Isis 2 Documentation
ISIS RELEASE NOTES For June 15, 2004 ISIS Release
This document describes the changes and enhancements that have been made to ISIS since the previous release on July 23, 2003. This is divided into several sections:
We currently support Sun Solaris 9.0 and SuSE Linux 9.0. We have also added support for Mac OS X (see section 10).
We have run extensive tests of ISIS binaries built on Intel/AMD chipsets under SuSE 9.0. The binaries have been successfully exercised on the following Linux distributions:
kernel.................2.4.21-99 gcc....................3.3.1-24 glibc..................2.3.2-88 libgcc.................3.3.1-24 ncurses................5.3-110 perl...................5.8.1-46 OpenMotif..............2.2.2-355 rpm....................4.1.1-71 rpm-build (binaries are in the rpm package)
ISIS was built under Solaris 9 on UltraSparc Sun-Fire-V210 hardware using the GNU FORTRAN, C, and C++ compilers with the following components:
gcc....................3.3 libgcc.................3.3 libc...................11.9 ncurses................5.3 perl...................5.6.1 Motif..................2.1.2 pkginfo/pkgchk/pkgadd/pkgrm 11.9
Mac OS X:
ISIS 2.1 was build using Mac OS X version10.3.3 on PowerPC G4 hardware. It has been known to run on G5 hardware also. It was built using the following components:
Kernel.................Darwin 7.3.0 gcc-g++................3.3 20030304 (Build 1495) g77....................3.5.0 20040429 (experimental) perl...................5.8.1 Apple X11..............1.0 Xfree86................4.3.0 OpenMotif..............2.2.4
The IDL display programs in this ISIS release are compatible with IDL Version 6.0.
Refer to the document "Notes on Use of the IDL Display Programs" for proper display setup instructions.
Most of the ISIS IDL programs and routines use the CALL_EXTERNAL function to call Fortran/C routines. The CALL_EXTERNAL interface was changed in IDL 5.5. Thus, most of the ISIS IDL code will not work correctly with versions of IDL older than 5.5, and it is recommended that you use IDL 6.0.
Also, in IDL 5.5 there was a change in the parameters to the IDL routines that access HDF/HDF-EOS files. The "cv" program has not yet been updated to account for these changes. Thus, accessing HDF/HDF-EOS files with "cv" will not work correctly
On Sun Solaris machines, the default invocation of IDL will execute the 64-bit version. This is incompatable with ISIS which is built in 32-bit mode. To use ISIS applications on Solaris systems (or any 64-bit system that IDL supports), you must start IDL as "idl -32". This will execute the 32-bit version of IDL.
The $ISISDOC directory contains Release Notes for each release of ISIS. These are contained in files named "isisYYMMDD_release.notes" or "isis_release_notes.YYMMDD", where YYMMDD is the date of the ISIS release. Each Release Notes file describes changes in the system since the previous release.
The current documentation for a release of ISIS is contained in a set of files in the $ISISHTML directory, which is part of the local ISIS installation. These are in a format that can be accessed with a web browser. For example, to view the local copy of the ISIS documentation with netscape, type:
netscape $ISISHTML/documentation.html
You can also access the ISIS documentation over the Internet at the ISIS web site ( However, note that the documentation on the ISIS web site is updated each time updates are made to our internal developmental version of ISIS. Thus, the web site documentation might contain information on new or modified programs that are not yet contained in the public release of ISIS that is described in your local $ISISHTML directory. However, the web site can be used for registering to receive update notices and for looking at the latest version of the Frequently Asked Questions list.
In addition to new documentation for the new programs and minor updates to documentation for previously existing programs, the following are some additional program documentation updates: NONE
NAIF SPICE Kernels - Updated to include the extended mission mapping cycles 31 through 42. We are currently using version N0056 of the NAIF SPICE Toolkit.
ISIS Release Notes - June 15th, 2004 Release Notes have been linked. These notes include descriptions of the new updates included in this release.
ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated these two pages with new ISIS programs.
ISIS Installation Guide - Updated for the July 15th, 2004 release - Added the new Mars Express and Cassini data to the optional ISIS data kit installation.
automat - This *NEW* application finds the overlap points of a set of images to help with the matchpoint finding process. The automat.pdf file contains a description of how this is done.
cassiss2isis.pdf,, - These *NEW* scripts and pdf will process a Cassini Vicar-formatted Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) NA or WA image through ISIS level 0.
getutc - This *NEW* program was written so that Perl scripts can convert ephemeris time to UTC format.
hrscfill - This *NEW* program detects and fills in missing lines in a Mars Express HRSC image. The missing lines are filled in with NULL values.
