 19 00:00:00.000
	COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2002 APR 01 01:00:00.000

m01_map2.bsp - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey SPK kernel that covers part of the mapping phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2002 APR 01 00:00:00.000
	COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2002 JUL 01 01:00:00.000

m01_map3.bsp - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey SPK kernel that covers part of the mapping phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2002 JUL 01 00:00:00.000
	COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2002 OCT 01 01:00:00.000

m01_map4.bsp - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey SPK kernel that covers part of the mapping phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2002 OCT 01 00:00:00.000
	COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2003 JAN 01 01:00:00.000

m01_map5.bsp - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey SPK kernel that covers part of the mapping phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2003 JAN 01 00:00:00.000
	COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2003 APR 01 01:00:00.000

m01_map.bsp - A *NEW* "on-going" M01 Odyssey SPK kernel that covers the mapping phase of the mission from the date of the last "normal release" SPK kernel (in this case m01_map5.bsp). Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2003 MAR 31 23:58:55.814
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2003 SEP 28 22:23:55.818

m01_map_rec.bsp - A *NEW* "on-going" reconstructed M01 Odyssey SPK kernel that covers the mapping phase of the mission from the date of the last "normal release" SPK kernel (in this case m01_map5.bsp). Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2003 MAR 31 23:58:55.814
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2003 AUG 06 12:08:55.817

m01_sc_ab0110.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel that covers part of the aerobraking phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2001-OCT-24 00:00:00.933
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2001-OCT-31 23:59:59.577

m01_sc_ab0111.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel that covers the aerobraking phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2001-NOV-01 00:00:01.780
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2001-NOV-30 23:59:59.726

m01_sc_ab0112.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel that covers part of the aerobraking phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2001-DEC-01 00:00:03.726
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2001-DEC-31 23:59:57.368

m01_sc_ab0201.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel that covers the aerobraking phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2002-JAN-01 00:00:01.169
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002-JAN-31 23:59:57.490

m01_sc_ab0202.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel that covers part of the aerobraking phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2002-FEB-01 00:00:01.490
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002-FEB-18 22:36:35.548

m01_sc_map1_v2.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel that covers part of the mapping phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2002-FEB-19 03:39:47.408
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002-MAR-31 23:12:51.476

m01_sc_map2.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel that covers part of the mapping phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2002-APR-01 01:53:06.495
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002-JUN-30 23:59:56.129

m01_sc_map3.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel that covers part of the mapping phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2002-JUL-01 00:00:02.129
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002-SEP-30 23:59:59.686

m01_sc_map4.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel that covers part of the mapping phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2002-OCT-01 00:00:05.390
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002-DEC-31 23:59:58.111

m01_sc_map5.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel that covers part of the mapping phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2003-JAN-01 00:00:04.111
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2003-MAR-31 23:59:59.686

m01_sc_map.bc - A *NEW* file composed of the daily M01 CK files from NAIF. It is created by concatenating all new files, taken from the date of the last "normal release" CK kernel (in this case m01_sc_map5.bc) to the present, using the NAIF utility "dafcat". Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2003-APR-01 00:00:05.686
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2003-AUG-04 23:59:57.573

m01_sc_map1_rec_nadir.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel providing nominal nadir-pointed orientation that covers part of the mapping phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2002-FEB-19 00:28:55.814
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002-APR-01 00:58:55.813

m01_sc_map2_rec_nadir.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel providing nominal nadir-pointed orientation that covers part of the mapping phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2002-APR-01 00:28:55.812
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002-JUL-01 00:58:55.814

m01_sc_map3_rec_nadir.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel providing nominal nadir-pointed orientation that covers part of the mapping phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2002-JUL-01 00:28:55.817
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2002-OCT-01 00:58:55.817

m01_sc_map4_rec_nadir.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel providing nominal nadir-pointed orientation that covers part of the mapping phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2002-OCT-01 00:28:55.816
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2003-JAN-01 00:58:55.816

m01_sc_map5_rec_nadir.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel providing nominal nadir-pointed orientation that covers part of the mapping phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2003-JAN-01 00:28:55.815
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2003-APR-01 01:00:00.001

m01_sc_map_nadir.bc - A *NEW* "on-going" M01 Odyssey CK kernel providing nominal nadir-pointed orientation that covers the mapping phase of the mission from the date of the last "normal release" CK kernel (in this case m01_map5.bsp). Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2003-APR-01 00:28:55.813
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2003-SEP-01 11:23:55.818

m01_sc_map_rec_nadir.bc - A *NEW* "on-going" M01 Odyssey reconstructed CK kernel providing nominal nadir-pointed orientation that covers the mapping phase of the mission from the date of the last "normal release" CK kernel (in this case m01_map5.bsp). Coverage times are:

	COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2003-APR-01 00:28:55.813
	COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2003-AUG-06 11:38:55.815

mars_iau2000_v0.tpc - A *NEW* Mars specific planetary constants file replacing the more general pck00006.tcp file. - Latest Odyssey Frames Kernel from NAIF. This includes the latest yaw rotation angles for the THEMIS IR and VIS detectors. (These are the same values as were contained in the modified version of

thm_kernels.def.1 - Updated to list ORB1_SCLKSCET.00068.tsc and rather than the older files.

thm_kernels.def.2 - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey SPICE kernels definition file containing a comprehensive prioritized list of the M01 SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system. It is now the default SPICE kernels definition file used in all ISIS applications.

thm_kernels_both.def.2 - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey SPICE kernels definition file. It contains a comprehensive prioritized list of the M01 CK SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system, along with the new "fake" nadir SPICE files that use nominal nadir-pointed orientation to fill in gaps in the "regular" M01 CK files. It is now the default SPICE kernels definition file for people who want to include the nadir definitions with the "normal" CK definitions when using ISIS applications.

thm_kernels_nadir.def.2 - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey SPICE kernels definition file. It contains a comprehensive prioritized list of the new M01 "fake" nadir SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system. These SPICE files use nominal nadir-pointed orientation to fill in gaps in the "regular" M01 CK camera files. The "regular" CK camera files have been removed from this file. It is now the default SPICE kernels definition file for people who want to use only the nadir definitions when using ISIS applications.

thm2isis_translation.def.7 - This *NEW* translation table for converting Themis data from PDS to ISIS now contains translation capability for the BAND_BIN_BASE and BAND_BIN_MULTIPLIER keywords.

All previous files have been removed.




vgr1_kernels.def.1 and vgr2_kernels.def.1 - These files contain separate kernels for each Voyager mission and replaces vgr_kernels.def.1.

vgr2isis_translation.def.2 - A *NEW* translation table that converts the PDS truncated target name from ENCELADU to ENCELADUS (a Saturnian moon now handled by ISIS).


lev1u_mgs_moc_routines - This subroutine (which is used to do all MOC related processing) was updated to use a new sensor model (similar to Themis).

lev2_calc_map_resolution - Fixed a bug in the algorithm used to calculate resolution.

lev2_calc_spacecraft_azimuth - Fixed it to handle the situation where the inverse and forward routines don't map to the same lat, lon.

lev2_calc_sun_azimuth - Fixed it to handle the situation where the inverse and forward routines don't map to the same lat,lon.

lev_get_level.c - This *NEW* routine is essentially the same as lev_find_level except that it returns a level of 3 for cubes that have both level 1 and level 2 labels.

pdstypes.h - Added a new element to the PDS_TRANS structure (digits) to allow the limitation of digits that are allowed after the decimal point in the translation of a floating point value in the pds2isis program.

pht_get_lunlam_emp_pars pht_get_lunlam_pol_pars pht_get_minnaert_emp_pars pht_get_minnaert_pol_pars - These 4 routines were modified so that they can handle embedded comments in the data file.

pht_mod_general - Added mod_shade and mod_shdat routines.

pht_topder - Fixed the my_acos function so that it handles -1 and +1 differently.


Our Perl scripts require that you have Perl installed in /usr/bin. If you have Perl installed in a different directory you need to set up a link between your location and /usr/bin/perl. To accomplish this you need to determine the absolute path name of your Perl executables. Then type the following at the command line:

This will estabish a softlink between our perl scripts and your Perl exectables. If you don't have root priviledges you will have to see your Sys-Admin person to execute this command.

If you use and develop your own Perl scripts and modules you may be using the PERL5LIB environment variable. If you are, please be aware that we are also setting this variable in the ISIS startup scripts to point to our Perl modules. Our startup scripts will check to see if you have PERL5LIB defined and then append to your path list (and not overwrite it). Therefore, if you are defining this variable, it is important to so before initiating ISIS. If you define PERL5LIB after initiating ISIS, you may overwrite our ISIS Perl path names and our Perl scripts will not operate correctly. <End of Release Notes>

Last updated: Oct 24 2003
File: release_notes.html

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