Isis 2 Documentation
ISIS RELEASE NOTES For October 22, 2004 ISIS Release
This document describes the changes and enhancements that have been made to ISIS since the previous release on June 15, 2004. This is divided into several sections:
We currently support Sun Solaris 9.0 and SuSE Linux 9.0. We have also added support for Mac OS X (see section 10).
We have run extensive tests of ISIS binaries built on Intel/AMD chipsets under SuSE 9.0. The binaries have been successfully exercised on the following Linux distributions:
kernel.................2.4.21-99 gcc....................3.3.1-24 glibc..................2.3.2-88 libgcc.................3.3.1-24 ncurses................5.3-110 perl...................5.8.1-46 OpenMotif..............2.2.2-355 rpm....................4.1.1-71 rpm-build (binaries are in the rpm package)
ISIS was built under Solaris 9 on UltraSparc Sun-Fire-V210 hardware using the GNU FORTRAN, C, and C++ compilers with the following components:
gcc....................3.3 libgcc.................3.3 libc...................11.9 ncurses................5.3 perl...................5.6.1 Motif..................2.1.2 pkginfo/pkgchk/pkgadd/pkgrm 11.9
Mac OS X:
ISIS 2.1 was build using Mac OS X version10.3.3 on PowerPC G4 hardware. It has been known to run on G5 hardware also. It was built using the following components:
Kernel.................Darwin 7.3.0 gcc-g++................3.3 20030304 (Build 1495) g77....................3.5.0 20040429 (experimental) perl...................5.8.1 Apple X11..............1.0 Xfree86................4.3.0 OpenMotif..............2.2.4
The IDL display programs in this ISIS release are compatible with IDL Version 6.0.
Refer to the document "Notes on Use of the IDL Display Programs" for proper display setup instructions.
Most of the ISIS IDL programs and routines use the CALL_EXTERNAL function to call Fortran/C routines. The CALL_EXTERNAL interface was changed in IDL 5.5. Thus, most of the ISIS IDL code will not work correctly with versions of IDL older than 5.5, and it is recommended that you use IDL 6.0.
Also, in IDL 5.5 there was a change in the parameters to the IDL routines that access HDF/HDF-EOS files. The "cv" program has not yet been updated to account for these changes. Thus, accessing HDF/HDF-EOS files with "cv" will not work correctly
On Sun Solaris machines, the default invocation of IDL will execute the 64-bit version. This is incompatable with ISIS which is built in 32-bit mode. To use ISIS applications on Solaris systems (or any 64-bit system that IDL supports), you must start IDL as "idl -32". This will execute the 32-bit version of IDL.
The $ISISDOC directory contains Release Notes for each release of ISIS. These are contained in files named "isisYYMMDD_release.notes" or "isis_release_notes.YYMMDD", where YYMMDD is the date of the ISIS release. Each Release Notes file describes changes in the system since the previous release.
The current documentation for a release of ISIS is contained in a set of files in the $ISISHTML directory, which is part of the local ISIS installation. These are in a format that can be accessed with a web browser. For example, to view the local copy of the ISIS documentation with netscape, type:
netscape $ISISHTML/documentation.html
You can also access the ISIS documentation over the Internet at the ISIS web site ( However, note that the documentation on the ISIS web site is updated each time updates are made to our internal developmental version of ISIS. Thus, the web site documentation might contain information on new or modified programs that are not yet contained in the public release of ISIS that is described in your local $ISISHTML directory. However, the web site can be used for registering to receive update notices and for looking at the latest version of the Frequently Asked Questions list.
In addition to new documentation for the new programs and minor updates to documentation for previously existing programs, the following are some additional program documentation updates: NONE
NAIF SPICE Kernels (MGS/MOC)- Updated to include the extended mission mapping cycles 64 through 66. We are currently using version N0056 of the NAIF SPICE Toolkit.
ISIS Release Notes - June 22th, 2004 Release Notes have been linked. These notes include descriptions of the new updates included in this release.
ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated these two pages with new ISIS programs.
lev1matcherr - This new program reports error between measured points (match points) on different images. The program calculates the average lat/lon value of a point using all the measurements and the current pointing information. The distance in pixels each measured point is from the average lat/lon is reported as the error.
mergempt - This *NEW* application will merge two match point files into a single file. It adds new entries to existing groupings and replaces existing ones if they differ. This was formally internally know as "mergemat". The name was changed to be more consistent with matchpoint S/W.
rad2isis.pdf,, - This *NEW* script will allow for the conversion of Cassini BIDR Radar PDS-formatted files to ISIS format. The script takes the burden of remembering the pds2isis translation table name off of the user.
tuple.pdf, - This *NEW* script creates an ASCII list of corresponding DN values from multiple images. The list can then be used to do statistical analysis.