makinfocus - This *NEW* program creates a targdef file based on the input cube labels. The input cube must be an MI image that has been run through "merlevinit" SURFTYPE set to INFOCUS. - This *NEW* Perl script can be used to convert a PDS-formatted MER flight or calibration image to an ISIS cube. The script works by first checking the data set id of the incoming PDS file to determine if it is a flight or calibration file. It then determines which translation table to use for translating the file and runs "pds2isis" to convert the file to an ISIS cube. The user does not have to worry about locating and choosing the correct translation table for the PDS image. This script can be run from the command line or by using the mer2isis.pdf TAE interface. - This *NEW* Perl script can be used to convert a list of PDS-formatted MER flight or calibration images to ISIS cubes. This script works the same way as the "" script, except that this script can be used to process more than one file at a time.
mer2isis.pdf - This *NEW* pdf file is used to provide a TAE interface to the "" and "" Perl scripts.
mer2pds.pdf,, - These *NEW* scripts and pdf can be used to convert ISIS-formatted MER files to PDS format. The script will look at the data set id in the ISIS image to determine which translation and template files need to be used.
merlev1tolev2 - This *NEW* program creates an ISIS level 2 tfile from an ISIS MER level 1 cube.
merlevinit - This *NEW* program generates level 1, geometry processing labels for a MER cube.
merlevpt - This *NEW* program calculates geometric information for a point in a MER level cube.
mermos - This *NEW* program mosaics MER cubes.
mex2isis.pdf,, - These *NEW* scripts and pdf will process a Mars Express (MEX) Vicar-formatted HRSC or SRC image through level 1.
readpfx - This *NEW* program reads ephemeris and exposure times from the prefix bytes of a Vicar-formatted Mars Express HRSC file. The exposure time is used to break the HRSC file into separate ISIS files. The ephemeris time is used to determine missing lines in an HRSC file.
sbdr2isis - This *NEW* program will convert a PDS-formatted Cassini radar SBDR (Short Burst Data Record) table to ISIS binary table format.
sbdr2grid - This *NEW* program will rasterize the data in the ISIS binary table created by the "sbdr2isis" program. The output will be a map-projected image.
spatialmax - This *NEW* application evaluates spatial characteristics of a set of files and identifies ones that are at odds with a specified criteria. The application generates a report of the input files, optionally creating a list of files that are at odds with the selected spatial properties. It will also generate a script that executes "magcube" bringing these files into compliance with the desired spatial characteristics.
titan.def.1 - This *NEW* file contains the target-specific information for Titan for use with the levels software.
All programs that create a map projection - The line and sample projection offsets are now being calculated so that the top and left edges of the image are consistent with the lat/lon ranges. The line and sample projection offsets will no longer be integral. Instead they will always be equal to a half pixel value (x.5).
LEV Mapping Programs - "lev1tolev2" lev2tolev2" "lev2tolev1' - These programs will now convert kmperpix and pixperdeg based on the latitude of true scale instead of always using the equatorial radius. When reading in existing maps, the kmperpix scale will be used to calculate the pixperdeg instead of reading it from the labels. The resulting value may differ from the label value, depending on the projection and the shape of the target body. The map will still be read correctly because the offsets and image size will not change. When creating new maps using scale entered as kmperpix, no difference will be seen in the map produced except for the label value of pixperdeg, possibly, depending on the shape of the target body and the projection. When creating new maps using scale entered as pixperdeg BE ALERTED that the results will possibly differ from previous versions of the lev software for spheroid target bodies (LIKE MARS) depending on the projection. When creating maps of triaxial bodies, a different tardeg file should be used for creating maps. This targdef should specify a single value for all three radii equal to the "approved" mean radius for the target body. This targdef should be entered as an input parameter when running "lev1tolev2" or "lev2tolev2". The targdef with the triaxial radii should still be used in levinit for level 1 processing. Both "lev1tolev2" and "lev2tolev2" will bomb if the mapping radii are triaxial.
Shell ISIS - A bug was discovered when running ISIS applications from the shell. If a "." exists in the path to the ISIS applications, the PDF would not be found causing the application to abort.
clem2isis - modified pds.c to support the Mac OS X Darwin system. It had some conditional compilations that applied to MSB systems i.e., Solaris) that also needed to be compiled in for the Mac.
cubeit - Mac's GNU g77 compiler does not zero initialize declared variables. This application and others will have problems if this is assumed. In this case, the call to q_set_sys_keys did not have the file identifier initialized to zero causing ISIS to assume it was referring to a pre-existing configuration.
equalizer - The documentation for this program has been updated to explain the fit equation.
expmrg.pdf - The path used for the "touch" command, namely "/bin/touch" is not valid for the Mac. It was changed to just "touch".
