Isis 2 Documentation

Release Notes:

For November 18, 2005 ISIS Release

This document describes the changes and enhancements that have been made to ISIS since the previous release on November 18, 2005. This is divided into several sections:

  1. Supported Platforms
  2. Notes on the IDL Display Programs
  3. Documentation Updates
  4. New Programs
  5. Program-Specific Updates
  6. Updates Applicable to Multiple Programs
  7. Data File Updates
  8. Changes of Interest to ISIS Programmers
  9. The Use of Perl Within ISIS


We currently support Sun Solaris 9.0, SuSE Linux 9.0, and Mac OS X.


We have run extensive tests of ISIS binaries built on Intel/AMD chipsets under SuSE 9.0. The binaries have been successfully exercised on the following Linux distributions:


    	rpm-build (binaries are in the rpm package)


ISIS was built under Solaris 9 on UltraSparc Sun-Fire-V210 hardware using the GNU FORTRAN, C, and C++ compilers with the following components:


    	pkginfo/pkgchk/pkgadd/pkgrm 11.9

Mac OS X:

ISIS 2.1 was build using Mac OS X version10.3.3 on PowerPC G4 hardware. It has been known to run on G5 hardware also. It was built using the following components:

        Kernel.................Darwin 7.3.0 
        gcc-g++................3.3 20030304 (Build 1640) 
        g77....................3.5.0 20040429 (experimental) 
        Apple X11..............1.0 


The IDL display programs in this ISIS release are compatible with IDL Version 6.0.

Refer to the document "Notes on Use of the IDL Display Programs" for proper display setup instructions.

Most of the ISIS IDL programs and routines use the CALL_EXTERNAL function to call Fortran/C routines. The CALL_EXTERNAL interface was changed in IDL 5.5. Thus, most of the ISIS IDL code will not work correctly with versions of IDL older than 5.5, and it is recommended that you use IDL 6.0.

On Sun Solaris machines, the default invocation of IDL will execute the 64-bit version. This is incompatable with ISIS which is built in 32-bit mode. To use ISIS applications on Solaris systems (or any 64-bit system that IDL supports), you must start IDL as "idl -32". This will execute the 32-bit version of IDL.



The $ISISDOC directory contains Release Notes for each release of ISIS. These are contained in files named "isisYYMMDD_release.notes" or "isis_release_notes.YYMMDD", where YYMMDD is the date of the ISIS release. Each Release Notes file describes changes in the system since the previous release.

The current documentation for a release of ISIS is contained in a set of files in the $ISISHTML directory, which is part of the local ISIS installation. These are in a format that can be accessed with a web browser. For example, to view the local copy of the ISIS documentation with netscape, type:

    netscape $ISISHTML/documentation.html

You can also access the ISIS documentation over the Internet at the ISIS web site ( However, note that the documentation on the ISIS web site is updated each time updates are made to our internal developmental version of ISIS. Thus, the web site documentation might contain information on new or modified programs that are not yet contained in the public release of ISIS that is described in your local $ISISHTML directory. However, the web site can be used for registering to receive update notices and for looking at the latest version of the Frequently Asked Questions list.


In addition to new documentation for the new programs and minor updates to documentation for previously existing programs, the following are some additional program documentation updates:



NAIF SPICE Kernels (MGS/MOC)- Updated to include the extended mission mapping cycles 79 through 84. We are currently using version N0058 of the NAIF SPICE Toolkit.

ISIS Release Notes - November 18, 2005 Release Notes have been linked. These notes include descriptions of the new updates included in this release.

ISIS Program List - Alphabetical and ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated these two pages with new ISIS programs.


check_net - This *NEW* application reads in a tie point file (either QMatch or RAND millimeter) and checks for connectedness of images by the points. It will either report that they are all connected, or report how many disjoint sets there are. The sets will be printed to files. - This is a *NEW* program that prints descriptive statistics of a match point file.

tesmap - This *NEW* application processes TES data extracted from a UA Vanilla database using the ISIS "vanna" program. It produces projected mosaics from the data which can be initialized from an existing Level 2 projected image.

voyramp - This *NEW* application applies a correction to the Voyager 1 Io images that endured plasma torus irradiation. See the paper ICARUS 73, 385-426(1988) Global Color and Albedo Variations on IO, by Alfred S. McEwen.


The moc camera model did not work for wide-angle global images covering more than half the circumference of Mars. This problem has been reconciled.

check_net - This *NEW* application reads in a tie point file (either QMatch or RAND millimeter) and checks for connectedness of images by the points. It will either report that they are all connected, or report how many disjoint sets there are. The sets will be printed to files.

cubeit.pdf - A bug in the application was traced to a condition in the PDF where the XLABRECS parameter was NULLable but not initialized in the main application. This causes the value to be undetermined and result in use failure. Initialing the variable in the PDF eliminates this problem.

deltack - Recent changes to the Cassini ISS ISIS camera model implementation broke deltack on summation (INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = SUM2, SUM4) images. This problem has been fixed to be consistent with the camera model changes.

deltack - Added the Viking 1 and 2, both A and B cameras to deltack.

magcube - The application has been modified to fix a bug that occurred when the image was reduced in the sample direction only.

makeground - A bug in determining the dimensions of the annulus was fixed.

merlev1tolev2 - Added subcube specifier.

merlevinit - The reference frames for the INFOCUS plane and the PANCAM plane have been changed from LOCAL_LEVEL to LOCAL_LEVEL_UP.


TAE Menus - The program menus (obtained by typing "menu" (without the quotes) at the TAE prompt) have been updated to include the new programs.





CK (Camera Kernels)- These files are divided into two main groups, predicts and reconstructs. The predict file names begin with DOY (Day Of Year) coverage followed by a "p" designator. They are further broken down into preliminary and final versions. The preliminary file names continue with "_psiv" and the final file names continue with "_fsiv". The reconstructed file names begin with DOY coverage followed by "ra", "rb", "rc", etc. The new CK kernels are:

05157_05162ra.bc - *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernels. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-JUN-06 00:00:02.208
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-JUN-10 23:59:59.454

05162_05167ra.bc - *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernels. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-JUN-11 00:00:03.454
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-JUN-15 23:59:56.700

05167_05172ra.bc - *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernels. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-JUN-16 00:00:00.700
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-JUN-20 23:59:57.697

05172_05177ra.bc - *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernels. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-JUN-21 00:00:01.697
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-JUN-25 23:59:58.943

05177_05182ra.bc - *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernels. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-JUN-26 00:00:02.943
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-JUN-30 23:59:56.190

05182_05187ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-JUL-01 00:00:00.190
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-JUL-05 23:59:57.436

05187_05192ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-JUL-06 00:00:01.436
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-JUL-10 23:59:58.933

05192_05197ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-JUL-11 00:00:02.933
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-JUL-15 23:59:56.127

05197_05202ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-JUL-16 00:00:00.127
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-JUL-20 17:16:05.265

05202_05207ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-JUL-21 00:00:01.360
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-JUL-25 23:59:58.594

05207_05212ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-JUL-26 00:00:02.594
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-JUL-30 23:59:59.827

05214_05214ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-AUG-02 00:00:02.720
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-AUG-02 23:59:58.167

05212_05217ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-JUL-31 00:00:03.827
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-AUG-04 23:59:57.061

05217_05222ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-AUG-05 00:00:01.060
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-AUG-09 23:59:58.294

05222_05227ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-AUG-10 00:00:02.294
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-AUG-14 23:59:59.527

05227_05228ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-AUG-15 00:00:03.527
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-AUG-15 23:59:58.974

05227_05232ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-AUG-15 00:00:03.527
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-AUG-19 23:59:56.761

05232_05233ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-AUG-20 00:00:00.761
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-AUG-20 23:59:56.208

05232_05237ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-AUG-20 00:00:00.761
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-AUG-24 23:59:57.994

05237_05242ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-AUG-25 00:00:01.994
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-AUG-29 23:59:59.228

05242_05247ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-AUG-30 00:00:03.228
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-SEP-03 23:59:56.461

05248_05248ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-SEP-05 12:30:03.620
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-SEP-05 17:49:59.497

05247_05252ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-SEP-04 00:00:00.461
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-SEP-08 23:59:57.695

05252_05257ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-SEP-09 00:00:01.694
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-SEP-13 23:59:58.992

05257_05262ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-SEP-14 00:00:02.992
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-SEP-18 23:59:56.232

05262_05267ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-SEP-19 00:00:00.232
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-SEP-23 23:59:57.472

05267_05272ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-SEP-24 00:00:01.472
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-SEP-28 23:59:58.712

05272_05277ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-SEP-29 00:00:02.712
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-OCT-03 23:59:59.952

05277_05282ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-OCT-04 00:00:03.952
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-OCT-08 23:59:57.192

05282_05287ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-OCT-09 00:00:01.192
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-OCT-13 23:59:58.432

05287_05292ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-OCT-14 00:00:02.432
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-OCT-18 23:59:59.672

05292_05297ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-OCT-19 00:00:03.672
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-OCT-23 23:59:56.912

05297_05302ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-OCT-24 00:00:00.912
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-OCT-28 23:59:58.152

05302_05307ra.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK reconstructed kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-OCT-29 00:00:02.152
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-NOV-02 23:59:59.392

05242_05281pc_psiv1.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK predict kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-AUG-30 21:43:00.000
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-OCT-08 12:29:50.020

05242_05281pf_psiv2.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK predict kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-AUG-30 21:43:00.000
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-OCT-08 12:29:50.020

05212_05242ph_psiv2.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK predict kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-JUL-31 22:00:00.000
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-AUG-30 21:42:51.418

05281_05316pd_PSIV1.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK predict kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-OCT-08 12:29:59.999
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-NOV-12 17:00:51.599

05316_05351pc_psiv1.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK predict kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-NOV-12 17:01:00.141
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-DEC-17 14:20:50.304

05316_05351pd_psiv2.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK predict kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-NOV-12 17:01:00.141
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-DEC-17 14:20:50.304

05351_06027pd_psiv1a.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK predict kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-DEC-17 14:21:00.186
		END_TIME   UTC:	2006-JAN-27 04:02:52.399

05212_05242pk_fsiv.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK final predict kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-JUL-31 22:00:00.000
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-AUG-30 21:42:50.793

05266_05269pa_fsiv.bc - A *NEW* CASSINI CK final predict kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-SEP-23 10:00:00.250
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-SEP-26 10:29:51.842

SCLK (Spacecraft Clock Kernel):

cas00091.tsc - A *NEW* CASSINI mission clock kernel (SCLK) supplied by NAIF. It is now the default SCLK used in all ISIS applications (see $ISISCSSDATA/css_kernels.def.7).

cas00092.tsc - A *NEW* CASSINI mission clock kernel (SCLK) supplied by NAIF. It is now the default SCLK used in all ISIS applications (see $ISISCSSDATA/css_kernels.def.7).

cas00093.tsc - A *NEW* CASSINI mission clock kernel (SCLK) supplied by NAIF. It is now the default SCLK used in all ISIS applications (see $ISISCSSDATA/css_kernels.def.9).

SPK (Spacecraft and Probe trajectory Kernel) and PCK (Planetary Constants Kernel)files are exclusively paired and defined by Diane Conner of the Cassini mission team at JPL. The "P" designated files are trajectory predicts and the "R" designated files are reconstructed. The SPK file name generally defines the DOY coverage of the pair. More specific coverage times are:

050623R_SCPSE_05132_05150.bsp/cpck05Jul2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK reconstructed pair. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME ET:	2005 MAY 12 12:00:00.000
		END_TIME   ET:	2005 MAY 30 12:00:00.000

050708R_SCPSE_05150_05169.bsp/cpck11Jul2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK reconstructed pair. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME ET:	2005 MAY 30 12:00:00.000
		END_TIME   ET:	2005 JUN 18 12:00:00.000

050802R_SCPSE_05169_05186.bsp/cpck02Aug2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK reconstructed pair. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME ET:	2005 JUN 18 12:00:00.000
		END_TIME   ET:	2005 JUL 05 12:00:00.000

050825R_SCPSE_05186_05205.bsp/cpck26Aug2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK reconstructed pair. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME ET:	2005 JUL 05 12:00:00.000
		END_TIME   ET:	2005 JUL 24 12:00:00.000

050907R_SCPSE_05205_05225.bsp/cpck08Sep2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK reconstructed pair. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME ET:	2005 JUL 24 12:00:00.000
		END_TIME   ET:	2005 AUG 13 01:00:00.000

050922R_SCPSE_05225_05245.bsp/cpck23Sep2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK reconstructed pair. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME ET:	2005 AUG 13 00:59:59.999
		END_TIME   ET:	2005 SEP 02 01:00:00.000

051011R_SCPSE_05245_05257.bsp/cpck11Oct2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK reconstructed pair. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME ET:	2005 SEP 02 00:59:59.999
		END_TIME   ET:	2005 SEP 14 06:00:00.000