All "levels" ISIS projection programs - The Orthographic projection has been added to the "levels" system. Tutor "mappars" under TAE for usage information.
All "pre-levels" ISIS projection programs - Since May 28 the pre-level ISIS projection routines have not been writing the target radii to the mapping group labels. This problem has been corrected. P> boxfilter - Boxfilter was not allowing filter sizes 2*sizeof(AXIS) -1 for all axes in a file. It would allow only the fastest varying axis, typically the SAMPLE axis. A workaround would be to use the FORCORD parameter to force BSQ, BIL or BIP processing. However, this workaround would not allow more than one axis to exceed its size. This problem has been fixed.
cv - Has been fixed so that display of HDF/HDF-EOS files works properly again. (It had quit working due to some changes in an IDL update.)
levinit - the program was changed so that the default KERNLST file used for Cassini ISS processing is $ISISCSSDATA/css_kernels.def.#.
lofixlabel - This program will now process Lunar Orbiter Medium Resolution frames with fiducials as an alternative to tying them to a high resolutionframe.
makespk09 - A new parameter for the pck has been added to this program. - The script was modified to handle changes that were made to the PDS labels of the latest released HRSC files. - Has been updated to download MOLA PEDR's from the new FTP site (rather than the original
photomet - A low level subroutine was causing photomet to ignore the functions LAMBER and LOMSEL. This has been fixed.
rand2ck1 - This program now supports Lunar Orbiter and Cassini ISS data. lev programs - These programs will now process Lunar Orbiter data using a tolerance of 1.5 tics for searching the ck. The tolerance was changed from 1. tics to 1.5 because the size of a tic is only .001 seconds.
bdr2isis - Changed the code to search for the leap seconds and spacecraft clock kernel files in the $ISISCSSDATA/css_kernels.def file.
sbdr2grid - Changed the code to search for the leap seconds and spacecraft clock kernel files in the $ISISCSSDATA/css_kernels.def file.
sbdr2isis - A new parameter, NTHROW, was added to allow the user to reduce the size of the output file. This way the output data can be used in an Excel spreadsheet. - There was a problem with the way relative file path names were being handled by the script. The script was modified to use the Perl function 'basename' to parse the input file name. - The number of significant digits used for the map scale (kmdeg) parameter was increased from 4 to 6. - The script was modified so that it does not record information for a sample,line location if any of the images has a special pixel value at that location.
TAE Menus - The program menus (obtained by typing "menu" (without the quotes) at the TAE prompt) have been updated to include the new programs.
rad2isis_translation.def.1 - This *NEW* translation table replaces rdr2isis_translation.def.1. This table contains translations for converting Cassini Radar data from PDS format to ISIS format.
lo_3_hi.fiducials, lo_3_med.fiducials, lo_5_med.fiducials - Fiducial files for Lunar Orbiter 3 high and medium resolution cameras, and Lunar Orbiter 5 medium resolution camera have been added to the Lunar Orbiter data area. These files are used for the application of a mission's camera model.
lo_parameters.def.4 - A new version of the instrument parameter file for Lunar Orbiter has been put in the Lunar Orbiter data area. This version updates and adds to the locations of the new fiducial files.
MER_253_SCLKSCET.00010.tsc - A *NEW* MER 1 mission clock kernel (SCLK) supplied by NAIF. It is now the default SCLK used in all ISIS applications (see $ISISMERDATA/mer1_kernels.def.104).
MER_254_SCLKSCET.00013.tsc - A *NEW* MER 2 mission clock kernel (SCLK) supplied by NAIF. It is now the default SCLK used in all ISIS applications (see $ISISMERDATA/mer2_kernels.def.110).
mer1_kernels.def.104 - This file contains the list of all NAIF MER 1 kernel files used in ISIS applications. It has been updated to reflect recentlyreleased NAIF data/kernels.
mer2_kernels.def.110 - This file contains the list of all NAIF MER 2 kernel files used in ISIS applications. It has been updated to reflect recently released NAIF data/kernels.
mer1_surf_hga.bc - MER 1 HGA orientation CK files generated daily from rover TLM. The latest of these files supersedes all previous files (Copy of the latest mer1_surf_hga_YYMMDDHRMN.bc file).
mer1_surf_iddg.bc - MER 1 gravity-compensated IDD orientation CK files generated daily from rover TLM. The latest of these files supersedes all previous files (Copy of the latest mer1_surf_iddg_YYMMDDHRMN.bc file).