geom - When this program was run with an output projection of a simp and an input projection that required a clat, the clat from the input projection was being written to the simp labels. The problem has been corrected.
geom - This program will now process MER projections.
geom - Modified so that the IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION group is not propagated from the input file to the output file. The group is copied from the tfile to the output file instead.
geom - When handling label propagation where the OLD TFILE format is involved and coupled to a recent change, geom tried to delete a keyword in GROUP that didn't exist. The label software flags this as an error and would crash Voyager processing. Modifications were made to geom that does a bit more checking prior to deleting keywords.
getutc - The location in which the mex_kernels file is searched for was changed. - Added XY,Dims to raw headers for GDAL support. - Added PCI Aux raw format support for multi-band gdal conversion.
isis2pds - commented out the warning messages that were issued when the program uses the default translation table and when keywords in the translation table cannot be found in the ISIS file.
isis2vicar - Had an error in the return status of a routine that would sporatically cause isis2vicar to fail.
iss2isis.pdf,, - These *NEW* scripts replace the cassiss2isis scripts because the name was too long.
labels - Mac's GNU g77 compiler does not zero initialize declared variables. This application and others will have problems if this is assumed. In this case, the LOGICAL variable GOT_QUBE_FILE was not initialized causing an erroneous call to q_close.
lev1plot - This program will now inform the user that the target radii are traxial and not acceptable for ISIS mapping, instead of just quitting. Also the TARGDEF parameter was added to the pdf to allow another targdef to be entered. This option should be used in cases such as IO where the level cubes are initialized with triaxial radii in the targdef. A different TARGDEF specifying spherical radii should be used to create the plot.
lev1tolev2 - TARGDEF was added to this program as a user input parameter. This addition allows the user to specify a different set of radii for projecting than is used for level 1 geometry. The default is to run as before and use the same radii for level 2 as is used for level 1.
lev1tolev2 - This program now includes an option to override the software tiling increment. This option should not be set in most cases, which is the default. It should be used whenever the tiling increment calculated by the program is too coarse to adequately project the cube. If override is set to 4, then the program will override the calculated grid spacing and use a grid spacing of 4. WARNING: the program will run slower as the override value decreases.
lev1tolev2, lev2tolev2, nuproj - The simp, equi, orth, mill, gnom, and vang projections will now use the radius at the latitude of true scale to calculate eastings/northings and lat/lons. Also a correction was made avoid round-off errors when calculating the output image size.
lev1u_mgs_moc_routines - A problem was fixed with the array indexing. This problem was causing lev1tolev2 to die when processing MOC WA Red images.
lev2lab - This version is equivalent to the USGS internal mrosiek version and the socet version. It requires a control point, but no longer uses a lat/lon range.
levgeoplane - Added the capability to create lat/lon backplanes for images that don't contain Level 1 labels.
levinit - Lunar Orbiter 3 and 5 medium resolution camera has been added.
levinit - This program will now return an error if the initialization process is not complete.
levpt - This program was not correctly setting the target in level 2 cubes without an ISIS_INSTRUMENT group. The bug was only apparent on systems running Redhat 7.3. The problem has been fixed.
lofixlabel - Lunar Orbiter medium resolution camera has been added.
maplab - The EQUI projection was added to the valid list of the pdf file.
maplab - This program will correctly determine the labels for the EQUI projection with clat <> 0.
mappars - The EQUIDISTANT_CYLINDRICAL projection has been renamed to the EQUIRECTANGULAR_CYLINDRICAL projection. The SINUSOIDAL_EQUAL_AREA projection has been renamed to SINUSOIDAL. All existing maps should still be read correctly because the software will recognize the old names. The EQUIRECTANGULAR_CYLINDRICAL projection exists in two version like the SIMP and SINU now: ographic and ocentric. The default value is ographic so existing maps will be read correctly. mapping programs: daisy, maketopo, maplab, newmap, mosaic, nimsgeoplane, nimstplane, nuproj, planlab, planorth, plansinu, planspace, pointvu, quadplot, rolo0alex, and size - The map_scale to and from map_resolution conversion will now take place using the radius at the latitude of true scale instead of the equatorial radius. **BE ALERTED** the map_resolution in the labels of some projections will differ from the output of previous versions of ISIS due to this change. THE MOST IMPORTANT CHANGE TO NOTE: the scale for a map is entered as map_resolution and the target body is a spheroid, the map results may be different as well, depending on the projection. If the scale is entered as map_scale (km/pix) the output map will be the same as before, but the map_resolution (pix/deg) in the labels will differ. The map_scale for existing maps will be read and converted to map_resolution using the latitude of true scale. For spheroid planets (LIKE MARS), this calculation will produce a different map_resolution than the existing value in the labels. The map will still be the same (offsets and image size still apply). The SIMP projection has been renamed to the EQUIRECTANGULAR_CYLINDRICAL projection. The SIMP projection still exists but should be used for the simple case of clat=0 only. Existing maps will still be read correctly.
