Isis 2 Documentation
ISIS RELEASE NOTES For June 24, 2005 ISIS Release
This document describes the changes and enhancements that have been made to ISIS since the previous release on February 10, 2005. This is divided into several sections:
We currently support Sun Solaris 9.0 and SuSE Linux 9.0. We have also added support for Mac OS X (see section 10).
We have run extensive tests of ISIS binaries built on Intel/AMD chipsets under SuSE 9.0. The binaries have been successfully exercised on the following Linux distributions:
kernel.................2.4.21-99 gcc....................3.3.1-24 glibc..................2.3.2-88 libgcc.................3.3.1-24 ncurses................5.3-110 perl...................5.8.1-46 OpenMotif..............2.2.2-355 rpm....................4.1.1-71 rpm-build (binaries are in the rpm package)
ISIS was built under Solaris 9 on UltraSparc Sun-Fire-V210 hardware using the GNU FORTRAN, C, and C++ compilers with the following components:
gcc....................3.3 libgcc.................3.3 libc...................11.9 ncurses................5.3 perl...................5.6.1 Motif..................2.1.2 pkginfo/pkgchk/pkgadd/pkgrm 11.9
Mac OS X:
ISIS 2.1 was build using Mac OS X version10.3.3 on PowerPC G4 hardware. It has been known to run on G5 hardware also. It was built using the following components:
Kernel.................Darwin 7.3.0 gcc-g++................3.3 20030304 (Build 1640) g77....................3.5.0 20040429 (experimental) perl...................5.8.1 Apple X11..............1.0 Xfree86................4.3.0 OpenMotif..............2.2.4
The IDL display programs in this ISIS release are compatible with IDL Version 6.0.
Refer to the document "Notes on Use of the IDL Display Programs" for proper display setup instructions.
Most of the ISIS IDL programs and routines use the CALL_EXTERNAL function to call Fortran/C routines. The CALL_EXTERNAL interface was changed in IDL 5.5. Thus, most of the ISIS IDL code will not work correctly with versions of IDL older than 5.5, and it is recommended that you use IDL 6.0.
Also, in IDL 5.5 there was a change in the parameters to the IDL routines that access HDF/HDF-EOS files. The "cv" program has not yet been updated to account for these changes. Thus, accessing HDF/HDF-EOS files with "cv" will not work correctly
On Sun Solaris machines, the default invocation of IDL will execute the 64-bit version. This is incompatable with ISIS which is built in 32-bit mode. To use ISIS applications on Solaris systems (or any 64-bit system that IDL supports), you must start IDL as "idl -32". This will execute the 32-bit version of IDL.
The $ISISDOC directory contains Release Notes for each release of ISIS. These are contained in files named "isisYYMMDD_release.notes" or "isis_release_notes.YYMMDD", where YYMMDD is the date of the ISIS release. Each Release Notes file describes changes in the system since the previous release.
The current documentation for a release of ISIS is contained in a set of files in the $ISISHTML directory, which is part of the local ISIS installation. These are in a format that can be accessed with a web browser. For example, to view the local copy of the ISIS documentation with netscape, type:
netscape $ISISHTML/documentation.html
You can also access the ISIS documentation over the Internet at the ISIS web site ( However, note that the documentation on the ISIS web site is updated each time updates are made to our internal developmental version of ISIS. Thus, the web site documentation might contain information on new or modified programs that are not yet contained in the public release of ISIS that is described in your local $ISISHTML directory. However, the web site can be used for registering to receive update notices and for looking at the latest version of the Frequently Asked Questions list.
In addition to new documentation for the new programs and minor updates to documentation for previously existing programs, the following are some additional program documentation updates: lev1stats.pdf - Has been modified to include column numbers for the reported statistical elements; intended for easier reading.
NAIF SPICE Kernels (MGS/MOC)- Updated to include the extended mission mapping cycles 76 through 78. We are currently using version N0058 of the NAIF SPICE Toolkit.
ISIS Release Notes - June 23, 2005 Release Notes have been linked. These notes include descriptions of the new updates included in this release.
ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated these two pages with new ISIS programs. - This is a *NEW* program that adds reseaux data to matchpoint measurements, so the measurements can be converted from pixels to millimeters using "new_voyager" or "xypxy0vik". "" is run within "".
clemchange - This is a *NEW* program that converts measurements on Clementine images from pixels on the digital images to millimeters on the focal plane. "clemchange" is run within "".
deltack - A *NEW* application that performs an angular camera adjustment based upon line/sample differences that are usually a result of pointing errors or incorrect boresight coordinates. A new NAIF Camera Kernel file is generated and the labels are updated to use this new kernel. Currently, only Cassini ISS NA and WA, and Galileo SSI are supported.
dtmradius - This is a *NEW* program that updates the radii in a control point file (the same kind of file lev1matcherr outputs) with information from a DEM. - This is a *NEW* program that generates a priori data for a randlsq solution from a matchpoint file and some ISIS CUBEs. The program automatically runs "lev1matcherr" and "lev1torand" to get its control point and image data, respectively. - This is a *NEW* program that provides a way to merge and reformat RAND millimeter measurement files.
merfixlab - This *NEW* program is called by the script to undo the concatenation of the PROCESSING_HISTORY_TEXT, ACTIVEAREADC, ACTAREVAR_CUB, and FLATFIELD_CUB keywords.
mocnadir - This *NEW* program generates SPICE nadir pointing information and puts the pointing information in a Type 3 CK kernel file. A kernel .def file is also created for the image. This program is intended for use with those MOC images that don't have mission generated CK kernel coverage.
new_voyager - This is a *NEW* program that converts measurements on Voyager images from pixels on the digital images to millimeters on the focal plane. "new_voyager" is run within "".
pathtool - A *NEW* application that will search for and replace file paths in ISIS cube label keywords. This application is mainly designed to handle ISIS SPICE kernel file paths that have been traditionally stored as absolute paths, although they are initially referenced using environment variables. - This is a *NEW* program that provides a way to merge and reformat RAND pole, point, and picture (PPP) files. PPP files store pole, picture, and control point data and are the format used both for input and output in "randlsq". - This is a *NEW* program that provides a simplified user interface to randlsq. The program "randlsq" takes in millimeter measurements, a priori data, some parameters, and optionally a ground point file, builds a model of the target body and the spacecraft, and solves for more accurate image and control net data.
summation_mode - This is a *NEW* program that converts measurements on Galileo summation-mode images from pixels on the digital images to millimeters on the focal plane. "summation_mode" is run within "".
thmirmcdrv - This *NEW* program acts as an interface between the thmirmc.pdf and the thmirmc Perl scripts. It writes the parameter values to a file which is then read by the Perl scripts. This was done to alleviate the problems that occur when passing TAE parameters containing numerical data from TAE to Perl.
thmvismcdrv - This *NEW* program acts as an interface between the thmvismc.pdf and the thmvismc Perl scripts. It writes the parameter values to a file which is then read by the Perl scripts. This was done to alleviate the problems that occur when passing TAE parameters containing numerical data from TAE to Perl.
worst_res - This is a *NEW* program that is used to convert errors from millimeters back into pixels. "worst_res" is run within "randlsq".
xypxy0vik - This is a *NEW* program that converts measurements on Viking images from pixels on the digital images to millimeters on the focal plane. "xypxy0vik" is run within "".
Geodesy programs - A number of planetary geodesy programs were added to ISIS. The original versions of many of these programs were provided to USGS by M. Davies and T. Colvin of the RAND corporation in 2000. Since then they have been maintained and updated here at USGS, with new scripts and programs added, under the direction of B. Archinal. The overall set of programs has been variously known as the RAND software, the RAND/USGS Planetary Geodesy (RUPG) software, or the RAND/USGS Bundle Adjustment and CONtrol (RUBACON) software. The programming team has made them part of ISIS, and the programs can now be referred to as the ISIS geodesy programs. The programs include "", "", and "", which are Perl scripts typically run directly by users in order to perform a least squares photogrammetric solution for a local, regional, or global planetary control network. Two programs, "" and "" can be used to merge or reformat millimeter measurement or pole, point, and picture (PPP) files. Other programs include "", "clemchange", "dtmradius", "isschange", "lochange", "new_voyager", "radar", "randlsq", "summation_mode", "worst_res", and "xypxy0vik", which typically are run indirectly via the scripts. Tutorials and other documentation related to the geodesy programs are (or will soon be) available at the ISIS website. Data used with and solutions performed with these programs are being made available from a "Solar System Control Networks" website, at
Lev 2 programs using orthographic projections - A bug was fixed when computing the image size for orthographic projections. The problem only presented itself when working with global images and caused portions of the output image to be clipped.