mer1_surf_pma.bc - MER 1 PMA orientation CK files generated daily from rover TLM. The latest of these files supersedes all previous files (Copy of the latest mer1_surf_pma_YYMMDDHRMN.bc file).
mer1_surf_rover.bc - MER 1 rover orientation CK files generated daily from rover TLM. The latest of these files supersedes all previous files (Copy of the latest mer1_surf_rover_YYMMDDHRMN.bc file).
mer1_surf_iddg.bsp - gravity-compensated IDD position SPK file generated daily from rover TLM. The latest of these files supersedes all previous files (Copy of the latest mer1_surf_iddg_YYMMDDHRMN.bsp file).
mer1_surf_roverrl.bsp - MER 1 rover and site position SPK file generated daily from rover TLM combined with the latest bundle-adjustment position input from Dr. Ron Li. The latest of these files supersedes all previous files (Copy of the latest mer1_surf_roverrl_YYMMDDHRMN.bsp file).
mer2_surf_hga.bc - MER 2 HGA orientation CK files generated daily from rover TLM. The latest of these files supersedes all previous files (Copy of the latest mer2_surf_hga_YYMMDDHRMN.bc file).
mer2_surf_iddg.bc - MER 2 gravity-compensated IDD orientation CK files generated daily from rover TLM. The latest of these files supersedes all previous files (Copy of the latest mer2_surf_iddg_YYMMDDHRMN.bc file).
mer2_surf_pma.bc - MER 2 PMA orientation CK files generated daily from rover TLM. The latest of these files supersedes all previous files (Copy of the latest mer2_surf_pma_YYMMDDHRMN.bc file).
mer2_surf_rover.bc - MER 2 rover orientation CK files generated daily from rover TLM. The latest of these files supersedes all previous files (Copy of the latest mer2_surf_rover_YYMMDDHRMN.bc file).
mer2_surf_iddg.bsp - gravity-compensated IDD position SPK file generated daily from rover TLM. The latest of these files supersedes all previous files (Copy of the latest mer2_surf_iddg_YYMMDDHRMN.bsp file).
mer2_surf_roverrl.bsp - MER 2 rover and site position SPK file generated daily from rover TLM combined with the latest bundle-adjustment position input from Dr. Ron Li. The latest of these files supersedes all previous files (Copy of the latest mer2_surf_roverrl_YYMMDDHRMN.bsp file).
lev1u_cass_vims_routines.c - The IR exposure duration, interline delay, and interframe delay in the VIMS header are not correct. Because the 15 Mhz clock does not oscillate 15 Mhz but more like 14.7456 Mhz the above times must be multiplied by 1.01725 to correct. The difference is minor at short integration periods but becomes larger a longer integration periods.
Our Perl scripts require that you have Perl installed in /usr/bin. If you have Perl installed in a different directory you need to set up a link between your location and /usr/bin/perl. To accomplish this you need to determine the absolute path name of your Perl executables. Then type the following at the command line:
This will estabish a softlink between our perl scripts and your Perl exectables. If you don't have root priviledges you will have to see your Sys-Admin person to execute this command.
If you use and develop your own Perl scripts and modules you may be using the PERL5LIB environment variable. If you are, please be aware that we are also setting this variable in the ISIS startup scripts to point to our Perl modules. Our startup scripts will check to see if you have PERL5LIB defined and then append to your path list (and not overwrite it). Therefore, if you are defining this variable, it is important to so before initiating ISIS. If you define PERL5LIB after initiating ISIS, you may overwrite our ISIS Perl path names and our Perl scripts will not operate correctly.
The Mac OS X operating system is now officially supported with this release. ISIS for the Mac (Darwin) operatin system is released as version 2.2.0 but should be conceptually viewed as the same as 2.1.3, the release for Linux and Solaris.
Mac ISIS has undergone some structural changes. Some libraries have been consolidated into a single library and some changes in code expressly to support the Mac OS have been made. We will be migrating Linux and Solaris to the 2.2.x version soon and a subsequent release will be forthcoming.
Here is a brief summary of the major changes that has occured in Mac ISIS that is unique to this release:
Photoclinometry Library Consolidation - The ISIS libraries libisisclinom, libisisfastfil, libisiss9fast have been incorporated into libisispht thus merging all the photoclinometry libraries into one.
Overhaul of Make system - ISIS 2.2.0 has undergone an overhaul of the make system to enable support of some elements unique to the Mac. This work is unfinished and will continue with the integration of Linux and Solaris operating systems.
See for more information on this topic.
Contact us online at the Isis Support Center: