Isis 2 Documentation

Release Notes:

ISIS Release Notes

ISIS RELEASE NOTES for the May 15, 1996 release of ISIS

The ISIS system has been revised as of May 15, 1996. the following is a list of changes and enhancements that have occurred since the last version was released on February 9, 1996.

Programmer: Jim Mathews

stretch - changed the default values for some of the TAE parameters.

avg_sd - this program replaces the old average program. The output now

includes the minimum and the maximum pixel values.

add - changed code so that if a special pixel value is encountered in either the input cube or the reference cube/band, the output DN value will be set equal to the input DN value instead of NULL.

mult - changed code so that if a special pixel value is encountered in either the input cube or the reference cube/band, the output DN value will be set equal to the input DN value instead of NULL.

poly - changed code so that if a special pixel value is encountered in either the input cube or the reference cube/band, the output DN value will be set equal to the input DN value instead of NULL.

remrx - added the RESVALID TAE parameter which tells the program whether to check the reseau valid flag from the ISIS label before removing the reseau. Changed code to skip reseaus with R_TYPE = 0.

findrx - The default value for SATVAL has been changed from 300.0 to NULL.

cpylab - changed code to read isis_keywords.sav file instead of

pics_keywords.sav file.

getkey - added code to print KEY and VALUE to the terminal and log file.

matchpt - has a new tae parameter that allows the user to choose whether a standard deviation ratio will be used to determine if a match point is good. The default value for DOSD, the new parameter, is NO which will run the program exactly as before.

Programmer: Kay Edwards

planlab - Error messages have been changed.

quadplot - Added auto map parameter calculation to the SPI option.

isis2pics - Changed from fatal error when mapping does not match between PICS

and ISIS to not propagating mapping information.

pics2isis - Changed from fatal error when mapping does not match between PICS and ISIS to not propagating mapping information. Several small bugs were fixed. Fixed a bug when the PICS images are in orthographic, the mapping information was often deleted.

spicelab - A change was made to SPICELAB to read GMT if no START_TIME is on the label for any mission. The prgram will bomb when no record is found for the given cube in the SPICE file. A history problem has been fixed.

spice2rand - now handles 44000 cubes.

tvtie - The number of iterations used to find a solution was increased from

5 to 10.

geoback - The user now has the option of creating any combination of backplanes. Also several bugs were fixed. More documentation has been added to GEOBACK.

maplab - A bug was fixed when the 1 or 2 point fit option was used.

photopt - this is a new version which does not use match points.

circle - Bug fixed when the center of the circle is off the image.

trimsinu - was added to the system. The program trims the edges of a Sinusoidal image to the exact latitude and longitude boundaries that are in the labels.

grid - documentation was improved.

size - documentation was improved.

findmatch - documentation was improved.

Programmer: Kris Becker

ISISIDLLIB environment variable was added.

vlonorm - was ported to unix from VMS.

cubelook - was added to the system. The program interactively examines

and replaces cube pixel values.

addspec - was added to the system. The program adds a spectrum to a cube.

cd2pics - added to the pics area of ISIS. The program converts PDS CDROM

compressed and uncompressed images to PICS.

clemprod - was added to the system. The program provides services for

the Clementine Product Id Master Database.

imp2isis - added to the system. The program converts IMP formatted

Pathfinder files to ISIS cubes.

eanorm - added to the system. The program computes an equal area

normalization of each spectrum.

ratiocs - added to the system. The program computes the ratio of a cube

and a spectrum from a table file.

getcirc - added to the system. The program computes the center line,

sample and radius of a circle given three points on the circle.

bin2str - added to the system. The program converts INTEGER and/or REAL

values to strings.

subpreg.pdf - changes default TAE parameter LOW to NULL.

Programmer: Jim Torson

CV - The ability to compute and plot an average spectrum for a rectangular region has been added. Also, the average spectrum data can be written to a table file (which is in the same format as the file written by the 'cubespec' program). Average spectrum plotting is started by picking the "Statistics" item in the "Functions" menu on the Main Control panel. As with the single-pixel spectrum plotting, you can select band number or wavelength for the X axis. Also, both can be active at the same time.