mer2isis.pdf,, - Added a new ROTATE parameter that allows you to rotate the image clockwise by 80 degrees. The default of the ROTATE parameter is to NOT rotate the image. - Automatically creates a unique IMAGE_NUMGER for MER images by taking the SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT, multiplying it by 1000, and then using the last 9 digits. This is a temporary solution to the unique identifier problem until another method has been determined. - The code that checks for a file extension was having problems when the input file contained a "." in the directory path or filename prior to the extension. This was fixed. - The code that checks for a file extension was having problems when the input file contained a "." in the directory path or filename prior to the extension. This was fixed.
merlevpt - The north azimuth angle has been added to the output information provided by this program - Now defaults to OCENTRIC for the LATSYS parameter. - The code that checks for a file extension was having problems when the input file contained a "." in the directory path or filename prior to the extension. This was fixed., - Added new parameters LATRANGE and LONRANGE. - Added capability to work with Wide Angle Blue images and variable summation images. Added call to mocgap to fill in the gap that occurs at detector 371 in Wide Angle Blue images. A new parameter, MAXDEV, was added to specify maximum deviation for determining bad pixels around detector 371 in Wide Angle Blue images. - Modified so that it can handle MOC WA images with variable summation modes.
mosaic - This program was comparing the keyword latitude types instead of the projection latitude types to check for compatible projections. The comparison has been corrected and the program should now correctly bomb if you try to mosaic cubes with differing projection latitude types.
mosaic - This program will now use a finer increment (.1 degrees) to check the edges of circular projections for determining the size of the output mosaic when the init option is YES. The previous version used an increment of .1 times the latitude range. Depending on the latitude range, this program will probably run slower now for circular projections such as POLA.
nuproj - Modified to give an error message if either the FROM or TO projection is Oblique Cylindrical. This new projection has not been (and will not be) fully implemented in the old non-levels system.
nuproj, size, fixlucas, nimstplane - An argument was added to a subroutine called by these programs in the Nov 03 build, but the call statement in these programs was not updated. The call statements have been fixed and the programs should not bomb.
pds2isis - Changed to handle MER keywords that contain an array of string and literal values. The program also checks for keyword values of 1E+30 and changes them to 1.0E+30 before converting them to ISIS.
pds2isis - Fixed so that all values in exponential format are changed so that they are compatible with ISIS.
pds2isis - Extended the size of a working buffer and added INTEGER as a valid sample type.
photomet - Fixed a problem with the pie_from_dem subroutine. The conversion from line,samp to lat,lon in the DEM was not working.
projection_name.sav - This file that lists the available map projections for "nuproj" has been updated to include the equirectangular_cylindrical projection. This projection is identical to the current "nuproj" projection simp. The simp projection should now only be used with clat=0 and the equirectangular_cylindrical projection should be used for all values of clat.
qview - A new Record function was added to allow users working on the Lunar Orbiter project to record fiducial points. This feature can be used by anyone who wants to assign a unique ID to specific points in an image file. See qview.pdf for an explanation on how to use this new feature.
qview - The code was fixed to get rid of compiler warnings. The program now cleans up files in the /tmp directory when the application is exited using the X button in the upper right corner of the window instead of using the File menu to exit the application. A new Record option was added so that fiducial marks on Lunar Orbiter images can be recorded to a text file.
qview - Fiducial marks are now recorded using lower-case letters.
rand2ck1 - An error message has been added to this program to report cases where the time on the image labels differs from the time in the RAND file. If these times do not match, the correct pointing will most likely not be retrieved when using the created ck. The program will no longer write values with differing times from the cube labels to the kernel file. In addition an error message has been added to report the absence of any valid data to put into the kernel file.
rand2ck1 - The time comparison test between the Rand file time stamp and the image labels has been softened to allow for differences caused by truncation when writing a binary floating point value to a string.
remrx - The computation of variance was resulting in a negative value that was causing standard deviation computations to fail (in square root function). The absolute value of the variance is now being used to compute standard deviation.
sbdr2isis - The program was modified to search for a pointer to either an LBDR_TABLE object or an SBDR_TABLE object. It was only looking for SBDR_TABLE previously.
sbdr2grid - The method used to test for invalid data was changed.
ssical - Mac's GNU g77 compiler does not zero initialize declared variables. This application and others will have problems if this is assumed. In this case, the call to q_set_sys_keys did not have the file identifier initialized to zero causing ISIS to assume it was referring to a pre-existing configuration. A much more obscur problem was encountered that involved the FORTRAN INQUIRE statement that checks for the existence of a file. It used a LOGICAL*1 variable for the EXIST option. It had the smoking gun behavior that it worked fine on Linux but failed on both Solaris and Mac. Note that Linux is LSB and Solaris and Mac are MSB architecture. Well, apparently INQUIRE requires a 4-byte LOGICAL variable in order to work properly. I do not know if this is a GNU FORTRAN bug or a requirement. - updated to handle files in GZIP format. If the file is "gzipped" then it will automatically be "ungzipped" before processing. Also, a unique image number is generated for each image. This will allow the image to be used in programs like "qmatch" that require a unique image number. - now generates a unique identifier and stores it in the IMAGE_NUMBER keyword of the output ISIS file. This unique number is required for doing matchpoint work with the images. - The script was modified to handle file names in which a "." occurs before the file extension. - The code that checks for a file extension was having problems when the input file contained a "." in the directory path or filename prior to the extension. This was fixed.
thmirmc and thmvismc - Three new parameters were added. Previously, the longitude system for the projected image would always be automatically switched from 0-360 degrees to +/- 180 degrees when the image included longitude=0. This was usually desirable to prevent producing a large projected image with some image data on the left, some on the right and a large blank area in the middle. The new AUTOLON parameter allows selecting whether or not this automatic switch of longitude system is performed. (The default gives the same behavior as previously.) If automatic longitude system switching is selected, the longitude system will also automatically be switched to 0-360 degrees if the image crosses the longitude=180 boundary. In addition, the new LATRANGE and LONRANGE parameters allow the user to specify the desired latitude/longitude range for the projected image. If not specified, the latitude/longitude range will be computed to include all the image data (as was always done previously). Together, these three new parameters allow greater control over the projected image. This allows doing things such as producing mosaics of the polar regions in four separate quadrants using a consistent longitude system.
thmirmc and thmvismc - Modified to improve the speed of processing. This will be most noticable with VIS images that consist of lots of framelets.
vgrfixlabel - This program was updated to reflect the June 2003 change from a single kernel.def file for both Voyager missions to separate files for each mission.
TAE Menus - The program menus (obtained by typing "menu" (without the quotes) at the TAE prompt) have been updated to include the new programs.
projection_name.sav - This file that lists the available map projections for nuproj, has been updated to include the equirectangular_cylindrical projection. This projection is identical to the current nuproj projection simp. The simp projection should now only be used with clat=0 and the equirectangular_cylindrical projection should be used for all values of clat.
projection_name.sav - Added the Oblique Cylindrical projection.
saturn.def.1 - This *NEW* file contains parameters that define Saturn for the levels system.
titan.def.1 - This *NEW* file contains the target-specific information for Titan for use with the levels software.
CSSISS_NA.TBL,CSSISS_WA.TBL - These *NEW* tables are needed by the "iss2isis" scripts to determine the BAND_BIN center and width for all filter combinations for the Cassini ISS WA and NA cameras.
iss2isis_translation.def.1 - This *NEW* translation table is needed to convert a Cassini ISS NA or WA image from PDS format to ISIS format.
iss2isis_translation.def.1 - This *NEW* translation table is needed to convert a Cassini ISS NA or WA image from PDS format to ISIS format.
iss2isis_translation.def.2 - This *NEW* table was hardcoded to always set the spacecraft name to CASSINI for ISS data. The filter name is now written to the BAND_BIN group and a default BAND_BIN center of 1 is written to the labels.
iss_parameters.def.1 - This *NEW* file defines camera specific parameters for the Cassini ISS camera.
rdr2isis_translation.def.1 - This *NEW* translation table is needed by "pds2isis" to translate a Cassini Radar image from PDS format to ISIS format.
lo_parameters.def.3 - A *NEW* version of the instrument parameter file for Lunar Orbiter has been put in the Lunar Orbiter data area. This version includes the distortion constants for the medium res camera on LO3, LO4, and LO5.
MARINER_10 ISIS SPICE table files - The Mariner 10 ISIS SPICE table files have been replaces because the previous versions were corrupt.
mer1_navcam_left_parameters.def.1, mer1_navcam_right_parameters.def.1, mer2_navcam_left_parameters.def.1, mer2_navcam_right_parameters.def.1 - navcam camera parameter files - These files have been added to the ISIS data tree so MER programs will now run on navcam images.
mer2isis_translation.def.1 - this *NEW* translation file is used for converting MER flight data from PDS to ISIS using the "pds2isis" program.
mer2isis_translation.def.1 - Modified so that BAND_BIN_UNIT is set to MICROMETERS and BAND_BIN_CENTER is set according to the value of the filter name in the MER image.