cv24 - A bug was fixed that was causing the program to fail when the user attempted to change the color of the zoom box on the displayed image.
getrange - A bug has been fixed in "getrange" (pre-levels program) that could caused unexpected crashes of the program due to an un-initialized variable.
lev1matcherr - Bugs have been fixed in this program and it can now handle east and west positive longitude directions (before it could only handle east) and 0 to 360 and -180 to 180 longitude systems (before it could only handle 0 to 360). Two options have been added - LONGDIR, which overrides the positive longitude, and AVERAGE, which controls whether the first matchpoint or the average of matchpoints are used to calculate the longitude given in the output file.
lev1matcherr - Fixed a mathematical error that caused invalid radii to be printed RANDCTL files, when the target is triaxial. This issue did not affect radii when working with spheres or a DEM. - The call to magcube was removed. "magcube" was being used to handle Cassini ISS files with a summation mode other than 1 The camera model for Cassini ISS now handles all summation modes.
lev1tolev2 - Fixed a problem that caused erroneous radii information to be reported in the print.prt file. This problem would sometimes occur when using a DEM as the source for the local radius.
levgeoplane & levpt - The latitudes and longitudes were not being calculated consistently for all pixels in a level 2 cube. The problem has been corrected and now the lat/lon values reported for pixels in a level 2 cube will always be calculated in the level 2 software.
levinit - This program will now include the position of the computed boresight in the output report. The boresight is computed based on the fiducials of the subframe, so the boresight position is relative to the subframe and not the entire frame.
levpt - A problem was fixed when using a DEM to convert from line:sample to lat:lon. The line:sample input by the user was being changed because the code that handles the DEM makes a call to the instrument-specific latlon_to_linesamp routine. This problem has been fixed.
levpt - Fixed a bug in a library routine (lev1_calc_local_solar_time.c) that incorrectly reported the Local Solar Time for ographic projections. - Changed so that the concatenation of the PROCESSING_HISTORY_TEXT, ACTIVEAREADC, ACTAREVAR_CUB, and FLATFIELD_CUB is undone. These keywords are all concatenated by "". - Modified so that the PROCESSING_HISTORY_TEXT, ACTIVEAREADC, ACTAREVAR_CUB, and FLATFIELD_CUB keyword values are all stored in the PROCESSING_HISTORY_TEXT field of the output PDS file.
merlev programs - These programs were not projecting objects above the horizon correctly. The problem has been corrected. - Modified to handle MEX files with attached PDS labels. This script still requires that the Vicar labels be present in the PDS file.
merlevinit and makinfocus - A new target option, Pancam Plane, has been added for Pancam cubes. Once a Pancam Plane targdef has been created in makinfocus, it can be applied to other instruments such as MI in the same manner that the MI INFOCUS plane is used.
merlev1tolev2 - a bug in the simp projection that projected all images up-side-down has been fixed. - This program converts measurements from pixels on digital images to millimeters on a camera's focal plane. It currently supports images taken by Clementine, Lunar Orbiter, Viking, Galileo, Voyager, and Cassini. Given a target body, it can determine which mission each point is from, and which conversion ratio to use. Conversions for each mission are implemented in separate programs which are run by "".
qmatch - The newest version of "qmatch" containing bug fixes and the new features such as "world button" and finding a matchpoint on the image has been checked into the ISIS tree. See qmatch.pdf for additional help on these features.
qmatch - "qmatch" will now handle image numbers with leading zeros correctly. qmatch - QMatch now colors matchpoint X's red if they are between the two images currently displayed, and green if they are only on one currently displayed image. Before the change, all X's were red.
qview - There are a couple of bug fixes to qview: 1) The reseau application will save the original reseaus (from the labels) if you do not make any changes. 2) The "Show Image Information" will display the correct information if you use the browse application when you "Exit" the Image Info dialog box between new browse images.
randlsq - Updated to a newer version, which has many bug fixes, updated pdf files (which are used in both TAE and on-line documentation), and support for specifying a temporary work file so users can work around limited space in /tmp.
sbdr2isis - Fixed so that garbage characters at the end of time strings from the input table are stripped off before conversion to ephemeris time.