When the average spectrum plot window is created, a box is drawn on the Main image display window to show the region to be averaged. The initial box color is different from the zoom box color. (The Marker Control panel allows independent control of the colors of the Zoom box and the Statistics box.) Positioning the averaging box works the same as positioning the zoom box. Put the cursor in the box and drag with the left mouse button. When the button is release, the average spectrum is plotted. Clicking or dragging with the middle mouse button centers the box on the cursor and plots the average spectrum. The box can be positioned on the zoom window and/or subsampled window if they are active.

The "Drag:" controls on the Main control panel now include a selector button that allows selecting whether the cursor drags the Zoom box or the Statistics box (or neither). Dragging the Statistics box is automatically selected when an average spectrum plot window is turned on. Dragging the Zoom box is automatically selected when a zoom window is turned on.

The controls at the top of the plot window allow incrementing/decrementing the box size or typing in a specific size. A box X or Y size of one pixel is permitted.

The average spectrum is plotted as white. The average plus and minus one standard deviation are plotted as red. The minimum and maximum values within the box are plotted as blue. The "Data Parameters" item in the "Functions" menu on the plot window allows changing the characteristics of the plots, e.g., color, line style, etc. Note that setting both the line style and symbol to "None" will turn off the selected plot.

The "AveSpec Output" item in the "Functions" menu allows writing the average spectrum data to a table file. The other items in the "Functions" menu work the same as with the profile plot windows, e.g., creating additional plot windows and writing a PostScript file for hard copy output of a plot. Note that it is permissible to copy a plot from another plot window into the average spectrum plot window.

The menu item to turn on the special pixel control panel has been moved to the top level "Functions" menu. This insures that no more than one copy is active at any time. (Special pixels in all active displays are always displayed with the same set of colors.)

The speed of creating some of the windows has been improved.

When most of the control panels are turned on, the cursor is now automatically moved to be on top of the control panel.

Functions that are not yet implemented have been removed from the menus.

IDL now repairs the contents of all windows. (If your X server does not provide backing store, then covering/exposing display windows will no longer result in them going blank.)

Fixed a few bugs: pressing more than one mouse button when dragging the zoom/statistics box is now permitted (but serves no useful purpose); using the Gamma control in the interactive stretch no longer changes the colors in the profile/spectral plots; resizing the Front View window works properly when the main zoom factor is greater than one; changing the statistics box color now works properly for all image windows; hitting "Quit this display" and then "Quit all displays" will no longer fail when the user is very fast and/or the system is very slow.

The display programs CV, TVTIE, TVIMP, TVBAND, and TVBAND2 all use environment variables (ISISHELP and ISISIDLLIB) to determine the location of help files and ISIS I/O and utility routines at run time. (These are automatically defined, so users should not notice any change. However, this makes it easier for other institutions to install and run these programs.)

The READISIS routine (which is callable from IDL and reads an ISIS cube into an IDL array) was modified by adding the capability to translate special pixel values:

The optional SPECIAL keyword parameter allows translating ISIS special pixel values into some other values. If SPECIAL is not specified, then special pixels are not translated. If a single value is specified, then all special pixels are translated to that value. (The value is automatically converted to floating point if needed.) If five values are provided, then the five types of special pixels are translated to the specified five values. The order of the values is: NULL, LOW_REPR_SATURATION, LOW_INSTR_SATURATION, HIGH_INSTR_SATURATION, and HIGH_REPR_SATURATION.

In a similar manner, the WRITEISIS routine was modified:

The optional keyword parameter SPECIAL allows translating one or five pixel values into ISIS special pixel values in the output file. If SPECIAL is not specified, then no translation is performed. If a single value is specified, then any pixel values in the DATA array that match the value are translated into ISIS NULL pixel values before being written to the file. If needed, the supplied value is converted to floating point format. (Note that the values in the input DATA array are changed by this operation.) If five SPECIAL values are specified, then the five values are translated into the five ISIS special pixel values. The order of the values is: NULL, LOW_REPR_SATURATION, LOW_INSTR_SATURATION, HIGH_INSTR_SATURATION, and HIGH_REPR_SATURATION.