051021R_SCPSE_05257_05275.bsp/cpck21Oct2005.tpc file pair - A *NEW* CASSINI SPK/PCK reconstructed pair. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME ET:	2005 SEP 14 06:00:00.000
		END_TIME   ET:	2005 OCT 02 12:00:00.000

Kernel definition file:

css_kernels.def.8 - A *NEW* updated CASSINI SPICE kernels definition file containing a comprehensive prioritized list of the M01 SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system. Created Aug. 17,2005.

css_kernels.def.9 - A *NEW* updated CASSINI SPICE kernels definition file containing a comprehensive prioritized list of the M01 SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system. Created Sep. 14,2005.

css_kernels.def.10 - A *NEW* updated CASSINI SPICE kernels definition file containing a comprehensive prioritized list of the M01 SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system. Created Oct. 04,2005.

css_kernels.def.11 - A *NEW* updated CASSINI SPICE kernels definition file containing a comprehensive prioritized list of the M01 SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system. Created Nov. 07,2005. It is now the default SPICE kernels definition file used in all ISIS applications.

LSK (Leap Seconds Kernel): naif0008.tls - Modified file to account for the leapsecond that will occur on December 31, 2005. This update reflects the addition of a leapsecond at the end of 2005. This leapsecond has been announced in IERS bulletin C, dated July 4, 2005. The URL for this bulletin is:

The new kernel affects SPICE ET/UTC and spacecraft clock (SCLK)/UTC conversions for dates on or after January 1, 2006 UTC.

Results of time conversions performed with this kernel for earlier dates will match those obtained using the previous leapseconds kernel naif0007.tls).
















ATNM_P030602191822_00135.bc - A *NEW* Mars Express reconstructed CK kernel (these files are predicts that have been star-tracker verified to have an error of less than 0.05 degrees). Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2003-JUN-03 00:55:27.614
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-JUL-14 01:51:37.000

ATNM_P050401000000_00169.bc - A *NEW* Mars Express reconstructed CK kernel (these files are predicts that have been star-tracker verified to have an error of less than 0.05 degrees). Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME UTC:	2005-MAR-31 23:58:55.814
		END_TIME   UTC:	2005-OCT-27 01:56:33.999

ORMF_______________00149.bsp - A *NEW* Mars Express long term SPK predict kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME ET:	2003 DEC 22 18:09:05.965
		END_TIME   ET:	2006 JUN 02 17:03:12.674

ORMM__050401000000_00122.bsp - A *NEW* Mars Express reconstructed SPK kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME ET:	2005 MAR 31 22:29:27.185 
		END_TIME   ET:	2005 APR 30 21:42:55.937

ORMM__050501000000_00129.bsp - A *NEW* Mars Express reconstructed SPK kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME ET:	2005 APR 30 21:42:55.937
		END_TIME   ET:	2005 MAY 31 23:27:41.275

ORMM__050601000000_00136.bsp - A *NEW* Mars Express reconstructed SPK kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME ET:	2005 MAY 31 23:27:41.275
		END_TIME   ET:	2005 JUN 30 22:59:13.184

ORMM__050701000000_00140.bsp - A *NEW* Mars Express reconstructed SPK kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME ET:	2005 JUN 30 22:59:13.184
		END_TIME   ET:	2005 JUL 31 23:17:21.182

ORMM__050801000000_00153.bsp - A *NEW* Mars Express reconstructed SPK kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME ET:	2005 JUL 31 23:17:21.182
		END_TIME   ET:	2005 AUG 31 20:52:26.183

ORMM__050901000000_00165.bsp - A *NEW* Mars Express reconstructed SPK kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME ET:	2005 AUG 31 20:52:26.183
		END_TIME   ET:	2005 SEP 30 22:15:23.182

ORMM__051001000000_00169.bsp - A *NEW* Mars Express SPK predict kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME ET:	2005 SEP 30 22:15:23.182
		END_TIME   ET:	2005 OCT 31 19:49:51.203

ORMM__051101000000_00169.bsp - A *NEW* Mars Express SPK predict kernel. Coverage times are:

		BEGIN_TIME ET:	2005 OCT 31 19:49:51.203
		END_TIME   ET:	2005 NOV 05 07:18:41.735

mex_051010_step.tsc - A *NEW* Mars Express mission clock kernel (SCLK) supplied by NAIF. It is now the default SCLK used in all ISIS applications (see $ISISCSSDATA/mex_kernels.def.4).

mex_kernels.def.4 - A *NEW* Mars Express (MEX) SPICE kernels definition file containing a comprehensive prioritized list of the MEX SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system. It is now the default SPICE kernels definition file used in all ISIS applications.

naif0008.tls - Modified file to account for the leapsecond that will occur on December 31, 2005. This update reflects the addition of a leapsecond at the end of 2005. This leapsecond has been announced in IERS bulletin C, dated July 4, 2005. The URL for this bulletin is:

The new kernel affects SPICE ET/UTC and spacecraft clock (SCLK)/UTC conversions for dates on or after January 1, 2006 UTC.