sbdr2isis - Added a new parameter, BYTEORDER, that allows the user to specify if the input PDS table is in MSB or LSB order. The SIS describing the SBDR tables claims that they will always be produced in LSB order, but this is not always the case.
sbdr2grid - Added the AVERAGE option to the CTLDIR parameter. If the AVERAGE option is used, then the RASTER values that overlay on each pixel are summed and then divided by the number of values that overlaid on the pixel.
sbdr2grid - Added a new parameter (IGNORESQF) that determines if the SCIENCE_QUAL_FLAG will be used when determining if data in the SBDR table is valid.
sbdr2grid - Replaced the IGNORESQF parameter with IGNPASS, IGNACTV, IGNALT, IGNRAD, and IGNSCAT. These new parameters allow the user to selectively ignore science quality flags. This was needed because the PDS table files were being produced with erroneous science quality flag information.,, thmirmc.pdf - Added capability to read parameters from a text file. This was needed because of problems passing numerical based parameters from TAE to Perl. Also added the new parameter "override" which is used by the "lev1tolev2" program.,, thmvismc.pdf - Added capability to read parameters from a text file. This was needed because of problems passing numerical based parameters from TAE to Perl. Also added the new parameter "override" which is used by the "lev1tolev2" program.
tuple.pdf - Added documentation that will help the user avoid problems when specifying an SFROM parameter value.
voycal - Voycal had two issues. The translations of PDS filter related keywords to ISIS keywords was modified in the translation table named $ISISVOYDATA/vgr2isis_translation.def.3. This resulted in a required change in the source code to retrieve the new value from the QUBE/ISIS_INSTRUMENT/FILTER_NUMBER rather than the QUBE/ISIS_INSTRUMENT/FILTER_NAME keyword.
The second issue was actually a serious bug. When determining the distance from the observed body (e.g., Mars) to the Sun, voycal assumed it was always Mars. Voyager observed other bodies in addition to Mars. It now determines the observed, or target, body from the value of the QUBE/ISIS_TARGET/TARGET_NAME ISIS label keyword. It is recommended that Voyager images from other observed bodies be completely reprocessed as this bug affects the calibrated DN values resulting from voycal.
TAE Menus - The program menus (obtained by typing "menu" (without the quotes) at the TAE prompt) have been updated to include the new programs.
dione.def.1 - This *NEW* target file contains parameters which define Dione for ISIS lev routines. The values were acquired from $ISISCSSDATA/cpck01Mar2005.tpc.
enceladus.def.2 - This *NEW* target file contains parameters which define Enceladus for ISIS lev routines. The values were acquired from $ISISCSSDATA/cpck01Mar2005.tpc.
hyperion.def.1 - This *NEW* target file contains parameters which define Hyperion for ISIS lev routines. The values were acquired from $ISISCSSDATA/cpck01Mar2005.tpc.
iapetus.def.1 - This *NEW* target file contains parameters which define Iapetus for ISIS lev routines. The values were acquired from $ISISCSSDATA/cpck01Mar2005.tpc.
mimas.def.1 - This *NEW* target file contains parameters which define Mimas for ISIS lev routines. The values were acquired from $ISISCSSDATA/cpck01Mar2005.tpc.
pds2isis_translation.tbl - Added capability to translate the IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION_CATALOG object to the Viking MDIM data translation section.
tethys.def.1 - This *NEW* target file contains parameters which define Tethys for ISIS lev routines. The values were acquired from $ISISCSSDATA/cpck01Mar2005.tpc.
rad2isis_translation.def.2 - The translation table will now handle both "OBLIQUE CYLINDRICAL" and "OBLIQUE_CYLINDRICAL" map projection types in the PDS label. They are both translated to "OBLIQUE_CYLINDRICAL" for compatibility with ISIS.
CK (Camera Kernels)- These files are divided into two main groups: predicts and reconstructs. The predict file names begin with DOY (Day Of Year) coverage followed by a "p" designator. They are further broken down into preliminary and final versions. The preliminary file names continue with "_psiv" and the final file names continue with "_fsiv". The reconstructed file names begin with DOY coverage followed by "ra", "rb", "rc", etc.