mer2pds_translation.def.1 - This *NEW* translation table is needed by "isis2pds" when converting an ISIS-formatted MER flight data image to PDS format.
mer2pds_template.def.1 - This *NEW* template file is needed by "isis2pds" when converting an ISIS-formatted MER flight data image to PDS format.
mer2pds_template.def.2 - The SOFTWARE_NAME and SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID were changed.
mer2pds_template.def.3 - The INVALID_CONSTANT and MISSING_CONSTANT keywords were added
mer2pds_translation.def.2 - Changed translation for SEQUENCE_ID and SPICE_FILE_NAME from literal to a string translation.
mer2pds_translation.def.3 - Added translation for INVALID_CONSTANT and MISSING_CONSTANT keywords.
mercal2isis_translation.def.1 - Modified so that BAND_BIN_UNIT is set to MICROMETERS and AND_BIN_CENTER is set according to the value of the filter name in the MER image.
mer2pds_template.def.2 - The SOFTWARE_NAME and SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID were changed.
mer2pds_template.def.3 - The INVALID_CONSTANT and MISSING_CONSTANT keywords were added.
mer2pds_translation.def.2 - Changed translation for SEQUENCE_ID and SPICE_FILE_NAME from literal to a string translation.
mer2pds_translation.def.3 - Added translation for INVALID_CONSTANT and MISSING_CONSTANT keywords.
mer2isis_translation.def.1 - Modified so that BAND_BIN_UNIT is set to MICROMETERS and BAND_BIN_CENTER is set according to the value of the filter name in the MER image.
mercal2pds_template.def.1 - This *NEW* (as of 01/13/04) template file is needed by "isis2pds" when converting an ISIS-formatted MER calibration image to PDS format.
mercal2pds_translation.def.1 - This *NEW* (as of 01/13/04) translation table is needed by "isis2pds" when converting an ISIS-formatted MER calibration image to PDS format.
mercal2pds_template.def.2 - Added the INVALID_CONSTANT and MISSING_CONSTANT keywords.
mercal2pds_translation.def.2 - Added translation for INVALID_CONSTANT and MISSING_CONSTANT keywords.
Mars Express SPICE files have been added to the system for processing Mars Express SRC (Super Resolution Channel) and HRSC (High Resolution Stereo Camera) data.
MGS_SCLKSCET.00052.tsc - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC clock kernel (SCLK) supplied by NAIF. It is now the default SCLK used in all ISIS applications (see$ISISMGSDATA/moc_kernels.def.11). - A *NEW* MGS MOC mission time ordered table with each row containing information about a change in the wide angle (WA) gain and/or offset.
mgs_ext11.bsp - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC SPK kernel that covers the 55th, 56th, and 57th 28-day mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission (mapping orbits 17484 through 18511): COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB): 2003 APR 30 00:00:00.000 COVERAGE END TIME (TDB): 2003 JUL 23 01:00:00.000
mgs_ext12.bsp - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC SPK kernel that covers the 58th, 59th, and 60th 28-day mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission (mapping orbits 17484 through 18511): COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB): 2003 JUL 23 00:00:00.000 COVERAGE END TIME (TDB): 2003 OCT 15 01:00:00.000
mgs_sc_ext11.bc - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC CK kernel that covers the 55th, 56th, and 57th mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission: COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2003-APR-30 00:01:00.694 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2003-JUL-22 23:59:55.525
mgs_sc_ext12.bc - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC CK kernel that covers the 58th, 59th, and 60th mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission: COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2003-JUL-23 00:00:59.525 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2003-OCT-14 23:59:54.343
*mgs_map.bsp - *NOTE: This file is included in ISISMGSDATA, however it is recommended that you use mgs_map_rec.bsp* - An updated MGS mission MOC kernel. Coverage times are: COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2003 OCT 14 23:58:55.818 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2004 FEB 06 23:58:55.815
mgs_map_rec.bsp - An updated MGS mission MOC SPK kernel. Coverage times are: COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2003 OCT 14 23:58:55.818 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2004 JAN 05 00:20:55.816
mgs_sc_map.bc - This file is composed of the daily MGS CK files from NAIF. It is created by concatenating all files from the last normal released CK kernel (in this case map_sc_ext12.bc). Coverage times are: COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2003-OCT-15 00:00:02.343 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2004-JAN-05 23:59:53.162
ORB1_SCLKSCET.00072.tsc - Deleted
ORB1_SCLKSCET.00074.tsc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey mission clock kernel (SCLK) supplied by NAIF. It is now the default SCLK used in all ISIS applications (see $ISISM01DATA/thm_kernels.def.3).
thm_kernels.def.3 - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey SPICE kernels definition file containing a comprehensive prioritized list of the M01 SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system. It is now the default SPICE kernels definition file used in all ISIS applications.