Results of time conversions performed with this kernel for earlier dates will match those obtained using the previous leapseconds kernel naif0007.tls).


MGS_SCLKSCET.00059.tsc - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC clock kernel (SCLK) supplied by NAIF. It is now the default SCLK used in all ISIS applications (see $ISISMGSDATA/moc_kernels.def.16). - This table file now covers information thru CD volume MGSC_1404.

isis_moc_kernels.txt - A descriptive and "how to" text file - updated to reflect the 19th and 20th extended mission phase.

mgs_ext19.bsp - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC SPK kernel that covers the 79th,80th, and 81rst 28-day mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission (mapping orbits 26730 through 27757):

		COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2005 MAR 02 00:00:00.000
        COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2005 MAY 25 01:00:00.000

mgs_ext20.bsp - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC SPK kernel that covers the 82nd, 83rd, and 84th 28-day mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission (mapping orbits 27758 through 28784):

        COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2005 MAY 25 00:00:00.000
        COVERAGE END TIME (TDB):     2005 AUG 17 01:00:00.000

mgs_sc_ext19.bc - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC CK kernel that covers the 79th, 80th, and 81rst 28-day mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission (mapping orbits 26730 through 27757):

		COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2005-MAR-02 00:00:58.896
        COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2005-MAY-24 23:59:53.626

mgs_sc_ext20.bc - A *NEW* MGS mission MOC CK kernel that covers the 82nd, 83rd, and 84th 28-day mapping cycles of the Extended phase of the mission (mapping orbits 27758 through 28784):

		COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2005-MAY-25 00:01:01.621
        COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2005-AUG-16 23:59:52.847

*mgs_map.bsp - *NOTE: This file is included in ISISMGSDATA, however it is recommended that you use mgs_map_rec.bsp* - An updated MGS mission MOC kernel. Coverage times are:

		COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2005 AUG 16 23:58:55.817
		COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2005 DEC 07 23:58:55.817

mgs_map_rec.bsp - An updated MGS mission MOC SPK kernel. Coverage times are:

		COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2005 AUG 16 23:58:55.817
		COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2005 OCT 30 00:23:55.818

moc_kernels.def.16 - A *NEW* MGS/MOC SPICE kernels definition file containing a comprehensive prioritized list of the MGS/MOC SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system. It is now the default SPICE kernels definition file used in all ISIS applications.

naif0008.tls - Modified file to account for the leapsecond that will occur on December 31, 2005. This update reflects the addition of a leapsecond at the end of 2005. This leapsecond has been announced in IERS bulletin C, dated July 4, 2005. The URL for this bulletin is:

The new kernel affects SPICE ET/UTC and spacecraft clock (SCLK)/UTC conversions for dates on or after January 1, 2006 UTC.

Results of time conversions performed with this kernel for earlier dates will match those obtained using the previous leapseconds kernel naif0007.tls).


ORB1_SCLKSCET.00118.tsc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey mission clock kernel (SCLK) supplied by NAIF. It is now the default SCLK used in all ISIS applications (see $ISISM01DATA/thm_kernels.def.8).

thm_kernels.def.8 - An updated M01 Odyssey SPICE kernels definition file containing a comprehensive prioritized list of the M01 SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system. It is now the default SPICE kernels definition file used in all ISIS applications.

thm_kernels_both.def.8 - An updated M01 Odyssey SPICE kernels definition file. It contains a comprehensive prioritized list of the M01 CK SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system, along with the new "fake" nadir SPICE files that use nominal nadir-pointed orientation to fill in gaps in the "regular" M01 CK files. It is now the default SPICE kernels definition file for people who want to include the nadir definitions with the "normal" CK definitions when using ISIS applications.

thm_kernels_nadir.def.8 - An updated M01 Odyssey SPICE kernels definition file. It contains a comprehensive prioritized list of the M01 SPICE kernels available in the ISIS system along with the new "fake" nadir SPICE files that use nominal nadir-pointed orientation to fill in gaps in the "regular" M01 files. It is now the default SPICE kernels definition file for people who want to include the nadir definitions when using ISIS applications.

m01_ext3.bsp - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey SPK kernel that covers part of the extended phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

		COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2005 APR 01 00:00:00.000
		COVERAGE END TIME   (TDB):   2005 JUL 01 01:00:00.000

m01_ext4.bsp - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey SPK kernel that covers part of the extended phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

		COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (TDB):   2005 JUL 01 00:00:00.000
		COVERAGE END TIME   (TDB):   2005 OCT 01 01:00:00.000

m01_map.bsp - A *NEW* "on-going" M01 Odyssey SPK kernel that covers the extended phase of the mission from the date of the last "normal release" SPK kernel (in this case m01_map11.bsp). Coverage times are:

		COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2005 SEP 30 23:58:55.818
		COVERAGE END TIME   (UTC):   2005 NOV 27 23:58:55.817

m01_map_rec.bsp - A *NEW* "on-going" reconstructed M01 Odyssey SPK kernel that covers the extended phase of the mission from the date of the last "normal release" SPK kernel (in this case m01_map11.bsp). Coverage times are:

		COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2005 SEP 30 23:58:55.818
		COVERAGE END TIME   (UTC):   2005 NOV 02 04:50:55.817

m01_sc_ext3.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel that covers part of the extended phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

		COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2005-APR-01 00:00:05.635
		COVERAGE END TIME   (UTC):   2005-JUN-30 23:59:59.530

m01_sc_ext4.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel that covers part of the extended phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

		COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2005-JUL-01 00:00:05.529
		COVERAGE END TIME   (UTC):   2005-SEP-30 23:59:58.792

m01_sc_ext3_rec_nadir.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel providing nominal nadir-pointed orientation that covers part of the extended phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

		COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2005 APR 01 00:28:55.813
		COVERAGE END TIME   (UTC):   2005 JUL 01 01:00:00.001

m01_sc_ext4_rec_nadir.bc - A *NEW* M01 Odyssey CK kernel providing nominal nadir-pointed orientation that covers part of the extended phase of the mission. Coverage times are:

		COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2005 JUN 30 00:00:00.001
		COVERAGE END TIME   (UTC):   2005 OCT 01 00:59:59.998

m01_sc_map_nadir.bc - A *NEW* "on-going" M01 Odyssey CK kernel providing nominal nadir-pointed orientation that covers the extended phase of the mission from the date of the last "normal release" CK kernel (in this case m01_sc_ext1_rec_nadir.bc). Coverage times are:

		COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2005 OCT 01 00:28:55.818
		COVERAGE END TIME   (UTC):   2005 NOV 27 23:28:55.818

m01_sc_map_rec_nadir.bc - A *NEW* "on-going" M01 Odyssey reconstructed CK kernel providing nominal nadir-pointed orientation that covers the extended phase of the mission from the date of the last "normal release" CK kernel (in this case m01_sc_ext1_rec_nadir.bc). Coverage times are:

		COVERAGE BEGIN TIME (UTC):   2005 OCT 01 00:28:55.818
		COVERAGE END TIME (UTC):     2005 NOV 02 04:20:55.819

naif0008.tls - Modified file to account for the leapsecond that will occur on December 31, 2005. This update reflects the addition of a leapsecond at the end of 2005. This leapsecond has been announced in IERS bulletin C, dated July 4, 2005. The URL for this bulletin is:

The new kernel affects SPICE ET/UTC and spacecraft clock (SCLK)/UTC conversions for dates on or after January 1, 2006 UTC.

Results of time conversions performed with this kernel for earlier dates will match those obtained using the previous leapseconds kernel naif0007.tls).






Fields.h, Fields.cpp - Modified to support changes necessary for tesmap application. Most augments the class but had one bug fix when checking for proper indexes.

IsisLev.h, IsisLev.cpp - Modifications to support changes necessary for tesmap application. Reorganized to support derived classes and specialized generation/access to cubes.

StringTools - This is a new class/object that contains methods that operate on STL strings. All methods are static so they can be used without object instantiation.

merlevdata.h - Revised definition of azsys and added azdir and eldir.

merlevinstrument.h - Added documentation and subcube definition.

merlevprototypes.h - Added disr routines and merlevu_init_target_host.

merlevtarget.h - Added hostFrame and azsys and changed lpos and north the azdir and vert. Also changed definition of X from 0 to -1.

merlevtarget.h - Added hostFrame and azsys and changed lpos and north the azdir and vert. Also changed definition of X from 0 to -1.

merlev1_calc_image_corners.c - Revised to use virtual cube corners from sfrom.

merlev1_init.c - Added DISR instruments , subcube specifier, and virtual cube.

merlev2_calc_image_size.c - Moved azdir adjustments to projection specific routines.

merlev2_init_from_labels.c - Added hostFrame to target structure.

merlev2_linesamp_to_xyz.c - Moved directional adjustment for horizontal coordinate to lower level routines.

merlev1u_disr_routines.c - *NEW* routine set defining DISR camera model.

merlev1u_init_target_from_labels.c - Added new keyword, host frame, to target structures.

merlev1u_mi_routines.c - Changed calculation of infocus plane origin so that it is aligned with the boresight. Removed light time corrections. Changed INFOCUSPLANE reference frame from LOCAL_LEVEL to LOCAL_LEVEL_UP.

merlev1u_naif_get_pointing_etal.c - Removed light time corrections when finding spacecraft vector (rover location relative to reference frame origin).

merlev1u_pancam_routines.c - Removed light time corrections. Changed PANCAM PLANE reference frame from LOCAL_LEVEL to LOCAL_LEVEL_UP.

merlev2u_init_surface_from_labels.c - Added azsys to target structure.

merlev2u_init_target_from_labels.c - Replaced lpos and north with azdir and vert, respectively. Also added check for obsolete keyword, PROJECTION_NORTH_COORDINATE.

merlev2u_ortho_routines.c - Added hostName and hostFrame initialization, and direction flags for calculating eastings.

merlev2u_simple_cylindrical_routines.c - Replaced lpos and north with azdir and vert respectively. Also added azsys, azdir, zdir, refFrame, and vert to pars structure.

merlev2u_vert_routines.c - Replaced lpos and north with azdir and vert.

merlev2u_write_target_to_labels.c - Replaced lpos and north with azdir and vert.

merlev2_xyz_to_linesamp.c - Replaced lpos with azdir.

merlev_get_range_from_user.c - Changed valid elevation range from [-90,90] to [0,180].

merlevu_convert_azel - RESURRECTED routine to convert az/el ranges to designated definitions of az/el in labels, ie. positive elevation up.

merlevu_copy_target.c - Added hostFrame, azsys, hostName, naifFrame, noPlane, siteCode, zdir, and replaced lpos and north with azdir and vert.

merlevu_init_refframe.c - Added DISR topo frame, replaced lpos and north with azdir and vert, and added new frames LOCAL_LEVEL_UP, SITE_FRAME_UP, LANDER_FRAME_UP, AND ROVER_UP.

merlevu_init_target_from_user.c - Added hostFrame and azsys to target structure and turned off error reporting for azsys since the software provides a default value.

merlevu_set_target.c - Replaced lpos and north with azdir and vert.

merlevu_write_surface_to_labels.c - Added azsys.

merlevu_write_target_to_log.c - Replaced lpos and north with azdir and vert.

merlevu_init_target_host.c - *NEW* routine to initialize hostframe in target structure.

merlevu_write_target.c - Replaced lpos and north with azdir and vert.

mpt_convert_latlon.c - Corrected handling of lonsys when londir changes.

pu_fill_cache.c - Corrected a bug that did not properly detect a CACHE_OUT (write) condition.


Our Perl scripts require that you have Perl installed in /usr/bin. If you have Perl installed in a different directory you need to set up a link between your location and /usr/bin/perl. To accomplish this you need to determine the absolute path name of your Perl executables. Then type the following at the command line:

This will estabish a softlink between our perl scripts and your Perl exectables. If you don't have root priviledges you will have to see your Sys-Admin person to execute this command.

If you use and develop your own Perl scripts and modules you may be using the PERL5LIB environment variable. If you are, please be aware that we are also setting this variable in the ISIS startup scripts to point to our Perl modules. Our startup scripts will check to see if you have PERL5LIB defined and then append to your path list (and not overwrite it). Therefore, if you are defining this variable, it is important to so before initiating ISIS. If you define PERL5LIB after initiating ISIS, you may overwrite our ISIS Perl path names and our Perl scripts will not operate correctly.

Last updated: Nov 23 2005
File: release_notes.html

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