05058_05099pg_psiv2.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK preliminary predict kernel. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME UTC: 2005-FEB-27 00:36:00.103 END_TIME UTC: 2005-APR-09 05:14:54.189
05099_05134pe_psiv2.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK preliminary predict kernel. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME UTC: 2005-APR-09 05:15:00.366 END_TIME UTC: 2005-MAY-14 02:49:50.681
05134_05169pe_psiv2.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK preliminary predict kernel. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME UTC: 2005-MAY-14 02:50:00.737 END_TIME UTC: 2005-JUN-18 01:33:51.177
05169_05212pf_psiv2.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK preliminary predict kernel. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME UTC: 2005-JUN-18 01:34:01.156 END_TIME UTC: 2005-JUL-31 21:59:51.705
05212_05242pf_psiv1.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK preliminary predict kernel. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME UTC: 2005-JUL-31 22:00:00.244 END_TIME UTC: 2005-AUG-30 21:42:51.753
04135_04171pd_fsiv.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK final predict kernel. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME UTC: 2004-MAY-14 18:40:00.000 END_TIME UTC: 2004-JUN-19 21:51:50.020
04171_04212pi_fsiv.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK final predict kernel. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME UTC: 2004-JUN-19 21:52:00.000 END_TIME UTC: 2004-JUL-30 21:31:50.295
04292_04320pg_fsiv.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK final predict kernel. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME UTC: 2004-OCT-18 09:30:00.000 END_TIME UTC: 2004-NOV-15 07:48:52.024
04320_04351pf_fsiv.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK final predict kernel. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME UTC: 2004-NOV-15 07:48:59.915 END_TIME UTC: 2004-DEC-16 13:21:51.333
04351_05022ph_fsiv.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK final predict kernel. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME UTC: 2004-DEC-16 13:21:59.999 END_TIME UTC: 2005-JAN-22 10:37:50.008
05022_05058pj_fsiv.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK final predict kernel. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME UTC: 2005-JAN-22 10:38:00.000 END_TIME UTC: 2005-FEB-27 00:35:52.982
05122_05125pc_fsiv.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK final predict kernel. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME UTC: 2005-MAY-02 02:35:00.631 END_TIME UTC: 2005-MAY-05 19:29:51.914
05134_05169pj_fsiv_b.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK final predict kernel. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME UTC: 2005-MAY-14 02:50:00.737 END_TIME UTC: 2005-JUN-18 01:33:51.177
04136_04142ra.bc thru 05157_05160ra.bc (94 files to date) - *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernels. Coverage times are (derived from the start time of the 04136_04142ra.bc file and the stop time of the 05157_05160ra.bc file - any gaps in coverage are picked up by the predict file coverage):
BEGIN_TIME UTC: 2004-MAY-15 13:00:01.675 END_TIME UTC: 2005-JUN-09 16:59:59.915
SCLK (Spacecraft Clock Kernel). Files cas00084.tsc thru cas00090.tsc are in the system, but only the most recent file is listed:
cas00091.tsc - A *NEW* CASSINI mission clock kernel (SCLK) supplied by NAIF. It is now the default SCLK used in all ISIS applications (see $ISISCSSDATA/css_kernels.def.7).
SPK (Spacecraft and Probe trajectory Kernel) and PCK (Planetary Constants Kernel)files are exclusively paired and defined by Diane Conner of the Cassini mission team at JPL. The "P" designated files are trajectory predicts and the "R" designated files are reconstructed. The SPK file name generally defines the DOY coverage of the pair. More specific coverage times are:
041210AP_SCPSE_04329_08189.bsp/cpck09Dec2004.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK predict pair. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME ET: 2004 NOV 24 00:00:00.000 END_TIME ET: 2008 JUL 07 17:08:04.000
050426AP_SCPSE_05116_05216.bsp/cpck29Apr2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK predict pair. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME ET: 2005 APR 26 11:05:50.185 END_TIME ET: 2005 AUG 04 00:01:04.183
050505AP_SCPSE_05119_08222.bsp/cpck29Apr2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK predict pair. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME ET: 2005 APR 29 00:59:04.000 END_TIME ET: 2008 AUG 09 00:00:00.000
041014R_SCPSE_01066_04199.bsp/cpck14Oct2004.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK reconstructed pair. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME ET: 2004 JAN 03 00:00:00.000 END_TIME ET: 2004 JUL 17 12:00:00.000