thm_kernels_both.def.3 - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey SPICE kernels definition file. It contains a comprehensive prioritized list of the M01 CK SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system, along with the new "fake" nadir SPICE files that use nominal nadir-pointed orientation to fill in gaps in the "regular" M01 CK files. It is now the default SPICE kernels definition file for people who want to include the nadir definitions with the "normal" CK definitions when using ISIS applications.
thm_kernels_nadir.def.3 - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey SPICE kernels definition file. It contains a comprehensive prioritized list of the M01 SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system along with the new "fake" nadir SPICE files that use nominal nadir-pointed orientation to fill in gaps in the "regular" M01 files. It is now the default SPICE kernels definition file for people who want to include the nadir definitions when using ISIS applications.
m01_map6.bsp - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey SPK kernel that covers part of the mapping phase of the mission. Coverage times are: COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB): 2003 APR 01 00:00:00.000 COVERAGE END TIME (TDB): 2003 JUL 01 01:00:00.000
m01_map.bsp - A *NEW* "on-going" M01 Odyssey SPK kernel that covers the mapping phase of the mission from the date of the last "normal release" SPK kernel (in this case m01_map6.bsp). Coverage times are: COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2003 JUN 30 23:58:55.816 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2003 OCT 26 23:58:55.818
m01_map_rec.bsp - A *NEW* "on-going" reconstructed M01 Odyssey SPK kernel that covers the mapping phase of the mission from the date of the last "normal release" SPK kernel (in this case m01_map6.bsp). Coverage times are: COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2003 JUN 30 23:58:55.816 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2003 OCT 01 16:58:55.818
m01_sc_map.bc - A *NEW* file composed of the daily M01 CK files from NAIF. It is created by concatenating all new files, taken from the date of the last "normal release" CK kernel (in this case m01_sc_map6.bc) to the present, using the NAIF utility "dafcat". Coverage times are: COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2003-JUL-26 00:00:04.773 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2003-OCT-05 23:59:56.966
m01_sc_map6.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel that covers part of the mapping phase of the mission. Coverage times are: COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2003-APR-01 00:00:05.686 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2003-JUN-30 23:59:56.048
m01_sc_map6_rec_nadir.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel providing nominal nadir-pointed orientation that covers part of the mapping phase of the mission. Coverage times are: COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2003 APR 01 00:00:00.000 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2003 JUL 01 01:00:00.000
m01_sc_map_nadir.bc - A *NEW* "on-going" M01 Odyssey CK kernel providing nominal nadir-pointed orientation that covers the mapping phase of the mission from the date of the last "normal release" CK kernel (in this case m01_map6.bsp). Coverage times are: COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2003-JUL-01-00:30:00.000 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2003-OCT-26-23:30:00.000
m01_sc_map_rec_nadir.bc - A *NEW* "on-going" M01 Odyssey reconstructed CK kernel providing nominal nadir-pointed orientation that covers the mapping phase of the mission from the date of the last "normal release" CK kernel (in this case m01_map6.bsp). Coverage times are: COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2003-JUL-01-00:30:00.000 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2003-OCT-01-16:30:00.000
SBDR.TBL - This *NEW* table is used as a driver for the Cassini radar "sbdr2isis" program. It is used to locate fields of interest in PDS-formatted SBDR tables.
lev1_init.c - Added support for Mars Express HRSC and SRC instruments.
lev1u_mex_hrsc_routines.c - These *NEW* routines contain the camera model for the Mars Express HRSC instrument.
lev1u_mex_src_routines.c - These *NEW* routines contain the camera model for the Mars Express SRC instrument.
lev1u_mgs_moc_routines - A problem was fixed with the array indexing. This problem was causing lev1tolev2 to die when processing MOC WA Red images.
lev2_get_resolution_from_labels.c - Changed to recalculate pixperdeg instead of reading it from the labels.
lev2u_set_scaling_radius.c - This new routine calculates the scaling radius from the scaling lat/lon in the map projection structure and writes the scaling radius to the structure.
levu_construct_filename.c - This routine has the same problem as the MER routine with the same functionality, merlevu_construct_filename.c. Both now have similar implementations to address these problems.
levprojection.h - Scaling lat/lon/radius have been added to the structure.
levprototypes.h - The Mars Express HRSC and SRC routines were added.
libisismap Makefile - Added new routine lev2u_set_scaling_radius
libisismerlev - The following new routines were added to this library: merlev1_calc_emission_angle.c, merlev1_calc_incidence_angle.c, merlev1_calc_local_solar_time.c, merlev1_calc_longitude_of_sun.c, merlev1_calc_phase_angle.c, merlev1_calc_rover_coord.c, merlev1_calc_site_coord.c, merlev1_calc_sun_azimuth.c, merlevu_data_to_body_fixed.c, merlevu_data_to_body_fixed.c, merlev2u_simple_cylindrical_routines.c
map_kmdeg - PROJ was added as a new argument to the front of the argument list. Having the projection available allows this routine to calculate the scale conversions using the latitude of true scale.
merlev1_calc_north_azimuth - This *NEW* routines will calculate the north azimuth for MER level 1 cubes.
merlev1_calc_site_coord.c - This routine was outputting incorrect results because of using "km" instead of "m". The problem has been fixed.
merlevprototypes - merlev1_calc_north_azimuth and merlevu_inplpl were added.
merlevu_construct_filename.c - There were two problems with this routine that have been fixed. The two assumptions that led to these problems were that we could never have more than 100 configuration files and that the versions tacked on the end of the definitions files would always be contiguous. The MER mission discounted the first. Note this problem also exists in the Lev version of this routine. It has also been repaired.
merlevu_inplpl - This NEW routine will find the intersection of two NAIF planes. Its usage is not limited to MER or merlev routines.
pdsdef.h - This file was not C++ compliant. The appropriate conditional compilation elements were added to allow inclusion in C++ code.
pds_find_element.c - Had a problem with finding the end of an object that has nested objects. The maintenance of the nesting levels was flawed.
pds_parse_numeric.c - Relaxed many of the parsing rules in this routine that would otherwise render some PDS labels unreadable. It will nearly parse anything now whilst converting dubious values to strings.
pds_parse_literal.c - Relaxed many of the parsing rules in this routine that would otherwise render some PDS labels unreadable. It will nearly parse anything now whilst converting dubious values to strings.
pds_parse_values.c - Relaxed the parsing rule for requiring a comma to occur at the end of a line in an array of values. (The MER PDS effect!) Its now OK for them to occur as the first printable character on the next line.
pds_verify_literal.c - Removed the test for exclusive digits following the '_'. It is apparently allowed by PDS and was found in the "wild" preventing some labels to pass parsing criteria. It essentially relaxes the determination of valid literals and quoting thereof. This was identified as the cause of problems when parsing existing files that did not adhere to this "criteria". On output, it determines if a literal value is to be single quoted or not.
sh_crack_pdf.c - Erroneously processed the path to an ISIS application's PDF file. A "." in the path (e.g., /usgs/cpkgs/isis2.1.3/isisr...) would cause an ill-formed path when constructing the PDF filename.
tfile.h - A new value was added to the structure TfileDesc. The value is override and allows an option for overriding the softwares grid increment.
tfile_init.c - An argument was added to the call statement of this routine.
u_record_file_parm.F - Increased the size of the CHARACTER translation buffer for converting paths that (may) contain environment variables. Essentially increasing the size of file name lengths to 1024.
Our Perl scripts require that you have Perl installed in /usr/bin. If you have Perl installed in a different directory you need to set up a link between your location and /usr/bin/perl. To accomplish this you need to determine the absolute path name of your Perl executables. Then type the following at the command line:
This will estabish a softlink between our perl scripts and your Perl exectables. If you don't have root priviledges you will have to see your Sys-Admin person to execute this command.
If you use and develop your own Perl scripts and modules you may be using the PERL5LIB environment variable. If you are, please be aware that we are also setting this variable in the ISIS startup scripts to point to our Perl modules. Our startup scripts will check to see if you have PERL5LIB defined and then append to your path list (and not overwrite it). Therefore, if you are defining this variable, it is important to so before initiating ISIS. If you define PERL5LIB after initiating ISIS, you may overwrite our ISIS Perl path names and our Perl scripts will not operate correctly.
The Mac OS X operating system is now officially supported with this release. ISIS for the Mac (Darwin) operatin system is released as version 2.2.0 but should be conceptually viewed as the same as 2.1.3, the release for Linux and Solaris.
Mac ISIS has undergone some structural changes. Some libraries have been consolidated into a single library and some changes in code expressly to support the Mac OS have been made. We will be migrating Linux and Solaris to the 2.2.x version soon and a subsequent release will be forthcoming.
Here is a brief summary of the major changes that has occured in Mac ISIS that is unique to this release:
Photoclinometry Library Consolidation - The ISIS libraries libisisclinom, libisisfastfil, libisiss9fast have been incorporated into libisispht thus merging all the photoclinometry libraries into one.
Overhaul of Make system - ISIS 2.2.0 has undergone an overhaul of the make system to enable support of some elements unique to the Mac. This work is unfinished and will continue with the integration of Linux and Solaris operating systems.
See for more information on this topic.
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