Note that the complete descriptions of how to call these routines are contained in the comments at the beginning of the source files ($ISISEXE/ and $ISISEXE/

The CV program has been updated to add the capability to report the detector number and grating position that correspond to the the band number of the cursor location and slice location. This new function is listed in the top level "Functions" menu. (This replaces the "Report Cursor Position/Value" function, which is no longer needed since this information is reported on the Main Control Panel.) See Jim Torson if you have questions about this change.

The CV display program has been updated to add the capability of reporting the numerical backplane values at the cursor and slice plane locations. This includes special formatting options for the NATIVE_TIME backplanes. This new function is started from the "Functions" menu on the Main Control panel.

The CV display program has also been updated to add the capability of displaying backplanes in the Front View image display windows. To use this capability, you must select the "Display Backplanes" "Yes" option when specifying the parameters for reading in the cube file. When backplane display is specified, a control panel is displayed that allows selecting the desired backplanes. The list of file backplane names selected by the SFROM parameter is shown on the left. Click on a name to choose it for display. The "Select All" button chooses all the backplanes. To remove a backplane from the selected list, click on the item and then use the "Unselect Item" button. The display range for each backplane is independent of the core planes and each other backplane. The initial display range for each backplane is always automatically computed by using the "Low Sat" and "High Sat" values. (The display range can be changed later.) If the pixel data type of a backplane is not one of the standard ISIS types, then the backplane is considered to contain 32-bit integer values. A new button labeled "Core/BP" has been added to the Main Control panel to allow toggling between displaying a core plane and a backplane. The "Display Backplanes" item in the "Functions" menu creates a control panel that allows selecting which backplane is currently displayed and changing the backplane display range.

For details on displaying backplane images and reporting numerical backplane values, see the complete CV description ($ISISEXE/cv.hlp) or the on-line help available when you run CV.

The CV display program has been updated to add the ability to report NATIVE_TIME backplane values that are stored in floating point format (in addition to the "non-standard" 32-bit integer format).

idl programs wmatch and multimatch have been modified to set the correct character size for any display device.

Programmer: Debbie Cook

equalizer - a major algorithm change was made.

histplane - Added test for case where standard deviation is close to zero

and a sqrt of a value < 0 occurs.

sedrsort - added to the system. The program sorts entries in a table of

photostatistics (sedr).

jigsaw150.mak - makes a version of jigsaw that uses less memory.

geom - implemented processing of backplanes.

spice2rand11000.mak - makes a version of spice2rand that uses less memory.

findmatch2500.mak - makes a version of findmatch that uses less memory.

findmatch - changed TAE parameter LOW to character.

jigsaw - A bug was discovered in jigsaw that caused it to give incorrect results if the input images had different focal lengths (ie. a Voyager NA image and a Voyager WA image). The problem has been fixed.

Programmer: Tammy Becker

trimang.pdf - was added to the system. The program trims an input image by

an angular amount provided by the user..

noseam.pdf - runs a list of images through a no-seam processing sequence to create a mosaic with minimal image border seams. The process includes high and low pass filters.

calmrg.pdf - added to the system. The pdf runs uvviscal and merges the

exposure pairs for Clementine images.

mrgfile.pdf - added to the system. The pdf is called by calmgr.pdf when merging Clementine exposure pairs to "echo" to an output file (defined by CALMRG) the following information: long exposure filename, short exposure filename, gain and offset values of each image, and linear numerical fit values (mult, add, r).

Programmer: Trent Hare

submit - was added to the system. The program submits a TAE batch file.

errors - was added to the system. This program will parse an ISIS

session log file and list the errors in a separate file (err.prt).

Programmer: Jeff Anderson

magcube - was added to the system. The program scales cube data up or down

using bilinear interpolator.

qview - was added to the system. This program will display a standard ISIS cube on specific types of X Window based workstations/terminals (devices).

Programmer: Tracie Sucharski

cubeit - updated documentation.

labels - updated documentation.

plancd - added to the system. The program reads a CD-ROM file containing image files in the JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) VICAR (Video Image Communication And Retrieval) label format as defined in JPL PUBLICATION 85-50.

mosaic - fixed some bugs.

ratio - updated documentation.

mask - updated documentation.

uvviscal - added to the system. The program performs radiometric corrections to images acquired by the Clementine spacecraft UVVIS camera.

Last updated: Oct 24 2003
File: release_notes.html

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