041219R_SCPSE_04199_04247.bsp/cpck07Jan2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK reconstructed pair. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME ET: 2004 JUL 17 12:00:00.000 END_TIME ET: 2004 SEP 03 12:00:00.000
050105R_SCPSE_04247_04336.bsp/cpck28Feb2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK reconstructed pair. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME ET: 2004 SEP 03 12:00:00.000 END_TIME ET: 2004 DEC 01 12:00:00.000
050214R_SCPSE_04336_05015.bsp/cpck01Mar2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK reconstructed pair. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME ET: 2004 DEC 01 12:00:00.000 END_TIME ET: 2005 JAN 15 13:00:00.000
050411R_SCPSE_05015_05034.bsp/cpck12Apr2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK reconstructed pair. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME ET: 2005 JAN 15 13:00:00.000 END_TIME ET: 2005 FEB 03 12:00:00.000
050414R_SCPSE_05034_05060.bsp/cpck21Apr2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK reconstructed pair. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME ET: 2005 FEB 03 12:00:00.000 END_TIME ET: 2005 MAR 01 12:00:00.000
050504R_SCPSE_05060_05081.bsp/cpck04May2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK reconstructed pair. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME ET: 2005 MAR 01 12:00:00.000 END_TIME ET: 2005 MAR 22 01:00:00.000
050506R_SCPSE_05081_05097.bsp/cpck05May2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK reconstructed pair. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME ET: 2005 MAR 22 01:00:00.000 END_TIME ET: 2005 APR 07 07:00:00.000
050513R_SCPSE_05097_05114.bsp/cpck19May2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK reconstructed pair. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME ET: 2005 APR 07 07:00:00.000 END_TIME ET: 2005 APR 24 12:00:00.000
050606R_SCPSE_05114_05132.bsp/cpck09Jun2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK reconstructed pair. Coverage times are:
BEGIN_TIME ET: 2005 APR 24 07:00:00.000 END_TIME ET: 2005 MAY 12 12:00:00.000
Kernel definition file: css_kernels.def.7 - A *NEW* updated CASSINI SPICE kernels definition file containing a comprehensive prioritized list of the M01 SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system. It is now the default SPICE kernels definition file used in all ISIS applications.
isis_moc_kernels.txt - A descriptive and "how to" text file - updated to reflect the 18th extended mission phase.
mgs_ext18.bsp - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC SPK kernel that covers the 76th, 77th, and 78th 28-day mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission (mapping orbits 25703 through 26729):
COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB): 2004 DEC 08 00:00:00.000 COVERAGE END TIME (TDB): 2005 MAR 02 01:00:00.000
mgs_sc_ext18.bc - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC CK kernel that covers the 76th, 77th, and 78th 28-day mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission (mapping orbits 25703 through 26729):
COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2004-DEC-08 00:01:00.167 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2005-MAR-01 23:59:54.896
*mgs_map.bsp - *NOTE: This file is included in ISISMGSDATA, however it is recommended that you use mgs_map_rec.bsp* - An updated MGS mission MOC kernel. Coverage times are:
COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2005 MAR 01 23:58:55.815 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2005 JUL 06 07:58:55.816
mgs_map_rec.bsp - An updated MGS mission MOC SPK kernel. Coverage times are:
COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2005 MAR 01 23:58:55.815 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2005 JUN 06 22:54:55.815
moc_kernels.def.15 - A *NEW* MGS/MOC SPICE kernels definition file containing a comprehensive prioritized list of the MGS/MOC SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system. It is now the default SPICE kernels definition file used in all ISIS applications.
ORB1_SCLKSCET.00109.tsc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey mission clock kernel (SCLK) supplied by NAIF. It is now the default SCLK used in all ISIS applications (see $ISISM01DATA/thm_kernels.def.7).
thm_kernels.def.7 - An updated M01 Odyssey SPICE kernels definition file containing a comprehensive prioritized list of the M01 SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system. It is now the default SPICE kernels definition file used in all ISIS applications.
thm_kernels_both.def.7 - An updated M01 Odyssey SPICE kernels definition file. It contains a comprehensive prioritized list of the M01 CK SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system, along with the new "fake" nadir SPICE files that use nominal nadir-pointed orientation to fill in gaps in the "regular" M01 CK files. It is now the default SPICE kernels definition file for people who want to include the nadir definitions with the "normal" CK definitions when using ISIS applications.
thm_kernels_nadir.def.7 - An updated M01 Odyssey SPICE kernels definition file. It contains a comprehensive prioritized list of the M01 SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system along with the new "fake" nadir SPICE files that use nominal nadir-pointed orientation to fill in gaps in the "regular" M01 files. It is now the default SPICE kernels definition file for people who want to include the nadir definitions when using ISIS applications.
m01_ext1.bsp - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey SPK kernel that covers part of the extended phase of the mission. Coverage times are:
COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB): 2004 OCT 01 00:00:00.000 COVERAGE END TIME (TDB): 2005 JAN 01 01:00:00.000
m01_ext2.bsp - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey SPK kernel that covers part of the extended phase of the mission. Coverage times are:
COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB): 2005 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 COVERAGE END TIME (TDB): 2005 APR 01 01:00:00.000
m01_map.bsp - A *NEW* "on-going" M01 Odyssey SPK kernel that covers the extended phase of the mission from the date of the last "normal release" SPK kernel (in this case m01_map11.bsp). Coverage times are:
COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2005 JUN 06 01:00:55.815 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2005 SEP 06 15:39:55.817
m01_map_rec.bsp - A *NEW* "on-going" reconstructed M01 Odyssey SPK kernel that covers the extended phase of the mission from the date of the last "normal release" SPK kernel (in this case m01_map11.bsp). Coverage times are:
COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2005 MAY 25 10:23:55.815 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2005 MAY 31 23:32:55.815
m01_sc_ext1.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel that covers part of the extended phase of the mission. Coverage times are:
COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2004-OCT-01 00:00:01.164 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2004-DEC-31 23:59:59.067
m01_sc_ext2.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel that covers part of the extended phase of the mission. Coverage times are:
COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2005-JAN-01 00:00:03.669 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2005-MAR-31 23:59:59.635
m01_sc_ext1_rec_nadir.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel providing nominal nadir-pointed orientation that covers part of the extended phase of the mission. Coverage times are:
COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2004 OCT 01 00:28:55.818 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2005 JAN 01 00:59:59.999
m01_sc_ext2_rec_nadir.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel providing nominal nadir-pointed orientation that covers part of the extended phase of the mission. Coverage times are:
COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2005 JAN 01 00:28:55.815 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2005 APR 01 01:00:00.001
m01_sc_map_nadir.bc - A *NEW* "on-going" M01 Odyssey CK kernel providing nominal nadir-pointed orientation that covers the extended phase of the mission from the date of the last "normal release" CK kernel (in this case m01_sc_ext1_rec_nadir.bc). Coverage times are:
COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2005 APR 01 00:28:55.813 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2005 SEP 06 15:09:55.818
m01_sc_map_rec_nadir.bc - A *NEW* "on-going" M01 Odyssey reconstructed CK kernel providing nominal nadir-pointed orientation that covers the extended phase of the mission from the date of the last "normal release" CK kernel (in this case m01_sc_ext1_rec_nadir.bc). Coverage times are:
COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC): 2005 APR 01 00:28:55.813 COVERAGE END TIME (UTC): 2005 MAY 31 23:02:55.814
vgr2isis_translation.def.3 - A *NEW* Voyager data file generated to change the original "vgr2isis_translation.def.2" (PDS::FILTER_NUMBER to ISIS::FILTER_NAME) to (PDS::FILTER_NUMBER to ISIS::FILTER_NUMBER) and (PDS::FILTER_NAME to ISIS::FILTER_NAME). The change makes it easier for the user to identify filters (by name rather than number) - see "voycal" update. - This is a *NEW* perl module that provides routines useful in reading and writing RAND files, as well as some general utility functions.
isisarch.h, sh_query.c, fgetarg.F, u_allocate_unit.F, grid.F - Recent merge/port of ISIS Linux/Solaris/Mac OS X obsoleted the Linux_ix86 and Linux_ppc preprocessor definitions. Most of these have been changed to use inherent definitions (e.g., __linux__).
lev1_linesamp_to_latlon.c - Ensure the local radius is returned if the DEM is not being used. This radius is computed by the NAIF reclat routine.
lev1u_css_iss_routines.c - Modified to handle all summation modes in ISS files.
lev1u_load_dem_map.c - Only one byte was being allocated to read the radius from the DEM image when 4 is required. This was probably not an issue since the minimum allocation unit (double?) would likely mask the problem.
lev1u_naif_get_pointing_etal - An argument has been added to this routine to allow the light-time corrections to be set in the camera model. All 12 existing camera models have been updated to reflect this change.
matchpoint.h - Added string version of image number to MATCHPT structure. Does not affect any calling sequences.
matchpoint.h - Added a LevData structure to the MATCHPT_SPICE structure to make the contents of it available to developers using the MPT library.
merlev1_calc_mi_infocus_origin - This is a new routine that will calculate the origin of the INFOCUS plane in LOCAL LEVEL coordinates relative to a chosen site.
mpt_convert.c - Added string version of image number to MATCHPT structure. Does not affect any calling sequences.
mpt_fetch_coordinate.c, mpt_fetch_geometry.c - Modified to use the LevData structure in MATCHPT_SPICE structure rather than a local struct to make this info available to users of the MPT library.
u_allocate_buffer.F - The computation of index was incorrect. It has been corrected.
u_sub_manager.c - A bug was fixed in the u_sub_get routine that was not checking for a NULL pointer before de-referencing a structure variable which caused a SEGFAULT.
u_isub_exist.c - A *NEW* routine that can be called from a C program ONLY to determine if a sub-cube specifier is applied to a cube file. This so calls to the u_get_isub_* routines can be avoided as they would generate errors in this case.
Our Perl scripts require that you have Perl installed in /usr/bin. If you have Perl installed in a different directory you need to set up a link between your location and /usr/bin/perl. To accomplish this you need to determine the absolute path name of your Perl executables. Then type the following at the command line:
This will estabish a softlink between our perl scripts and your Perl exectables. If you don't have root priviledges you will have to see your Sys-Admin person to execute this command.
If you use and develop your own Perl scripts and modules you may be using the PERL5LIB environment variable. If you are, please be aware that we are also setting this variable in the ISIS startup scripts to point to our Perl modules. Our startup scripts will check to see if you have PERL5LIB defined and then append to your path list (and not overwrite it). Therefore, if you are defining this variable, it is important to so before initiating ISIS. If you define PERL5LIB after initiating ISIS, you may overwrite our ISIS Perl path names and our Perl scripts will not operate correctly.
The USGS Astrogeology Team would like to announce the release of ISIS 2.3.0. This new version is significant in that it merges source code versions for Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X platforms into a single development tree. For most users, the will be no noticable difference. Those who write ISIS software will be impacted most, but not significantly.
The reference systems for Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X are unchanged from our last release. ISIS binaries are built using Suse 9.0 for Linux, SunOS 5.9 for Solaris, and Panther (10.3) for Mac OS X. We are not actively developing ISIS with Tiger (10.4) on the Mac platform as of yet. We do understand that ISIS does run on Tiger, but you will have issues with compiling and linking against the ISIS binaries. As mentioned in a previous notice (Ref#1), we outlined the reference systems for each OS we support and compatability issues with each one.
This release of ISIS is available only through rsync. ISIS can be acquired from using rsync. Instructions for download and installation can be acquired from our ISIS Support site (Ref#2).
To get started, issue the following command: rsync .
One of the major goals of the reorganization of the ISIS development infrastructure was to minimize the impact on ISIS application development. That goal was achieved. Most of the impact in integrating ISIS source code from the Linux and Solaris version with Mac OS X affected the maintainence of ISIS shared libraries. The creation and use of shared libraries on the Mac OS X platform is significantly different than Linux and Solaris. This was the fundamental reason for redesigning the infrastructure. If you maintain your own ISIS library, see a Makefile in one of the directories in ISIS/subs as to see how they are currently maintained. For main applications, the typical make file should not require any modifications with the exception of C++ main applications.
Below are a few of the major issues you may encounter with existing ISIS code that require modification in this release:
If you intend to do your own development, you will need to "ranlib" all the archive module libraries. These are the files that end with the '.a' file extention. We have not provided a script that does it but the following command is helpful:
find $ISISR -name '*.a' -exec ranlib -s {} \;
This command will find all archive files and "ranlib" them. You will encounter link problems if you have not ranlib'ed all archive libraries after installation.
Please visit our new ISIS Support Center (Ref#2) for assistance and information with all things ISIS.
Ref#1: Initial announcement of this release containing important system and support information.
Ref#2: Our ISIS Support web page.
Ref#3: Bugzilla entry detailing the RedHat problem related to applications that hang unexplicably.
Contact us online at the Isis Support Center: